DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

A Stoning In The Woods!

It is 3:00am. Kurt is home inside his apartment laying in his bed sleeping. He starts tossing and turning as he starts to dream.


Kurt’s soul or spirit is soaring in another dimension in the astral plane again over a thick forest or wilderness where it is very windy and little clouds in the sky where there is a large hazy moon peeking through the little clouds. His soul or spirit is soaring over thick trees. His soul or spirit then soars through the trees then towards the ground.

Kurt soon lands lying face down on the ground. He holds his head up and looks around. He then sits up and looks around. He finds himself surrounded by a dark spooky eerie forest. The forest is dimly lit with small fires everywhere and dimly lit from the large hazy moon above. The wind blows with an eerie sound to it. Kurt gets up. He stands and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest. He sees a few dark dirt paths in the distance going into different directions and realizes that he’s back in the same dark eerie place again! “Oh no!” Kurt shouts to himself, “not again! What the hell am I doing here again?! I keep finding myself inside these damn creepy woods, again and again!” Kurt continues to frighteningly look around. He then goes down one of the dark dirt paths and starts to wander through the eerie forest again as he puzzledly and frighteningly looks around. “Why am I here again?!” he angrily shouts to himself. “Did that Diane D entity pull my soul and spirit back into this dark place again?!”

Kurt continues to go down the dark dirt path and wanders through the forest or 67

woods puzzledly and frighteningly looking around. “How the hell do I get out of here?”

he says. He suddenly hears a deep voice screaming way in the distance shouting,

“Help!” Kurt quickly turns his head and puzzledly looks towards the sound of the voice.

“Help, help, help!” the deep voice screams again. “Oh no!” Kurt whispers to himself,

“it’s that damn Diane D entity again!” He hears the voice screaming way in the distance again shouting, “Help!” Kurt nervously says to himself, “Why is that Diane D entity screaming for help again?! Is she handcuffed, shackled and chained up again?! Is she trying to lure me to herself again?! Could she be up to her tricks again?!” Kurt then goes down the dark dirt path towards the sound of the voice again and follows it.

“Please somebody heeeelp!” the voice screams again. “Somebody please heeeelp!” the voice screams as Kurt continues to go down the dark dirt path following the voice.

A couple of minutes later, Kurt continues to walk down the dark dirt path following where the voice is coming from.

Kurt then stops on the dirt path and reaches the part of the dark woods or forest where he hears the voice. He turns to his left and looks where the voice is coming from. He becomes shocked and horrified to find the Diane D entity again five yards away from him, sitting down on the grass and weeds in front of a tree facing the tree, dressed in the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes with her long spooky black hair out loose with bangs blowing in the wind again, with handcuffs around her wrists and shackles around her ankles! She is not locked or trapped in a contortionist position anymore. She is sitting down on the grass with each of the handcuffs around her wrists attached to a three-feet chain, with each end of the chain attached to another chain that’s wrapped around a tree trunk! She also has each of the shackles around her ankles attached to a three-feet chain with each end of the chain attached to the chain that’s wrapped around the tree trunk causing her to have four three-feet chains attached from her limbs attached to the chain wrapped around the tree! She is in distressed as she tries to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains that are attached to the chain wrapped around the tree!

She cannot break loose from them. Kurt continues to stand on the dirt path shockingly staring down at the Diane D entity. He is stunned as he continues to shockingly stare down at the Diane D entity trying to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains attached to the chain wrapped around the tree trunk. He turns his head and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest. He turns his head back forward and shockingly stares down at the Diane D entity again as she continues to try and break free from the handcuffs, shackles and chains. He puzzledly stares at the Diane D entity.

He then shouts, “Diane D!”

The Diane D entity suddenly stops trying to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains. She is out of breath. She slowly turns her head to her left, looks up with her face slightly pale and her eyes small, puffy and swollen and sees Kurt. She looks at Kurt as her long black hair and bangs continues to blow in the wind with some of her hair and bangs blowing in front of her face.

“So we meet again!” Kurt angrily shouts to the Diane D entity. “Why am I here again?! What am I doing here again?! Did you bring me here again?! Did you lure me here?! What are you doing sitting down there in the grass in front of a tree with those handcuffs around your wrists and shackles around your ankles with those handcuffs and shackles chained to the other chain that’s wrapped around that tree?!”


“I’ll tell you what happened!” the Diane D entity shouts out of breath, “it’s that damn evil Being again!”

“What?! The evil Being?!”


“What happened this time?!”

“That evil Being keeps accusing me of causing chaos in your world!”

“What? The evil Being keeps accusing you of causing chaos, in my world? Really?”

“Yes and I’m not doing anything!”

“You’re not?”


“What did the evil Being accuse you of doing, this time?”

“It accused me of attacking that guy Jeremy who tried to attack Diane inside that hotel conference room!”

“What! The evil Being accused you of attacking Jeremy who tried to attack Diane D

inside the hotel conference room?”


“But, you weren’t there inside that hotel conference room when that incident happened, or were you? Were you inside the real Diane D’s physical body and used her physical body that day to attack and harm Jeremy, using her physical body to lock Jeremy’s unconscious body in a choke hold, then using her physical body to back kick the victims’ family members injuring a lot of them snapping their necks, then using her physical body to put Jeremy’s unconscious body right in the line of fire causing his unconscious body to get hit and banged up by those water bottles that were thrown towards the real Diane D’s physical body, then using the real Diane D’s physical body to slam and bang Jeremy’s unconscious body right against the wall, then using the real Diane D’s physical body to put Jeremy’s unconscious body right in the line of fire causing his unconscious body to get shot multiple times by police bullets that were meant for you, or should I say meant for the real Diane D’s physical body?! Did you do all of that?! Did you possess the real Diane D’s physical body that day?!”

“What if I did?”

“Oh, so you did possess the real Diane D’s physical body that day to attack and harm Jeremy with! You’re the one who caused all that chaos! You caused Jeremy and a lot of the victims’ other family members to wind up in the hospital! You caused the real Diane D to be locked back up in the mental institution after you used her physical body to attack and harm Jeremy and the victims’ other family members! Why did you do that?! Why did you possess the real Diane D’s physical body that day and used her physical body to attack and harm Jeremy?!”

“I had to!”

“You had to?!”

“Yes! That guy Jeremy tried to attack and harm Diane, so I had to step into her physical body that day to take over and protect her by attacking him!”

“You had to step into the real Diane D’s physical body to take over and protect her from Jeremy, by attacking him, using the real Diane D’s physical body?!”

“That’s right.”

“If that’s so, then why did you possess the real Diane D’s physical body and used her physical body to kill my father?!”

“Because I had to!”


“You had to for that too?!”



“Because your father and the other authority figures were about to burst into that hypnosis room with guns and shotguns to harm or kill Diane! I couldn’t allow that!”

“You couldn’t allow it?!”


“So you decided to take it upon yourself and entered the real Diane D’s physical body that day, then used her physical body to attack and harm Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn by giving them kung fu kicks to the heads knocking them both out, used the real Diane D’s physical body to lift that heavy ass psychiatrist couch right up off the floor, held it high in the air, spun it around and around, then used her physical body to toss that psychiatrist couch all the way across that hypnosis room to the doorway and killed my father and the other authority figures with it before they even get a chance to come into the hypnosis room to harm or kill the real Diane D with those guns and shotguns!”

“That’s right! You got it!”

“I think the real Diane D already knows how to protect and defend herself without your evil spirit always interfering into the situations making things worse! You even caused the real Diane D to be locked up in the mental institution after you used her physical body to kill my father and the other authority figures that day! Does the real Diane D even know about you?!”

“Sort of.”

“She knows about you?”

“Sort of!”

“Does she know, that you be coming into people like me and that kid Marcus’

dreams and nightmares, making yourself look exactly like her, pretending to be her, terrorizing us?”

“Not really.”

“She doesn’t know?!”

“Not really!”

“Why do you always have to protect the real Diane D anyway?! Why is it so important for you not to have anyone harm the real Diane D or not to have the real Diane D killed?”

“Because we have a connection to her!”

“We? You all have a connection to the real Diane D?”

“Yes we do!”

“How?! How can you have a connection to the real Diane D when you just said the real Diane D only sort of knows about you?!”

“She doesn't really have to know about us. We know about her.”

“I see. Do you always have to use violence and chaos in order to protect the real Diane D?!”

“If that’s what it takes.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“Are you going to continue to interfere in the real Diane D’s life, even though she doesn’t really know about you?!”

“If that’s what it takes to protect her! If anybody wants to harm Diane, they got to 70

go through us!”

“They got to go through you?”


“But why?!”

“That’s just the way it is.”

“That’s the way it is?!”

“That’s right!”

“My God! I see why the evil Being constantly have you locked in handcuffs, shackles and chains, because of all the chaos you be causing in the physical world, causing chaos for me and my family, causing chaos for the family members of the other victims, causing chaos for that little kid Marcus and his family, causing chaos for the real Diane D and causing chaos for her family as well! Now that you’re tied up and chained up to a tree, I guess what goes around comes around.”

“What goes around comes around? What do you mean by that?”

“Now you know how it feels to be tied to a tree like you had your look-alike gang do to me, when you had them about to set me on fire!”

“But if you help get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains, I promise, I won’t cause anymore chaos.”


“Yes, really!”

“Yeah I heard that before! When I helped get you out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains the first nightmare I had about you, you came after me!”

“But if you help free me from these handcuffs, shackles and chains and help release me from this tree, I’m not going to come after you again! I’m not going to cause anymore chaos in your world!”



“How long does that evil Being plan to have you handcuffed, shackled and chained to that tree?”

“Not too long.”

“Not too long?”


“Oh, okay then, so if you’re not going to be handcuffed, shackled and chained to that tree too long, you don’t need me to help free you from those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“No I won’t be handcuffed, shackled and chained to this tree too long because you know why?! That evil Being is planning to have me killed right here on the spot any minute now!”

“What! The evil Being is planning to have you killed there on the spot?! What do you mean that evil Being is planning to have you killed there on the spot?!”

“That evil Being is planning to have me stoned to death!”

“What! Stoned to death?! The evil Being is planning to have you stoned to death?!

What do you mean ‘the evil Being is planning to have you stoned to death’?!”

“That evil Being is planning to have stones thrown at me!”

“What! Are you serious?!”

“Yes I’m serious! That’s why I need you to help me get out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains and help release me from this tree before it’s too late!”


“Before it’s too late? How do I know you’re not lying to me?”

“Because you’ll be able to see the evil Being’s soldiers!”

“What! I’ll be able to see the evil Being’s soldiers? What do you mean ‘I’ll be able to see the evil Being’s soldiers’?”

“You’ll be seeing the evil Being’s soldiers throwing the stones at me!”

“What! I’ll see the evil Being’s soldiers throwing the stones at you?!”

“Yes, if you stay here long enough! So could you please help get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains and free me from this tree?! Time is running out! The evil Being’s soldiers will be here any minute to throw the stones at me and kill me!”

“Oh yeah?!”

“Yes, I really need your help! You have to hurry and get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains before that evil Being’s soldiers get me! I think I hear them coming now!”

“You hear them coming?!”

“Yes!” The Diane D entity turns her head around. She then shouts, “Oh no!

They’re here!”

“They’re here? Who’s here?”

“The evil Being’s soldiers! They’re standing way over there, ready to throw the stones at me!”

Kurt looks several yards away behind the Diane D entity. He sees a faint group of five or six middle aged to older men standing way in the distance who sort of appear ghost like, all with beards dressed in Biblical robes. They are holding stones in their hands. Kurt is shocked to see the ghostly group of men.

The Diane D entity turns her head back towards Kurt and shouts, “You see them Mr.


“Yes I see them!”

“Now do you believe me?!”

“I guess so!”

“You got to help me Mr. Kurt, you just got to help me! Please get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains before those soldiers start to throw the stones!”

“Why don’t you want the stones thrown at you?”

“What! Why don’t I want the stones thrown at me? What kind of question is that?!

Why would I want stones thrown at me?!”

“Because it’s not like you’re going to feel it!”

“It’s not like I will feel it? What do you mean?!”

“I thought you don’t feel pain!”

“You thought I don’t feel pain? What makes you think that?!”

“Well according to what you told the real Diane D’s doctor, Dr. Stone during her hypnosis, you admitted to Dr. Stone that you don’t feel pain! Do you feel pain or not?!”

“It doesn’t matter whether or not I feel pain! I can still be killed even if I don’t feel pain, that’s why you have to help get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains before I get killed!”

“You want me to help get you out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains to save your life after you killed my father, taking HIS life?! You expect me to help get you out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains after you had your look-alike gang tie me up and were about to set me on fire?!”

“Yes I do expect you to help get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains!”


“But why me?”

“Because I have no one else!”

“You have no one else?”


“Well where are your look-alike gang and soldiers, the same look-alike gang and soldiers you had tie me to a tree and were about to set me on fire?”

“They’re not here!”

“I can see that! Well where are they?! They’re not able to come rescue you?!”

“No! If they were able to come rescue me, I wouldn’t need you, would I?! You just got to help me!”

“I don’t know what I can do for you!”

“You can try to stop those damn soldiers from stoning me to death!”

“Try to stop the soldiers from stoning you to death?! After all the people you killed in the physical world including my dad and including the two other victims’ family members who were about to go after the real Diane D for revenge then got killed, now you want mercy and don’t want you, yourself to be killed?! Ha! Like I said, I guess what goes around comes around, doesn’t it?!”

“Ready?” a voice from one of the men shouts.

“Oh oh Mr. Kurt!” the Diane D entity shouts, “they’re about to start throwing the stones at me!”

“Aim!” The men start to throw the stones all the way right towards the Diane D


One of the stones hits the Diane D entity hard right on the back of her left shoulder as her left shoulder jerks from the blow! “Aaahh!” the Diane D entity shouts. She turns towards Kurt and shouts, “Help me Mr. Kurt!”

Another stone gets tossed towards the Diane D entity!

The stone hits the Diane D entity hard right across her back as her back jerks from the blow! “Aaahh!” the Diane D entity shouts again! She turns towards Kurt again and shouts, “Save me Mr. Kurt!”

Suddenly several stones are thrown hard at the Diane D entity!

The stones hit the Diane D entity’s head and body hard as she suddenly leaps right up off the grass, jumps to her feet and stands with her arms and legs far apart, causing all four three-feet chains to spread far apart from each other, causing the chains to jerk and rattle as she desperately tries to break free from the handcuffs, shackles and chains as the stones hit her! The Diane D entity tries with all her might to fight off the stones as the stones hit her head and body hard bouncing off her head and body, causing her head and body to jerk from the blows! “Oh no!” Kurt shouts as he shockingly witnesses the Diane D entity being hit hard with the stones trying to fight off the stones as the stones bounce off her head and body, causing her head and body to jerk! The Diane D

entity starts to bleed! “Oh no!” Kurt shouts as he witnesses the Diane D entity bleeding!

The Diane D entity then bends sideways as the stones continue to hit her head and body! She then falls out on the grass with her head and body bloodied! She then passes out! “Oh nooo!” Kurt shouts as he shockingly sees the Diane D entity passed out on the grass with her head and body bloodied! “No stop!” Kurt shouts towards the men.

“Stop!” Kurt shouts as he runs in harm’s way hurrying behind the Diane D entity putting himself right between the Diane D entity and the men, trying to block the path of the stones! “Please stop!” Kurt shouts to the men. The stones suddenly stop being 73

thrown. “Please don’t throw anymore stones at her, please!” Kurt turns around and anxiously looks down at the Diane D entity. He sees that the Diane D entity is still laying passed out on the grass with her head and body bloodied. He turns back towards the men and shouts, “There’s got to be a better way than this! There’s got to be a better way to deal with her, not be brutal or barbaric like this! If you’re brutal or barbaric like this, it makes you no better than she is! It makes you just as bad! Please, no more throwing the stones at her, no more! Let’s try to have peace and settle this peacefully, okay?!”

“Ready?” a voice from one of the men shouts again. The men are about to throw more stones towards the Diane D entity!

“Hey!” Kurt shouts to the men again. “Didn’t I say no more stones! I think you guys already did enough damage to her! Do not throw anymore stones at her, please!”

“Aim!” the men shout again as they completely ignore Kurt and start to throw more stones right towards the Diane D entity again with Kurt standing right in harm’s way!

Kurt sees a large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity! He becomes shocked! He then turns right and is about to run to get out of harm’s way and make a run for it, suddenly the Diane D entity quickly grabs one of Kurt’s ankles stopping him from running! “What the….!” Kurt shouts as he trips and falls! He lands hard on the grass! He shockingly turns and looks at the Diane D entity and sees her body lying face down on the grass, but he cannot see her face being that her face is down on the grass and her entire head is covered and hidden by her long black hair! He is shocked to see that the Diane D entity has a tight grip on his ankle keeping him from running away as she continues to lay face down on the grass with her head and body bloodied! “No!” Kurt shouts to the Diane D entity! “Let go of me!” Suddenly the Diane D entity is hit with the large stone hard on her back as her body jerks from the blow!

“Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns around towards the men!

“Ready!” the men shout again! “Aim!”

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity!

He becomes shocked again! He turns back towards the Diane D entity and tries to break away from the tight grip she has on his ankle! “Let go of me!” Kurt shouts again to the Diane D entity! Suddenly the Diane D entity is hit with the other large stone hard on her head as her head jerks from the blow! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns back around towards the men!

“Ready!” the men shout again! “Aim!”

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! He becomes shocked again! He turns back towards the Diane D entity and desperately tries to break his ankle free from her tight grip! “Let me go!” Kurt shouts to the Diane D entity! Suddenly the Diane D entity is hit with the other large stone hard on her right shoulder as her right shoulder jerks from the blow! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns back around towards the men!

“Aim!” the men shout again!

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! He turns back towards the Diane D entity and desperately tries to break away from the Diane D entity’s tight grip she has on his ankle as the other large stone hits the Diane D entity hard on her lower back as her lower back jerks from the blow!

“Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns back around towards the men again!

“Aim!” the men shout again!


Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! He turns back towards the Diane D entity and desperately tries to break his ankle free from her tight grip! Suddenly, the Diane D entity grabs Kurt’s other ankle with her other hand, pulling Kurt’s entire body right towards herself as the stone lands hard on the grass next to them, missing them! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns back around towards the men again!

“Aim!” the men shout again!

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! He turns back towards the Diane D entity and punches the Diane D entity with both of his fists shouting, “Let me go!” as he desperately tries to break his ankles free from her tight grip! Suddenly, the Diane D entity grabs Kurt’s right arm, wrapping her entire right arm tightly around Kurt’s right arm, locking and squeezing his right arm into her right arm as another stone lands hard on the grass next to them, missing them again! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly turns back around towards the men again!

“Aim!” the men shout again!

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! He turns back towards the Diane D entity and punches the Diane D entity with his left fist! Suddenly, the Diane D entity reaches behind Kurt’s back with her head, face and eyes swollen and bleeding and quickly grabs Kurt’s left arm, wrapping her entire left arm tightly around Kurt’s left arm, locking and squeezing his left arm into her left arm, having the back of his body pressed tightly against the front of her body, all with the handcuffs and chains still attached to her wrists as another stone lands hard on the grass next to them, missing them again! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly looks towards the men again!

“Aim!” the men shout again!

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! Suddenly, the Diane D entity quickly wraps her entire right leg tightly around Kurt’s right leg, locking and squeezing his right leg into her right leg as she wraps her entire left leg tightly around Kurt’s left leg, locking and squeezing his left leg into her left leg, all with the shackles and chains still attached to her ankles as another stone lands hard on the grass next to them, missing them again! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as he frighteningly looks towards the men again!

“Aim!” the men shout again!

Kurt sees another large stone hurling right towards himself and the Diane D entity again! The Diane D entity has all of Kurt’s limbs locked and squeezed tightly into her grip as she holds his body right between herself and the hurling stones, facing Kurt’s body right towards the hurling stones, using Kurt’s body as a human shield to cover and protect her own body from the stones! Suddenly Kurt is hit with a stone right on his chest as his body jerks from the blow! “Aaaahh!” he screams as his body jerks from the blow! He desperately tries to break free from the Diane D entity’s tight grip of his body. “Let me go!” he shouts to her! Suddenly Kurt is hit with a stone right on his head as his head jerks from the blow and starts to bleed! “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as his head jerks from the blow! He desperately tries to break free from the Diane D entity’s tight grip of his body! Kurt painfully turns his head and shouts to the Diane D entity,

“You! You tricked me!” More stones fly towards Kurt and the Diane D entity’s direction, but only Kurt is getting hit with the stones being that the Diane D entity is 75

holding his body tightly in the path of the stones while trying to cover and protect her own body from the stones! “Aaaahhh!” Kurt screams as he continues to be hit with the stones. He is about to pass out as he shouts, “Stooooop! Stoooop!”


“STOOOOP!” Kurt screams as he wakes back up inside his bedroom and quickly sits up on the bed! He stops screaming and frighteningly looks around his bedroom sweating and out of breath! He does not see the Diane D entity anymore. He does not see the eerie forest or woods anymore. He does not see or hear the ghostly looking bearded men dressed in Biblical robes anymore. He does not see or hear anything unusual happening. He quickly turns on the light next to his bed. He frighteningly looks around and realizes that he’s inside his bedroom! He frighteningly looks at his hands, arms and fingers! He holds his hands, arms and fingers out. He does not see any bleeding or bruises on them. He sees that his hands, arms and fingers are completely unharmed. He does not feel any pain in them! He quickly hurries out of the bed and rushes to the mirror on the dresser!

Kurt turns on the light next to the mirror and anxiously looks at his reflection! He does not see any blood or bruises on his head and face. He sees that his head and face are completely unharmed also. He does not feel any pain in them! He quickly takes his shirt off! He then looks at the reflection of his chest. He does not see any blood or bruises on his chest. He sees that his chest is completely unharmed also. He does not feel any pain in it! He then turns around and looks at the reflection of his back. He does not see any blood or bruises on his back. He sees that his back is completely unharmed also and realizes that he just woke up from another nightmare about the Diane D entity! He looks around his bedroom again. He then starts to sob from his frightening nightmare!