DSPA by Douglas Jones, Don Johnson, et al - HTML preview

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The DFT and IDFT are a self-contained, one-to-one transform pair for a length- N discrete-time signal. (That is, the DFT is not merely an approximation to the DTFT as discussed next.) However, the DFT is very often used as a practical approximation to the DTFT.

Relationships Between DFT and DTFT

DFT and Discrete Fourier Series

The DFT gives the discrete-time Fourier series coefficients of a periodic sequence (

x( n)= x( n+ N) ) of period N samples, or


as can easily be confirmed by computing the inverse DTFT of the corresponding line spectrum:


The DFT can thus be used to exactly compute the relative values of the N line spectral

components of the DTFT of any periodic discrete-time sequence with an integer-length period.

DFT and DTFT of finite-length data

When a discrete-time sequence happens to equal zero for all samples except for those between 0

and N1, the infinite sum in the DTFT equation becomes the same as the finite sum from 0 to N1 in the DFT equation. By matching the arguments in the exponential terms, we observe that the DFT values exactly equal the DTFT for specific DTFT frequencies

. That is, the DFT

computes exact samples of the DTFT at N equally spaced frequencies

, or










DFT as a DTFT approximation

In most cases, the signal is neither exactly periodic nor truly of finite length; in such cases, the

DFT of a finite block of N consecutive discrete-time samples does not exactly equal samples of

the DTFT at specific frequencies. Instead, the DFT gives frequency samples of a windowed

(truncated) DTFT



again, X( k) exactly equals X( ωk) a DTFT frequency sample only when x( n)=0 , n∉[0, N−1]

Relationship between continuous-time FT and DFT

The goal of spectrum analysis is often to determine the frequency content of an analog

(continuous-time) signal; very often, as in most modern spectrum analyzers, this is actually

accomplished by sampling the analog signal, windowing (truncating) the data, and computing and

plotting the magnitude of its DFT. It is thus essential to relate the DFT frequency samples back to

the original analog frequency. Assuming that the analog signal is bandlimited and the sampling

frequency exceeds twice that limit so that no frequency aliasing occurs, the relationship between

the continuous-time Fourier frequency Ω (in radians) and the DTFT frequency ω imposed by

sampling is ω= ΩT where T is the sampling period. Through the relationship

between the

DTFT frequency ω and the DFT frequency index k, the correspondence between the DFT

frequency index and the original analog frequency can be found:

or in terms of analog

frequency f in Hertz (cycles per second rather than radians)

for k in the range k between 0

and . It is important to note that correspond to negative frequencies due to the periodicity of

the DTFT and the DFT.

Exercise 1.

In general, will DFT frequency values X( k) exactly equal samples of the analog Fourier transform

Xa at the corresponding frequencies? That is, will


In general, NO. The DTFT exactly corresponds to the continuous-time Fourier transform only

when the signal is bandlimited and sampled at more than twice its highest frequency. The DFT

frequency values exactly correspond to frequency samples of the DTFT only when the discrete-

time signal is time-limited. However, a bandlimited continuous-time signal cannot be time-

limited, so in general these conditions cannot both be satisfied.

It can, however, be true for a small class of analog signals which are not time-limited but happen

to exactly equal zero at all sample times outside of the interval . The sinc function with a

bandwidth equal to the Nyquist frequency and centered at t= 0 is an example.





If more than N equally spaced frequency samples of a length- N signal are desired, they can easily

be obtained by zero-padding the discrete-time signal and computing a DFT of the longer length.

In particular, if LN DTFT samples are desired of a length- N sequence, one can compute the length- LN DFT of a length- LN zero-padded sequence

Note that zero-padding interpolates the

spectrum. One should always zero-pad (by about at least a factor of 4) when using the DFT to

approximate the DTFT to get a clear picture of the DTFT. While performing computations on zeros may at first seem inefficient, using FFT algorithms, which generally expect the same

number of input and output samples, actually makes this approach very efficient.

Figure 3.3 shows the magnitude of the DFT values corresponding to the non-negative frequencies

of a real-valued length-64 DFT of a length-64 signal, both in a "stem" format to emphasize the

discrete nature of the DFT frequency samples, and as a line plot to emphasize its use as an

approximation to the continuous-in-frequency DTFT. From this figure, it appears that the signal

has a single dominant frequency component.

<db:title>Stem plot</db:title>


<db:title>Line Plot</db:title>



Figure 3.3. Spectrum without zero-padding

Magnitude DFT spectrum of 64 samples of a signal with a length-64 DFT (no zero padding)

Zero-padding by a factor of two by appending 64 zero values to the signal and computing a length-

128 DFT yields Figure 3.4. It can now be seen that the signal consists of at least two narrowband

frequency components; the gap between them fell between DFT samples in Figure 3.3, resulting in

a misleading picture of the signal's spectral content. This is sometimes called the picket-fence

effect, and is a result of insufficient sampling in frequency. While zero-padding by a factor of two

has revealed more structure, it is unclear whether the peak magnitudes are reliably rendered, and

the jagged linear interpolation in the line graph does not yet reflect the smooth, continuously-

differentiable spectrum of the DTFT of a finite-length truncated signal. Errors in the apparent

peak magnitude due to insufficient frequency sampling is sometimes referred to as scalloping


<db:title>Stem plot</db:title>




<db:title>Line Plot</db:title>


Figure 3.4. Spectrum with factor-of-two zero-padding

Magnitude DFT spectrum of 64 samples of a signal with a length-128 DFT (double-length zero-padding)


Zero-padding to four times the length of the signal, as shown in Figure 3.5, clearly shows the

spectral structure and reveals that the magnitude of the two spectral lines are nearly identical. The

line graph is still a bit rough and the peak magnitudes and frequencies may not be precisely

captured, but the spectral characteristics of the truncated signal are now clear.

<db:title>Stem plot</db:title>


<db:title>Line Plot</db:title>



Figure 3.5. Spectrum with factor-of-four zero-padding

Magnitude DFT spectrum of 64 samples of a signal with a length-256 zero-padded DFT (four times zero-padding)

Zero-padding to a length of 1024, as shown in Figure 3.6 yields a spectrum that is smooth and

continuous to the resolution of the computer screen, and produces a very accurate rendition of the

DTFT of the truncated signal.

<db:title>Stem plot</db:title>




<db:title>Line Plot</db:title>


Figure 3.6. Spectrum with factor-of-sixteen zero-padding

Magnitude DFT spectrum of 64 samples of a signal with a length-1024 zero-padded DFT. The spectrum now looks smooth and

continuous and reveals all the structure of the DTFT of a truncated signal.




The signal used in this example actually consisted of two pure sinusoids of equal magnitude. The

slight difference in magnitude of the two dominant peaks, the breadth of the peaks, and the sinc-

like lesser side lobe peaks throughout frequency are artifacts of the truncation, or windowing,

process used to practically approximate the DFT. These problems and partial solutions to them are

discussed in the following section.

Effects of Windowing

Applying the DTFT multiplication property

we find that the

DFT of the windowed (truncated) signal produces samples not of the true (desired) DTFT

spectrum X( ω) , but of a smoothed verson X( ω)* W( ω) . We want this to resemble X( ω) as closely as possible, so W( ω) should be as close to an impulse as possible. The window w( n) need not be a simple truncation (or rectangle, or boxcar) window; other shapes can also be used as long as

they limit the sequence to at most N consecutive nonzero samples. All good windows are impulse-

like, and represent various tradeoffs between three criteria:

1. main lobe width: (limits resolution of closely-spaced peaks of equal height)

2. height of first sidelobe: (limits ability to see a small peak near a big peak)

3. slope of sidelobe drop-off: (limits ability to see small peaks further away from a big peak)

Many different window functions have been developed for truncating and shaping a length- N

signal segment for spectral analysis. The simple truncation window has a periodic sinc DTFT, as

shown in Figure 3.7. It has the narrowest main-lobe width,

at the -3 dB level and


the two zeros surrounding the main lobe, of the common window functions, but also the largest

side-lobe peak, at about -13 dB. The side-lobes also taper off relatively slowly.

<db:title>Rectangular window</db:title>




<db:title>Magnitude of boxcar window spectrum</db:title>


Figure 3.7.

Length-64 truncation (boxcar) window and its magnitude DFT spectrum





The Hann window (sometimes also called the hanning window), illustrated in Figure 3.8, takes the form

for n between 0 and N−1 . It has a main-lobe width (about

at the -

3 dB level and

between the two zeros surrounding the main lobe) considerably larger than the

rectangular window, but the largest side-lobe peak is much lower, at about -31.5 dB. The side-

lobes also taper off much faster. For a given length, this window is worse than the boxcar window

at separating closely-spaced spectral components of similar magnitude, but better for identifying

smaller-magnitude components at a greater distance from the larger components.

<db:title>Hann window</db:title>


<db:title>Magnitude of Hann window spectrum</db:title>






Figure 3.8.

Length-64 Hann window and its magnitude DFT spectrum

The Hamming window, illustrated in Figure 3.9, has a form similar to the Hann window but with slightly different constants:

for n between 0 and N−1 . Since it is composed

of the same Fourier series harmonics as the Hann window, it has a similar main-lobe width (a bit

less than

at the -3 dB level and

between the two zeros surrounding the main lobe), but the

largest side-lobe peak is much lower, at about -42.5 dB. However, the side-lobes also taper off

much more slowly than with the Hann window. For a given length, the Hamming window is better

than the Hann (and of course the boxcar) windows at separating a small component relatively near

to a large component, but worse than the Hann for identifying very small components at

considerable frequency separation. Due to their shape and form, the Hann and Hamming windows

are also known as raised-cosine windows.

<db:title>Hamming window</db:title>




<db:title>Magnitude of Hamming window spectrum</db:title>


Figure 3.9.

Length-64 Hamming window and its magnitude DFT spectrum





Standard even-length windows are symmetric around a point halfway between the window


and . For some applications such as time-frequency analysis, it may be

important to align the window perfectly to a sample. In such cases, a DFT-symmetric window

that is symmetric around the -th sample can be used. For example, the DFT-symmetric

Hamming window is

. A DFT-symmetric window has a purely real-

valued DFT and DTFT. DFT-symmetric versions of windows, such as the Hamming and Hann

windows, composed of few discrete Fourier series terms of period N, have few non-zero DFT

terms (only when not zero-padded) and can be used efficiently in running FFTs.

The main-lobe width of a window is an inverse function of the window-length N ; for any type of

window, a longer window will always provide better resolution.

Many other windows exist that make various other tradeoffs between main-lobe width, height of

largest side-lobe, and side-lobe rolloff rate. The Kaiser window family, based on a modified Bessel function, has an adjustable parameter that allows the user to tune the tradeoff over a

continuous range. The Kaiser window has near-optimal time-frequency resolution and is widely

used. A list of many different windows can be found here.

Example 3.1.

Figure 3.10 shows 64 samples of a real-valued signal composed of several sinusoids of various

frequencies and amplitudes.



Figure 3.10.

64 samples of an unknown signal

Figure 3.11 shows the magnitude (in dB) of the positive frequencies of a length-1024 zero-

padded DFT of this signal (that is, using a simple truncation, or rectangular, window).


Figure 3.11.

Magnitude (in dB) of the zero-padded DFT spectrum of the signal in Figure 3.10 using a simple length-64 rectangular window From this spectrum, it is clear that the signal has two large, nearby frequency components

with frequencies near 1 radian of essentially the same magnitude.

Figure 3.12 shows the spectral estimate produced using a length-64 Hamming window applied

to the same signal shown in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.12.

Magnitude (in dB) of the zero-padded DFT spectrum of the signal in Figure 3.10 using a length-64 Hamming window The two large spectral peaks can no longer be resolved; they blur into a single broad peak due

to the reduced spectral resolution of the broader main lobe of the Hamming window. However,

the lower side-lobes reveal a third component at a frequency of about 0.7 radians at about 35

dB lower magnitude than the larger components. This component was entirely buried under

the side-lobes when the rectangular window was used, but now stands out well above the much

lower nearby side-lobes of the Hamming window.

Figure 3.13 shows the spectral estimate produced using a length-64 Hann window applied to

the same signal shown in Figure 3.10.


Figure 3.13.

Magnitude (in dB) of the zero-padded DFT spectrum of the signal in Figure 3.10 using a length-64 Hann window The two large components again merge into a single peak, and the smaller component

observed with the Hamming window is largely lost under the higher nearby side-lobes of the

Hann window. However, due to the much faster side-lobe rolloff of the Hann window's

spectrum, a fourth component at a frequency of about 2.5 radians with a magnitude about 65

dB below that of the main peaks is now clearly visible.

This example illustrates that no single window is best for all spectrum analyses. The best

window depends on the nature of the signal, and different windows may be better for different

components of the same signal. A skilled spectrum analysist may apply several different

windows to a signal to gain a fuller understanding of the data.

Classical Statistical Spectral Estimation*

Many signals are either partly or wholly stochastic, or random. Important examples include

human speech, vibration in machines, and CDMA communication signals. Given the ever-present noise in electronic systems, it can be argued that almost all signals are at least partly stochastic.

Such signals may have a distinct average spectral structure that reveals important information

(such as for speech recognition or early detection of damage in machinery). Spectrum analysis of

any single block of data using window-based deterministic spectrum analysis, however,

produces a random spectrum that may be difficult to interpret. For such situations, the classical



statistical spectrum estimation methods described in this module can be used.

The goal in classical statistical spectrum analysis is to estimate E[(| X( ω)|)2] , the power spectral

density (PSD) across frequency of the stochastic signal. That is, the goal is to find the expected

(mean, or average) energy density of the signal as a function of frequency. (For zero-mean signals,

this equals the variance of each frequency sample.) Since the spectrum of each block of signal

samples is itself random, we must average the squared spectral magnitudes over a number of

blocks of data to find the mean. There are two main classical approaches, the periodogram and

auto-correlation methods.