Beckoning The Crab Man by Blake Steidler - HTML preview

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The Crab Man Chapter 18

(The Crab Shack)

Eddie smelled woman’s perfume and as he slowly opened his eyes he assumed he was still passed out. A beautiful pair of boobs was staring him in the face. The naked hooker on top of him just smiled at him as she sat on his lap. She seemed very proud of herself and continued dry humping him nice and slowly.

“See I knew I could do it! I’ve awoken the Crab Man.”

Eddie refused to get hard as she grinded away at him and he soon found himself rubbing his eyes to better gather what was going on around him.

Lulu continued to get him all worked up but it wasn’t working and Eddie refused to smile. It only made her try harder to arouse him.

Lulu got defensive as King Crab sat across his desk watching intently and smoking a cigar. “What you don’t like me?”

“Please get off my lap. Shawna knows when I misbehave.”

Lulu gave him a disgusted look then slapped him gently across the face as she exited his lap. “Hmph! I don’t think I like Mr. Crab Man probably has crabs anyway.”

The hooker ran to the back room with the other sex trafficked women that patiently waited for King Crab to set them up with their Johns for the evening.

Two members of King Crab’s goon squad stood abreast Eddie keeping their machine guns pointed right at him as King Crab continued to smoke his cigar while carefully inspecting him. The “KC” emblem chain around his neck was solid 24 carrot gold and his pinkish hued pimp hat was better than any hat idea that even Cam Newton’s hat creating team could come up with. Because there was so little light in the crab cave, King Crab's jewelry drew much more attention than usual.

Eddie pushed aside his fear of King Crab and got right to the point. “Where’s my nephew?”

King Crab smiled then leaned way back in his chair and inhaled deeply sweet cigar smoke. “You’re nephew ahhhh…the Scribble kid…such a likable dude…good artist by the way.”

“What’d you do with him? He better be okay!”

King Crab slammed his fist down on the desk. “It ain’t all about you Mr. Crab Man! Let’s make it about me first where my money?”

“What money?”

“You think a debt goes away just cuz yo brotha is dead? I need to collect you know how we do this.”

Eddie was still confused. “Well how much did he owe you before he died?”

“Like $20,000. He lucky he overdosed cuz I was gonna merk him myself.”

I stepped up closer to King Crab to back up what my master was saying and gave Eddie Spaghetti one of my best deepest stare downs that gives everyone Goosebumps. King Crab suddenly sprung up from his desk and flipped out on me.

“Not now Dirty Bird! You’re nut ass comic book obsessions got us into this mess!”

I was and never will be a rivalry match for King Crab. He was built like an incredible hulk. He pushed me so hard into the wall I was almost certain I broke a rib. I could almost feel the internal bleeding.

“I’ll deal with you later Dirty Bird! Right now I gotta sort this out with the Crab Man here. Molly needs her nails painted get your ass back there and paint Molly’s nails!”

I did as I was told. I might be a bad ass villain but King Crab is my only employer I trust not to rat me out to the police when they come looking for me. It’s entirely his show because he pays me and always finds work for me that only I have the skills to do. I’ll let them chat but once I finish painting Molly’s nails I’m coming right back out to rough up The Crab Man a bit. Maybe King Crab owns me but I will make sure to make it clear to Eddie that I am superior to him.

King Crab and Eddie went back to their conversation while the gunmen remained careful to keep the machine guns within inches of Eddie just daring him to make one wrong move. King Crab adjusted his hat that I had skewed from our scuffle.

“Now, back to the money Mr. Crab Man. Where’s my 20 stacks?”

Eddie thought about it. “Man, that’s a lot of dough. I’m just a small time comedian. My whip ain’t even paid off yet.”

“You want your nephew? You want the Scribble kid?”

Eddie came up with a genius idea.

Didn’t Pillow guy Mike say he would help with anything? Would 20k just be like chump change to a millionaire?

“Hey let me make a call. I think I can get it.”

King Crab leaned back in his chair again while puffing that cigar. “Just do what you gotta do.”

Pillow guy Mike answered immediately after the first ring as if he had spent all day anticipating the call.


“Hey Mike it’s me Eddie..I’m sorta in a pinch here.”

“What’s wrong? Do you have your nephew?”

“Well…sorta..I didn’t know it but my brother left a substantial debt behind and now a king pin pimp dude needs money before he can hand him over.”

“Substantial? Like how much? Can it be wired?”

Eddie put his hand over the phone’s microphone and looked at King Crab. “You’re asking for a lot of cash. This dude wants to wire it we good?”

King Crab nodded and immediately opened his desk drawer and pulled out a business card with money wire info and handed it to Eddie.

Eddie scrutinized it then got back to his phone conversation. “Yeah wiring it is good. I need like 20 stacks if you can swing it.”

Pillow guy Mike was confused by the slang. “Stacks? What are stacks?”

“A stack is a thousand bucks. Need twenty of them.”

Pillow guy Mike agreed and immediately embarked on getting King Crab paid ASAP. The money was paid in minutes and once the wire transfer cleared King Crab snapped his fingers so one of his goons could bring out the Scribble kid. Eddie embraced himself as he could hear the foot steps from around the corner.