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Those who already use the glass of water method, by which they ask for a certain remedy from the “Universe” and who wants to go on this way, are herewith informed about the existence of an alternative to this method, which I currently use. This alternative of the method described in this book refers to the possibility of activating a homeopathic remedy by verbal calling with the use of our palms’ energy.

The method described in this chapter is connected to bioenergy, which is a quality of live beings and which manifests by emissions of energy fluids. The whole world knows about bioenergy, is acquainted with it and many people use it in the quest of a good state of one’s health.

Bioenergy is a reality which no-one can deny anymore. Each human has a certain quantity of bioenergy, some have more, others less. Those who have more of it, become therapists and dedicate themselves to a certain lifestyle.

Obviously this energy, even if it is not too much at the beginning, can be amplified with the help of certain exercises. These exercises are described in several books written by various authors. It depends only on ourselves to choose one of these variants, which we think is best fitting ourselves. Or, likewise we might try them one after another until we find the one which fits us best.

I have used the method described in the book : "THE RECONNECTION – Heal Others, Heal Yourself" by Eric Pearl, Hay  House  Inc.

Reading this book, I learned that there is a possibility to activate the energy of your palms using certain movements of the hands.

Later on, I learned that there is even a Romanian therapist who uses these energies of the palms for different energetic therapies of the human body, his name being Doru Cica. He wrote about this therapy in his book entitled “THE ALCHIMIST WITHIN YOU”.

I did not practice the movements described by Doru Cica in his book, because, in the moment I learned about its existence, I had already activated the energy of my palms using Eric Pearl’s method described in the book "THE RECONNECTION”.

How did I know that the energy of the palms was activated?

In my case, the answer came after about three weeks of exercise with my palms when, the moment I used them, I found that I was starting to yawn quite often and all along the period when I was making those exercises.

I do not quite know if with other persons, there is this rule, but in my case it is. Always when I use the energy of my palms, I start yawning quite a lot.

I tried to use their energy on my body, as it is shown how to proceed in Eric Pearl’s book, but I was not satisfied with the results.

He mentions that this technique is used to benefit from a certain energy coming from the “Universe”. Taking this into account, I asked myself why I should let the “Universe” send me a certain accidental energy (remedy)… when I could ask for a certain energy, as it happens in the case of the glass of water method.

This is how I came to combine this: method of the hands’ energy by calling a certain, wished for remedy with a loud voice.

I know it might seem unreal, but I found out that the remedies can be activated in our body even if we call them using our voice combined with the energy of our palms.

As part of this method, the use of the palms’ energy is likewise important as is the use of our voice.

This variant of verbal calling of the homeopathic remedies has an “advantage” over the glass of water method, as it gives us the possibility to materialize an instant homeopathic remedy, wherever we might be.

This method also has a small “trump”. Why the word “trump” in inverted comas?

Because I do not know if it is a good idea to use it. This “trump” refers to the fact that if we do not make a good choice or we do not like the remedy that materialized, it can easily have an antidote for this variant.

In the variant in which we request a homeopathic remedy using the energy of the palms, this remedy always has as antidote a cup of coffee.

Everybody knows that a cup of coffee is antidoting homeopathic remedies, but this rule is universally valid only in the case of their verbal activation.

In the variant of homeopathic granules or even of the glass of water, if the homeopathic remedy has been well selected and perfectly matches our disease, there is a possibility that it might no longer be an antidote, no matter how much coffee we drink. In this case, there is just a pause of the remedy’s action over the period of the day in which we drank coffee.

Obviously, it is not recommended to drink coffee, even if the remedy is well chosen and can no longer be antidoted, because it is possible that it happens just like in the case of a treatment with antibiotics which, if it is “temporarily” stopped on half its way, might no longer have the effect even if the therapy is continued, because time was given to the disease to get used to that remedy.

That is why I do not recommend you to use this “trump-card” of the methods described in this chapter, that of antidoting the remedies, even if it exists, and even if it always works in the variant of verbal calls.

In the case of verbal calls of the remedies I found that the homeopathic remedy has not the same time of action as in the case of using the glass of water method when its action is given, mainly, by the used dilution.

As a follow up of studying this method the outcome was that the action of the remedy takes place over a period of about 3 days. Thus, the verbal call of the remedy has to be done with a pause of maximum two days, otherwise the remedy ceases its action. This is the general rule of that variant of calling the homeopathic remedies. There might be situations in which the action of the remedy is done over a longer period of time, but to be safe it is much better to follow the general rule.

This method of combining the energies of the palms with verbal calls of a certain remedy is achieved as follows:

  • We hold the hands upright and with palms oriented towards that part of the body in which the remedy should materialize (the hands should be held as if we held a basket in our hands with the palms oriented towards the body, without touching one another) or we can orient them towards the head, and while we verbally call the remedy, we move them very slowly along the body;
  • Holding the hands in this position, we repeat rarely, profoundly and loud the name of the remedy for about 10 – 15 minutes. For instance: “LEDUM CH 9”. We can equally request a “REMEDY FOR THE IRRITATION OF THE THROAT” (REMEDIU PENTRU IRITAȚIA DIN GÂT) or use a simple command such as “RELAX THE PROSTATE” (RELAXEAZĂ PROSTATA). Any of the three variants works perfectly;
  • Once in a while, we stop from the verbal call of the remedy, we shake our palms and at the same time we say the sentence “SO BE IT”. For instance, I do it after each yawning.

There is no certain period of time how long this call has to last. This is valid from one case to another, from one person to another.

It is not very important with what speed we repeat the name of the remedy or how we say it, much more important is the profoundness with which we repeat it.

Many times, the fact that the desired remedy has already materialized and started working may be felt even during our action of calling. In my case, it is simple as I begin to yawn quite often already from the beginning of the call, and the moment I begin to yawn very seldom or not at all, this means that the remedy has already materialized and I can stop.

If you do this method by lying in bed, in most cases the time to stop it takes place inevitably, because at the moment of activating the called remedy, a state of well-being and interior quietness appears, which implicitly leads to sleep. In other words, it might happen that the respective person falls asleep before realizing that the remedy has been activated in his body.

“We notice that the healing affirmations are in fact positive lies, but repeatedly said, become truths for the subconscious.”

Timisoara: Mirton Publishing House, 2018, pg.222.

The text of our calling may also have the ending CH, to which we give a certain value, exactly as in the case of homeopathic remedies.

Thus, if we use the ending CH 15, that remedy will function as if we took a homeopathic remedy with dilution/potency CH 15. If we say verbally just the name of the homeopathic remedy, without adding any “power” (CH) to the respective remedy, it will have a small “power”.

As I said earlier, I estimated this “power” at the (approximate) power of CH 5, this being an estimation made as a result of the experience gathered as part of this study.

Before passing on to the use of this method, I would like to draw your attention on the fact that it is possible to necessarily activate the palms and their energies as Eric Pearl shows us in his book “Reconnection”. The exercises through which this reactivation is being made, are very easy to be achieved.


"Focusing Attention

Hold your hands in normal anatomic position, palm-facing-palm in the manner we described earlier, with a foot or so of space between them. Now gently feel the energy in either palm, or in both. Wait for it and allow it  to arrive. If you're feeling energy in only one of your two  palms, then slightly open your hands so that both palms are in view. Look into the palm where you're able to  feel  the energy. Take note of what that energy feels like, and now look into the other palm. Simply wait for that  sensation to arrive there.

It will usually do so within a matter of 10 to 15 seconds. Once it  arrives, bring your eyes back into your  other hand and wait for the sen-sation to return. Repeat the process slowly, and then at varying speeds. For some of you, the sensation will be moving back and forth  from hand to hand as you do this. For others, the sensation will remain in both hands and continue to grow in intensity.

The Ping-Pong Ball

Now that you've mastered this process through your attention, we're going to give some shape and substance to the sensation. Visualize and feel the  energies in the shape of a Ping-Pong ball. Imagine this ball in one of your hands, then gently give it a little "flip". As you do so, visualize the trajectory or path that  the ball would follow as it arcs to the other hand. Place your attention in the receiving hand, and again wait for the feeling of the ball landing there. Once it lands, give it a little flip and wait for it to arrive again in the opposite hand. Sometimes in the beginning, it takes the ball a little longer to travel and arrive from hand to hand. It's simply a matter of your getting comfortable with the process and becoming familiar with the sensation."

"THE RECONNECTION - Heal Others, Heal Yourself”
by Dr. Eric Pearl,  Hay  House  Inc. (Page 176)

I reproduced to you just a fragment from Eric Pearl’s book “Reconnection”, but reading it would bring you more arguments in favor of the method described in this chapter.

The big problem with this method is that it can be antidoted even without our will by exposing it to various electromagnetic radiations coming from some TV-sets, mobile phones or wi-fi etc. I personally found out this antidoting and it takes place in a few minutes since the exposure. It depends very much on the respective person and his or her sensibility to certain electromagnetic radiations, which do not always produce visible effects, that would highlight this sensibility (headaches, sickness etc.).

In other words, even if a person does not feel anything when he or she is exposed to certain electromagnetic radiations, the body can feel them and, in this case, antidote the remedy called upon by verbal method.

At present, when there is almost no place electromagnetically nonpolluted, it is very difficult to achieve and apply this variant of “calling” a remedy by means of the voice (and implicitly of the thought). That is why it is possible for many persons to be disappointed that by using this method, no results can be seen (at the beginning) and to say that this new variant of activating homeopathic remedies is an utopia.

Nevertheless, from my own experience, I can tell you that, if this calling of the remedies, achieved by means of our thoughts, is exercised more often, in the end it comes to no longer be affected, almost not at all, by the radiations around us.

For those who are not believing in the power of our thoughts, I can recommend them an exercise, very easy to make, which consists of just saying one single word in our thought.

Thus, those who are not believing that the method described in this chapter, which is based on the power of our thought, will work, can realize by themselves if this is something real or not. The only inconvenience of this exercise is that it is long-lasting, but with certain results.

What do we have to do in a concrete manner?

Nothing else but to say a mere word in our thought, the moment we are shaving.

If we do so, it will help us use the shaving device (with blade) for two or even three years. All we have to do is, that while we are shaving (depilating for women) with a razor with blades, we have to say in our thought the word “sharpen, sharpen, sharpen…”, all along the shaving (depilating) time. You will be surprised how a shaving machine, for which we do not change the razor blade, works for so long only by using the power of thought.

The make/brand of the razor does not matter. The only condition is that the razor should be new when we begin this exercise. Now when I started writing this book, it is 15 years since I have been using this method of sharpening a razor blade. I can say I have a certain length of service since I have started using it.

This idea came to me at a moment of irritation caused by the fact that the razors are not quite cheap. Thus, being disappointed, I came to think about the razor blade, telling it in my thought “sharpen”. I do not know why I did this each time I shaved, but I did it. Afterwards, I noticed, with time passing, that the blade was still all right, though I had been using it for a long time. Thus, I came to have a razor who has lasted for 4 years. It had already started to get rusty when I replaced it.

Afterwards, I went to a shop where I bought the cheapest and most unknown set of razors, which also had reserve blades (10). After 10 years I am still at the 4-th reserve.

You too may try this.

Use this method of “sharpening” the blades by the power of the thoughts and you will be surprised, the moment you will use the last reserve, that you have forgotten when you bought them.

The example above, minor at first sight, shows how: Man can influence the Matter through a thought!

“The fundamental discoveries of physics in the 20th century have completely changed what we thought about the universe and the human being. We know, today, that what we considered to be solid matter, observing Newton’s law of classical mechanics, is not at all what it seems to be. The atoms which matter is made of, including the human body and the brain, are not solid, are not some particles, but are rather some individualizations of some forms of vibratory energy.”

Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, July 2nd, 2019

Professor Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, a reputed neurologist and psychiatrist, wrote numerous books in which he explained the importance of our thoughts, the most important one being THE INTELIGENCE OF MATTER”, which brings arguments in favor of this idea.

It is possible that my long practice, in which I trained my mind to sharpen the razor blade, should have had importance when I wanted to request these (homeopathic) remedies by means of the glass of water method.

That is why, if you do not succeed from the first moment, you just have to exercise.

Not even I can tell you after how much time the action of sharpening the razor blade had started working. I did nothing else but EXERCISED each time, until the effects were visible.

If we are talking about energies, I can also tell you an interesting thing that happened after activating the energy of the palms. The fact that certain (small power) batteries are recharged when I hold them in my palms.

For instance, after activating the palms, I no longer changed the battery of the car’s remote-control device, or I forgot when I last changed the batteries for the TV remote control. And not just them. I can also mention the bulb of the night light with remote control that I have. Before that, I changed the battery very often, being a very small one just as that for the wristwatch. But since the discovery of the palms energy, I forgot when I last changed it. It is true that it has moments when it no longer works, but I take it and hit it just once among the palms and then it works again for 2 or 3 months.

I can find but a similarity with the way of preparing homeopathic remedies for which, besides the dilution, one has to powerfully agitate the solution or hit the vessel against the palm of the hand.

Obviously, it has no effect with all batteries, but only with small power ones and which have a small consumption. Do not believe that I can charge batteries like that of the mobile phone in this way.

I conclude this chapter with an analysis I made about a gesture that religious people were practicing (in the past) always when they sat down at the table (before eating), that of blessing the food with the sign of the cross.

It seems that this simple gesture, which is being done today only in the church, by the servants of God or when food is offered in the name of those who left us, has a much greater importance and effect than we think.

I am not a practicing person but I was curious to verify this “religious protocol” in the wake of a talk with a religious person about the food of nowadays which is no longer “clean”, but full of all kinds of chemicals. In this context, he told me that if we bless the food or water and make the cross sign over it at the same time, they are automatically cleaned through the Divine Power (of the ”Universe”).

Being an inquisitive person, I wanted to verify this personally. Thus, I started making the cross over the food saying at the same time “OH, LORD, BLESS THIS FOOD”.

I do not know how much the food was cleared of chemicals (as I did not have the means to verify this), but I found that it acquired the power of homeopathic remedy. The same thing happened with the water or juice. Of course, that in the case of water, the wording to be used is: ”DEAR GOD, BLESS THIS WATER.”

I did this several times along a whole year, noticing in this way that the reaction of my body at this “homeopathic power” materialized in food or water after this simple gesture was always that of reducing the gastric acidity.

If you wonder how I could come to this conclusion by myself, not being a doctor, I can bring as an argument the many years of personal suffering inflicted by my digestive system, which were not few, thus having had enough time to learn something about the reactions of my body in certain moments.

The digestive problems started, as with everybody, with gastric hyperacidity, then followed, because of the long-lasting use of anti-acid pills, by gastric hypoacidity, which climaxed with great difficulties in the digestion of food.

For those who want to know how I solved this gastric hypoacidity, without medicine, that was very easy. I ate for a whole month kefir made of crystals from Tibetan milk mushroom.

I mention that these digestive problems took place a long time before the suffering that led to my writing this book.

That is why I know when my gastric acidity decreases, because in this case, after eating, I become so sleepy that I can hardly get out of bed and I sleep several hours as if I had worked all night.

Thus, taking into account all these things I can say, at least in my case, that:

“the homeopathic remedy” materialized in food or water after this gesture (of BLESSING) was always the same, approximated as “homeopathic power” at the value of CH 5.

I chose to write about these things in this chapter since the presented test was made after activating the energy of the palms.

That is why I don’t know if the energy of the palms has any connection, or not, with the materialization of this “homeopathic power”, in food or water, the moment when someone Blesses them.

If there is no connection, it means that this happens always, which shows us that in the past, people knew much better than us how they should behave in order to be as healthy as possible.

It can be noticed how, no matter what orientation we have, either if we speak about religious denominations, healing therapies or oriental teachings (etc.), all of them show us one single thing, how to connect to: THE HEALING ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE.

It depends on each of us to discover with which of these variants we have the best resonance.


It is not recommended to concurrently use (on the same day) the two methods presented in this book - of the glass of water and of calling the remedies through the energy of the palms – because the human body has only one generator of healing energy (with the exception of the case when the remedies coincide/are identical).