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gabinete, m., cabinet; correo de —, state (or king's) messenger.

gaita, f., bagpipe.

gala, f., ostentation, display, grace, adornment; full (or court) dress; pl., regalia, finery, paraphernalia.

galán. m., gallant, lover, suitor, wooer.

galante, gallant; of (or pertaining to) lovers.

galantería, f., gallantry, courteousness, courtliness.

galanura, f., grace, gracefulness, elegance (in language or style), style, repartee.

Galatea, f., Galatea.

galeón, m., galleon.

galería, f., gallery.

galonear, to adorn (or deck) with lace.

gallardía, f., gallantry.

gallo, m., cock, rooster; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.

gamo, m., buck.

gana, f., appetite, desire, wish, inclination; tener —s, to have a mind (de, to).

ganado, m., flock, herd.

ganar, to gain.

ganga, f., (coll.) fortune, luck, anything valuable acquired with little labor.

Garcés, m., (Span.} Garcts.

garganta, f., throat.

garra, f., claw.

garrotazo, m., blow with a staff (or cudgel).

garrote, m., cudgel, stick, staff.

gasa, f., gauze.

gastar, to spend; to display; como las gasta, how he acts; how he comports himself; what his tricks are.

gato, m., cat.

gavilanes, m. pl., cross-bars of the guard of a sword; guard (of a sword-hilt).

gavilla, f., band, gang.

gay saber, m., poetry, art of poetry.

gemido, m., sigh, groan, moan, moaning, sighing.

gemir, to moan, sigh, groan; to creak.

general, general; subst. m., general.

género, m., kind, species, quality, nature.

generoso, -a, generous.

genial, m., disposition, nature.

genio, m., genius, spirit.

gente, f., people, crowd, servants; pl., servants; — menuda, servants, domestics, dependents; — del pueblo, common people.

Gerardo, m., Gerard.

gerifalte, m., falcon, gyrfalcon.

germinar, to germinate, bud.

gigante, gigantic, grand.

gigantesco, -a, gigantic, vast.

girar, to turn, revolve, dart about; to creak.

girón, m., piece, tatter, banner, pennant, flag.

gitana, f., gypsy.

glacial, glacial, icy.

globo, m., globe, sphere, ball.

gloria, f., glory; el día de —, the day of glory, Holy Saturday.

goce, m., enjoyment, pleasure.

gola, f., gorget, neck-plate.

golondrina, f., swallow.

golpe, m., stroke, blow, clang, clank; á —s, by (or with) blows.

golpear, to strike, beat; subst. m., clattering.

gordo, -a, large, big, great, coarse.

gorguera, f, ruff; — de cañutos, fluted ruff.

gorjear, to warble.

gota, f., drop; — á —, drop by drop.

gotear, to drop, drip, fall drop by drop.

gótico, -a, Gothic.

gozar, to enjoy; — de, to enjoy.

gozne, m., hinge.

gozo, m., joy, pleasure, satisfaction.

grabar, to engrave.

gracia, f., grace, favor, charm; pl., thanks; dar las —s, to express one's thanks.

gracioso, -a, funny, comical.

grada, f., step, stair, gradine; pl., perron, staircase.

grado, m., grade, rank, degree.

gradualmente, gradually.

grama, f., dog-grass, dog-wheat.

gran. See grande.

grana, f., scarlet; (fine) scarlet cloth; de —, scarlet.

grande, great, grand, large, tall, long; á —s voces, in a loud voice, loudly.

granito, m., granite.

granjear, to obtain, gain, win.

grano, m., gram.

grave, serious, dignified, grave.

gravedad, f., gravity, seriousness.

graznido, m., croaking, cawing.

greña, f., tangled (or matted) hair.

griego, -a, Greek.

grifo, m., griffin, a fabulous monster, half lion, half eagle.

gris, gray.

gritar, to cry (out).

grito, m., cry; — de vela, watch-cry.

groseramente, roughly, rudely, coarsely.

grotesco, -a, grotesque.

grueso, -a, thick, large, big, bulky; subst. m., large body, main body.

grupa, f., croup; volver —s; to turn back (or around).

grupo, m., group.

guante, m., glove; echar el —, to arrest.

guantelete, m., gauntlet.

guarda, m., guard.

guardar, to retain, keep, possess, have, guard; to stow away.

guardia, f., guard; en —, on guard.

guardián, m., keeper, warden.

guarecerse, to take refuge, find shelter, escape.

guarida, f., cave, cavern, den, lair.

guedeja, f., lock (of hair).

guerra, f., war.

guerrero, m., warrior, soldier.

guía, m., guide.

guiar, to guide.

guijarro, m., pebble.

guión, m., bell-wether, bell-sheep.

guisa, f., manner, guise; á — de, by way of.

gusano, m., worm, maggot.

gustar, to like, please.

gusto, m., taste, pleasure, ease, leisure; dar —, to gratify.

guzla, f., guzla, fiddle with a single string.