Automatic Generation of Prime Length FFT Programs by C. Sidney Burrus - HTML preview

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Chapter 4A Bilinear Form for the DFT

A Bilinear Form for the DFT

A bilinear form for a prime length DFT can be obtained by making minor changes to a bilinear form for circular convolution. This relies on Rader's observation that a prime p point DFT can be computed by computing a p–1 point circular convolution and by performing some extra additions 2. It turns out that when the Winograd or the split nesting convolution algorithm is used, only two extra additions are required. After briefly reviewing Rader's conversion of a prime length DFT in to a circular convolution, we will discuss a bilinear form for the DFT.

Rader's Permutation

To explain Rader's conversion of a prime p point DFT into a p–1 point circular convolution 1 we recall the definition of the DFT


with W = exp – j 2 π / p . Also recall that a primitive root of p is an integer r such that _autogen-svg2png-0009.png maps the integers m = 0 , ⋯ , p – 2 to the integers 1 , ⋯ , p – 1 . Letting n = rm and k = rl, where rm is the inverse of rm modulo p , the DFT becomes


for l=0,⋯,p–2. The `DC' term fis given by _autogen-svg2png-0019.png By defining new functions


which are simply permuted versions of the original sequences, the DFT becomes


for l=0,⋯,p–2. This equation describes circular convolution and therefore any circular convolution algorithm can be used to compute a prime length DFT. It is only necessary to (i) permute the input, the roots of unity and the output, (ii) add x(0) to each term in Equation 4.4 and (iii) compute the DC term.

To describe a bilinear form for the DFT we first define a permutation matrix Q for the permutation above. If p is a prime and r is a primitive root of p, then let Qr be the permutation matrix defined by


for 0≤kp–2 where ek is the kth standard basis vector. Let the _autogen-svg2png-0033.png be a p–1 point vector of the roots of unity:


If s is the inverse of r modulo p (that is, rs=1 modulo p) and _autogen-svg2png-0041.png, then the circular convolution of Equation 4.4 can be computed with the bilinear form of ???:


This bilinear form does not compute y(0), the DC term. Furthermore, it is still necessary to add the x(0) term to each of the elements of Equation 4.7 to obtain y(1),⋯,y(p–1).

Calculation of the DC term

The computation of y(0) turns out to be very simple when the bilinear form Equation 4.7 is used to compute the circular convolution in Equation 4.4. The first element of _autogen-svg2png-0047.png in Equation 4.7 is the residue modulo the polynomial s–1, that is, the first element of this vector is the sum of the elements of _autogen-svg2png-0049.png. (The first row of the matrix, R, representing the reduction operation is a row of 1's, and the matrices P and Qr are permutation matrices.) Therefore, the DC term can be computed by adding the first element of _autogen-svg2png-0053.png to x(0). Hence, when the Winograd or split nesting algorithm is used to perform the circular convolution of Equation 4.7, the computation of the DC term requires only one extra complex addition for complex data.

The addition x(0) to each of the elements of Equation 4.7 also requires only one complex addition. By adding x(0) to the first element of _autogen-svg2png-0057.png in Equation 4.7 and applying QstJPtRt to the result, x(0) is added to each element. (Again, this is because the first column of Rt is a column of 1's, and the matrices Qst, J and Pt are permutation matrices.)

Although the DFT can be computed by making these two extra additions, this organization of additions does not yield a bilinear form. However, by making a minor modification, a bilinear form can be retrieved. The method described above can be illustrated in Figure 4.1 with _autogen-svg2png-0064.png.

Calculation of the DC term
Figure 4.1
The flow graph for the computation of the DFT.

Clearly, the structure highlighted in the dashed box can be replaced by the structure in Figure 4.2.

Calculation of the DC term
Figure 4.2
The flow graph for the bilinear form.

By substituting the second structure for the first, a bilinear form is obtained. The resulting bilinear form for a prime length DFT is


where _autogen-svg2png-0066.png, x=(x(0),⋯,x(p–1))t, and where Up is the matrix with the form


and Vp is the matrix with the form



  1. Burrus, C. S. (1988). Efficient Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms. In Lim, Jae S. and Oppenheim, Alan V. (Eds.), Advanced Topics in Signal Processing. Prentice Hall.

  2. Rader, C. M. (1968, June). Discrete Fourier Transform When the Number of Data Samples is Prime. Proc. IEEE, 56(6), 1107-1108.
