The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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The Subconscious - your supercomputer

Do me a favor. After reading this, please put a pen or pencil and a notebook near where you sleep. Tomorrow when you wake up, jot down what ever is in your mind. If you had a dream, write down what you can remember about it. What happens is, while sleeping your subconscious is working hard analyzing any new information you took in. It breaks the new data down and investigates each piece. If something is troubling you, it looks for solutions. The first hour you are awake is the best time to harvest the fruits of the labor of your supercomputer. That's where the notepad comes in. After an hour or so, the pressures of the day crowd out those new thoughts and ideas. I call this the one hour rule. Whatever you fail to write down may be gone forever. Or if it does come back, you don't know when that will be.

Please take me seriously on this, because it's true for almost everyone. If you have something in there that might get you in trouble, use your own discretion. Some things shouldn't be written down. Be aware that it is more important to write down what is in your mind that for it to make sense. Some people get what is called writers block. They have trouble writing down that first sentence. Just start writing what you have and you can focus of making sense of it later. Remember the one hour rule. If you start writing your own reports, ebooks or whatever, you now know how to handle writers block. Just start writing, you can always edit as needed later.

Try it for a week and see if something amazing doesn't happen. Of course, you'll need to be taking in a steady flow of new information. New to you that is. This report has provided you plenty of ideas for things to look into. Plus when you wake up after reading it, I'll bet your Subconscious came up with a few more. One last thing, the next day, reread this report one more time. Note: Some of what I just gave you here is also sometimes attributed to the Unconscious mind. They are two different things, but can be difficult to separate. A strong argument can be made that you are not unconscious at all while you sleep. I suggest you study both the subconscious and unconscious mind schools of thought and decide for yourself what to attribute this phenomenon to. Can you tell I'm big on trying to understand as much as possible about this sort of thing?

I know, this sure is a big room, isn't it?