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que, rel., who, which, that; el —, he who, that which, which; la —, she who, that which, which; lo —, that which, what; á lo —, as far as; from what; as; á lo — parece, as it seems; evidently; lo — esde, as for; as far as ... is (or are) concerned; lo — tiene —, but; the fact is that; con —, therefore, wherefore, so then.

que, adv., as, than; tan ... —, as ... as.

que, conj., let, for, since, that; bien — ... bien —, whether ... or; either because ... or because; de —, of (or at) the fact that; that; (ello) es —, the fact is that; entonces —, then while (or when); puesto —, since; — lo creas o no, whether you believe it or not; — quieras -no, willy-nilly; no —, whilst; sin —, without; sino —, but, but rather, except that; en tanto —, while; hasta tanto —, until, until such time as; ya —, since.

¿qué? interrog.) which? what? ¿á —? why? wherefore? ¿en —? in what? how? why? ¿por —? why? ¿— tal? how? ¿—se yo —? I know not what; all sorts of things; ¿— tiempo? how long?

¡qué! exclam.) how! what! what a! ¡— ... (subst.) tan ... (adj.)! what a ... (adj.) ... (subst.,)!

quebrado, -a, adj. pp. of quebrar, broken, altered, rough, rocky, uneven; tener la color quebrada, to have lost one's color; to be pale.

quebrar, to break, alter; refl., to break, be broken, be altered.

queda, f., curfew.

quedar, to remain, rest, be (or become); — en pie, to remain standing; — en silencio, to be silent; cuanto queda repetido, as has been said; refl., to remain; to be.

queja, f., complaint, murmur, plaint, sighing, sigh, moaning, moan.

quejarse, to complain, grumble, clamor, lament.

quejido, m., complaint, moan.

quemar, to burn, scorch, inflame.

querer, to wish, desire, want, seek, like, demand, will, be willing; ¿qué queréis?, ¿qué quiere usarced? what can you expect? que quieras que no, willy-nilly; no quiere permitir, will not permit; á éste quiero á éste no quiero, without asking permission; whether or no; — á, to love; — decir, to mean; refl., to be desired, be desirable.

querido, -a, adj. pp. of querer, liked, loved, beloved, dear; el mas —, the favorite.

querubin, m., cherub.

quicio, m., hinge; (here) crack, opening.

quiebra, f., crack, opening, fissure.

quien, rel., who, whom, one who, him who, whoever; á fe de — soy, on my honor; on the word of a gentleman; ¡por — soy! on my word (of honor).

¿quién? who?

quiera. See como, also adonde.

quietecito, -a, very quiet, very peaceful.

quieto, -a, quiet, calm, peaceful.

quietud, f., quiet, tranquillity.

quimérico, -a, chimerical, fantastic.

quince, fifteen.

quinto, -a, fifth.

quitar, to take away, take off, deprive of, ward off, cut off, remove.

quizás, perhaps.