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I repeat once more that this method is not mine. My contribution refers only to studying and developing this initial method, about which I heard by chance at the most (negative) important moment of my life.

Further on I mention some of the links where I found this information (2017):

  • https://dokumen.tips/documents/cum-sa-produci-orice-remediu-homeopat-oricand-si-fara-nici-un-ban.html
  • http://vitalitatemaxima.blogspot.com/2015/03/cum-sa-produci-orice-remediu-homeopat.html
  • https://www.facebook.com/1456748071294627/posts/cum-sa-produci-ori-ce-remediu-homeopat-scris-de-scarface-la-data-de-vin-feb-05-2/1502640166705417/
  • http://sanatate.catsboard.com/t510-cum-sa-produci-orice-remediu-homeopat-oricand-si-fara-nici-un-ban
  • http://inteleptul-satului.blogspot.com/2013/06/scarface-remedii-homeopate.html

I will begin by describing directly the procedure which has to be followed as part of “manufacturing” a homeopathic remedy using the “glass of water” method – as it was initially described, namely:

  • You take a small piece of unused white paper, of the size of a visiting card (from an A4 or Letter Size);
  •  You write beautifully and with capital letters, using a pencil (or a ball point pen), the full name of the remedy and its dilution (for instance: “ARNICA MONTANA CH 9”, “LEDUM CH 9”). The writing should be close in order to fit completely under the glass, and if need be, it can be written in two or three lines;
  • The paper should be placed under a glass which we filled halfway with plain water from the tap (the quantity does not matter) in such a way that the writing is placed in the middle;
  • The paper should be placed under a glass which we filled halfway with plain water from the tap (no matter what the quantity) in such a way that the writing is placed in the middle;
  • You leave the glass with water standing on this paper for at least 3 minutes for the remedy written by us on the piece of paper to become active (if the glass stands for more time on the paper, there is no problem);
  • You have to drink 3 mouthfuls from this water, each of them being held in the mouth to be absorbed by the mucous, the energetic transfer taking place only in the mouth. It was scientifically demonstrated that this water, if it is directly introduced in the stomach through a hose, the homeopathic remedy is no longer activated.
  • Before and after taking the remedy, it is advisable not to eat, drink and brush your teeth for at least 30 minutes.            
  • This is all!


The quantity of the swallowed water does not count, even if the whole glass is drunk, the effect is the same.

In case the dose was just one only, the rest of the water is disposed of and the glass has to be washed                thoroughly with hot water (over 40 degrees) so that no traces of the remedy should be left in the glass and no one else should drink from it afterwards (a drop of that water has effect).

There is a resemblance between the described method which is presented in this book and that of José Silva with the difference that he recommends for a thought to be written on that piece of paper.

For instance: “I am a charming person; I radiate charm; I radiate love; I am a bright person; I attract people; I am healthy and so on.”

I consider that José Silva’s method is much too general and useful only in therapies of prevention, when our body does not show visible signs of degradation.

We find that this method has no connection whatsoever with the quantity of water, as some people might think, but also, equally important is the quantity of water used to hydrate ourselves.

One of the mistakes that a person might make is that of not hydrating himself correctly and at the right time.

“If we wait until we are thirsty, under the condition in which the fluids of the body become viscous before inducing the sensation of thirst, then the properties generating the energy of water as part of the dehydrated cells in our body, are lost. This is one of the major motives for which we should rather prevent dehydration instead of correcting it.”

F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.: WATER – A miraculous cure
(APA – Un leac miraculos, Ed. Deceneu, 2013 pg.34)

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj said in his first book “Your Book of Crying over Water” in 1992, that:

“a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of dehydration. The body signals the lack of water causing pain. Dehydration produces pain and many degenerative diseases, including asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure, angina, diabetes in adults, lupus and multiple sclerosis.”

The message of dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj for the world is: “You are not ill, you are thirsty. Do not treat thirst with medicine.” According to his say, the moment the feeling of thirst appears, frequently mistaken for that of hunger, the body is already dehydrated.

The conclusion (from the book by F. Batmanghelidj):

“It is sufficient for people to be careful with their body, offering it as much water as possible for a correct hydration and the moment this cannot be achieved, no matter how much water we use, it is recommended to have a little salt in it to favour the osmosis, primarily in the periods between the meals  when the stomach is empty (3 gr.of unrefined salt in 2.5 liters of water – about half a tablespoon of salt for 10 glasses of water.

Also recommended are two glasses of water before eating exactly half an hour before that: “Water, no juices, coffee or tea, which do nothing else but to hydrate the body.”

F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.: WATER – A miraculous cure
(APA – Un leac miraculos, Ed. Deceneu, 2013)

Referring to the tendencies of the present society to use medicines excessively and more often than not unjustified, he says:

The problem is that most diseases cannot be treated with pharmaceutical and chemical products. Moreover, the long-term use of these products can be dangerous. What they are doing is to hide and silence the visible manifestations of the problem.

No matter how scientific, sophisticated or attractive the justifications for the use of these chemical products, they often do not eliminate the medical problem  – with the exception of using antibiotics in case of infections. The persons suffering from high blood pressure who start the treatment with diuretics and other chemical products are not cured.

They are told that they have to continue the treatment for the rest of their lives.”

F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.: WATER – A miraculous cure
(APA – Un leac miraculos, Ed. Deceneu, 2013, pg. 24)

One can notice how the word treatment is excessively and unjustifiably used, mostly to hide the impotence of the doctors to treat a disease.

How can a physician say that a therapy which you should take all your life is a treatment?

It would be much better if those pills which a sick person has to take for the rest of his life, to be considered just a help (chemical), that is something that helps you to live one more day, and another day and so on.

Thus, they are misled that, taking the daily “treatment”, at a certain moment, in the future, they will be cured, thus blocking any initiative of their own through the complete confidence which that “treatment” has given them.

For instance:

 - You have high blood pressure, you take (all your life) a pill which regulates the blood pressure;

 - You suffer from diabetes, you take insulin (all your life) to regulate the sugar in your blood;

 - You have a faulty blood circulation, you take (all your life) pills to fluidize it;

 - … etc.


We come back to our method:

It is very important that the glass should be without any writing on it. I personally recommend that of whisky, as the model on the cover, which is larger at its base and everything we write fits under the glass.

As for myself, when writing the note, I use just capital letters. The only condition is to write correctly, legibly and without blots. If there are mistakes on the note it is better to rewrite it.

In case the dose has to be repeated, the water is kept in the glass 1 or 2 days at most, because the water that stays there can spoil. That is why, if we have to further take the same homeopathic remedy, after two days we put fresh water and we program it again (the old water is thrown away, the glass is to be washed and you put fresh water).

Even if the remedy that was in the glass works several days in a row, it is however recommended that after 3 days the water in the glass should be changed, programming it by writing a new note or using the same note on paper just like before (we thus avoid the water to become stagnant).

While using this method, I noticed that we can use the same paper, as it continued to have effect. But this does not mean that one could not write another paper every time when we change the water, the remedy is activating itself no matter what variant is chosen.

The method has the great advantage that everyone can make in just a few minutes any homeopathic remedy just with a paper and a glass of water, no matter where he is.

Some people might be tempted to say that it is a placebo effect, which is completely wrong, because the method functions both with babies, with children as well as with pets, who did not know that they take remedies.

Many more attentive people will notice an odd taste for water prepared in this way: either metallic, or stale etc. But the taste does not change every time, it depends on the remedy and on the dilution.

This manufacturing method puts at the disposal of any person a pharmacy which provides homeopathic remedies for free.

The thus prepared remedy works identically with that made by dissolving a real homeopathic granule bought from the drugstore, but: the treatment with homeopathic remedies on your own account is not advisable (especially for the dilutions CH 15, CH 30, and higher).

You might find it strange that, after having told you about the possibility of making the homeopathic remedies yourself, I still do not recommend you to use this (initial) method to make the remedies alone without consulting a homeopathic doctor.

Why so?

Because, the homeopathic remedies taken at random may give adverse reactions. Even if some people do not think that they have an effect, they may give various reactions of the body, which, sometimes might be even negative and only a homeopathic doctor knows how these negative effects of the body can be counteracted with other homeopathic remedies (reactions which are, more often than not, normal).

Nevertheless, there are doctors who do not hesitate to recommend self-medication in homeopathy.

Dr. Gerard Pacaud is one of them and he does it in the book “Homeopathy for everyone” (Homeopatia pentru toți, Ed. Teora) and shows the importance of using homeopathic remedies since the beginning stages of a disease.

At present we reached the moment when symptoms like a little headache, a cholecystic pain, the sluggish digestion of some food etc. to be considered something normal (which is quickly solved with a pill). For people, these symptoms no longer represent disturbances of the body and, though they have them, they consider themselves to be “healthy.”

This doctor wants to say that it is much better to start a homeopathic therapy since the very beginning, when you have just a slight “pain”, such as the increase of stomach acidity which can be easily solved at this moment, thus interrupting the degradation towards which our organism has started.

Notice what the problem with homeopathic therapy is and why people, using homoeopathic remedies and rebalancing the body by increasing immunity, thus stopping the negative trend on which the body had started out, is not aware of the benefits they had due to it.

More exactly, if a person does not stop the negative trend in the degradation of the body with homeopathic medicine, such as this “minor” increase of stomach acidity, it finally reaches, after years or tens of years, to have various diseases in final phases.

At present one can notice that the trend in which modern medicine advances, with all its recent discoveries, is not the correct one, because the number of sick people who end up in hospitals is on the increase.

That is why, I recommend that people should no longer denigrate homeopathy. Instead of orienting themselves towards it when they are 50 and learn that they have just 2 months more to live, they should orient themselves towards homeopathic therapies even since they are 20, when the body has just small disturbances in its functioning.

Thus, by strengthening the immune system, one might be able to reach real old age without big medical problems.

Even Dr. Gerard Pacaud refers in his book to the theory of “the memory of water” set forth by Jacques Benveniste, who shows the narrow views of the modern scientific community which, instead of encouraging these studies to clarify things, rejects them from the start.

My experience with homeopathy was a negative one until I met dr. Adrian Dumitrescu.

I have met doctors who gave me remedies in heaps and without any breaks between the remedies, which are so necessary for them to work, which did nothing else but to worsen things, to reach a point when I felt that my future was quite uncertain.

These “homeopathic doctors”, seeing in me a rather special case, preferred to give up treating me, literally throwing me out of their cabinet, leaving me to find my way out alone. What did that comfort me that they did not charge me for the consultation, but they “left me in the will of fate”, without being able to see a solution, as I had tried most of them (allopathic, acupuncture, naturistic).

I might say that my meeting with this wonderful man, homeopathic physician Adrian Dumitrescu, was a turning point in my life and made it possible to continue my existence. That is why I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the self-sacrifice with which he practices his trade as a homeopathic doctor and that he does not give up in face of the difficulties (of the patients) who, because of their disease, might have a not exactly coherent behavior, as their psychic side might be affected. He was the only doctor who did not give up treating me and did not oust me from his cabinet, no matter how difficult my case appeared to him.

Even from the very first homeopathic remedy recommended by him, the positive effects were not far from appearing, thus giving me a “moment of respite” in my suffering, making it possible to continue my individual study of homeopathy and, implicitly, of the present method and of the different methods of using it.

Some good thing however happened in that period while I was “wandering” from one doctor to another. Through this event, we can see the multitude of diseases that can be treated by homeopathy, diseases of which the classical medicine is just dreaming that it might cure.

I was one of those persons who were sensitive to the electromagnetic radiations generated by mobile phones. More exactly, certain models of mobile phones (not all of them) caused me very serious headaches and if I did not go away from the respective phone at least 10 meters, after a few dozens of minutes I felt a nausea which, when the radiation persisted, was implicitly leading to my throwing up. I have had this problem for 25 years, and it appeared when the mobile phone system was developed.

How did I solve this problem which, with every passing year became ever more acute? You will be surprised about it, as I was.

In the wake of a recommendation given by a homeopathic doctor, at the time when the doctors stuffed me with homeopathic remedies; among the many remedies I was supposed to take at very short periods of time, there also was the remedy “CINA CH 30”. Related to the disease for which I had been given this remedy I can say that it had no effect whatsoever but, a few hours after taking the first dose of 5 granules I determined that, after a slight headache and sore eyes, the sensitivity at the mobile phone radiation had disappeared!

This is how I solved in just a few hours, but purely incidentally, with the help of homeopathy, a disease which had bothered me for 25 years and which was affecting my life.

Obviously, this was also related to the luck of having used a remedy that, even though it had not helped me to cure my disease, was successful in eliminating my sensibility at radiations from mobile phones.

Why luck? Because it is certain that if you go to a homeopathic doctor and tell him that you have a sensibility with electro-magnetic radiations, he will not know what remedy he should recommend and this if supposedly he would believe you.

It is quite true that this remedy, having in view that, at 10 people with the same disease, one can prescribe 10 different remedies, cannot function for other persons even if they have the same sensitivity at the radiation coming from mobile phones as I had. That is why this remedy cannot be recommended in all cases of sensibility at electromagnetic radiation.

If I were to think it over, maybe I should thank even those homeopathic doctors, who, through their “superficial” attitude, made it for me to remain together with the “Universe”, to manage alone, making it possible to publish this empiric study of what is a method already, but very little analyzed.

Finding myself in this situation, I questioned myself: if everybody speaks (even scientists) about the energy of the “universe”, how big and endless it is and how it envelops us from everywhere, could it not transmit to me a little bit of that energy?”

Of course, there is a problem. How can you request such a thing?

This is how the idea came to me to adapt the “glass of water” method by which homeopathic remedies can be made, requesting directly from the “Universe”, whom I asked in this way, to be my personal doctor.

And what do you think!

This really worked. It is in this way that I found a “DOCTOR” who did not cut and run when he meets difficulties.

This is how my “collaboration” with the “Universe” began.

You notice how, in my case and that of others, only a very great pain can change man’s character and his way in life.

This was the decisive moment in my way which determined me to study the realm of homeopathic medicine, making it possible for this study to appear about how requests can be made for a healthy recovery, to the “Universe”.

In case of using this method, it is necessary to study homeopathy in order to get to know the way in which the remedies are to be taken, when and how they are to be swallowed, but by using it we at least get rid of the stress of guessing what remedy should be taken, leaving that to the universal doctor which is the “Universe” and who knows what remedy we need for treating various pains, as we transmit through the piece of paper.


The present method by which homeopathic remedies can be made using the glass of water also works in the case of the Bach floral remedies – you write “Bach Remedy” and you add the name of the remedy.

By using the glass of water method, one can “prepare” floral remedies with much higher potencies (dilutions) then those usually used (CH3).

The CH denomination is explained in detail in chapter 5.