DIANE D And The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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"They sure did! I think they're so traumatized that some of them or all of them might have to be admitted if they don't come to!"

"What? You're not saying that they might have to be in the hospital themselves?"

"I'm afraid so if they don't get over being traumatized."

"So that means Diane D caused all those authority figures AND her own family as well to be admitted into the hospital!"

"Well not her, it's her other personality. I'm afraid her other personality might have caused her own family to be admitted, if they don't pull through."

"Did they get physically hurt also when all the authority figures got hurt?"

"They almost did get hurt when the couch flew right over their heads!"

"What! Diane D's other personality threw the couch right over her own family's heads?"

"Yeah but her other personality was aiming the couch at the police officers when her other personality was throwing the couch across the room at them! If Diane D's family hadn't duck their heads in time, the couch would have slammed right into their heads instead."

"Oh my God! No wonder why they're all traumatized right now! I can imagine what they must be going through right now! I feel bad for them!"

"Yeah, me too."

"But I don't get it. They saw and witnessed everything that happened with Diane D earlier, but yet they never saw or witnessed what happened with Diane D when her body supposedly levitated over a stage in Germany?"

"No they never saw or witnessed that from what I heard. But I'm sure that if they HAD witnessed Diane D levitating over that stage in Germany, I'm sure they would have been traumatized by that as well."

"But this time, they witnessed everything right before their eyes?"

"Yes that's why they're all traumatized. I'm afraid they might need some counseling themselves after all of this."

"Wow." The reporter and Dr. Harvey turn and continue to look at the damaged hypnosis room.

























Chapter 15


Injured Police Officers' Families Threaten To Sue Diane D's Doctors



That same night inside another hospital room, many injured police officers are laying in hospital beds surrounded by their families.

Dr. Harvey, news reporters and photographers are all standing outside in the hallway.

The police officers' families step out of the room and enter the hallway. Mrs. Jenkins, one of the injured officer's wife, a white female around her early 40's with dark hair approaches Dr. Harvey and shouts to him, “You know this is so unbelievable! We want to press charges against Diane D!"

"That's right!" Mrs. Peterson, the wife of another police officer, a white female around her early forties with brunette hair shouts. "Diane D is a dangerous person! Look what she did to my husband and the other police officers! They said she threw a psychiatrist couch across the room at them, a priest, security guards and a swat team when they were about to burst into the doorway of the hypnosis room! They said she knocked them all down with that couch! Some of the police officers and swat team members got knocked out cold! Then she chain whipped all of them with the chains that were attached to her shackles! My husband and another cop wind up getting shot when she chain whipped the guns right out of their hands causing one of the guns to go off! Now my husband and all these other officers are laying here in the hospital, including two doctors, security guards, a priest and a swat team! I mean all these authority figures and their guns couldn't stop Diane D?!"

"That's right! When some of the police officers came to, they said that couch came flying at them so fast that they didn't even know what hit them!"

"They didn't?" Dr. Harvey asks.

"No, not at first! They found out later on that it was a psychiatrist couch! They said they never had time to even get in the door when that couch came flying at them at sixty, seventy or eighty miles and hour! A lot of these officers have serious head injuries! A few of their heads got split opened! Some them even have brain hemorrhage!"

"Oh no!" the rest of the officers' families shout.

"Those two doctors, Doctor Stone and Doctor Kahn, brought that monster right out of Diane D! They turned Diane D into a vicious monster! And once they turned her into a vicious monster, they couldn't even control their monster while their monster was going mad turning loose on the security guards, a priest, police officers and a swat team!"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jenkins," Dr. Harvey says, "but you have to understand, Diane didn't know what she was doing! She was under hypnosis! She's not aware of what she did! She's not aware of any of this!"

"She isn't?"


"Why not?! Is she still under hypnosis?!"

"No, she's not under hypnosis anymore, she's sedated."




"Because of the pain she was in from herself breaking loose from the chains! She's got bruises all over her arms, her shoulders, her wrists, her legs and her ankles! She's still not aware of what's going on right now! She doesn't even know that she's the cause of your husband, the other police officers, the security guards, the priest and a swat team being in the hospital!"

"Wow," Mrs. Peterson says. "All these people are in the hospital! And this is all because Doctor Stone and Doctor Kahn put Diane D under hypnosis and brought that monster or demon personality out of her?!"

"I'm afraid that's what happened."

"Alright! We're going to sue those two doctors then!"

"Sue them?! What do you mean you're going to sue them?!"

"They're the ones who brought that monster or demon personality out of Diane D which caused her to wind up attacking my husband, the other officers, the security guards, the priest and a swat team with that couch and those chains! The other police officers and security guards who were laying on the floor injured said that Diane D had superhuman strength when she threw and tossed that phychiatrist couch right across the room at the other officers and security guards! They said they've never seen anything like that before! They said they saw that couch came speeding at them and other officers so fast that it felt like they got hit and knocked down by a flying speeding car! They said then Diane D threw her hands right on top the couch, did a hand stand and chain whipped them all with the chains that were attached to her shackles causing two guns to go off! Those other police officers and my husband are hurt real bad! Dr. Stone made Diane D into a vicious monster! He's just like Doctor Frankenstein!"

"Doctor Frankenstein?!"

"Yes! Or should I call him Doctor FrankenStone?!"

"Doctor FrankenStone?! Now you didn't have to go there Mrs. Peterson."

"It's easy for you to say that Doctor Harvey! It's not your loved ones laying in the hospital hurt! My husband might die from that gunshot wound and having his head split opened!"

Dr. Harvey sadly looks at Mrs. Peterson.













Chapter 16


People Read Headlines Of Diane D's Other Personality



The following day, a white grandmother with very dark hair around her mid fifties and her daughter around her mid thirties are sitting inside a coffee shop with cups of coffee and cheesecake on their table. The daughter has a stroller right next to her with her female toddler in it as she gives her female toddler a bottle of milk. The grandmother is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DOCTORS HYPNOTIZE DIANE D AND BRING OUT HER OTHER PERSONALITY AFTER IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT HER COUSIN NANCY HAD AN ENCOUNTER WITH IT INSIDE THEIR FAMILY'S HOME: “Hey!” the grandmother suddenly says. “This article says that two doctors hypnotized Diane D and brought out her other personality after her cousin Nancy encountered it inside their family's home!"

"What!" the daughter says. "Doctors hypnotized Diane D and brought out her other personality when her cousin Nancy encountered it inside their house?!"

"Yes, that's what it says!"

"Oh my God!" The daughter takes a quick glance at the article and says, "Isn't her cousin Nancy one of the Dianettes who backs up and sings with her?"

"Yes she sure is."

"And they live in the same house with their grandparents right?"

"Yeah they do, up in the northern part of Westchester."

"Wow. Does it mean that their family's house is haunted?"

"Nooo, I don't think it's their house that's haunted. I think it's Diane D herself that's haunted!"

"You really think so Mom?"

"Of course I do! I've heard about her other personality that be going on the attack attacking people and she winds up not remembering it! I think she had a split personality when she beat up that little boy inside that school hallway that night because she claims she does not remember beating him up!"

"I know! Ain't that weird?"

"It sure is! Some people believe she's possessed!"

"I heard! What do you think Mom? You think it's a possibilty that Diane D could be possessed?"

"I believe so!"

"You do?!"

"Of course I do! I think she's possessed by these vicious souls, spirits or other personalities that be taking over her! I believe that these vicious souls, spirits or other personalities aren't after her family's house, I believe they're after Diane D herself because I hear she keeps meditating! And I believe whenever she meditates, she be inviting these other personalities or entities to take over herself and she doesn't even be aware of it! And that incident usually happens inside her family's house! When she went into a state of trance and beat up that little boy inside that school hallway, that didn't happen inside their family's home, that happened right inside a school hallway, but that doesn't mean that the school hallway or the school itself is haunted, does it?"

"No, of course not."

"And when those two hospital employees who worked the night shift at a hospital saw another personality take over Diane D when they saw her literally kung fu kick a stuck storage room door wide open and broke it right off its hinges, that happened inside a hospital clinic area, but that doesn't mean that the hospital clinic area or the hospital itself is haunted, does it?"


"So I don't think it matters where Diane D be at! Those other personalities or entities will take over her no matter where she is! So it's not the places that are haunted, it's Diane D herself that's haunted!"

"If that's the case, then how come that little boy had refused to attend that school anymore if it's not the school itself that's haunted?"

"Because of the memories of what happened to him inside that school? If he even looks at or sees that school, it will remind him of what he went through with Diane D. It will remind him of that terrible incident when Diane D beat him up in there! It will remind him of seeing Diane D being possessed and in a state of trance in there! He doesn't want to be reminded of what he went through with Diane D inside that school and I don't blame him! Not only that. Those two hospital employees who witnessed Diane D kung fu kick that stuck storage room door wide open inside a hospital clinic area one night had to be transferred to work at another hospital themselves! They couldn't take the memories of what they saw and witnessed Diane D do either!"

"My God! You know Mom, I would be afraid to live in a house with someone like Diane D, someone who seems possessed then gets into these weird state of trances then gets out of control and attacks people and winds up not rememdering them!"

"Me too!"

"I'm glad we don't have anybody like that in our family because who knows when that other personality might all of a sudden come out if we had someone like that in our family. If we had someone like that in our family and their other personality just come out like that, I would run right out of the house and not look back because that is scaaary!"

"It certainly is." The grandmother and her daughter continue to look at the newspaper.


At another location, two white men and a white woman in the street who are around their late thirties and early forties are reading a newspaper with a different headline that reads: SEVERAL POLICE OFFICERS KNOCKED OUT COLD! DOCTORS HYPNOTIZE DIANE D AND BRING OUT HER OTHER PERSONALITY WHICH THEN GOES BERSERK AND ATTACK THE DOCTORS, A PRIEST AND AUTHORITY FIGURES CAUSING TWO COPS TO GET SHOT!: “Oh my God!” one of the men says. “This article says doctors hypnotized Diane D and brought out her other personality!"

"Yeah I saw it on the news!" the second man says. "Her other personality caused two cops to get shot too!"

"Two cops got shot?!" the woman asks.


"That is crazy!"

"It is!" the first man says. "It says that Diane D's own family was right inside the hypnosis room when she got hypnotized and they heard and witnessed everything her other personality said and did! It says that they got traumatized by that incident!"

"They got traumatized?!"

"Yeah. It says so right here!"

"Man that is fucked up!" the second man says.

"It sure is! I really feel for what Diane D's family is going through, having to deal with something like this."

"I know.” The men and woman continue to read the newspaper article.


That same day, a black man around his early forties at an office job is reading a newspaper with a different headline that reads: DIANE D WRAPPED IN CHAINS AND SHACKLES! DOCTORS BRING OUT DIANE D'S OTHER PERSONALITY WHICH MANAGES TO BREAK LOOSE FROM THE CHAINS AND SHACKLES! HER OTHER PERSONALITY THEN GOES BERSERK AND ATTACK THE DOCTORS, A PRIEST AND AUTHORITY FIGURES! TWO COPS SHOT IN THE PROCESS!: “Oh my God!” the man shouts. “This article says that two doctors had Diane D hypnotized at a hospital, then had her body wrapped in chains and brought out her other personality!"

"What!" other office workers shout as they rush to the man.

The office workers approach the man as one of the women shouts, "Two doctors had Diane D hypnotized at a hospital, then had her body wrapped in chains and brought out her other personality! Diane D was wrapped in chains?!"

"Yeah!" the man says.

"Then two doctors brought out her other personality?!"

"Yeah! Then it says right here that her other personality broke loose from the chains and attacked the doctors with the chains!"

"What!" the other workers shout.

"She broke loose from the chains?!" a male co-worker shouts.

"Yeah!" the first man says.

"Then attacked the doctors with the chains?!"

"Yeah and with the psychiatrist couch she was chained too!"

"What!" the other workers shout. "With the psychiatrist couch she was chained to?!"

"You mean Diane D was chained to a couch?" the male co-worker asks.

"According to this article she was!" the first man says. "And it says that when the security guards and a priest burst into the room, her other personality went on the attack and threw the psychiatrist couch right across the room at their heads smashing the couch right into their heads knocking them down!"

"What! She threw a psychiatrist couch across the room?!"

"That's what it says!"

"Then she smashed the couch right into their heads and knocked the security guards and the priest down with the couch?!"

"Yeah! It says that the couch came speeding at their heads at sixty, seventy or eighty miles an hour!"

"Sixty, seventy or eighty miles an hour?!" the other workers shout.


"My God that's as fast as a car!" the male co-worker says.

"Yeah! That's how fast Diane D's other personality threw that couch!"

"My God! What was a priest doing there in the first place?"

"I don't know! Maybe they had the priest there for a reason! And it says that when police officers and a swat team were about to burst into the doorway of the hypnosis room, Diane D's other personality threw the psychiatrist couch right across the room at their heads smashing the couch right into their heads bashing their heads in knocking them down too!"

"What!" a second male co-worker shouts. "She threw the psychiatrist couch across the room again, smashing the couch into the police officers and a swat team knocking them down with the couch too?!"


"Ain't that psychiatrist couch heavy?"

"Of course it's heavy! It says that the couch was so heavy that some of the police officers got knocked out cold when the couch came speeding at them knocking them down!"

"They got knocked out cold?!" the other workers shout.

"Yeah! Their guns fell right out of their hands when they got knocked out!"

"Their guns fell out of their hands?!" a second woman asks.

"Yeah! Some of their heads got split open!"

"Oh gosh!" the other workers shout.

"And when the other injured officers on the floor tried to reach for their guns, that's when Diane D's other personality threw her body upside down on top of the couch and did a hand stand and chain whips the security guards' and police officers' hands with the long chains that were strapped to her shackles!"

"She did a hand stand while chains were strapped to her shackles?!" the male co-worker asks.

"Yeah, then she used those chains as whips and swung those chains then chain whips the guns right out of the police officers' hands!"

"She did what?!"

"Yeah! It caused two of the guns to go off! Two cops got shot?!"

"What!" the other workers shout. "Two cops got shot?!"


"That's crazy!" the second woman shouts. "Did they survive?!"

"They're both still alive right now, but one of them is in critical condition!"

"One of them is in critical condition?!"

"Yeah! He got shot in the chest!"

"Oh no!" the other workers shout.

"Didn't her cousin Dana caused a female officer to get shot in the back a couple of years ago?" a second male co-worker asks.

"Yep, she sure did!" the first man says. "Now that female officer is paralyzed and can never walk again. That female officer became disabled and now Diane D herself caused two officers to get shot!"

"Oh God!" the other workers shout.

"It says that Diane D's own family was right inside the room when this shit was going down!"


"Diane D's family was inside the room?!" the first male co-worker shouts. "You mean they witnessed all of that?!"

"Yeah!" the first man shouts.

"Oh my lord, they could have gotten shot too when the guns went off! My God! How did Diane D even manage to break those chains loose from the couch?! How was she even able to lift that couch and toss it across a room?!"

"Her other personality probably did that!" the first woman shouts.

"Other personality my foot!" the first man shouts. "That was no other personality!"

"It wasn't?!"

"No, split personalities don't do that!"

"No? So what was it then?!"

"It was a goddamn demon, that's what it was! Anybody that is able to break out of chains like that or lift a heavy couch high up in the air and throw it across a room at sixty, seventy or eighty miles and hour which is faster than most cars, has to be the work of a demon! I mean no one is that powerful to break loose from chains that are wrapped around them and a couch or lift a heavy object high up in the air and toss it right across a room at a killer speed! That is not normal! That is definitely the work of a demon!"

"So what are you trying to say?" the second male co-worker says. "Are you saying that a demon took over Diane D?"

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying! That woman doesn't have a split personality, she is possessed! And she is possessed by a demon! That's probably why those doctors had a priest inside that room in the first place because they were scared! They wanted to get prepared to excorsize that demon out of Diane D!"

"Yeah you're right," the first woman says, "because that's the same thing that kid Marcus said about her when she beat him up inside that school hallway a few years ago! He said he felt the presence of a demon inside Diane D!"

"Well now we all know, that kid Marcus was right! Diane D is possessed! And she probably got possessed by doing that meditation stuff she does! I think that woman be inviting these demons into her with that meditation jazz and she might not even be aware of it!"

"But I don't understand! A lot of people meditate! But they don't become possessed or anything!"

"They don't become possessed! But for some reason, Diane D seems to be the only one who becomes possessed whenever she meditates!"

"Maybe it could be something about her meditation that seems to make her become possessed," the second male co-worker says. "Maybe she's doing something special in her meditation."