The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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More Emotional Triggers

Aside from the big three, there are some other very powerful ones. We touched on one earlier. The desire to get in before it's too late. If you make your offer limited in some manner, it will almost always increase sales. Limit the number of copies you are going to sell. Or how long it will be available. If it's a membership site, how many new members you will be accepting at this time. If you are thinking, “I don't have that kind of control”, I understand. This is the single best argument I know for creating a product or service of your own. You will enjoy a better ROI ( return on investment) with this Business model than any other. Keep in mind that time is every bit as much an investment as money. I wish I would have learned that sooner. So many things I spent mass amounts of time on I could have gotten done for peanuts. Outsourcing is the keyword.

“The Dream”, for lack of a better term, is another powerful trigger. People are always chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Me to. This is something that is pretty universal. “fire your boss”, “quit your job now” , “pay cash for your dream house” and all sorts of desirable things, or should I say dreams. The trouble always comes in when it's time to do the work. Yep...their mind talks them out of it, too much work. They will then move on to the next product that pushes their dream button.

Negative triggers are interesting because sometimes they can be turned to work to your advantage using reverse psychology. Perhaps you have noticed when you tell a kid to do something they are now more likely to NOT do it? And vice versus. Anyway, this is a fun area to study. Really interesting, challenging and I don't know of anything else that offers a marketer so much potential. I have an amazon store with some of the books that have helped me in my studies. Not all are directly related to psychology. The Vernon Howard ones helped me with the big picture section. Plus a few decades of other studies including the Bible and a lot of thought. Learning to train your mind to behave is the hardest part. It's what works against us most of the time. Your mind really is the culprit, it cares about itself, not you. Ego is the term, we all have it and it must be suppressed.

Our Spirit must prevail during the inner conflicts. The more your higher nature prevails, the better your life will be. I now risk offending some, I assure you that is not my intent.
Galatians 5:17, states the following ;

"the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would."

That verse sums up the battle that all of us face while we are in the flesh. I have included an unadvertised bonus called “The Science of getting rich” This is a fantastic work published in 1910. It's just as relevant today as it was 100 years ago. Please take the time to give it a read. You'll be really glad you did. It basically gives you a scientifically proven method that helps you win the battle we are talking about here. You want to get rich? Or perhaps you just want to be more comfortable financially than you are now? This is where the answer is, please take the time to read the 90 pages of “The Science of getting rich”.