DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Diane D And Dana’s Supporters Come To Their Defense!

Supporters of Diane D and Dana are on the other side of the street walking around holding up signs demanding for Diane D and Dana to stay in the country shouting, “Do not deport Diane D! Do not deport Dana!” The signs read: WE SUPPORT DIANE D! NO

DEPARTING NO DEPORTING! There are large posters of Diane D’s half-closed puffy swollen eyes on some of the signs. Other people are holding up signs demanding for Dana to stay in the country also shouting, “Do not deport Dana! Do not deport Diane D!” The signs read: WE SUPPORT DANA! There are large posters of Dana’s deep-set green eyes on some of the signs. Other signs read: WE NEED SOLDIERS AND

FIGHTERS LIKE DIANE D AND DANA! A tall white male supporter speaks through a blowhorn and shouts to the protesters, “We love Diane D and we love her cousin Dana!

We do not want them deported!”

“That’s right!” a white female supporter shouts through another blowhorn. “We want Diane D and her cousin Dana to stay in this country!”

“What!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts to the supporters through her microphone. “You want Diane D and her cousin Dana to stay in this country?! What the hell are you talking about ‘you want Diane D and her cousin Dana to stay in this country’?! They’re killers!”

“But Dana didn’t kill anybody!”

“Oh yes she did!” Mr. Cooper shouts through another microphone. “She killed my unborn child! She beat the crap out of my wife causing my wife to lose the baby! If she hadn’t beat up my wife, our child would have been born! My wife would have been a mother and I would have been a father! We would have had a little two or three-year old son or daughter walking around by now, but thanks to Dana, our child never came to be! She is a killer!”

“That’s right!” Mrs. Peterson shouts through the other microphone. “Dana and Diane D are trouble! They are both a danger to society, look what they tried to do to Mr. Gus and his wife during that road rage incident! Look what they did to our 64

families! Dana killed this man’s unborn child and Diane D killed our husbands, five of them and a Priest! She injured so many people in our families last year and she injured more people in our families this year during her apologetic speech causing Jeremy to get shot multiple times! She fights like a one-woman army!”

“That’s why this country needs people like her!” the tall white male shouts,

“because she fights like a one-woman army!”

“But she is very vicious!”

“The more vicious, the better! She is like a warrior!”

“A warrior?!”

“Yeah! We consider both Diane D and her cousin Dana warriors!”

“Are you crazy?!” Mr. Martinez shouts. “That’s easy for YOU to say because it wasn’t YOUR families who got hurt and killed by Diane D or her cousin Dana, it was our families!”

“That’s right!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts. “Since you all think that Diane D and her cousin Dana are such great soldiers and great warriors, I hope they do the same things to your families!”

“Do the same things to our families?!” the white male shouts. “What do you mean by that Miss?!”

“You know exactly what I mean young man! I hope Diane D and her cousin Dana come hurt and kill someone in your families!”

“What!” the supporters shout.

“Hurt and kill someone in our families?!” the white male shouts. “You did not have to go there Miss!”

“Oh I didn’t?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts. “You’re the ones who are glorifying Diane D

and her cousin Dana’s behaviors! Mighty funny you all think it’s okay when Diane D

and her cousin Dana go around hurting, killing and slaughtering innocent people, especially authority figures, as long as it’s not happening to YOU or YOUR families, huh!”

“That’s right!” Jessica shouts to the supporters. “My family is still suffering from nervous breakdowns after losing my son Marcus, and you’re glorifying Diane D and her cousin Dana calling them soldiers and calling them warriors?! How dare you! I don’t have my son Marcus anymore thanks to Diane D!”

“How are you blaming Diane D for your son Marcus not being around anymore Miss?!” a second white male shouts through a blowhorn. “Wasn’t it YOUR sons who sent that phony letter to Diane D’s family’s organization, the letter that started all of that in the first place?! Wasn’t it YOUR sons who planned the hoax on Diane D and her family, having them think and believe that there was a little boy that goes to your son’s school dying from leukemia just to get Diane D and her family to feel sorry for the kid and they wind up coming to your son’s school to see the kid, only to find out that the kid doesn’t exist and never existed?! Your sons were no angels either! They’re the ones who pulled that hoax on Diane D and her family by sending them that phony letter in the first place!”

“I know my sons shouldn’t have done what they did to Diane D and her family! I know they shouldn’t have done it! Yes, they were wrong to play that trick on Diane D

and her family, they were wrong to send Diane D’s family’s organization that phony letter, the letter that started that whole incident, but my oldest son Richard is the one who actually sent Diane D’s family’s organization that letter! Marcus didn’t really want 65

to have that phony letter sent to Diane D’s family’s organization, but my oldest son Richard insisted, and Richard still feels guilty about the whole entire thing! He’s still going through nervous breakdowns because of it! He will never get over the guilt he has of sending Diane D and her family that phony letter which caused him to lose his brother!”

“So if it was the phony letter that was written by your sons and sent by your sons that started the hoax which caused Diane D to wind up beating up your son Marcus in the first place, do you still want her deported, even though you just admitted that it was the phony letter from your sons that started that incident?!”

“Yes I still want Diane D deported because she’s a danger to society! If she can beat the crap out of my child and show absolutely no mercy while she’s doing it, then she can do the same thing to the next person’s child!” Everyone claps and cheer.

“Mrs. Green?!” a third white male supporter shouts through the blowhorn. “Wasn’t it your son Felix Green who started it all by labeling Diane D a ‘crack head’ which caused Dana and the rest of Diane D’s family members to jump him?! Didn’t he threaten to write false reports about Diane D because he figures that controversy sells?!

He was willing to ruin Diane D’s reputation just to make a buck! And Mr. Cody? Why were you and your co-worker Shane hiding from Diane D inside that clinic area in the first place?! Why didn’t you two want Diane D to know that you two were there inside the clinic hallway that night if you two were just doing your job?! There’s gotta be a reason why you two were hiding from Diane D and didn’t want her to know that you were there inside the clinic hallway, unless you were spying on her!”

“Oooohh!” the crowd says.

“I heard that Diane D felt like she was being spied on the night she was accused of kung fu kicking that storage room door open!”

“That’s right Mr. Cody!” a second white female supporter shouts. “Were you and your co-worker Shane spying on Diane D that night inside the clinic hallway, that’s why you two didn’t want her to know that you were there because she might figure out that you two were spying on her?!”

“Oooohh!” the crowd says.

“No!” Cody shouts. “That’s not true!”

“It is true!” the second white female supporter shouts. “You were spying on Diane D that night then got traumatized by what you saw her do!”

“Of course I got traumatized by what Shane and I saw her do! Who wouldn’t?!”

“Well if you were spying on Diane D, then got traumatized by what you saw her do, then you two got exactly what you deserve!”

“Oooohh!” the crowd says.

“Got exactly what we deserve?!” Cody shouts. “What the hell you mean ‘we got exactly what we deserve’?!”

“Were you and your co-worker Shane spying on Diane D inside the clinic hallway that night?!” the second white female shouts.

“Yeah Mr. Cody!” the third white male shouts. “Were you and your co-worker Shane the ones going around spreading that information to other hospital employees that you two overheard Diane D inside one of the clinic rooms trying to give her cousin Dana an illegal abortion?!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd says.

Cody shockingly looks at the third white male.


“What’s the matter Mr. Cody?!” the third white male shouts, “the cat’s got your tongue?! You left that part out about you and your co-worker Shane spreading that information to other hospital employees that you two overheard Diane D inside one of the clinic rooms trying to give her cousin Dana an abortion, you didn’t share that part with everybody, you shared everything else, but that! Since you didn’t share that part with everyone, I had to be the one to share that part for you! You know you and your co-worker Shane were spying on Diane D outside one of the clinic room doors the night before, you know it, that’s why you and your co-worker Shane didn’t want to face her!

That’s why you two didn’t want her to find you inside that clinic area that night because you knew that she would catch you two spying on her!”

Cody turns and hurries away.

“That’s right Mr. Cody, show your guilt! Turn and run off like every other coward does!”

Cody continues to hurry off as he turns his head and angrily looks back at Diane D

and Dana’s supporters.