How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Talk your way to abundance

Most of your negative thoughts will come when you allow yourself to feel miserable.

There is only one person in the world who can make you feel miserable – and that person is YOU. Some still believe that they are “made to feel this way” by the actions of another. That is just shaking the responsibility onto somebody else.

Because we are all born with free will, you get to decide how you feel and you get to decide what you let affect you. You get to choose whether having more money makes you feel awesome inside, or whether you feel anger when someone insults your Mother.

You get to decide it all. The sooner you take responsibility for how you feel, the easier it will become for you to attract more of what you want and less of what you don't want.

When someone with a negative attitude shoots you down, more often than not the first thing to happen is for you to respond with some form of defense. The next thing that will happen is that you will begin mental chattering about the situation.

“He shouldn’t have said that to ME!”
“How dare she?”
“I wish they’d just…”

It is in this moment when your vibration is being negatively affected. Your thoughts are affecting the way you feel and the way you feel is changing your vibration which means more unwanted stuff is on its way!

No one can actually affect your vibration except for you. In this very moment when you’re involved in mental chatter your allowing the negative comments to affect you and thus you begin talking about it. Just a little bit of this and you will begin to feel pretty miserable. The next time this situation arises and you begin the mental chatter, stop where you are and begin talking yourself out of it.

To talk yourself out of the negativity isn’t a hard thing to do, but it just requires a little bit of time and effort. The way to do it is to find a thought that feels better than the one you currently have in your mind.

Begin by asking yourself what your current focus point is. What was the last thought you had? How do you feel right now?


Here's an example to better explain this...


“I feel miserable because he said I was wasting my time”

Now from this starting point you must find a thought that feels just a little bit better. We’re not looking for a thought like “Everything is wonderful and I love life”, you’re looking for a thought that is real and accessible to your current situation. Maybe it would be…

“I don’t think I’m wasting my time and that is what counts”


Carry on with this game. From your new starting point of “I don’t think I’m wasting my time” try and find a thought that feels a little bit better.


“But he always says things like this to me!”

Does this new thought feel better or worse than where we just were? To me it feels worse, so you need to stop giving your attention to this new thought and go back to “I don't think I'm wasting my time”.
Try once again to find a better feeling

Thoughts that make you feel worse will
show up, especially if you're new to this
game. Just remember, your job and focus
should be on finding thoughts that make
you feel better not worse, so keep at it until
a better feeling thought pops into your

By spending just a little time and effort
looking for thoughts that make you feel
better, the Law of Attraction will line you up
with those thoughts that you desire and
deliver them to you in a flash.

The better you get at doing this, the quicker
you'll find that you can move out of
situations that make you feel miserable and
move into feelings that make you feel good.

The more you ponder thoughts that make
you feel good, the more good things are
being attracted to you.
