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An energy deficit (calories burned minus calories eaten) of 500 to 1000 kcal/day willresult in 1 kg loss/week (rapid weight loss increases the risk of gallstones and secondaryamenorrhea).Lowcarbohydratelowfatdietisrecommended.
Sedentaryindividualsshouldbuilduptotheirphysicalactivitytargetsoverseveralweeks,startingwith 10 to 20 mins of physical activity every other day during the first week or two, to minimizepotentialmuscle sorenessandfatigue.
Start with moderate-intensity activity, individuals choosing to incorporate vigorous intensityactivity into their program should do this gradually and after an initial 4–12 week period ofmoderate-intensityactivity.
Patients who are overweight or obese should beprescribed a volume of 45 to 60 mins ofmoderate-intensity activity a day (corresponding to approximately 225 to 300 mins/week ofmoderate-intensityphysical activityor lesseramountsofvigorous physicalactivity).
People who have been obese and have lost weight should be advised they may need to do 60 to90minsof activitya daytoavoidregainingofweight.
Walking is an excellent form of physical activity for overweight and obese people (for obese,sedentaryindividuals,briskwalkingoftenconstitutesmoderate-intensity physicalactivity).
Weight-bearingphysicalactivitymaybedifficultforsomeindividualswithBMIoverapproximately35kg/m2,particularlyforthosewithjointproblems.Fortheseindividuals,graduallyincreasingnon-weight-bearingmoderate-intensityphysicalactivities(e.g.cycling,swimming,wateraerobics,etc.)shouldbeencouraged.Cyclingexercisesshouldthusonlybeusedasawarming-upmode,andforalimitedduration(upto5–10 min),exceptforpatientsexperiencing joint pain or knee-hip arthrosis: such exercise types may be ideal to start-up anexerciseprogram.
A minimal exercise program duration of 6 months is recommended to achieve a significant andclinicallyrelevantadiposetissuemasslossanditisadvisedtopermanentlyincreasedailyphysicalactivitynexttosupervisedexercisetrainingtominimizebodyweightregain.
Obese individualsareprone tothe developmentof (degenerativeandinflammatory)overusesymptomsduetoelevatedmechanicalloadsandalteredbiomechanics.Therefore,themusculoskeletalsystemshouldbeevaluatedthoroughlyandexercisetrainingmodalitiesshould be adapted accordingly.
These symptomscanbe reducedor evenprevented by progressive exercisetrainingadaptations,alteringthetypeofaerobicexercisetrainingandbyincorporatinglow-weightbearingexercise trainingsessions (e.g. aquatic exercise, cycling, rowing,etc.).
Cholesterol and triglycerides (TGs) are the major circulating lipids. Cholesterol is used by all cells for thesynthesis and repair of membranes and intracellular organelles and by the adrenal glands and gonads as asubstrate to synthesize adrenal and gonadal steroid hormones. TGs are an energy source and can be storedasfatin adiposetissueor used as fuel bymuscle and othertissues.
Cholesterol and TGs are not water soluble and, thus, cannot be transported through the circulation asindividual molecules. Lipoproteins are large, spherical particles that package these lipids into a coresurrounded by a shell of water-soluble proteins and phospholipids. Lipoproteins serve as vehicles thattransportcholesterolandTGsfromone partofthe bodyto another.
Transport exogenousTGsfromthe gut toadiposetissue and muscle
Transport endogenousTGsfromtheliverto adiposetissueandmuscle