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Before effectively describing the method by which a homeopathic remedy can be materialized in a glass of water, I would like to inform you about two of the most important (homeopathic) rules which must be strictly observed throughout the period when the remedies are used and not just then: without COFFEE and MINT (camphor, eucalyptus).

It is quite possible that after the assertion (condition) mentioned above, half of the persons reading this study, might have given up continuing to read it. But because these two substances act like an antidote for homeopathic remedies, a fact demonstrated by homeopathic practice, they must be mentioned from the very beginning.

In case you drink a cup of coffee, this antidoting appears quite fast, in about two minutes (an effect personally experienced)

If we refer to mint, it is quite simple, we just have to change our toothpaste. We can still find toothpaste which does not contain mint and usually it is mentioned on its box “for homeopathic treatment”. The interdiction comes from Hahnemann himself, who quotes the mint in his work “Treaty about chronic diseases” of 1832.

However, in the case of coffee, it is more complicated. Several factors make it difficult to give up coffee, the most important being the withdrawal symptom which appears in case we give up drinking it, and it is all the more powerful when we give it up suddenly.

One variant for coffee, which does not interact with homeopathic remedies, is to drink INKA (coffee surrogate from chicory root powder, barley and rye). One can start by trying one or two days coffee and the third day, INKA, following that the coffee dosage to be decreased slowly, switching in this way to INKA only.

Some people argue that they cannot do without coffee, because they have no energy all day long and feel how they are invigorated by it immediately after drinking it.

If you feel you have no energy when you wake up, and you do not recover with a bit of moving around, that means that your body does not function in a normal way and there are deficiencies in assimilating certain nutrients which are necessary for the optimum functioning of the body and that there already exists an imbalance in the body.

The imbalance, small at the beginning but, if the symptoms are hidden by using coffee intensively, may become bigger and with unpredictable effects for one’s health.

Other people (as myself) say they have low blood pressure and that is why they drink coffee.

I can say from my own experience that this is not true. The moment I gave up coffee (suddenly), after two days of having horrible headaches, my blood pressure started to get normal and, about a week later, it regulated itself in the sense that it was no longer low in the morning as in the period when I was drinking coffee. Thus, I found that the low blood pressure was because of my organism, that had got used to this “drug” which I was drinking each morning, and it’s absence activated the “withdrawal”.

If we refer to the positive or negative effects of coffee, I can add another negative effect which is not taken into consideration by people. If we relate to the principle of manufacturing homeopathic remedies which says that a substance acquires a certain “power” by successive dilution, that “power” is nothing else but an amplified frequency. This means that the respective substance already has an initial energetic frequency.

In other words, CH 0 is not equal to 0.

From the homeopathic point of view, CH 0 is equal to the Initial Energetic Frequency of that substance.

(CH 0 = The basic substance – named: tinctura mater in Latin, and mother tincture in English). 

All scientists agree that all that surrounds us, the whole matter we see, is nothing else but condensed energy.

Hence, we infer that undiluted substances (CH 0 or mother tinctures) have a small energy frequency, but they do. Thus, we  notice that the substances, besides being chemical elements, also have a homeopathic “power”.

What does it help us to know this? It helps people who want to be treated using natural products and who, when they drink coffee, cannot benefit from this initial energetic frequency which also has an effect as a homeopathic remedy. Indeed, the initial “power” of a remedy is very small, but its existence cannot be denied.

Thus, the persons who drink coffee daily will no longer be able to benefit from a possible homeopathic benefit of that natural product and, though they chose natural therapies, will benefit from the substances of that particular product only at the chemical level, not at the energetic one.

Drinking coffee will cancel any possibility for self-healing of our body, no matter what therapeutic variant we choose by neutralizing any energy which might trigger off the healing process (a rule which is also valid in the case of mint and the products containing this substance).

This rule is (from my point of view) also valid for persons going to the spas for treatment. We can safely say the water we find in those spas, being a water full of minerals and substances which are beneficial for the human body, is also a HOMEOPATHIC WATER. Thus, the recommendation related to the use of coffee and mint is also valid in this case, at least for the period of making balneary treatment.

The scientific explanation for coffee is the following:

The caffeine in coffee (chocolate, cacao) stimulates the cortico-suprarenal gland to produce adrenalin and cortisone in excess which tells us that there is a deadly peril, so that the brain is rapidly preparing the body for such an event. For fighting or running away.

When a lion is running after you in the jungle (or if any event appears that puts your life in danger), the adrenalin reaches high levels. The blood is re-oriented towards the muscles, “stolen” from certain internal organs (stomach, bowels etc.), which will not participate directly to the fight.

At the brain level, the blood is re-directed from the pre-frontal cortex, which deals with the rational, logical analysis of the situation, towards the occipital cortex responsible for the instincts in charge of rapid, instinctive reactions (if you think how you might avoid a dangerous situation, you will probably die before making any move). That is why, coffee should be drunk when we go to war, or when we are to fight a “battle” in the coming 30 minutes.

Likewise, the brain places in a state of rest any other resource consuming mechanism until the adrenalin comes back to normal levels. Such a mechanism is also the immunity system (the body does not need the immune system until it gets rid of the danger command).

In most cases, if we have certain influenza symptoms, headaches or tiredness, they disappear quickly after a cup of coffee because of the adrenaline.

It is not by chance, that more and more often we see medical recipes with adrenaline aerosols and/or cortisone aerosols for ordinary symptoms – because the two substances tell the brain to temporarily stop the respective symptoms because of an alleged danger of death.

We can mention the skin eruptions treated with cortisone, which are rapidly disappearing for a few days, to then reappear exactly with the initial forms, or the cold and influenza products which contain additional caffeine.

Thus, the person who uses to drink coffee daily (sometimes the whole day long) keeps his immune system at rest. The healing mechanisms takes a break, as if there was not enough adrenaline from the daily stress.

The studies made with the help of magnetic resonance shows that a cup of coffee reduces the blood flux to the brain up to 50%. And, moreover, it blocks the receivers for adenosine, a neurotransmitter generating in a natural manner the feeling of tiredness and the need for sleep. It blocks only the receptors, not the producers of adenosine.

Consequently, 4 to 6 hours after having drunk the coffee, the unlocked receivers will be flooded by a larger quantity of adenosine and the coffee drinker will suddenly be devoid of vitality, tired and irritable. In that moment he will feel the need to drink one more coffee.

In time, the regular coffee drinker contributes to raising in his brain the number of the adenosine receptors (tiredness) so that the morning coffee, though generating a plus of energy, will not be able to generate a state of wellbeing that will be smaller than that of a non-coffee drinker. The result is a bodily exhaustion and an increase in health problems.

For those who will still want to drink coffee, it would be ideal to do it if they are completely healthy and quite seldom. Anyway not daily.

If someone thinks that he will be able to treat any medical problem, having the immune system stopped because of drinking coffee is completely wrong.

This would be one of the explanations for the fact that the doctors, no matter what therapy they choose, have less and less success (that is, people curing for good from certain diseases).

There is also the variant in which coffee cannot antidote permanently the homeopathic remedies, but only for a while. If the homeopathic remedy was well chosen and matches perfectly the disease, it is possible not to be canceled, but just temporarily stopped from its action. Thus, this antidoting, even if it is not permanent, can have an action during the day in which it was drunk (approximately 12 hours).

Obviously, it is not advisable to drink coffee, even if the remedy is well chosen and can no longer be antidoted, as it is possible that it happens just like in the case of a treatment with antibiotics which, if it is “temporarily” stopped half ways, may not have any effect even if the treatment is continued, because time was given to the disease to get used to that remedy.

Though coffee is praised, even by physicians for some of its benefits, those same physicians say that coffee should not be drunk in case of anesthesia. We should make a note of how, in the case of some allopath therapies, coffee behaves also like an antidote.

Other specialists do not recommend coffee as it increases acidity in our body, which is not at all recommended. Not to be mistaken for the acidity in our stomach.

Dr. Robert Young, a microbiologist and nutritionist in the United States, studied for years blood acidity, considering it, with other specialists in this realm, the major cause of diseases in the modern age.

He upholds:

“The pH level of our internal fluids every cell in our bodies. The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic averacidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In other words, overacidity interferes with life itself.”

 “The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health”
2019 by Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group

Among the specialists who studied the human body (ACIDOSIS), we must mention Dr. Robert Morse, who says:

“The pH balance—the balance of alkalies to acids—within the body is vital, and should be approximately 80 percent alkaline to 20 percent acidic. If we become too acidic from diet and lifestyle, we create too much of an anionic condition in the body, causing stone formation and inflammation. To reverse this is to alkalize, which is cationic and anti-inflammatory. This will break apart and liquefy calcium deposits, cellulite and lipid stones. These deposits can form or accumulate anywhere in the body, especially in the liver, gallbladder and kidneys. This alkalization and neutralization of acids requires the alkaline electrolytes. If you’re not eating a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, you’re not getting enough of these vital electrolytes. This compounds the over-acid condition within the body and creates dehydration.”

Robert Morse, N.D.:  The Detox Miracle Sourcebook


 Would it not be better to avoid drinking coffee? … particularly at the moment when our body needs “mending”. The choice is yours!