Love and Lust. American men in Costa Rica by Jacobo Schifter - HTML preview

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There are many grey areas between relationships that only engage in sex and those that involve love.

Most mongers do not want to marry sex workers. On the other hand, the majority does not like to have causal sex. In between the two options, mongers have established a new type of relationship that is called Girlfriend Fantasy Experience (GFE). GFE is much more than being a regular partner and less so than being a husband. It has the intensity of a marriage and the shortness of a brief affair. It is not

―real‖ but it does make people act as it was.

When sex tourists discuss in their forums what type of sexual tourist they are, the majority (55%) chooses the GFE option. Despite the different views of what the term means, it is associated with looking for some sort of intimate relationship with the sex worker. 312 Of this 55%, another Survey is taken to ask for further details on the novia relationships. According to the data, the relationships are established either with sex workers or not, either by residents or non-residents, with a professional or a non-professional sex worker. A ―good‖ relationship is defined as ―one that has lasted six months or more and did not end in the classical way of the girl making ever increasing and unreasonable demands for money.‖313

According to the Forum‘s sex expert, there are many men who would like to have a ― novia.‖ They want intimacy, passion and drama.

Guys who like "Novias"

1. Intimate guy - A guy who arrives in CR, meets a gal he is attracted to, and simply likes the experience /

illusion that he is getting closer - ie getting to know her. Kind of like a double life. Of course this can be

dangerous, but if this is what they want .. all the power to them.

2. Habit guy - A buy who likes a "constant". This is like going to your favorite restaurant. You know what you

will be getting and like it. Sure you may order different items and appetizers on occasion, but you like that same

favorite dish.

3. Novella guy - A guy who likes drama .. and is kinda of a junkie. Usually likes the wild fluctuations in

emotions and trives off of this.

4. The rescuer/Pretty woman guy - this guy likes to feel he is helping to rescue a gal and show her a better life.

Usually has plenty of disposable income that he would blow on something else (ie gambling)314