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The homeopathic medicine, not being immutable, because of the doctors who do not always guess the remedies which fit us best, I was obliged to think of what alternative I have, and at the moment when my disease became worse, I had the following idea:

“If instead of the remedy’s name I wrote that I wanted a remedy which is not to be found in the homeopathic nomenclature?”

Asking myself this question and coming to the conclusion that a certain remedy would do me good, I asked the “Universe” for it, using the glass of water method.

Consequently, I took a piece of paper and wrote on it the requested remedy: “INTESTINAL FLORA CH 9” (FLORĂ INTESTINALĂ CH 9) which I placed under a glass of water. After 3 minutes I drank three mouthfuls of that water and I was surprised by the fact that this remedy which I wanted for myself, materialized in the glass of water, and the effects were not late in showing.

The acoustic changes related to my sensitivity versus homeopathic remedies were not late in showing, a clear proof of the fact that it materialized and activated itself the moment I drank that water. The effects that were to show me that it was what I needed, appeared after a few tens of minutes, being very similar to those that appeared when I was taking the probiotics (from the drugstore). Only this time I did not have to buy them from the drugstore.

Thus, forced by not exactly good circumstances, I discovered that this variant, by which homeopathic remedies can be made with the glass of water, was working even when we want something that does not appear in the homeopathic remedy list.

In order to see the importance of empiric studies, we may draw a parallel between the probiotics and the way in which they are recommended by the allopathic medicine.

As is known, these probiotics are recommended in various medical instances to protect the intestinal flora, but never in the wake of a specific analysis. At present, at least in Romania, there is no laboratory analysis which should show the need of using a certain probiotic.

In other words, without this analysis, we do not know exactly what deficiency we have in the intestinal flora, so that the deficiency might be rectified. The doctor’s recommendation is always made according to the treated illness and particularly to their personal experience gathered in time, which is also part of the category of the empiric studies based on medical practice.

I drew this parallel because it is possible that certain persons might be against these empiric studies, even if they are used, as I said, in allopathic medicine.

This was my first experience with this new variant by which I asked the “Universe” for a homeopathic remedy for one of my problems, as it was not found in the homeopathic remedy list. It was the moment when I realized that this method was somewhat more complex, which gives us the possibility to ask the “Universe” surrounding us for any remedy we want, on condition that what we want should fit our medical reality.

Obviously, until I came to the examples presented in this book, there were many more attempts. If there is someone who might be interested to hear all these variants I tried out and has the time to do so, I am any time ready to have talks on this topic.

To simplify this study, I chose to write only about the most important models (texts) which worked.

In that period, I felt powerless and very tired. If I made a more intensive effort for five minutes, I had to sit down, because I started to feel dizzy and it took me half an hour to come back to my senses. This can be translated as an acute lack of energy.

While I was in that condition, I was thinking how would it be if I wrote on a piece of paper the word “VITAMINES” (VITAMINE) and place it under a glass of water?

Maybe you do not believe me, but from that day on I was no longer tired and I had the energy to do what I wanted. I took this remedy just for two days, but its effect was permanent from that day on. In the case of this remedy, the water had a strong taste of medicine. It seemed as if someone had put a pill of vitamins in that water.


If someone tries the remedy “VITAMINES” (VITAMINE) but has no visible lack of energy in his body, it is quite possible that he does not realize if it materialized (in water), the surplus of vitamins being the only finding in this case.

One thing is rather odd, if we are to speak about vitamins. Namely the fact that there is a remedy which was not activated no matter how often we tried to create it!

We can bring the argument that maybe my body did not need it and that is why it was not activated. It is possible but I felt very well when the body was administered in the allopathic variant.

I mean vitamin C.


It is curious, because I used the glass of water method to make, under the form of homeopathic remedies, certain singular or complex vitamins, and they always materialized themselves. Remedies such as “VITAMINE K” (VITAMINA K) or “MULTIVITAMINES” (MULTIVITAMINE) have functioned perfectly.

But the remedy “VITAMINE C” (VITAMINA C) did not work. I am really curious, if among the persons who will read this book there will be someone who needs it and has the curiosity to make this remedy and if he succeeded.

To continue this story, we can speak about the period when I could hardly stand upright because of the lack of my muscle control.

This lack of control was solved after having read many books in that period and among them was the one entitled: Cure yourself alone with the salts of life, written by Gerhild Balosan (Vindecă-te singur cu sărurile vieții, Ed. Dharana, 2013 - book written only in Romanian language), which I warmly recommend to be read and its teachings applied particularly for prevention, when our body shows just a slight deficiency that can be easily re-established by using homeopathic remedies.

From that book I learned about the salts of life (the Schüssler Salts), which are in fact low dilutions of some substances.

After having studied also other information of a medical nature, I came to the conclusion, not just a logical one but also by studying some personal symptoms in certain conditions, that the problem I had was the lack of calcium in my body.

It is known that the muscles are controlled by nerves using, among other things, calcium. If it starts being scarce in the body, there will be certain problems among which the lack of control over the muscles, in my case of the foot muscles.

I tried to explain this to the homeopathic doctor to whom I was still going at that time with the hope that he would recommend me something in this sense, but he sent me to make analyses for calcium, as if he did not know, that if the body needed calcium and did not find it, it would start drawing it out of the bones and this deficit would have appeared in the analyses when it would have been too late and it would start being much to  scarce in the bones. That is much too late, after the osteoporosis had already been installed.

Thus, as I did not want to wait for it to be absent from my bones, reading about it in the book written by Gerhild Balosan, analyzing all information in the book, I came to the conclusion that a good variant to be tested would be “Calcarea phosphorica D12”. But my option was for remedies with CH dilutions, as in that period I still hesitated between the glass of water method and the homeopathic pills.

As the CH dilutions are half of the D dilutions (the D 12 dilution is equal with the CH 6 dilution). I opted for the homeopathic remedy “Calcarea phosphorica CH 5”.

I admit that the decision to take this remedy was mine alone and, though it is not recommended to resort to self-medicationnot even in homeopathy, having no other variants, I opted to try it.

Thus, I took this remedy for five days, each time five granules. The fact that it is efficient, I felt it from the very first day, when I no longer had problems with the control of my foot muscles. And with this remedy, the effects persisted, and after those five days, it was no longer necessary to resume taking them.

This is how I came to the conclusion that it was not necessary to take homeopathic remedies with high dilutions for their effect to be long lasting, such as for instance those with CH 200 which, it is said have an effect for 6 months.

Another example from the book written by Gerhild Balosan, which perfectly fitted my person (in keeping with the description in the book) was the homeopathic remedy “Calcarea fluorica CH 5”. The first beneficial symptom was after two days when I noticed the sensitivity of my teeth, which I had when eating acid fruits, was considerably reduced.

These are a few examples about how I could, with this alternative branch of medicine, homeopathy, to gradually get better.

After these personal experiences with the remedies made by using the glass of water method, which have been of a real help, I started thinking also of other possible variants for the functioning of this method.

Thus, I asked myself the question:

“If instead of the name of the homeopathic remedy I write that I would like to have a remedy for a pain in my body?”

This new variant through which I asked the “Universe” for a “homeopathic” remedy for a certain pain in my body, without mentioning what remedy it was and would be necessary for me, has functioned perfectly.

It was the moment when I realized that this method can help our body to repair itself, just as it happens in the case of the homeopathic remedies, but this time using the “Universe” as a personal doctor, who had been requested by means of words written on a little piece of paper.

Who else knows better than the “Universe” what remedy is necessary to our body for it to starting mending by itself?

Thus, by practicing this method and studying various reactions of the body, accordingto the “UNIVERSE”, I came to be convinced that this change of the initial method is viable, real and functioning without being necessary to consult a homeopathic doctor, thus eliminating the possibility that he might give by mistake the wrong remedy. Who else, except for the “Universe”, might know without risking to be mistaken, what remedy perfectly matches our disease?...

This new variant of therapy is the method which I currently use, as it derives from the initial method by which homeopathic remedies are manufactured, as it derives from the initial method by which homeopathic remedies are manufactured using a glass of water, namely.

“Instead of writing the name of the homeopathic remedy, which we do not always know, let us write that we want a remedy for an organ or a pain of a part of our body.

This variant is perfectly functional, offering the benefit of a necessary remedy for our health but especially as it excludes the possibility of being wrong, just as it may happen in the case when it is recommended by a homeopathic doctor.

Just as there is no perfect person, so can a homeopathic doctor also be not a perfect physician, and it is possible that because of the human nature, he might not be very inspired when he recommends certain remedies. By this method the very possibility of taking a wrong remedy is avoided.

To exemplify this possibility, one can further observe the form of the text written on the little piece of paper which will be put under the glass of water: “REMEDY FOR HEADACHES” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP).

The first two words remain always unchanged, followed by the area or organ where we feel pain.

Having in view that very many people have periods of headache, this request is maybe the simplest variant by which we can test, rapidly and easy, if the present method is working.

We should not be frightened by the fact that what we want to be materialized in the glass of water needs for us to write a longer text. It can be written even on two or more lines. As long as a logic is being kept in our request, the remedy will materialize.

I personally consider that our requests made to the “Universe”, the moment they are materializing in the glass of water, are nothing else but also homeopathic remedies, particularly if we take into consideration that the rules for their use are found in homeopathy. The remedy, thus created, is part of the homeopathic remedies class and is based also on the characteristics of our body to generate a certain frequency when swallowed.

How does a certain remedy materialize in the glass of water and who transmits it to us? It is not exactly known. But it is a certainty that the method is functional, this being proved by the practice of its use. I personally think that it is part of the universal energy which always is around us.

I shall use the term of “Universe” when I shall refer to the energy which makes possible this materialization of a certain homeopathic element in one simple glass of water, an energy which we do not know exactly what it is, where it comes from, what generates it, but which we know that it envelops us and, in the present case, we can use it to our benefit. I avoided using terms such as: Creator, Almighty, Divinity etc., since this method is effective no matter what the religion of the respective person is.

I will further show you how any of you may become a small therapist for his own person, using the “Universe” as his own personal doctor.

You should understand that I do not  recommend you or anybody to avoid seeing a doctor, particularly because this therapy can be done in parallel with allopathic medicine. In the case of having medical urgencies, my advice is to urgently go to the doctor, who will be able to put you “back on track” and only afterwards (even in parallel with the allopath medication) you can also start this therapy.

Practicing allopathic and homeopathic medicine may be beneficial and lead to a rapid cure. Your body alone will tell you when it will be no longer necessary to take certain medicine.

My recommendation referring to medicine is the following: “If you never had a certain disease, do not take medicine for preventing something that you do not have”. You may come across this recommendation with some doctors whose concern is man’s health and not just for getting a profit. I completely agree with this recommendation, while noticing how at present, people make abuse of medicine.

                                                                                  Another rule which was found during this study is that:

“In the text written on the note you can not ask for remedies concerning a medical diagnosis.”

All variants in which this was tried, writing on a paper note a medical diagnosis, did not work.

For instance, if we have headaches, we might be tempted to write on that note “REMEDY FOR MIGRAINE” (REMEDIU PENTRU MIGRENĂ).

From the experience gathered in the wake of using this method, I found that this variant did not work. In exchange, we can write on that piece of paper: ”REMEDY FOR HEADACHES” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP).

This is a general rule, but it does not exclude the possibility that, for certain affections, this method would work even if we write its official name (from the allopath classified list).

Thus, if we have a cold, our nose is running and we are coughing, it is not advisable to write on that paper:

“REMEDY FOR A COLD” (REMEDIU PENTRU RĂCEALĂ). But we may write: “REMEDY FOR NASAL SECRETION” (REMEDIU PENTRU SECREȚIA NAZALĂ) which you should take every morning for 5 days (if need be also in the evening).

It would be even better if we gave this remedy a “power” by writing: ”REMEDY FOR NASAL SECRETION CH 7” (REMEDIU PENTRU SECREȚIA NAZALĂ CH 7). The CH notation is explained in detail in chapter 5.

We may thus notice how the remedy requested by us is for an effect of the cold and not for a cause by itself, but we do not have to worry. The “Universe” knows that for us to no longer have a running nose, it has to transmit to us a remedy for a cold, which implicitly leads also to improving that nose secretion. He is a “Universal Doctor” who knows this.

Notice how in the text a new notation has appeared, a “CH” followed by a number. This notation is used in homeopathy and refers to the “power” of the remedy.

The remedy materialized in the wake of our request to the “Universe”, also being a homeopathic remedy, we have the possibility to give it certain “powers”, exactly as in homeopathy, according to our needs.

The choice of the “power” (dilution) of a remedy was and still is a big controversy in homeopathy. But we can take into account a few general rules in choosing its value, such as for example:

  • In recent, acute affections we use homeopathic remedies with “low powers”, such as CH 5, CH 7, CH 9.
  • In chronic diseases we use homeopathic remedies with “high powers”, such as CH 15, CH 30 (or greater).


The rule above can be totally changed when:

  • With recent, acute ailments, the intensity of the disease is high. In this case we should use homeopathic remedies with “high powers”, CH 15 or CH 30.
  • For chronic diseases, when the vital force of the body is low, we should use homeopathic remedies with “low powers”, such as CH 5, CH 7 or CH 9. If you give a high dilution to a chronically ill person, that may cause health problems or have no effect whatsoever, because the body has not the necessary energy to answer to high dilutions.

For instance, if we have a disease that appeared recently (days) we should use CH 5 or CH 7. If these remedies have no effect you may pass on to CH 9. For diseases who are already several months old or even more, we use CH 15. In case we speak about chronic diseases, with a long span of time (years), we should use CH 30 or more (CH 200).

In homeopathy, because a remedy has an even better effect when it is diluted and its potency much enhanced, the reactions of that remedy can be greater and more profound, while even unwanted reactions might appear which should be fought back with other remedies.

Thus, for the homeopathic remedies with “powers” (dilution) higher than CH 30 (CH 200, 1M etc.), we need a deeper knowledge of the homeopathic domain and is indicated, in the lack of this knowledge, to use them only with the recommendation of a homeopathic doctor, because of the longer periods in which they may have an effect.

As a general rule, the periods in which a remedy can have an action is related to “its power”.

For example:

-     CH 5 is active for a few hours,

-     CH 7 is active for a day,

-     CH 9 is active for a few days,

-     CH 15 is active for two weeks,

-     CH 30 is active for 30 days,

-     CH 200 is active for a few months.

This is a general, not a universal rule. That is why, many times it is hard to guess the best necessary potency (CH) for each remedy. Even a “power” such as CH 5, taken in only one dose, may possibly have a longer action, exactly like a homeopathic remedy with CH 200.

Nobody can always know how our body reacts at certain remedies. Each person being unique may react from one case to another, different from the general rule, according to his or her affections. Choosing the “power” of a remedy is an art which needs experience and intuition.

The factors we should have to take into account and which determine the choice of a certain dilution (power) are:

  • The person’s vitality: a good vitality bears high dilutions, a low vitality requests lower dilutions;
  • The age;
  • The level of intending: the organic affections hint towards lower potentials, the physiological ones towards medium potencies, the psychic ones towards higher dilutions;
  • The level of attempted profoundness: the more you want a profound and lasting in time, the more you climb on the ladder of “powers”;
  • The period in which the symptoms appear: acute diseases (days) low potencies (CH 5, CH 7, CH 9), chronic diseases (CH 5, CH 7, CH 9), chronic diseases (months or years) higher potencies (CH 15, CH 30).

From my own experience, by using the method presented in this book, I found that:

“The moment in which we do not write a “power” (CH) at the end of our request to the “Universe”, the respective remedy which materializes in the water of our glasses implicitly has the approximate value of CH 5”.

This rule emerged in the wake of the different variants, personally tested, and of the reactions I had following the use of these materialized “remedies”.

Very important:

  • When someone thinks of starting to use homeopathy, even in the variant in which options go to approach a homeopathic doctor, it is advisable to use a notebook in which one should write all newly appeared symptoms after taking a homeopathic remedy. This is a really useful thing when the doctor or even we have to analyze the benefits of a homeopathic remedy to avoid overlooking them. On this occasion, we shall develop the spirit of observing our body. From my personal experience, I can say that so many people are not attentive with the various changes that appear in their body, especially when they are small.
  • For the accuracy of our action, there has to be a break of at least one day between these remedies (achieved by using the glass of water), when we shall have to be attentive at the possible effects on our body that might appear, and in this way, we can realize if a remedy has an effect or not. If they do not appear however, it is possible that the remedy did not materialize because we did not formulate correctly our request and it is advisable to make a new attempt next day, seeking another variant of the text to be written.
  • I recommend that the periods between the action of a remedy and the break between them should be of at least 7 days with a 7- day break, because the fact that the remedy works, is not always visible. That is why we have to follow the idea that it works. If it does not work, we do not miss anything, but wasted our time. But if it works and we do not realize it, we give it time to work.

Besides choosing the remedy and the suitable “power”, an important role is played by the period when we have to take the respective remedy and the interval between the given doses. We may choose among a multitude of variants, which will not make this choice easier, and is not at all simple. Here too there are rules, but also many exceptions.

In general, I use one of the schemes of treatment by homeopath Doctor Adrian Dumitrescu, which best fits the various homeopathic therapies, being successful even in my case. I use this scheme preferably because it is efficient.

As part of this treatment scheme, you take a remedy for 7 to 10 days, after which you make a break for 7 to 10 days. Obviously, this scheme is not universally valid, it may be different from one case to another.

For instance, another equally good variant is that by Doctor Arthur Lutze, who was prescribing a dose at an interval of at least 3 months and then let it the time make its effect.

Another variant is that in which one takes the same remedy once a week, so many weeks as are necessary for no longer to feel any of its effects when it is administered, following that for a week or two to take a brake before administering another remedy.

These are just a few more important examples of therapeutic schemes. There are many more numerous ones and they may differ from one another, from one person to another.

It is very important that the moment in which your option goes for homeopathic medicine, one should know the general way of how the remedies work.

Hering’s law says that diseases are cured:

  • from the inside to the outside;
  • from upwards to downwards;
  • they disappear in reverse order in which they manifested themselves.

The study of homeopathy becomes a must particularly in the case of using the glass of water method.

The moment in which they find an imbalance in the body and start working on it, the homeopathic remedies do nothing else but to take to the surface all the suffering which exists inside us. The sense is from inside out.

That is why, the moment when that happens, it is possible for certain stains, pimples or eruptions to appear on the skin, accompanied by intense itching.

In this case, homeopathy entirely forbids the use of ointments which contain cortisone, that do nothing else but to revert this sense and introduce the disease back in our body.

Any homeopathic doctor will tell you that the appearance of these visible symptoms on our skin is not just a normal thing, but it is even desirable and it does not mean anything else but the fact that the body starts to clean itself deeply. This can be noticed with certain persons who preferred this therapeutic variant. Even I was not exempt from this reaction of my body, which appeared while I was using the method described in this book.

My recommendation is that the moment when this thing happens, that is small pimples, or eruptions doubled by intense itching, to use ointments which do not have cortisone, such as SUDOCREM or CUTADEN, both being recommended by Dr. Adrian Dumitrescu the moment my wife faced such reactions of the skin. They are not the only ointments that can be used, but take great care when choosing them. It would be better, if these eruptions were not too disturbing, not to use any cream.

In my case, this reaction appeared the moment when I used a note on which I wrote “REMEDY FOR INTOXICATION WITH HEAVY METAL CH 7” (REMEDIU PENTRU INTOXICAȚIE CU METALE GRELE CH 7).

This remedy, which I took for 14 days, caused a similar reaction as that described earlier. A few days after I had taken this remedy, the skin above my ankles started itching very badly at the same time with an acute pain in the nail of the big toe at the left foot. In the beginning, I thought I might have an ingrowing nail, but that did not fit very well, as that kind of pain became severe when I touched that nail on its middle and pushed down. Subsequently, after another few days, a group of blisters appeared above my ankles just like those that appear when someone has hives, concurrently with the nail (on the inner side) becoming ash-colored.

A logical explanation could be worded in this case that, at the moment when the body received the order to eliminate its heavy metals, it did not find another place where it could make this elimination, but my nail of the foot and  automatically, finding an obstacle, my discomfort was greater.

In the case of this remedy, I chose the CH 7 variant, as it is known that when heavy metals are starting to move in order to be eliminated, they create some unpleasant reactions for the body and implicitly for the respective person (creating symptoms as in cases of intoxication) and I wanted them to be as easy as possible to bear.

Notice how we must be very aware of all symptoms that might appear, during or after using a remedy, that might indicate if that remedy was activated/working and ordered our body to start its healing.

I can say that any pain which until that moment was never felt, may be attributed to the remedy taken.

Examples of symptoms that might appear after taking the remedy:

  • changes in appetite,
  • changes in the urine volume or its color,
  • changes in bowel movement, in its consistency,
  • changes of sleep,
  • changes in weight,
  • changes in behavior,
  • various pains, transient or with extended effect,
  • etc.

There might be countless changes. All there is to it, is that we have to be aware, thus having the possibility to get to know that the remedy we took has been activated in our body or not. Very few people are paying attention to these details. That is why even for the homeopathic doctors it is sometimes difficult to take the right decision when they do not have these helping elements.

Most times, even if the body sends various signs that something is wrong with it, people do not consider them important. That is why it happens that many of them go to the doctor too late, when, most of the times, nothing can be done.

Why did I take the remedy presented on the former page?

Right now, almost everybody might be intoxicated with heavy metals which may have their origin in water, air, in the products used for food, in the way in which they are produced and especially from ocean fish.

This disintoxication from heavy metals should be done once a year, no matter what method you choose, according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr. Patricia Kane. In a conference held in Zürich in 2001, they recommend the elimination of these heavy metals, particularly mercury, by using a therapy based on the Chlorella seaweed.

When they are present in our body, the heavy metals play a major role in starting chronic diseases and favoring chronic infections caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses. The symptoms shown by the patient are often provoked by infections, and the fundamental mistake of the allopath doctors is that they treat the infection, without examining the factors that favor it and implicitly without making a detoxification of the body from heavy metals.

It is a scientifically proven fact that we all have a “collection” of neurotoxins in our bodies, and all of them together have a synergetic effect. Through synergy 1+1 is not 2. The correct answer is 100. This principle is extremely important, because it shows us that if two substances are cumulating, their effects are not added but they multiply very much.

At present there is practically no meat which doens't contain mercury and other damaging substances. This assertion is valid for the entire meat producing industry, where pesticides, herbicides and other similar substances, found in the food of these animals, play an important role. Not even the exclusively vegetal food is an absolutely safe solution, because plants too take over toxins from the environment with which they are in an osmotic relationship. That is why the best thing to do is a permanent (periodical) detoxification of our organism.

The heavy metals are neurotoxins, poison for our nervous system.

If mercury is present in our body, it causes that any therapy we would choose would be doomed to failure.

Until it is not eliminated from our body, the organism will be unable to recover, no matter what variant is chosen.

Consequently, if there are suspicions about the possible intoxication with mercury or other heavy metals, the first stage must always be a therapy by which they should be eliminated:


Mercury from where?… I asked  myself.

The answer was quite simple.

From the dental amalgam (metal fillings), which comprises 50% of mercury and which slowly transforms itself and then is taken over by the brain. In this case, the fillings must be pre-eminently removed. This fact is admitted and today it is no longer a controversial topic within specialty circles.

This is how I learned that it is recommended for the body to be pre-eminently prepared, before and after eliminating these fillings by the dentist, by replacing them with other new ones, which have no mercury.

Thus, I found the answer by myself to why, for a few years, my health has been permanently degrading no matter what therapeutic method I was using.

The answer was simple after I made the connection between the beginning of this degradation and the moment when I replaced all these metal fillings.

The coincidence is too great not to have a connection with the mercury of those fillings. Thus, due to the lack of information I had at that moment, I made the mistake not to have prepared myself before their elimination, as it is recommended to be done.

I also used the therapeutic variant based on Chlorella and I can say that it is efficient and all happens how these doctors say. The fact that the moment when the heavy metals in the body are put into motion, the human body acts just as in the case of an acute intoxication.

In the process of detoxification and elimination of heavy metals, the infections in the body start to “awaken”. It is maybe the most dangerous and most difficult moment. During a detoxification cure from heavy metals the chronic infections (which most of us have) are starting to be visible. The problems with our kidneys, bacteria, fungi should be, at this phase, taken into account in the therapeutic actions. Since there is no detoxification of heavy metals without the manifestation of infections, they can manifest themselves through: the sight becomes foggy, headaches, pain of kidneys, diarrhea, chronic tiredness, muscle pain, generalized pain, the existing suffering can worsen suddenly. The good side of these symptoms is that they confirm the fact that we eliminate the heavy metals from our body, the next step being the treatment of these infections.

This is simple, because when the heavy metals are missing, the infections answer positively to the therapeutic methods.

These infections, without eliminating the heavy metals, cannot be efficiently fought back!

That is why, you should not panic and continue the therapy, the negative reactions will be attenuated to the extent to which the heavy metals are eliminated from the body. Obviously great care will have to be about when and how this detoxification is being done, because  the reactions can be sometimes very dangerous.

In the case of the remedy obtained, using the glass of water, I chose a small value of the remedy’s “power” just because I did not want to upset my organism and for the elimination to be done gradually.

Personally, I intended that, if this detoxification is being recommended it should be done once a year in the coming years, at the request I will make to the “Universe” to enhance the “power” of the remedy gradually each year, It is up to the value of CH 30 (CH 9, CH 15 and CH 30).

Coming back to the glass of water method, I enjoyed once more it's existence when it helped my grandmother (from my mother’s side) to recover faster after having broken her ribs.

This occurrence demonstrates once again that the glass of water method is of a real use, and it happened this way:

Because of her age and her lack of attention, my grandmother, after a fall, broke her ribs, adding yet another problem to the other diseases she was suffering from, inherent diseases for her age (78 years). The recommendation she received from her doctor was that of total rest and limited movement until the bones had joined, mentioning that at her age it would take three or four months of waiting. The problem was that from that moment on, the suffering of my grandmother was of an increasing trend, so that after a month she could no longer get up from her bed, she was breathing with great difficulty, reaching the stage when she thought that her death is not far off.

Telling her about a method by which you can ask the “Universe” for various remedies for the diseases which bother you, she was glad she could do something to no longer suffer.

The requests in her case were:



– each morning for 7 days, with 7 days break before the next remedy;



– each morning for 7 days, with 7 days recess before the next remedy;



– each morning for 7 days.

The effects were much beyond expectations. After two weeks, my grandmother was walking in the house without any help, and after a month, she had forgotten that she had broken ribs. Not even she, who had been quite mistrustful in the beginning, could no longer contest the effects of the method, all the more so as they were so visible, knowing that at her age broken ribs would heal in a much longer span of time.

After my grandmother had recovered from the pain caused by the broken ribs, something quite funny happened. It was exactly like in the case when, if you have a pain, you can make it “go away” if in the meantime another greater one appears. Only that in her case it was vice versa. Since the pain caused by the fractured ribs was gone, she remembered that her back was aching.

Of course, I recommended her to make a remedy using the glass of water for that pain, the text on the piece of paper being: “REMEDY FOR BACK PAIN CH 15” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE SPATE CH 15) to be taken each morning, for 10 days.

In this case too, the requested “remedy” was effective, and it happened just like before. After the aching back had stopped, she remembered that she had pain in the knees. After a recess of one week the remedy she made was “REMEDY FOR PAIN IN THE KNEES CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE GENUNCHI CH 30), taken each morning for 7 days.

I must admit that the pain did not disappear completely, I mean those of the back, even if they were less, they still persisted.

When I told her about the remedy I took when I had problems with the calcium in my body, she was quite delighted by the idea. Thus, she started taking each morning the remedy “CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA CH 5”. The effects were not late in appearing. After about a week, her ache in the back were very much reduced, becoming almost non-existing.

At present, my grandmother is delighted with this method which she uses all the time.

I cannot demonstrate what I wrote about earlier, it rests only with you to verify their correctness by using this method in the case in which you are in the same situation as my grandmother. You only drink three mouthfuls of water every morning, from a glass under which you have put a note with the text mentioned above. I presume you drink water in the morning, don’t you?

As is known, homeopathy works with animals too. Implicitly, this method too, which is also related to homeopathy, is effective with animals. I had the opportunity to notice this thing by myself and I can tell you about two happenings when the glass of water method worked.

The first time happened while I was walking in a park, I met a former colleague (now retired) who was walking in the park with his dog. While we were talking, I noticed how his dog was coughing and I asked him what was happening with the dog. I learned that the dog has been coughing for two weeks and the cough did not go away, though he had received a treatment from a veterinary doctor. Then I advised him to make a remedy with the glass of water. The text on the note was “REMEDY FOR COUGHING FOR THE DOG AKY CH 7” (REMEDIU PENTRU TUSE PENTRU CĂȚELUL AKY CH 7) (that was the dog’s name).

When I met the same person again after some time, I learned that he had applied the method on the very evening we had met and that, starting the second day, the dog did no longer cough.

The second time was, when visiting a neighbor, he told me that he had a parrot that had problems with his equilibrium and was falling from his stick. I recommended him to put in his water vessel a remedy made with the present method. In the case of this parrot, the text was: “REMEDY FOR THE LACK OF BALANCE OF THE PARROT POULI CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU LIPSA DE ECHILIBRU PENTRU PAPAGALUL POULI CH 30).

A week after this conversation, I learned that the parrot has had a very powerful reaction after giving him the remedy but that subsequently he recovered and that the equilibrium problems he had, had been greatly reduced.

These were two of the happenings which show that the remedies work even in the case of animals and it is difficult, knowing this, to think that this method is related to the placebo effect.

We may remind, also having the example with the parrot that, if our request was correctly worded and a remedy was materialized in the glass of water, it is quite possible that in the first phase some symptoms of the existing disease might worsen.

This may also happen in the case of people, being something quite normal in homeopathy and it should not frighten us. This only means that our organism has started fighting against the respective disease and after a few days these reactions, enhanced by the fight between our suffering and the remedy, to considerably decrease.

Most often, after taking homeopathic remedies, the moment when the diseases worsen, people start to be afraid and think that this is not something favorable and they are tempted to give up the homeopathic therapy.

We should have in view that in the case of homeopathic therapies, the negative effects that appear after taking the remedies show us the fact that it was well chosen and we have to give it time to react. In this case it is possible that we might feel much worse for one or two days.

This is the sensitive point in homeopathy. The fact that the homeopathic treatments are made individually by the homeopathic doctors without cooperating with psychologists.

There is no one who might advise the patients in case these symptoms of curing are powerful and surpass the power of concentration of the respective person, to thus offer the possibility of easier passing over this period of making the illness more acute.

When I say this, I mean the non-existence of a specialized psychologist in the field of homeopathy who might offer help to a person who is undergoing a homeopathic treatment.

I personally encountered this problem and can say: “How well it would have been in that period to have such a psychologist who could have explained to me that my situation, even if it was difficult, was due to the homeopathic remedies that had started healing me and I have to fight in order to overcome my body’s reactions that had appeared in the wake of taking this medicine.

There is also a variant in which these negative effects are not decreasing and another homeopathic remedy would be necessary to struggle against these reactions and continue the way of restoring health.

It is here that the major difficulty exists which appears in using this glass of water method. If we were to go to a homeopathic doctor, he would know what remedy he would further recommend, but at the present stage what were we to do.

In this case, we might use a rule of this method, what was observed it while it was used, namely:

“If we had a recess between two remedies, the moment in which for the second remedy we write the same text, the remedy which is being materialized may be different from the first one.”

In other words, if we write the same text that was used for calling the first remedy also for the second remedy, after we had a recess between the two remedies, the remedy which will materialize in the glass of water might be different from the first and implicitly, the reactions of the body being quite different from the first case.

This is possible because it seems that the “Universe” knows what remedy we need at a certain moment, if it made its effect and if it was necessary to materialize another one, because the first one finished its work.

For instance:

The remedy materialized for the first time with the text:

“REMEDY FOR HEADACHES CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30) after a recess of several days, the moment we rewrite it, might be different from the remedy materialized the second time even if we use the same text: “REMEDY FOR HEADACHES CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30).

In order to see the importance of even just one word, we may take for an example the homeopathic granules “HELICOBACTER CH 30”, that are used in the therapy of infections with the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria.

Thus, if we use the method put forward in this study, what will be materialized in the glass of water, by using the text above, will be identical with the granules we find in the homeopathic drugstore.

However, if in the text written on the piece of paper, also using the words “REMEDY FOR”, what will be materialized in the glass of water might be different from the case in which we just write “HELICOBACTER CH 30”.

The explanation is quite simple.

In the case of the remedy “HELICOBACTER CH 30” that materializes in the glass of water, it is the same energy again found in the homeopathic granules sold in the drugstore and which were manufactured through the dilution and intensification of a solution containing Helicobacter Bacterias extracted from a person who suffers from the same disease.

But in the case of using the text “REMEDY FOR HELICOBACTER CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU HELICOBACTER CH 30), which will materialize in the glass of water, may as well be both an energy of a solution containing both Helicobacter bacteria and any other homeopathic remedy which the “Universe” considers we need.

That is why it will be much better if our request will be: “REMEDY FOR HELICOBACTER CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU HELICOBACTER CH 30).

This offers us two possibilities:

  1. In case we are not sure that we suffer from that disease, it gives us the possibility not to take a homeopathic remedy, which might do us more harm than good. There is this possibility that in case we do not have the disease for which we take the remedy, it might have negative effects on our body. This happens particularly in the case of the remedies made of various infectious cultures which, even if they are taken by making them using the present method, they may create, even if you do not have the respective disease, identical symptoms
  2. In case we use the same text several times, we are given the possibility for the remedy to be each time a different one, when we do this, because the “Universe” knows what remedy should be materialized within each request we are making. As I already said, the remedy can be different if we use the same text, after the compulsory break between them, that we have to take.

In this way, we benefit from a much larger range of homeopathic remedies for the same disease, also taking into consideration that man is a unique personality, and obviously needs a unique remedy.

A possible scheme could be:

  • “HELICOBACTER CH 30” – Each morning for 15 days with 7 days recess until the next remedy;
  • “REMEDY FOR HELICOBACTER CH 15” (REMEDIU PENTRU HELICOBACTER CH 15) – Each morning for 15 days, with 7 days recess until the next remedy;

The text of our request towards the “Universe” may have various forms according to what bothers us most. Obviously, for the first time we have to orient ourselves towards those problems which bother us most, causing the greatest pains and sufferance, and afterwards we are to take all the other problems into consideration.

We must have in view that the homeopathic remedies do nothing else, but turn us away from the decaying trend of our health towards an upright road.

In other words, with each remedy we will take, our health problems will start to disappear one after another, in the reverse chronological order.

That is why, as a general rule, it is recommended that we should be oriented towards solving our recent health problems and afterwards the older (chronic) ones.

You may have noticed that earlier, in the text used for the remedies destined to pet animals I used twice the word “for” as part of the same request.

This is necessary when we want a remedy for someone else than ourselves, because our name is our identity in the universe.

If we were not to use this textual variant, the remedy that will materialize in the glass of water would be for our person, and that in case we would suffer from something that would match this request.

That is why it is necessary to specify this by using the word “for”, the text being continued with the name of the being for whom we want that remedy. Thus, the remedy that will materialize, will perfectly match the person for whom it was made.

To give a concrete example, if my wife were to ask me to write the little note, because she found it difficult, the correct text is as follows: “HEADACHE  REMEDY FOR IONESCU DOINA” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP PENTRU IONESCU DOINA).


View from above of

The glass of water  

If we want a more profound action of the respective remedy, we have the possibility to add  a “power” to it, so the used text will have the following form:


Having in view that a lot of people suffer from headaches which are repeated at certain intervals, I can recommend a tentative variant of using this method, namely:

  • “REMEDY FOR HEADACHES CH 15” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 15) every morning for 10 days, with 7 days recess until the nextremedy.
  • “REMEDY FOR HEADACHES CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30) every morning for 7 days, with 10 days recess until the next remedy.

If the remedies mentioned before are not enough, noticing just fewer headaches and less frequent episodes, we may continue after the 10 days break, with:

  • “REMEDY FOR HEADACHES CH 30” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30)every morning for 10 days. If need be, one could also use higher values: CH 60, CH 100 or CH 200.

This is a provisional example, but it may be possible that it works for certain persons.

Among the therapeutic variants tested while I wrote this study, there is also a remedy recommended in case the immunity system weakens.

This therapy is based on a substance which is found in the eggs laid by hens immunized with microorganisms which are pathogenic for humans. There is a Romanian company which even sells such eggs (called hyperimmune eggs) but, in order not to make publicity, we shall avoid using its name.

What I can tell you is that, by using this therapeutic variant, I was surprised by the beneficial results of the respective substance “IMMUNOGLOBULINE Y”, which has to be taken every morning for 3 weeks.                        

The respective producer says that a cure may be extended up to a month and a half and can be resumed after a period of recess.

The most important principle one gets from studying this method is:



The name of the allopathic substances (medicine), having an action for about 12 hours, are not recommended, having in view that nobody studied their effects when they are given in an energetic form.

It is neither recommended nor practical.

If someone has a cold, why should he or she write on the small piece of paper “ASPIRIN” or “PARACETAMOL”?… when he could use the text “REMEDY FOR A SORE THROAT CH 7” (REMEDIU PENTRU IRITAȚIA DIN GÂT CH 7) or “REMEDY FOR RUNNING NOSE CH 7” (REMEDIU PENTRU SECREȚIA NAZALĂ CH 7) which will take action directly on the cause, eliminating the source of the problem.

How did I find this out? Quite simply.

I had the curiosity to write on the little piece of paper the word “FUROSEMID”. The results were not late in appearing, about an hour after I drank the respective water, which consisted of an increase in urinating.

I had to stay home all that day because of this cause. That is how I found out that their effect lasts about 12 hours. Take into account that in this case too, if you want to interrupt their effect, you may drink a cup of coffee as an antidote.

This period of about 12 hours appeared also from another practical application confirmed by a finding referring to the homeopathic remedies, namely that the homeopathic remedies have two phases in their action:

  • The first stage takes place along about 12 hours after swallowing the homeopathic remedy, when the body enters a sort of “maximum acuteness” of the senses, an interval in which most of the transformations are taking place. Within this interval, various reactions of the body might appear, such as anxiety, restlessness, excessive sensibility to the surrounding environment a.s.o. That is why it is recommended, in most cases, for the homeopathic remedies to be taken in the morning. If you take them in the evening, you might be surprised that you cannot fall asleep because of symptoms mentioned earlier. At this stage, it is of no importance what dilution/power (CH) the respective remedy has. In order to benefit from this characteristic feature, the homeopathic doctors recommend (in certain cases) for the remedies to be taken twice a day (in the morning and in the evening at 12 hours distance).
  • The second stage refers to the period after the 12 hours since the homeopathic remedy was taken and it is related to the dilution/potency of the respective remedy. In other words, this second period of action of the homeopathic remedy might span over one, two or more days and is given by the chosen “power” (CH).

From my personal practice, I found that we can make combinations of only two homeopathic remedies, but on condition that they have the same potency (the same CH). The combination of three or more remedies is not to be recommended.  From my personal practice I noticed that the sensitivity of the body may grow very much and there is the possibility for unwanted effects to appear which might continue for a lengthier period of time.

To bring this chapter to an end, I would like to highlight a few of the various texts that might be used as part of our request to the “Universe” which, in my case, had the effect of materializing a remedy in the glass of water:

  • “REMEDY FOR THE INTESTINES CH 9” (REMEDIU PENTRU INTESTINE CH 9), in the case of soft or even watery bowel movement, twice a day x 3-5 days (until regulating intestinal transit);
  • “REMEDY FOR THE SMALL FINGER OF THE RIGHT HAND CH 9” (REMEDIU PENTRU DEGETUL MIC DE LA MÂNA DREAPTĂ CH 9), taken in case of a wasp sting 3 times a day for x 3 days;
  • “REMEDY FOR THE FEELING OF BURNED SKIN CH 7” (REMEDIU PENTRU SENZAȚIA DE ARSURĂ A PIELII CORPULUI CH 7), for excessive sunburns on the beach, twice a day for 4 days;
  • “REMEDY FOR THE IRRITATION OF THE SKIN ON THE CHEST CH 9”, remedy written for and used by the little ones (15 years) for solar allergies (after being on the beach), twice a day x 5 days;
  • “REMEDY FOR THE LIVER” (REMEDIU PENTRU FICAT), worked very well in cases of intoxication with “vapors” from a water based paint during painting activities, taken twice a day – useful for people who are sensitive to chemically potential smells;
  • “REMEDY FOR PAIN IN THE SPINE CH 9” (REMEDIU PENTRU DUREREA COLOANEI VERTEBRALE CH 9), taken twice a day for 14 days – worked in the case of a painful spot in the middle spine;
  • “OXIGEN”;
  • “OZON”, taken twice a day for 21 days.

If the medical analyses have normal values but you have one of the following symptoms, without a certain cause (medically proven), massive weight reducing in a short time, permanent tiredness (having the same daily activities), unexplainable urinary problems, water retention problems with putting on weight, pain in the right shoulder blade, diffuse (unexplainable) pain in the central part of the body (trunk), the bubbling of the bowels without being sick (normal bowel movement), exaggerated restlessness generating negative thoughts, permanent headaches that have suddenly appeared recently (days, weeks) you may try the following:

  • “REMEDY FOR BACTERIAS IN THE BODY AND HEAD CH 30” – taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening (at 12 hours difference) for at least 15 days (21 days). For this remedy there is no scientific explanation – just a logical one. Don’t worry about negative reactions or the existing ones becoming acute, they do nothing else but show that the remedy has materialized and takes action. For instance: in the case of urinary problems it is quite possible for an even bigger quantity of urine to be reduced, and for a feeling of shivers and dizziness to appear for about two or three days.

- this therapy can be helped by continuing with the “REMEDY FOR INTESTINAL FLORA CH 9” (REMEDIU PENTRU FLORA INTESTINALĂ CH 9) or “REMEDY FOR INTESTINES CH 9” (REMEDIU PENTRU INTESTINE CH 9), taken twice a day.

Notice the many variants (indicative ones) that can be used as part of these requests to the “Universe”. It is just a matter of everyone’s inspiration and of the correctness of the used text. A certain knowledge about the medical field and particularly about homeopathy, can only be helpful.


   The exact way of preparing and the concurrent administration of two remedies using the present method is to be found at the end of chapter 5.