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fábula, f., rumor, story, fable, fiction, idle tale; composition, plot.

fabuloso, -a, fabulous.

facciones,f. pl., features.

faceta, f., facet, surface.

fácil, easy.

faja, f., band, sash, belt.

falda,f., slope; skirt, lap.

falta, f., fault, lack, want.

faltar, to fail, lack, need, be lacking (or wanting); — por hacer, to remain to be done.

falto, -a, lacking; — de sentido, unconscious.

fama, f., report, rumor.

familia,f., family.

familiar, m., servant, attendant; pl., retinue, suite.

familiarizado, -a, adj. pp. of familiarizar, familiarized, familiar, acquainted, accustomed.

famoso, -a, famous, celebrated, notorious.

fango, m., mire.

fantasia, f., fancy, imagination.

fantasma, m., phantom; f., scarecrow.

fantasmagoria, f., phantasmagoria.

fantástico, -a, fantastic.

farol, m., lantern.

farolillo, m., small lantern.

farsante, m., claimant, pretender.

fascinador, fascinating.

fascinar, to fascinate, charm.

fastidiarse, to be bored.

fatiga, f., fatigue, toil, labor, hardship.

fatigado, -a, adj. pp. of fatigar, tired, fatigued.

fatigar, to tire, weary, fatigue.

fatigoso, -a, exhausting.

fatuos: fuegos —, ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp.

fauces, f. pl., jaws.

fausto, m., splendor, pomp, luxury.

favor, m., favor, kindness; en — de, in behalf of; to favor.

favorecido, -a, adj. pp. of favorecer, favored, in favor.

favorite, -a, favorite.

faz, f., face.

fe, f., faith, belief; á — de quien soy, on my honor; on the word of a gentleman; á — á — que, upon my word; I give you my word; in truth; por mi —, on my word; auto de —, public burning by the Inquisition; (hence) great fire, bonfire, fire.

febril, feverish.

fecundo, -a, fertile.

fechorla, f., act, deed, evil deed.

felicidad, f., felicity, bliss.

feliz, happy, blissful.

fenómeno, m., phenomenon, manifestation.

féretro, m., bier, coffin.

feria, f., fair.

Fernando, m., Ferdinand.

ferocidad, f., ferocity; pl., ferocity.

feroz, ferocious.

ferrar, to garnish with points of iron; to strengthen with iron plates.

férreo, -a, iron, of (or pertaining to) iron.

festín, m., feast, banquet, festival.

festón, m., festoon, garland.

feudal, feudal.

feudo, m., fief, feud.

fibra, f., fiber.

fiebre, f., fever.

fiel, faithful, loyal.

fieltro, m., felt; hat.

fiera, f., wild beast.

fiesta, f., feast, festival, fête, festivity.

figura, f., figure, form.

figurar, to imagine; refl., to imagine, fancy; to appear in fancy; se me figuran, appear to my fancy.

fijamente, fixedly.

fijar, to fix, fasten; refl., to be fixed; to look fixedly.

fijo, -a, fixed.

fila, f., file, rank, line, row.

filigrana, f., filigree.

filo, m., edge; allá al — de la media noche, just about midnight.

fin, m., end; al —, finally; á — de, in order to; dar —, to die, perish; en —, in fine, finally, in short, after all, anyhow, well; por —, finally.

final, m., end, conclusion.

fingir, to feign, pretend, simulate, counterfeit, take the form of, affect, assume, imitate, seem to be.

finura, f., charm, finesse. firme, firm; de —, firmly, forcibly, lustily.

fisico, -a, physical; subst. m., physique, physical organization (being or make-up)

flamencote, m., big Fleming.

flanquear, to flank, flag, falter, grow feeble.

flexible, flexible, supple, soft.

flor, f., flower; dar en la —, to take into one's head; to fall into the habit.

floral, floral.

florido, -a, elegant, select.

flotante, floating, waving.

flotar, to float, wave, hover.

flúido, m., fluid.

foco, m., focus; center.

fogata, f., blaze, fire.

fogoso, -a, fiery, spirited.

follaje, m., foliage. fondo, m., back, rear, background, depth, heart, recess, bottom.

forcejear, to struggle, writhe.

forma, f., form, figure, shape, host; pl., form, figure; Sagrada Forma, Consecrated Host.

formar, to form.

formidable, formidable, dreadful.

fórmula, f., formula, charm, recipe.

formular, to formulate, speak.

fornido, -a, robust, lusty, stout.

forraje, m., forage, hay, grass.

fortaleza, f., fortress, stronghold.

fortuna, f., fortune; por —, fortunately.

fosa, f., ditch, grave.

fosfórico, -a, phosphorescent.

foso, m., ditch, moat.

fragmento, m., fragment, piece, bowlder.

fragoso, -a, craggy, rough, uneven.

fraguarse, to break; to be forged (invented or gotten up).

fraile, m., friar.

francamente, frankly.

franqueza, f., frankness.

frase, f., phrase, speech, word, words; —s enamoradas, tender (loving or lovesick) phrases (or words).

fratricida, fratricidal.

frecuente, frequent.

fregona, f., kitchen-maid, scrubbing-girl.

freir, to fry; refl., to fry.

freno, m., restraint, bounds.

frente, f., brow, forehead, face, head; — á, facing; in front of.

fresco, -a, fresh, cool.

frescura, f., freshness.

frio, -a, cold; subst. m., cold; hacer —, to be cold.

friolera, f., trifle, mere trifle; ¡—! nonsense!

fronda, f., frond, leaf.

frondoso, -a, leafy, covered with leaves, luxuriant, shady.

frontera, f., frontier.

frugal, frugal.

frustrar, to frustrate.

fruta, f., fruit.

fuego, m., fire; poner —, to set fire (to); —s fatuos, ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp.

fuelles, m. pl., bellows (of an organ); para darle á los —, to pump the bellows.

fuente, f., fountain, source.

fuer, á — de, as, like, being, by dint of being, since you are (or were).

fuera, out; — de, outside of, beyond, beside; — de sí, beside oneself.

fuerte, strong, mighty, violent.

fuertemente, strongly, firmly.

fuerza, f., force, power, might; body of troops; á — de, by dint of; — le sera, he will have to; he will be forced.

fugaz, fleeting, fugitive.

fugitivo, -a, fleeting, fugitive.

fulgor, m., gleam, glow, flash, brilliancy, effulgence.

función, m., ceremony, solemnity.

fundado, -a, adj. pp. of fundar, grounded in the belief; taking (it) for granted; believing.

fundar, to found, ground.

fundir, to melt.

funesto, -a, baleful, fatal.

furia, f., fury; estar hecho una —, to be in a rage.

furioso, -a, furious.

furtivo, -a, furtive, clandestine, fleeting; cazadores —s, poachers.

futuro, -a, future.