The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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Big Picture

The Mansion

I fully admit we are delving into something much larger than just psychology. Much larger. Please allow me to paint a picture to illustrate. Picture a mansion, 1000 Trillion times larger than the largest building you have ever been inside. There are a lot of rooms in this enormous structure. Each room is massive. The room we'll spend most of our time in is called psychology. Other rooms include lucid dreaming, Ontology, logic, science and a few thousand others. There are some common areas between the rooms as well. Most of us never make it into very many of the rooms. In fact, some don't even know they are there, deny they exist or just don't care. They are comfortable in the room they are in and that's good enough. But they know something is missing in their life when they do so. Now imagine this mansion has a basement. It's equally as large as the upstairs. It's dark down there. Some of the rooms are named the same as the upstairs ones. You'll find all sorts of the occult here as well. I try to avoid the basement. There is nothing good down there, only evil. When people who do spend time down there come upstairs with us, they cause enough problems. Sometimes they murder us, steal from us and so on.

Think twice about going down there. Now imagine each room has so much stuff in it, you could spend your entire life in that single room and still not have time to examine everything in it. This is why sometimes even the experts get things so wrong. And by the way, there are rooms in the mansion we can't see. The reason is, the mansion exists in 2 dimensions. The physical and the metaphysical. Both are equally real. The uppermost levels of the mansion are totally invisible to us, they exist only in the metaphysical, but they can influence us anyway. The exact same is true for the lower most levels of the basement, they are metaphysical. We have little understanding of this realm. We only know it's real and on certain occasions, the two cross paths. I have painted this picture to help grasp a complex concept. Our universe and how we interact with it. Yes, the mansion is the universe, known and unknown. It has taken me a lifetime to develop this analogy. I truly hope it helps you. I know this doesn't directly fit the marketing theme, but the big picture is important. Really important.