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From the transformation form of the function, we can see this is a transformed quadratic

with vertex at (2,-3) that opens upwards. Since the graph will be decreasing on one

side of the vertex, and increasing on the other side, we can restrict this function to a

domain on which it will be one-to-one by limiting the domain to x ≥ 2.

To find the inverse, we will use the vertex form of the quadratic. We start by replacing

the f(x) with a simple variable y, then solve for x.

y = ( x − 2)2 − 3

Add 3 to both sides


y + 3 = ( x − )


Take the square root

± y + 3 = x − 2

Add 2 to both sides

2 ± y + 3 = x

208 Chapter 3

Of course, as written this is not a function. Since we restricted our original function to a

domain of x ≥ 2, the outputs of the inverse should be the same, telling us to utilize the

+ case:


x = −

f ( y) = 2 + y + 3

If the quadratic had not been given in vertex form, rewriting it into vertex form is

probably the best approach. Alternatively, we could have taken the standard equation

and rewritten it equal to zero:

0 = x 2 − 4 x + 1 − y

We would then be able to use the quadratic formula with a =1, b= 4−, and c=(1− y), resulting in the same solutions we found above:


−( 4)

− ± ( 4)

− 4(1)(1− y)

12 + 4 y

x =

= 2 ±

= 2 ± 3+ y



Try it Now

1. Find the inverse of the function


f ( x) = x +1, on the domain x ≥ 0 .

While it is not possible to find an inverse of most polynomial functions, some other basic

polynomials are invertible.

Example 3

Find the inverse of the function f ( x) = 5 3

x +1.

This is a transformation of the basic cubic toolkit function, and based on our knowledge

of that function, we know it is one-to-one. Solving for the inverse by solving for x


y = 5 x +1


y −1 = 5 x

y −1


= x



y −1

x = f

y = 3

( )


Notice that this inverse is also a transformation of a power function with a fractional

power, x 1/3.

Try it Now

2. Which toolkit functions have inverse functions without restricting their domain?

3.5 Inverses and Radical Functions 209

Besides being important as an inverse function, radical functions are common in

important physical models.

Example 4

The velocity, v in feet per second, of a car that slammed on its brakes can be determined

based on the length of skid marks that the tires left on the ground. This relationship is

given by

v( d) = 2 gfd

In this formula, g represents acceleration due to gravity (32 ft/sec2), d is the length of

the skid marks in feet, and f is a constant representing the friction of the surface. A car

lost control on wet asphalt, with a friction coefficient of 0.5, leaving 200 foot skid

marks. How fast was the car travelling when it lost control?

Using the given values of f = 0.5 and d = 200, we can evaluate the given formula:

v(200) = 2(32)(0.5)(200) = 80 ft/sec , which is about 54.5 miles per hour.

When radical functions are composed with other functions, determining domain can

become more complicated.

Example 5

x +


Find the domain of the function






f ( x) =


( x − )


Since a square root is only defined when the quantity under the radical is non-negative,

x +


we need to determine where (




3 ≥ 0. A rational function can change signs

( x − )


(change from positive to negative or vice versa) at horizontal intercepts and at vertical

asymptotes. For this equation, the graph could change signs at x = -2, 1, and 3.

To determine on which intervals the rational expression is positive, we could evaluate

the expression at test values, or sketch a graph. While both approaches work equally

well, for this example we will use a graph.

This function has two horizontal intercepts, both of which exhibit linear behavior,

where the graph will pass through the intercept. There is one vertical asymptote,

corresponding to a linear factor, leading to a behavior similar to the basic reciprocal

toolkit function. There is a vertical intercept at (0, 6). This graph does not have a

horizontal asymptote, since the degree of the numerator is larger than the degree of the



210 Chapter 3

From the vertical intercept and horizontal intercept at x = -2, we can sketch the left side

of the graph. From the behavior at the asymptote, we can sketch the right side of the


From the graph, we can now tell on which

intervals this expression will be non-negative,

so the original function f(x) will be defined.

f(x) has domain − 2 ≤ x < 1 or x ≥ 3, or in

interval notation, [− )



2 ∪ ,


[ ∞) .

Like with finding inverses of quadratic functions, it is sometimes desirable to find the

inverse of a rational function, particularly of rational functions that are the ratio of linear

functions, such as our concentration examples.

Example 6

20 +

The function


0 4 n

C( n) =

was used in the previous section to represent the

100 + n

concentration of an acid solution after n mL of 40% solution has been added to 100 mL

of a 20% solution. We might want to be able to determine instead how much 40%

solution has been added based on the current concentration of the mixture.

To do this, we would want the inverse of this function:

20 + 0 4

. n

C =

multiply both sides by the denominator

100 + n

C 100


+ n) = 20 + 4


0 n



100 + Cn = 20 + 0 4

. n

group everything with n on one side


100 − 20 = 4


0 n Cn

factor out n


100 − 20 = ( 4


0 − C) n

divide to find the inverse


n C

100 −

( ) =


0 4

. − C

If, for example, we wanted to know how many mL of 40% solution need to be added to

obtain a concentration of 35%, we can simply evaluate the inverse rather than solving

an equation involving the original function:

100(0 )



− 20









= 300mL of 40% solution would need to be added.


0 4 − 35




0 05

Try it Now


3. Find the inverse of the function

x 3

f ( x) =


x − 2

3.5 Inverses and Radical Functions 211

Important Topics of this Section

Imposing a coordinate system

Finding an inverse function

Restricting the domain

Invertible toolkit functions

Radical Functions

Inverses of rational functions

Try it Now Answers



x = −

f ( y) = y −1

2. identity, cubic, square root, cube root


3. 1−

2 y 3

f ( y) =

y −1

212 Chapter 3

Section 3.5 Exercises

For each function, find a domain on which the function is one-to-one and non-decreasing,

then find an inverse of the function on this domain.

1. f ( x) = ( x − )2


2. f ( x) = ( x + )2


3. f ( x)


= 12 − x

4. f ( x)


= 9 − x

5. f ( x)


= 3 x +1

6. f ( x)


= 4 − 2 x

Find the inverse of each function.

7. f ( x) = 9 + 4 x − 4

8. f ( x) = 6 x −8 + 5

9. f ( x)


= 9 + 2 x

10. f ( x)


= 3− x

11. f ( x)



12. f ( x)



x + 8

x − 4


13. f ( x) x 3


14. f ( x) x 2


x + 7

x + 7



15. f ( x) 3 x 4


16. f ( x) 5 x 1


5 − 4 x

2 − 5 x

Police use the formula v = 20 L to estimate the speed of a car, v, in miles per hour, based on the length, L, in feet, of its skid marks when suddenly braking on a dry, asphalt


17. At the scene of an accident, a police officer measures a car's skid marks to be 215 feet

long. Approximately how fast was the car traveling?

18. At the scene of an accident, a police officer measures a car's skid marks to be 135 feet

long. Approximately how fast was the car traveling?

The formula v = 2.7 r models the maximum safe speed, v, in miles per hour, at which a car can travel on a curved road with radius of curvature r, in feet.

19. A highway crew measures the radius of curvature at an exit ramp on a highway as

430 feet. What is the maximum safe speed?

20. A highway crew measures the radius of curvature at a tight corner on a highway as

900 feet. What is the maximum safe speed?



3.5 Inverses and Radical Functions 213

21. A drainage canal has a cross-

section in the shape of a parabola.

Suppose that the canal is 10 feet

deep and 20 feet wide at the top. If

the water depth in the ditch is 5

feet, how wide is the surface of the

water in the ditch? [UW]

22. Brooke is located 5 miles out from the

nearest point A along a straight shoreline in

her sea kayak. Hunger strikes and she wants

to make it to Kono’s for lunch; see picture.

Brooke can paddle 2 mph and walk 4 mph.


a. If she paddles along a straight line

course to the shore, find an

expression that computes the total time to reach lunch in terms of the location

where Brooke beaches her kayak.

b. Determine the total time to reach Kono’s if she paddles directly to the point A.

c. Determine the total time to reach Kono’s if she paddles directly to Kono’s.

d. Do you think your answer to b or c is the minimum time required for Brooke

to reach lunch?

e. Determine the total time to reach Kono’s if she paddles directly to a point on

the shore half way between point A and Kono’s. How does this time compare

to the times in parts b or c? Do you need to modify your answer to part d?

23. Clovis is standing at the edge of a dropoff, which slopes 4 feet downward from him

for every 1 horizontal foot. He launches a small model rocket from where he is

standing. With the origin of the coordinate system located where he is standing, and

the x-axis extending horizontally, the path of the rocket is described by the formula


y = 2

x +120 x . [UW]

a. Give a function h = f ( x) relating the height h of the rocket above the sloping ground to its x-coordinate.

b. Find the maximum height of the rocket above the sloping ground. What is its

x-coordinate when it is at its maximum height?

c. Clovis measures the height h of the rocket above the sloping ground while it is

going up. Give a function x = g ( h) relating the x-coordinate of the rocket to h.

d. Does the function from (c) still work when the rocket is going down? Explain.


214 Chapter 3

24. A trough has a semicircular

cross section with a radius

of 5 feet. Water starts

flowing into the trough in

such a way that the depth of

the water is increasing at a

rate of 2 inches per hour.


a. Give a function

w = f ( t) relating

the width w of the surface of the water to the time t, in hours. Make sure to

specify the domain and compute the range too.

b. After how many hours will the surface of the water have width of 6 feet?

c. Give a function


t f


( w) relating the time to the width of the surface of the

water. Make sure to specify the domain and compute the range too.

Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Section 4.1 Exponential Functions ............................................................................. 215

Section 4.2 Graphs of Exponential Functions............................................................. 232

Section 4.3 Logarithmic Functions ............................................................................. 242

Section 4.4 Logarithmic Properties............................................................................. 253

Section 4.5 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions ............................................................ 262

Section 4.6 Exponential and Logarithmic Models ...................................................... 270

Section 4.7 Fitting Exponentials to Data .................................................................... 289

Section 4.1 Exponential Functions

India is the second most populous country in the world, with a population in 2008 of

about 1.14 billion people. The population is growing by about 1.34% each year1. We might ask if we can find a formula to model the population, P, as a function of time, t, in years after 2008, if the population continues to grow at this rate.

In linear growth, we had a constant rate of change – a constant number that the output

increased for each increase in input. For example, in the equation f ( x) = 3 x + 4 , the slope tells us the output increases by three each time the input increases by one. This

population scenario is different – we have a percent rate of change rather than a constant

number of people as our rate of change. To see the significance of this difference

consider these two companies:

Company A has 100 stores, and expands by opening 50 new stores a year

Company B has 100 stores, and expands by increasing the number of stores by 50% of

their total each year.

Looking at a few years of growth for these companies:

Year Stores, company A

Stores, company B



Starting with 100 each 100


100 + 50 = 150

They both grow by 50

100 + 50% of 100

stores in the first year.

100 + 0.50(100) = 150


150 + 50 = 200

Store A grows by 50,

150 + 50% of 150

Store B grows by 75

150 + 0.50(150) = 225


200 + 50 = 250

Store A grows by 50,

225 + 50% of 225

Store B grows by 112.5 225 + 0.50(225) = 337.5

1 World Bank, World Development Indicators, as reported on, retrieved August 20, 2010

This chapter is part of Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions © Lippman & Rasmussen 2011.

This material is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.

216 Chapter 4

Notice that with the percent growth, each year the company is grows by 50% of the

current year’s total, so as the company grows larger, the number of stores added in a year

grows as well.

To try to simplify the calculations, notice that after 1 year the number of stores for

company B was:

100 +







or equivalently by factoring



100 +





= 150

We can think of this as “the new number of stores is the original 100% plus another


After 2 years, the number of stores was:

150 +







or equivalently by factoring



150 + .

0 )


now recall the 150 came from 100(1+0.50). Substituting that,



100 +






+ .

0 )

50 =



100 +





2 = 225

After 3 years, the number of stores was:

225 +







or equivalently by factoring



225 +





now recall the 225 came from