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This chapter appeared in the wake of a happy incident. By wanting to share this with others, I decided to transmit through this book, the most successful achievement of the glass-of-water method.

You will find it difficult to conceive how such a serious disease like psoriasis, for which no treatment has yet been discovered, could be fought back in about 5 months using the method described in this book.

This happened while I was writing this study when, telling a very good friend of mine about this method with which you can ask the “Universe” for a remedy for the disease that bothers you and noticing that he is quite interested in this “therapeutic” variant, we started talking about it.

He told me that, having this medical problem (for about 4 years) he had chosen from the start the homeopathic variant, having been to a homeopath physician, but he had no results, his illness continuing to worsen. After having had it only on his palms in a first stage, it had extended in the last year also to his legs.

Thus, I learned that one of the remedies that were given to him by that homeopathic doctor, was Aurum metallicum (a remedy recommended in depressions).

I do not know why, at that moment, I started telling him about a book that I had read, written by Radu Cinamar, in which he said that there also was another variant of gold, namely that of monoatomic gold. We shall not discus now if the story in that book was true and it really has no significance. Personally, that’s all I kept in mind from that book, the fact that there is that variant of gold, a thing that seemed interesting and it was good to keep it in mind.

Telling my friend about this book, I mentioned that I tried to verify the information from that book and if that substance really existed.

Knowing the fact that, if that element really existed, it would surely materialize using the method described in this book, I wrote on a small note “MONOATOMIC GOLD” (AUR MONOATOMIC) and I put it under a glass of water. I drank three mouthfuls and what do you think… The remedy has immediately started to make its action visible, and thus I came to the conclusion that it really existed.

The fact that it was present in the glass of water and that something had started working in my body, as I said before, about the sensitivity of my hearing, which made my ears tingle as soon as I took the homeopathic remedies, no matter what remedy it was. This small “deficiency” of mine helped me in this case as well, to know if a remedy materialized or not in the glass of water, before the effects of the remedy on my body became visible.

This was the talk I had with this friend.

And now comes the beautiful part of the story.

The fact that after some time after this discussion, having again met this friend, I was surprised that he no longer had any sign of psoriasis on his hands, but only some on his legs.

As I am a curious person, I asked him what he had done, as I knew that this disease never disappears completely. Then he told me that, in the wake of our talk, he had been curious to try this variant of gold, especially because the homeopathic doctor had also recommended him gold in homeopathic form for his disease. The difference was that he did not use a simple term for it. He gave it the power of a homeopathic remedy, adding to the name of the element a value of the CH, writing on the piece of paper “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30” (AUR MONOATOMIC CH 30).

He told me that he did not feel anything when he took this remedy but he had the ambition to take it each morning, several days in a row. His subsequent findings were that, after in the first phase his disease worsened, subsequently it started gradually reducing itself, reaching the point, after 3 weeks, when he had nothing on the skin of his hands (only on his feet).

He took this remedy for 45 days to be sure that it had fully made its effect. Other effects he had found were that he could control himself better from the emotional point of view, that he no longer had nervous outbreaks so often as before and the skin on his fingers got a bit reddish when he took a bath.

I was very glad when I learned how successful my friend had been and I asked him what he would do with the other half of his problem, that on his feet.

His answer was quite interesting.

Thus, he told me that after noticing the beneficial effects of this “remedy” achieved with the glass of water method, he started looking for information on the internet about monoatomic gold.

This is how he learned that in Romania there was a person who was selling a liquid (ORMUS) – a suspension which contains not just monoatomic gold, but also a triad of monoatomic elements but, from the homeopathic point of view, this liquid has a small “power”.

This triad of monoatomic elements has very good effects on the nervous system and of the diseases started by its disfunction according.        (Dragoş Iliescu)

The other two elements of this “syrup” being MONOATOMOC IRIDIUM (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC) and MONOATOMIC RHODIUM (RODIU MONOATOMIC), my friend said that he was determined to also try the variant: “MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 15” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 15).

Why CH 15?

He used one of the homeopathic rules saying that if you want to reduce the pauses between remedies, it is good to change its potency giving it another “power” (another CH).

It is known that in homeopathy, the pauses between remedies are as important as the periods in which they are taken, particularly in the case of some affections of the nervous system, just as the disturbance of the body called psoriasis.

I could only wish him luck and tell him that the choice was his and that theoretically, in keeping with the opinion of some homeopathic physicians, there is nothing that would hurt him because if the respective remedy does not find any disease which it could match with, it will not be activated. Of course, this is just a general rule, though it is not valid 100%, but he said he was determined to try this monoatomic element he will take, after an interruption of two weeks between the two remedies, every morning for 30 days.

One afternoon he phoned me to tell me that he was not feeling well and that he thinks it was because of the “MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 15” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 15) that he had started taking that morning. He tells me that his fingers of the right hand are aching as if he had been hit with a hammer, the pain being very great. I found this reaction of his quite unexpected, being from a materialized “remedy” by using the glass of water, but not impossible, knowing from my own experience that there is no difference between the remedies under the form of granules to be found in homeopathic drugstores and those activated with the method described in this book.

Thinking about the many homeopathic rules, I told him that it might be better to apply one of these rules which says that you may take a remedy just once, letting time for it to take action, especially because in his case, it was a matter of his nervous system being affected, which takes time to be restored.

It is known that in homeopathy TIME is as important a factor as the remedy itself.

So, I advised him to take that “remedy” just once a week to not force the healing, knowing also from my own experience that, if the reaction of the organism is very powerful from the very first dose the administration of the remedy in the coming days may lead to a blocking of the body which is forced to do more than it can.

So, he started taking the second “remedy”, taking my opinion into account, just once a week.

Not too much time has past and I again found out that this “remedy” had likewise an equally unexpected effect when, while visiting him, I saw how the illness had almost disappeared from his feet and this after just four weeks since the first dose of the second “remedy”. He did nothing else but wrote on a piece of paper “MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 15” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 15) and placed it under a glass of water that he had drunk once every 7-th day after the pause, for 6 weeks.

The findings after using these two “remedies” were that: while he was having a bath, the reddish color on his fingers no longer appeared, but the skin on his legs turned a little red.

As he still showed on his feet weak traces of his disease, after a week of recess he grew the” power” of the remedy, this time writing: ”MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 30” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 30). This was the third remedy, which he took every morning for 14 days.

This is what happened to my friend, who succeeded, using the glass of water method, to get rid of a disease which might have created him many problems in the future if it had advanced.

The major contribution is not mine. It is totally his. I did nothing else but to help him with a small piece of advice with the second remedy, when I recommended him to enhance the breaks between the doses of the same remedy. Notice how, being a method used for the first time for this disease, the therapeutic scheme had to be adjusted “on the go”, according to the reactions that appeared while the “remedies” were used.

The fact that he was a person open to novelties, helped my friend very much, who, being not restricted to all kinds of “intellectual borders”, was able to think what other therapeutic variants he might have, knowing that his disease is quite serious.

Many have the tendency to say that it was a purely aesthetic problem, but they do not know that.

ALL those who have psoriasis finally come to have problems with their bones which begin to show signs of decalcification. Being an internal disease, this decalcification of the bones which appears much later than the start of psoriasis, is being noticed with difficulty and many tend to believe that it is related to the age and not at all to the disease of the skin they suffer from. Even the doctors avoid informing the patients with psoriasis about the inherent decalcification of their bones.

I do not understand why the doctors send them to dermatology?… though they themselves recognize that this illness is of the nervous system. My logic cannot understand this.

If the doctors would compulsory study homeopathy as well, which to me seems necessary, they would find alone the mistake they make by treating psoriasis from a dermatological point of view.

It would be enough to know the basic principles of homeopathy and the way of action of the remedies which, through their action, do nothing else but take the suffering out of our body. Thus, the moment when it happens that various stains, pimples or eruptions appear on our skin, accompanied by intense itching, homeopathy completely forbids the use of ointments containing cortisone, which do nothing but to reintroduce the affection in the body.

This explains why for people with psoriasis, who go to a dermatologist and use ointments with cortisone, even if their skin is cured for one, two or three months according to everyone’s reaction, the ailment returns inevitably.

This is not a therapy. Of course, those affected by this problem have no other solution and choose a dermatological treatment, all the more so as the doctors do not offer other variants out of which people might choose.

We remind you that for those who chose homeopathy and in the wake of taking such remedies there appear those manifestations (normal in homeopathy), such as pimples or eruptions accompanied by intense itching, in case they are quite annoying, there is a variant of using some ointments without cortisone such as: SUDOCREM or CUTADEN (recommended by dr. Adrian Dumitrescu – see chapter II).

I decided to speak about the existence of this successful cure with the hope that other people would also be interested to know this.

Nobody can guarantee that this is a treatment variant that will function for everybody.

It is known that in homeopathy, 10 different remedies can be given for the same illness, according to each person. What counts in homeopathy is the human as a unique being and, therefore, a certain remedy may have an effect only for a certain person and for others it might not.

What I can say is that, if there is at least one person who made the signs of psoriasis disappear using the glass of water method, this is no longer impossible, but only hard to achieve because of the rules that have to be fulfilled to be able to use this method. When I say this, I mean the most important rule that must be observed, namely, not to drink coffee.

When they hear that they should no longer drink coffee to benefit from the possible effects of this method, people start rejecting the idea only for this reason. I have met people (and they were not few) who even did not want to hear that they should give up drinking coffee, even if that meant that they would further continue to suffer because of medical problems.

Caffeine stimulates the adrenaline and cortisone in the super-renal glands, which for the organism means a danger sign which makes the immune system stop working.

Until the level of these substances does not drop, the immune system is on hold.

As long as coffee is being drunk, the immune system is on hold.

For a better understanding of the therapeutical scheme that was used, we further present this model under the form of a list:

  •  “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30” (AUR MONOATOMIC CH 30) each morning, for 45 days, then 2 weeks break;
  • “MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 15” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 15) once a week, for 6 weeks, then 1 week break;
  • “MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 30” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 30) each morning, for 14 days, then 2 weeks break;
  • “MONOATOMIC RODIUM CH 3O” (RODIU MONOATOMIC CH 30) every morning, for 10 days.


- The treatment with monoatomic elements for psoriasis, being a therapy for the nervous system, it is possible that in the case of other illnesses, that have the same cause, to be equally beneficial (pre-eminently “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30” (AUR MONOATOMIC CH 30);

- In the case of the second remedy: ”MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM CH 15” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 15), if there are not too many reactions (as was the case of the person presented in this chapter), instead of once a week, for 6 weeks, you may take it daily, for 4 weeks – and then one week pause;

- If, after the therapy presented above, the state of nervousness continues, you may end this therapy with the remedy “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30”, every morning for 30 days (AUR MONOATOMIC CH 30).

I heard from people who have used “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30” (AUR MONOATOMIC CH 30) that they were much calmer after this remedy and that it has beneficial effects from the psychic point of view.

We can say about the monoatomic elements that:

“Monoatomic gold, together with monoatomic rhodium and monoatomic iridium are unique in their form and function.

David Hudson theorized that the extended nucleus (2:1 length/width ratio) of the elements of monoatomic elements, together with the electrons that become “conjugated” transforms them into bio-superconductors.

These elements can facilitate the flow of energy through the whole body with very small resistance or none; this is continuing to flow even without an additional external potential.

The monoatomic gold, together with monoatomic rhodium and monoatomic iridium, can eliminate this resistance, allowing a continuous flow of light which, in the last resort washes definitely and cures the entire space up to the subatomic level.”

Dragos Iliescu: “ORMUS”,
„Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae” Publishing House, 2010, pg.48,49.

Among the elements identified as also having a monoatomic condition we can mention: Copper, Silver, Nickel, Palladium and Platinum.

“Copper plays a very important role in the functioning and development of the brain. Consequently, the copper deficiency was correlated with diseases which hinder these roles of the brain, including the memory and the learning capacity.

It is estimated that approximately 70% of the patients with dementia (Alzheimer) have lower copper levels than persons without this disease.

(2019)                                        http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro

Therefore, if we take into account that this element plays an important role in neuronal health, the use of the remedy “MONOATOMIC COPPER CH 30” (CUPRU MONOATOMIC CH 30) seems an interesting  idea, all the more so in the case when the remedies mentioned above are not sufficient or in the case in which the person has problems of “processing/administrating” reality.