Beckoning The Crab Man by Blake Steidler - HTML preview

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The Crab Man Chapter 16

This time Eddie didn’t call detective Winters and Dr.Kedson to view the video footage from inside the crab pin. Instead he kept this Dirty Bird viewing small. Very small. He didn’t know Pillow guy Mike very well just yet to allow him be one of the first to witness Bob’s messages planted inside the crab pin. However, Trucker Z had been tight with Eddie for years and insisted on witnessing what was about to come out of the crab pin. Eddie liked knowing that his buddy Trucker Z was putting the word out on CB channel 19 to the other truckers to stay vigilant of Bob. They even gave it a special trucker code. Dirty Bird Alert. Some truckers laughed it off as a joke but other truckers were taking it just as serious as the Amber alert.

Silo remained on Eddie’s lap as Shawna plugged the crab chip into the television then flicked it to the AV setting. All three of them embraced for Dirty Bird’s next message. A man wearing a Mr.Rogers mask popped onto the screen.

“Oh look Eddie. It’s Mr.Rogers welcoming us to a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”

Eddie didn’t reply but Trucker Z couldn’t help himself. “That ain’t Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers died years ago. That’s a nut ass dude!”

The video continued as Trolley the train came from around the corner speeding along at full speed towards a plastic crab tied down to the train tracks.

Choo! Choo!

Eddie didn’t laugh but Shawna and Trucker Z couldn’t control themselves. Trucker Z snorted with laughter so hard he left spit all over his trucker headset. Trucker Z pushed a button on his headset to report this opening scene to one of his trucker buddies.

“Hey Smoke! Ask around on 7 south anybody know about a nut ass dude with a Mr.Rogers obsession. This shit funny as hell. Ain’t no way this Bob guy doesn’t have some lengthy psychiatric history going on.”

The plastic crab tied down to the tracks derailed Trolly the train and the video went back to Mr. Rogers followed along by a robotic voice.

"Mr. Crab Man how are your pinchers holding up today? How’s your comedy? Do you still think you’re funnier than me?

The video continued.

“Simon is a good artist by the way. I’m sure you miss him greatly. He asks about you all the time but doesn’t know how to see you. His foster parents brainwashed him and portrayed you as a bad person. I had nothing to do with that, blame your brother’s girlfriend. She hated you and you know it. You were right Eddie Spaghetti. She was a HORRIBLE influence on your brother and now look they’re both dead.”

The video continued.

“Let me update you on my relationship with Spyder Woman before you get confused. We are not lovers. Heck we are not even friends. We’re nothing more than acquaintances. She has something I want but refuses to give it to me. And what do I have that SHE wants? Let’s just say that everywhere I go trouble follows. Look it up Eddie. Spyder Woman is known for being the spy that spies for BOTH teams. The difference between her and other detectives is Spyder Woman is primarily known for being REAL news.”

The video glitched as Mr.Rogers’ head froze. A few seconds passed then it continued.

“You walked into a shit storm the moment you intercepted that document meant for the original Spyder Woman. Unfortunately I have some very bad news for you. Your brother hid many…and I’m talking many secrets from you. You’re brother and I do business with the same individual whom now wants answers. Hang tight Eddie. King Crab will come looking for you.”

The video ended with an all blue screen. Eddie just sat there petting Silo as they patiently waited to be sure the video had ended.

Trucker Z sprung up from the sofa. “Oh shit he talking about King Crab! Eddie this ain’t cool! You know King Crab a pimp right? That shit go as far back as Iceburg Slim! They all tight with each other. You sure you prepared to be stepping into some shit?”

Eddie was becoming inure. Too much things had happened in his life too fast that nothing surprised him anymore.

“What the fuck King Crab want with me?” Asked Eddie.

“You didn’t hear? It’s your bro. Your bro was always getting in to some serious shit. You don’t want to know the rumors floating around how King Crab play. Even if you’re dead don’t mean the debt go away. King Crab got a Goon Squad worse than Hitler’s!”

Shawna cut in. “Babe if you got King Crab looking for ya you got to go to the police.”

Eddie wasn’t so sure. “I dunno. All this superhero stuff kind of has me developing a new wind. I don’t see no Batman movies where Batman goes to the police asking for help.”

Trucker Z gestured Eddie while a smile crept on his face. “Eyyy I side with you Crab Man. What you need the police for when you got them big pincher claws?”

He couldn’t help but make pinching motions with his thumbs and fingers just to get a rise out of him. Silo wasn’t liking Trucker Z getting all the attention and the cat quickly jumped off Eddie’s lap and rubbed his head against the bottom of Trucker Z’s legs.

Eddie played with his dreadlocks a little bit as he muled the situation over in his mind.

“I wonder how much money my brother owes that Pimp guy?”

Trucker Z pointed towards the television screen. “Hey you heard Mr.Rogers say in that video. No need to look for King Crab he’s made it clear King Crab will be coming for the Crab Man.”