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pabellón, m., tent (or canopy); bower

pábulo, m., food, support, aid.

pacer, to graze, pasture.

paciencia, f., patience.

paciente, patient.

pacifico, -a, peaceful, pacific.

padecer, to be afflicted.

padre, m., father; pl., parents; ancestors.

pagar, to pay, pay for, repay.

página, f., page.

pago, m., payment, recompense.

país, m., country.

paja, f., straw.'

pájaro, m., bird, sparrow; pl., birds.

paje, m., page.

palabra, f., word; dirigir la — , to address, speak; tomar la —, to speak.

palacio, palacio, m., palace.

palafrén, m., palfrey.

palafrenero, m., groom.

palidez, f., pallor, paleness.

pálido, -a, pale.

palma, f., palm; batir las —s, to clap the hands.

palmera, f., palm.

palmo, m., span; cuatro —s, a small space.

palo, m., stick, wood; dar de —s, to beat, give a beating; to cudgel.

paloma, f., pigeon, dove.

palpar, to feel, touch.

palpitar, to palpitate, quiver.

pan, m., bread, loaf of bread.

pandero, m., tambourine.

paño, m., cloth, table-cloth.

Papa, m., pope.

papel, m., paper.

par, equal, like; al —, at the same time; without distinction; alike; equally; á — de, the same as, like; near, by, at; together with, at the same time with; al — de, like, as; at the same time with; de — en — abierto, wide open; subst. m., pair, couple.

para, for, to, in order to; — con, to, amongst; estar —, to be about to; la cosa no era — menos, nothing less could be expected; — nada, in any (or no) respect; at all; — que, so that, in order that; no hay — qué decir que se fastidiaban, it is needless to say they were bored; ¿— que? wherefore? why? for what reason?

parábola, f., parable.

parador, m., inn.

paraíso, m., paradise.

paraje, m., place.

páramo, m., a high bleak plateau with stunted trees and cold damp atmosphere; (poet.) desert, waste.

parar, to stop; refl., to stop, halt.

parecer, to seem, be like, resemble; al —, seemingly, apparently; á lo que parece, as it seems; evidently; refl., to resemble, be like.

parecido, -a, adj. pp. of parecer, seemed; similar, like.

pared, f., wall, partition.

pareja, f., pair, couple.

pariente,m., relative.

párpado, m., eyelid.

parroquia, f., parish, parochial church.

parte, f., part, portion, direction; á esta —, up to now; de algún tiempo á esta —, for some time past, for some time now; en —, partly; en alguna —, somewhere; por mi —, for my part; por todas —s, in every direction; everywhere; por una —, on the one hand.

participar, to participate (de, in).

particular, peculiar, special, strange, particular.

particularidad, f., peculiarity.

particularmente, particularly, especially.

partido, m., resolution.

partir, to set out, leave, depart.

pasadizo, m., gallery, arcade, covered passageway.

pasado, -a, adj. pp. of pasar, passed; past; last; after.

pasajero, m., passer-by.

pasar, to pass, while away, move, advance, go, pass through, take place, happen, go on, be the matter; — de, to pass, pass beyond, be more than; — de aquí, to go (any) further (or farther).

pasear, to move about, sweep about, cast around; refl., to walk about, walk back and forth (or to and fro).

pasión, f., passion, love.

pasmoso, -a, wonderful, remarkable.

paso, m., step, footstep, pace, passage, pass, difficulty, embarrassment; — á —, step for step; step by step; abrir —, to open up a passage; to make way; dar un —, to take a step; dejar —, to let pass, make way.

pastor, m., shepherd.

patio, m., court.

patraña, f., fable, story, tale.

patrimonio, m., patrimony, inheritance.

patrón, m. See patrono.

patrona, f., patron, mistress, lady, patron saint, guardian, protector.

patrono, m., patron, protector, master, patron saint.

pausa, f., pause.

pavimento, m., pavement, floor.

pavor, m., fear, dread, awe.

paz, f., peace.

pecador, m., sinner.

pechero, m., vassal, commoner.

pecho, m., breast.

pedantesco, -a, pedantic.

pedazo, m., piece; hacer —s, to make pieces of, break to pieces; á —s, in bits, to pieces.

pedernal, m., flint, stone, flintstone.

pedestal, m., pedestal, foundation.

pedir, to ask, ask for, beg, request, beseech, pray.

pedrada, f., stoning; á —s, by stoning (them).

pedregoso, -a, stony, rocky.

pedrería, f., gems, precious stones.

Pedro, m., Peter.

pedrusco, m., (rough) block of stone; stone (or marble) slab (or block); bowlder.

pegar, to fasten, close, shut, join.

pelado, -a, adj. pp. of pelar, bared, bare, bleak, treeless.

pelea, f., battle, fight, combat.

pelear, to fight, struggle, combat.

peligro, m., danger.

peligroso, -a, dangerous.

pellica, f., fur garment, fur coat.

pena, f., pain, penalty, trouble, bother, affliction, grief, difficulty; á duras —s, with great difficulty.

penacho, m., panache, crest, plume(s).

penalidad, f., hardship, suffering.

penar, to suffer torment; andar penando, to suffer torment.

pender, to hang, be suspended; — de, to depend upon; to wait for; pendiente de, while waiting for; until I learned.

pendiente, f., slope.

pendón, m., banner, pennant, standard.

péndulo, m, pendulum, (here) tick (of the pendulum).

penetrante, penetrating.

penetrar, to penetrate, enter, gain entrance; refl., to enter, penetrate.

penitencia, f., penance, act of mortification.

penitente, penitent.

penoso, -a, painful, distressing.

pensamiento, m., thought, resolution, purpose; con el —, to oneself; in one's own mind; in thought.

pensar, to think, think over, reflect upon, consider, mean, intend; — en, to think of.

penumbra, f., penumbra, partial shadow.

peña, f., large rock, bowlder, cliff.

peñascal, m., rocky hill (or mountain).

peñasco, m., rock, cliff, large rock, bowlder.

peñon, m., rock, cliff.

peon, m., footman, foot-soldier, laborer, farm-hand.

peró, comp. of malo, worse, worst; el —, the worst; lo —, the worst (thing or part).

pequeñito, -a, very small, tiny.

pequeño, -a, little, small.

pequefiuclo, -a, small, very small, tiny; subst. m. and f., little boy, little girl, little one.

percibir, to perceive, see, hear, comprehend; refl., to be seen (or be visible), be heard (or be audible).

perder, to lose, destroy, miss, give up; — pie, to lose one's footing (or foothold); — de vista, to lose sight of; refl., to be lost; to disappear, vanish; to die out (or away).

perdido, -a, adj. pp. of perder, lost, vanished; impious; falling, wandering, lone; estrella perdida, lone (or lost) star; mangas perdidas, loose hanging sleeves.

perdón, m., pardon, forgiveness, excuse.

perdonar, to pardon.

perdulariote, m., shiftless fellow.

perdurable, perpetual, everlasting.

perecer, to perish, die.

peregrenación, f., wandering, peregrination.

peregrino, -a, strange, wonderful; subst. m., wanderer, pilgrim.

pereroso, -a, idle, indolent.

perfectamente, perfectly.

perfil, m., profile, outline, contour.

perfumado, -a, adj. pp. of perfumar, perfumed, odoriferous.

perfume, m.., perfume, odor, fragrance.

periódico, m., newspaper.

peripecia, f., peripetia, sudden change of fortune, vicissitude, catastrophe, event.

perjurar, to protest, reiterate.

perla, f., pearl.

permanecer, to remain, persist, continue.

permiso, m., permission.

permitir, to permit, allow, consent.

pero, but.

Pero, m., dim. of pedro. see caldera

perpendicular, perpendicular.

perro, m., dog.

persecución, f., persecution.

perseguidor, m., pursuer, persecutor, foe.

perseguir, to pursue, follow, persecute.

persianas, f. pl., Venetian blinds.

persignarse, to cross oneself.

persona, f., person.

persouaje, m., personage, character, person, great personage.

personalidad, f., personality.

persouificar, to personify.

persuadirse, to persuade (or convince) oneself.

persuasión, f., persuasion, conviction; en la firme — de que, firmly persuaded that.

perteuecer, to belong.

pertinacia, f., obstinacy.

pertrechar, to provide, furnish, equip (de, with); to give a supply (de, of).

pesadilla, f., nightmare.

pesado, -a, adj. pp. of pesar, heavy, ponderous.

pesar, to weigh, be heavy.

pesar, m., grief, sorrow; á — de (adv.), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding.

peso, m., weight; á su —, by its own weight.

pestaña, f., eyelash.

pestes, f. pl., words of vexation or threat; echar — de, to storm at.

petición, f., petition, prayer.

piadoso, -a, pious.

piafar, to paw; subst. m., pawing.

pian pianito, gently, softly.

picacho, m., top, peak.

picado, -a, adj. pp. of picar, pricked, piqued, excited, aroused.

picar, to prick, pique, spur.

pico, m., point, peak, summit; small amount, odd; balance; cortado á —, perpendicular, precipitous; allá por los años de mil trescientos y —, back there in the year thirteen hundred and something.

pie, m., foot; footing; de —, on foot, standing; ponerse de —, to stand (or get) up; servidor de á —, footman; echar — á tierra, to dismount; perder —, to lose one's footing (or foothold); volver pies, to turn (one's steps); volver pies atrás, to turn back.

piedad, f., piety, pity, mercy; por —, for pity's sake; out of compassion.

piedra, f., stone, rock.

pierna, f., leg; á — suelta, at one's ease; undisturbed; dormir á suelta, to sleep soundly (or deeply).

pieza, f., piece, part; animal, game; plantation, field.

pilar, m., pillar, post, column, support, abutment.

pilastra, f., pilaster.

pintar, to paint, picture, describe, depict.

pintor, m., painter.

pintoresco, -a, picturesque.

piqueta, f., pickax.

pisada, f., footstep, hoof-beat.

pisar, to tread, trample.

pista, f., scent, trail.

pizarra, f., slate.

pláceme, m., congratulation.

placer, m., pleasure, content(ment).

planta, f., plant; sole of the foot; poner en—, to put on foot; to arrange (or execute).

plata, f., silver.

plataforma, f., platform.

plateado, -a, adj. pp. of platear, silvered, silvery, pale.

platillo, m., little plate, dish; subject; hacer — de, to converse about.

playa, f., shore, strand; sin —, boundless.

plaza, f., place, post, square.

plazuela, f., small square.

plebe, f., people, common people, populace.

plegar, to curl, purse, curve.

plegaria, f., prayer, supplication.

plenitud, f., fullness, height.

pliegue, m., fold, plait, wave, ripple.

plomo, m., lead; color de—, leaden, lead-colored.

pluma, f., plume, feather, quill, pen.

población, f., town, village.

poblachón, m., big village.

poblado, -a, adj. pp. of poblar, peopled, filled; full.

pobre, poor; subst. m. or f. poor man (or woman).

pobrecito, subst. m., poor dear man; poor fellow.

poco, -a, little; pl., some, a few; á los —s minutos, within a few minutes; adv., little, slightly, somewhat; un —, a little, slightly, somewhat; á —, in a little while; soon; á — de, shortly after; — á —, little by little, slowly, gently, softly, gradually; — más ó menos, a little more or less; approximately, nearly, about.

poder, to be able; can; apenas si pudiera, I could scarcely; como pudo, as best he could; come mejor pudo, as well as possible; as well as he could; no — (por) menos de, cannot (help) but, cannot fail to; refl., to be possible.

poder, m., power, possession.

poderoso, -a, powerful.

podredumbre, f., corruption.

poema, m., poem.

poesia, f., poetry.

poeta, m., poet.

polvo, m., dust.

porno, m., knob, handle, pommel.

pompa, f., pomp.

ponderación, f., consideration; exaggeration; laudation.

ponderar, to laud, extol, exaggerate.

poner, to put, place, take on, assume; — atención, to pay attention; — en alarma, to alarm; — encuidado, to cause apprehension (or care); — fuego, to set fire (to); — por obra, to carry out, execute; — en planta, to put on foot; to arrange (or execute); — por testigos, to call upon to witness; refl., to be, become; (of the sun) to set; estar al -se, to be about to set; -se de bote en bote, to get cram full; — Be de pie, to stand (or get) up; -se de punta, to stand on end.

populacho, m., populace, rabble.

popular, popular, of (or pertaining to) the populace.

poquito, -a, very little; — á poco, gently, softly.

por, by, for, to, in order to, through, over, on, in, into, along, about, on account of, from, out of, as, at, among, throughout; allí — ..., back therein...; de-si, by himself; for his own part; — debajo, beneath, under; — decirlo así, so to speak; — entre, between, among, in through; — eso, hence, therefore; — fin, finally; — fortuna, fortunately; — más que, however much; especially since; although; — mí mismo, for myself; — muchos que, however many; poner — obra, to carry out, execute; — sí, of itself; of its own accord; — ser, since it was; — tanto, therefore, for that reason, hence; — la tierra, on (or along) the ground; — tres veces, three times; — lo visto, evidently, apparently, visibly; — ... que, however; — lo que, wherefore; ¿ — qué? why?

porción, f., part, portion; una — de años, a few years; a number of years.

porche, m., portico, church porch, porch.

porfia, f., persistence; á —, in competition, in emulation.

pormenor, m., detail, minute account, incident.

poro, m., pore.

¿por qué? why?

porqué, m., reason, cause, reason why.

porque, for, because; so that, in order that; bien — ... ó por ser, whether because ... or because it was.

portada, f., portal, façade.

porte, m., bearing, deportment.

portento, m., prodigy, portent, micacle.

pórtico, m., portico, porch.

porvenir, m., future.

pos: en —, after, behind, in pursuit (de, of).

poscer, to possess.

posible, possible; en lo —, as much as possible; lo más —, as much as possible; lo —, as much as possible.

posición, f., position, situation.

positivo, -a, positive.

posteriormente, afterwards, later.

postigo, m., door, postern.

postrado, -a, adj. pp. of postrar, prostrated, prostrate.

postre, last; á la —; at last, finally.

postrero (or postrer), -a, last.

postres, m. pl., dessert.

poterna, f., postern, small back door (or gate).

potro, m., colt, foal.

prbetico, -a, skilled, expert, practiced, skillful.

precaución, f., caution, precaution.

preceder, to precede.

precepto, m., order, command.

precioso, -a, precious, costly.

precipicio, m., precipice.

precipitación, f., precipitation, haste.

precisamente, exactly, precisely, just.

preciso, -a, necessary; es — que, I (you, etc.) must. appear.

predicción, f., prediction, prophecy, warning.

predilecto, -a, favorite, beloved.

preferible, preferable.

preferir, to prefer.

pregunta, f., question, inquiry; hacer una —, to ask a question, make an inquiry.

preguntar, to ask.

prelado, m., prelate.

preludio, m., prelude, forerunner, precursor.

premiar, to reward.

premio, m., reward; en —, as a reward.

prendas, f. pl., talents, accomplishments.

prender, to seize, take, arrest.

preocupar, to preoccupy, prepossess.

preparar, to prepare, make ready; refl., to be prepared, be (or get) ready; to prepare.

presa, f., capture, prize; — de, a prey to.

presagio, m., presage, omen, portent, token.

presbiterio, m., presbytery, chancel.

prescindir de, to omit, except, leave out of consideration.

presea, f., jewel, gem.

presencia, f., presence.

presenciar, to witness.

presentación, f., introduction, presentation.

presentar, to introduce, present, offer, hold out; refl., to be present, present (or show) oneself, appear.

presente, present; hacer —, to lay before, present, state; tener —, to bear in mind, remember; subst. m., person present; present (time).

presentir, to foresee, forebode, have a foreboding of.

presidio, m., jail, prison.

preso, -a, pp. (irr.) of prender, seized.

prestar, to lend, give, furnish, pay; — homenaje, to pay homage, profess fealty; — el oido, to pay attention; to listen (carefully).

preste, m., priest.

presteza, f., rapidity.

presumir, to presume, suppose, boast.

presunto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of presumir, presumed, supposed, boasted.

presuroso, -a, hasty, quick, prompt, rapid, speedy; adv., speedily, promptly, hurriedly.

pretendiente, m., aspirant, suitor.

pretil, m., railing, balustrade, battlement, breastwork.

prevenir, to warn, foresee, anticipate.

prez, m. or f., renown, glory.

primada, m., primate, archbishop; primatical church.

primavera, f., spring.

primero (or primer), -a, first, former, best, only; adv., first, before, rather, sooner.

primicia, f., first-fruits.

primogénito, m., heir (by primogeniture).

primor, m., beauty, charm; skill, dexterity.

principal, principal, chief, leading.

principio, m., beginning; á — de, at the beginning of; early in; dar —, to begin.

priora, f., prioress, superior.

prisa, f., haste, speed; de —, rapidly; más que de — (lit. more than rapidly), as rapidly as possible.

prisión, f., prison, dungeon.

prisionero, m., prisoner.

privar, to find general acceptance.

privilegio, m., privilege.

probable, probable.

probar, to prove, taste, swallow, try, test.

problema, m., problem, question.

procedencia, f., derivation, source.

proceder, to proceed.

procurar, to try, endeavor, manage, succeed.

prodigalidad, f., prodigality, profusion, extravagance.

prodigio, m., marvel, prodigy, miracle.

prodigioso, -a, marvelous, wonderful.

producir, to produce, make, arouse.

producto, m., product.

profanación, f., profanation.

profanar, to profane, disgrace, desecrate.

proferir, to proffer, utter.

profesión, f., profession, practice.

profesora, f., professor, teacher.

profeta, m., prophet.

profundamente, profoundly, deeply.

profundidad, f., depth.

profundo, -a, profound, deep; subst. m. pl. depths; hell.

profusión, f., profusion, lavishness.

prohibir, to forbid.

prolongado, -a, adj. pp. of prolongar, prolonged, long.

prolongar, to prolong; refl., to be prolonged; to stretch out.

promesa, f., promise.

prometer, to promise.

promoción, f., promotion.

prontitud, f., promptness; con —, promptly, quickly.

pronto, -a, quick, prompt; adv., promptly, quickly, soon, too soon; de —, suddenly, abruptly; tan — ... como ..., now ... now ...

pronunciar, to utter.

propicio, -a, propitious.

propiedad, f., property.

propio, -a, own, self, very, proper, fitting, suitable, becoming; — de, proper to, peculiar to, suited to, befitting, belonging to; amor —, self-esteem, self-love, conceit, vanity.

proporción, f., proportion.

proposición, f., proposition, offer.

propósito, m., purpose, plan, design, intention; á —, suited, suitable, desirable; by the way; apropos; á — de, with regard to, apropos of, speaking of.

prorrumpir, to break forth, burst out.

proseguir, to pursue, continue, remain, follow.

prosélito, m., proselyte.

protección, f., protection.

protector, m., protector, guardian.

proteger, to protect, guard.

proveer, to provide (á, for).

provenzal, Provencal, of (or pertaining to) Provence.

proverbial, proverbial.

providencia, f., providence.

provincia, f., province, country.

provisto, -a, pp. of proveer, provided.

provocar, to incite, spur on, challenge.

próximamente, approximately.

proximidad, f., proximity.

próximo, -a, next, near, very near, about, ready; — á, about to; ready to.

proyectarse, to project, be thrown.

proyecto, m., project, plan.

prudencia, f., prudence.

prueba, f. proof.