How to Manifest Love -Attracting A Specific Person Using The Law Of Attraction by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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How To Get In Alignment

With Your Desire

Whether there’s a huge energetic gap between you and your desire, or just a small hop, skip, and a jump to where you want to be, you’re reading this article because you have your eye on a specific person that you’d like to manifest a relationship with.

And if you’re not in a loving relationship with your SP already, then there is something blocking you.

The first step is to figure out what that is. (Oooh, and it could be a whole bag of negative ninnies holding you back!)

Then we’re going to have to rip apart the unruly jungle you’ve got growing in your subconscious, pull out all the weeds, and plant a whole new garden.

Get ready to dive deep! And grab a cute pair of gardening gloves while you’re at it.

‘Cause it’s about to get a whole lot of messy up in here…and I am not even close to being done with the whole ‘garden’ metaphor.

Ok, so if you want to become a match for your desire, you’re going to have to change your current thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

WARNING! Here’s where the real work begins.

Prepare Your Mind to Manifest Successfully

In order to guarantee your success when intentionally manifesting your desire, you have to first prepare the soil and clear your mind of all doubt.

You’ll need to let go of any resistance you may have in regards to manifesting love with your specific person.

It’s time to ask yourself if you’re really ready for love.

You’ll need to be honest with yourself. Because if any lingering doubts are hiding under the surface, your seeds of desire will never grow. They’ll block your manifestation.

It’s that simple.

So, let’s overcome these obstacles before putting in the hard work of manifesting our dream dude or dudette.

You’ll save yourself time and disappointment in the long run from failed or partial manifestations by tackling these issues first.

Ask Yourself the Following Questions:

  • Do you believe that the Law of Attraction is real and can work for you?
  • Do you deeply believe it’s possible that you can be with this person?
  • Do you believe you are worthy of love?
  • Do you love yourself and believe you are whole and complete with or without another person?
  • Are you willing to commit yourself to the work required to achieve your goal?

If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, then congratulations. It’s about to get magical up in here! And you are ready to start attracting your SP into your life!

But more likely you answered ‘no’ to some of those questions. So, here’s my advice.

What to Do…


If you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, then it’s never going to work for you. So, prove it.

Find success stories from other people. Or start trying to manifest small things, like finding a good parking spot, receiving a free drink, or a compliment.

Anything that will prove to you that it’s real.


If deep down you don’t believe it’s possible that you could ever be with your specific person, or if you’ve put them so high up on a pedestal that you believe they’re out of your league, then you’re definitely NOT going to be a vibrational match to them.

You’re only creating more resistance to your desire. You’re telling the universe that you don’t deserve this person.

This person you’re hung up on, your crush, is NOT so high and mighty that you’re undeserving of their time or affection. They’re just an ordinary person. Treat them like one.

Because no one wants to date their stalker.


And that brings me to the next point. Where are you at with your self-worth?

If you feel unworthy of love or that you NEED your SP to complete you, then it’s time to work on building your self- esteem and cultivating some serious self-love before we go any further.

You can’t put that level of pressure on any person to fill a void inside yourself and be the ‘reason’ for your happiness.

It’s unfair to them.

You have to come at manifesting this person from a place of knowing YOU ARE ALREADY WHOLE AND COMPLETE.

In other words, from a place of WANTING them, not NEEDING them.

It’s no one’s responsibility to make you happy. That’s your job.

And nobody wants to date someone who’s needy or clingy.

When you cultivate healthy self-esteem, you will only attract people who value and respect you. And when  you learn to fully love yourself, that’s when the doors to true love begin to open up.

Alrighty then, now that you’re knee-deep in dirt from ripping apart your ‘garden’, it’s time to till the soil and start planting your seeds of desire.

