Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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Code Sanguinary

A group of rogue soldiers of the Alatarian army that deserted based on their beliefs that the Alatarian government cares little to none when it comes to the well-being of their citizens. Refusing to serve such a government, the former soldiers in Code Sanguinary wish to bring the government down and put an end to their tyrannical, life-threatening rule over the citizens of the country. The group was formed by Charles Blackburn following the atrocities he had been forced to do during the Tearful Rebellion. Over the past decade of its existence, the group had seen its numbers dwindling and their anti-governmental actions growing fewer.


- Exumber, Westden Fells, in the basement of a Cowden Meats factory.


- Charles Blackburn, also known as the Deserter General. During the Tearful Rebellion, Blackburn served the Alatarian army, but after having to execute several orders that forced him to mass murder dozens of rebels, he decided that the government and high-ranking officials of the army don’t care about the atrocities they are committing. He announced his desertion from the army and rallied everyone who stood by his opinions to join him, eventually forming Code Sanguinary. Blackburn is a patient, honorable man, one who values his ideals and his troops above all while still remaining hard and demanding when needed.


- Jonathan Conley, a hardened soldier who fought in the Tearful Rebellion.

- Bradley Hodge, a soldier who have vast military experience and had the longest military career of all the current lieutenants.

- Keith Gaines, a former General, much like Blackburn, who joined Code Sanguinary two years after its formation.

- Peter Hoover, a man who proved his worth as a brilliant tactician and a smart leader. He was promoted to lieutenant after his predecessor died horribly at the hands of the Ferals in the Clash of Rampage.