How to Manifest Love -Attracting A Specific Person Using The Law Of Attraction by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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What’s Your Vibrational Frequency?

Let’s face it, we can experience a wide range of emotions on any given day. So, our frequency is constantly changing in response to our thoughts and emotions.

When you feel good, you vibrate at a higher frequency. And when you feel bad, you vibrate at a lower frequency. Seems pretty simple, right?

Well, yes and no.

You can’t just flip a switch and be in a good mood all the time, thinking the fake smile you’ve plastered on your face will raise your frequency and instantly attract your dream life.

It’s a little bit more complicated than that.

Because it’s our dominant emotional vibration, where we find ourselves most of the time, that determines what we attract into our life.

And that, my friends, is determined by the mountain of limiting beliefs, memories, emotional triggers (all your baggage) that you’ve unconsciously accumulated over the course of your lifetime.

Let’s take a look at the Emotional Vibrational Scale (also known as the scale of consciousness), developed by Dr. David Hawkins, a psychiatrist and widely known authority within the fields of consciousness research.

This chart can give you an incredibly deep understanding of yourself and the world around you so you can begin to deliberately attract more quality experiences into your life.


You Must Be An Energetic Match To Your Desire

Why is this important?

Because to manifest anything you have to energetically match the frequency of it.

And if your desire is to attract love (whether with a specific person or in general), you’re going to have to radiate the frequency of love.

And that may be leaps and bounds from where you are right now.

But until you match the frequency of your SP (get on their wavelength), you CAN NOT manifest a lasting, loving relationship with them. You will only repel them.

So, how do you increase your energetic vibration to match that of love?

In the simplest terms, your mind, body, and emotions all need to be in full alignment with your desire.

And what many people fail to tell you about manifesting a specific person is that if you’re not in alignment with your desire, then no amount of LOA techniques are going to make your desire materialize into your reality.

Let’s be honest. The only reason you actually want to attract this specific person is because you believe that in the having of this relationship with them, you’ll finally be truly happy.

But in order to ‘have’ them, you have to be truly happy first. It won’t work any other way.

Now you’re probably asking yourself, ‘How do I get into alignment with my desire?’

Well, let me explain how this works.

