DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Protests Call For Dana’s Deportation!

“Hi everyone!” Mrs. Green shouts through the microphone, “I’m Mrs. Green! We shouldn’t just try to get Diane D deported, we should try to get her cousin Dana deported also!” Everyone claps and cheer as Mrs. Green shouts, “My son Felix Green is the one who was allegedly shot by Dana a few years ago!”

“Oooohh,” the crowd whispers.

“Diane D’s family’s organization was having an event inside a catering hall a few years ago! My son Felix Green was there as a newspaper reporter! He told someone that he was going to write a newspaper report about Diane D being on drugs then went outside the catering hall speaking to some people out on the sidewalk! When Dana heard about what my son Felix was planning to do, she went right outside the catering hall and confronted him followed by the rest of Diane D’s family! Dana and Felix wind up having an argument! When Felix shouted to Dana that Diane D is a crack head, Dana and the rest of Diane D’s family lost it! They didn’t like that one bit, that’s when Dana called my son a son-of-a-bitch and socked him right in the face!”

“Oh no!”

“She threw the first blow, then the rest of Diane D’s family punched my son in the face too! Dana had Diane D’s entire family jumped my son!”

“What! Oh nooo!”


“My son had to hurry and get away from that family, so he ran back in the catering hall and went into the bathroom and locked the door behind himself! He looked in the mirror and saw how bad his face got beat up! He became furious! He got so angry about Dana!”

“Oh nooo.”

“When he came back out the building, he saw Dana and the rest of Diane D’s family near the street curb! Then he ran straight towards Dana and was about to drop kick her!”

“Oh no!”

“No one saw him coming! Diane D somehow got in front of Dana and put herself right in harm’s way and my son wound up drop kicking her instead knocking her right into Dana, then Diane D and Dana both fell down to the curb like dominos, then my son ran off! When Dana got up from the curb, she saw how hurt Diane D was, then she went crazy and ran after my son! My son got in his car to get away, then he drove off!

Then Dana got in her car and drove off after my son! She followed my son all the way to the highway! My son sped down the highway to get away from Dana, but she was hot on his tail! They were speeding down the highway at a hundred miles an hour!”

“Oh no!”

“While they were speeding down the highway, my son said that Dana had shot at his vehicle around three times!”

“Oh no!”

“There were even bullet holes on the car to prove it!”

“Oh no!”

“Months later, my son got shot by a stray bullet! Of course the police suspected Dana of shooting him, but couldn’t prove it! My son was injured so bad that he had to go through the rest of his life wearing a catheter on his side!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Who the hell wants to live like THAT! He couldn’t take living life like that anymore, so he wound up taking his own life just like that little boy Marcus did!”

“Oh no!”

“That’s right, Dana caused my son to take his own life just like Diane D caused that little boy Marcus to take his own life! So don’t just deport Diane D, deport her cousin Dana also! They are both menaces to society!” Everyone claps and cheer as Mrs. Green cries and hands the microphone over to Mr. Cooper, a black man around his late-40’s, whose wife Janice Cooper was seriously injured by Dana a few years prior.

“That’s right everyone!” Mr. Cooper shouts through the microphone, “don’t just deport Diane D, deport her cousin Dana as well! I’m Mr. Cooper! My wife Janice Cooper was one of the female police officers beaten up by Diane D’s cousin Dana right after the catering hall incident when my wife and her female partner Liz Martinez pulled Dana’s car over!”

“Ooohh,” the crowd whispers.

“When my wife and her partner followed Dana’s car trying to pull her vehicle over, Dana didn’t pull her vehicle over right away, she kept driving! When Dana finally pulled her car over, my wife and her partner pulled up several yards behind her! Then my wife and her partner got out of their patrol car! When they looked around the area, they realized that they were in an isolated area where no one else was around! That’s when they realized that Dana had deliberately lured them to an isolated area where 58

there were no possible witnesses!”

“Oh no!”

“When my wife and her partner went to approach Dana’s car, they told Dana to step out of her vehicle! They suspected that Dana might be armed after they got the word of Felix Green telling police that Dana shot at his vehicle three times while she was speeding and chasing him down the highway! After that, Dana stepped out of her vehicle! After she got out of her vehicle, my wife and her partner told Dana to turn around, spread her legs and put her hands up on the car because they were about to frisk her! Dana refused! She didn’t want to be frisked! She told my wife and her partner not to put their hands on her!”

“Oh no!”

“My wife and her partner demanded for Dana to turn around and put her hands up on the vehicle because they were going to frisk her anyway whether she liked it or not!

That’s when Dana gave in! She turned around and put her hands up on the car! As soon as my wife and her partner were about to frisk Dana, Dana went crazy! She backed kick my wife in her groin, then she turned around and started beating the crap out of my wife!”

“Oh no!”

“When my wife’s partner Liz Martinez intervened and tried to help, Dana turned and started beating the crap out of her as well while my wife was laying on the ground helpless and injured! My wife started bleeding right there having a miscarriage! Dana caused my wife to have a miscarriage! She killed my unborn baby!”

“Oh no!”

“She permanently injured my wife, and now my wife can never have any children!

She literally killed my wife’s chances of ever having any children of her own in the future! Now my wife will never get to be a mom and I will never get to be a dad thanks to Dana, because Dana is a killer just as well as Diane D, so deport Dana as well!”

Everyone claps and cheer as Mr. Cooper hands the microphone over to Mr. Martinez, a Hispanic man around his mid-40’s, whose wife Liz Martinez was also seriously injured by Dana.

“That’s right everyone!” Mr. Martinez shouts through the microphone, “deport Dana as well! Hashtag deport Dana as well! My wife Liz Martinez was the other female police officer beaten up by Dana when she and her partner Janice Cooper pulled Dana’s car over! After Dana beat the crap out of Janice Cooper and left her injured on the ground, she turned on my wife Liz Martinez and started to beat the crap out of my wife as well, so Janice Cooper pulled out her gun to shoot Dana to stop Dana from beating the crap out of my wife! When Janice Cooper was about to pull the trigger, Dana saw the gun! When Dana saw Janice Cooper about to pull the trigger, you know what she did?! She threw my wife right in the line of fire!”

“What! Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

“She deliberately threw my wife right towards the gun putting my wife right in front of the live bullet that was meant for HER and caused my wife to get shot right in the back!”

“Oh no!”

“Just like Diane D did when she put that guy Jeremy’s unconscious body right in the line of fire!”

“Oh no!”


“She deliberately pointed Jeremy’s body right towards the police guns putting Jeremy’s body right in front of live bullets that was meant for HER and caused Jeremy’s body to get shot multiple times!”

“Oh no!”

“When my wife got shot, the bullet hit her right in the spine and now she is permanently paralyzed from the waist down and can never walk again! She can never dance again! She has to be in a wheel chair for the rest of her life! Dana destroyed both of our families lives and all she got was being locked up in the mental institution also! So like Mr. Cooper said, deport Dana as well as deport Diane D! Get those two killer cousins out of here and send them back to where they came from! They both need to be deported this instant!” Everyone claps and cheer as Mr. Martinez hands the microphone over to Mr. Hale, a white male around his mid-40’s, whose wife was also seriously injured by Dana a few years prior.

“That’s right everyone!” Mr. Hale shouts through the microphone, “deport Dana as well! My wife was the third female police officer beaten up by Dana when she pulled Dana’s vehicle over a few years ago after she heard two gun shots in the distance! After my wife heard the two gunshots, she saw a dark blue car way in the distance speeding from where the gunshot sounds came from! She heard the dark blue car screeching its tires down the street then making a quick illegal turn and speeding in another direction then disappearing! My wife decided to go after that vehicle! When my wife caught up to that vehicle, she drove behind it and shouted to the driver to pull over! That car did not stop, it kept driving, so my wife shouted again to the car to pull over! That car finally pulled over! My wife pulls up several yards behind the car, then she gets out of her patrol car and looks around the area! She saw that the area was totally isolated where no one else was around, then she walked to the dark blue car! My wife saw Dana and told Dana to step out of the car! Dana just sits there and does not move! My wife told Dana again to step out the car! When Dana got out of her car, my wife recognized her as Diane D's crazy cousin, so my wife quickly pulled out her gun and points the gun right at Dana! She told Dana that she was gonna search her vehicle to see if she had any weapons in there, then told Dana she was gonna frisk her and call for back up, then she told Dana to turn around and put her hands up against the car! Dana told my wife that she cannot frisk her and told my wife not to put her hands on her! My wife told Dana that she’s gonna wait for backup to arrive, then she'll frisk her! My wife told Dana again to put her hands up against the car! Dana was about to put her hands up against the car, then she tripped and fell to the ground! My wife tucked her gun away then bent down to help Dana! While my wife was trying to help Dana, Dana ambushed her and kicked her hard in the stomach!”

“What!” the crowd shouts. “Oh no!”

“Then Dana whacked my wife hard across the head with a cane she had causing the cane to break!”

“Oh no!”

“She started beating the crap out of my wife! After she beat up my wife, she got right back in her car, sped away and left my wife on the ground!”

“Oh no!”

“My wife suffered multiple injuries from Dana! She even lost some vision in one of her eyes!”

“Oh no!”


“Days later, a stray bullet almost hits my wife while we were getting into our car!

Not only did Dana destroy the lives of Felix Green, Janice Cooper and Liz Martinez and their families, she also destroyed my wife’s life and our family’s lives after she had an open season on female police officers! So like Mrs. Green. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Martinez say, deport Dana as well as deport Diane D! Get them out of here and out of our lives for good! Send them back to where they came from!” Everyone claps and cheer as Mr.

Hale hands the microphone over to Norma, a black female around her late-40’s, who was kicked in the chest by Dana many years ago.

“Hi everyone!” Norma shouts through the microphone, “deport both Diane D and her cousin Dana! Many years ago when Dana was a teenager, she had kicked me hard in the chest!”

“Oh nooo!” the crowd shouts.

“We were arguing and grabbing over a bike! Dana claimed that the bike belonged to her brother and I told her that the bike belonged to my son! I told her to let go of the bike! Dana refused to let go of the bike and told me she's not letting go of her brother's bike! I started to curse at her! When I cursed at her, she viciously kicked me right in the chest!”

“What! Oh nooo!”

“I felt the wind knocked right out of me and fell to the ground!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I was taken to the hospital! While I was taken to the hospital, Dana was sent away to a juvenile detention! I got out the hospital the next day, thank God! Dana was supposed to have flown back to Jamaica with her family the following week, but she was put away in juvenile detention for a month!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Being that Dana was locked away in juvenile detention for a month, her family’s flight back to Jamaica had to be delayed for a few weeks, thanks to her!”


“Thank God her flight back to Jamaica is not delayed anymore because the flights back to Jamaica are now open for her again!”

“Yaaayy!” the crowd claps and cheer.

“Yes the flights are open for both Dana and Diane D to be deported then departed and get the hell on out of here!” Everyone claps and cheer as Norma hands the microphone over to Mr. Gus, a Middle Eastern man around his early-60’s, whose wife and himself were terrorized by both Diane D and Dana during a road rage incident a few years prior.

“That’s right everyone!” Mr. Gus shouts through the microphone, “deport both Diane D and her cousin Dana! My wife and I were driving on the highway in Eastern Long Island, New York a few years ago! I was driving the car while my wife was sitting in the passenger seat! While I was driving, I accidentally cut in front of a van! The van quickly slammed on the brakes! I continued to drive off! The next thing I know, is that the van raced right up to my car! The driver leaned to their opened window and shouted at me! They cussed at me and everything! Then my wife and I looked to our right! My wife quickly turned to me and shouted that it looks like Diane D’s cousin Dana! I said to her ‘what! She mean that crazy woman?! Oh shoot!’ so I looked forward and floored it! I sped off! The next thing I know, is that Dana sped the van and chased after me!”


“Oh nooo!” the crowd shouts.

“I swerved my car to get away from her, then I started to speed faster and faster, but she remained hot on my tail! Her van caught up to my car and she deliberately bumped her van into my car and pushed my car right off the road!”

“Oh no!”

“My car bumped right up against the side of the highway!”

“Oh nooo!”

“She continued to bump the van into my car and pushed my car off the highway!”

“Oh no!”

“She kept pushing my car more off the road into an isolated area, my car wound up being where there were tall weeds, then she pushed my car right into a dirt pit and my car got stuck right in the dirt!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Then she pulled the van several yards behind my car then slammed on the brakes!

She stopped the van! The next thing I saw Diane D and several other women come out the van looking quite dizzy! The next thing I saw Dana angrily opening the van door and jumped out the van! The next thing I know, is that she pulled a large hammer right out of her van and was coming straight towards my car with the hammer!”

“What! Oh no!”

“Yep, she was coming for me and shouted to me that she was gonna bash my face!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Diane D and the other women that were in the van ran to Dana to stop her, but Dana jerked away from them and kept heading towards my car! Diane D and the other women ran to Dana again and tried to stop her again! My wife and I were frightened just sitting there looking at Dana trying to come our way with that hammer in her hand about to use it on us!”

“Oh nooo!”

“I tried to start the car, but the car wouldn’t move! It was stuck in the dirt, it didn’t go anywhere which meant that me and my wife had to get out the car and try to run!”

“Oh nooo!”

“We both had arthritis, we couldn’t run! If we had tried to run, Dana would have definitely outran us and would have definitely caught up to us and use that hammer on us! It would have been a perfect crime scene for her to commit because it was an isolated area, there were no other witnesses around besides Diane D and the other women who were in the van! I decided to call the police! While I was on the phone, I saw Dana still kept trying to break away from Diane D and the other women, that’s when Diane D came and stepped right in front of Dana and shouted to Dana that she’s not going to do anything! Dana stopped trying to break away and all those women looked right at Diane D! The next thing I know, is that Diane D turned away from Dana and the other women and started to walk right towards my car herself!”

“Oh oh!”

“She stopped her cousin Dana from coming towards my car then SHE winds up coming towards my car instead and she looked angry while she was walking towards my car!”

“Oh no!”

“A few of the women who were holding on to Dana had to let go of Dana so that they can run to catch Diane D!”


“Oh nooo!”

“They caught up to Diane D and stopped her! The next thing I know, is that Diane D

was trying to break away from those women herself!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Those other women didn’t want to let go of Diane D because she is just as dangerous as her cousin Dana, but Diane D kept trying to break away from those other women! Then all of a sudden, Dana tried to break away from the other women who were still holding onto her while she still had that hammer in her hand, but those women pulled her back! Diane D still kept trying to break away from the other two women! All of a sudden, she gets this superhuman strength and starts to drag those two women right towards my car!”

“Oh no!”

“Those two women were trying to pull her back! Then all of a sudden, Dana tries to break away from those other women again with that hammer still in her hand. All of a sudden, she gets this superhuman strength also and starts to drag those other women right towards my car too!”

“Oh nooo!”

“Those other women desperately tried to pull her back also, that’s when my wife and I decided that we needed to get out of the car, because we didn’t want to be already dead by the time the police got there, so while those other women were holding onto Diane D and her ‘just as dangerous’ cousin Dana, we opened the car doors and got out the car! We were looking towards Diane D and her cousin Dana! Those other women were struggling to hold Diane D back while she was dragging them causing their feet to slide against the grass and dirt!”

“Oh God!”

“The other women were struggling to hold Dana back while she was dragging them causing their feet to slide against the grass and dirt also! Diane D and her cousin Dana were literally dragging those other women closer to my car trying to get at me and my wife!”

“Oh no!”

“I turned to my wife and told her ‘we’re out of here’! I pulled her by the hand then we both turned and tried to make a run for it, then Diane D saw me and my wife trying to run off! Can you believe she started to drag those two women more towards me and my wife causing those poor two women’s feet to slide against the grass and dirt again then Dana starts to drag those three women more towards me and my wife too causing those poor women’s feet to slide against the grass and dirt again also!”


“Then the police cars arrive! Thank God they arrived because Diane D and her cousin Dana are both crazy! They both got arrested and charged with attempted assault! Later on, I heard that Diane D had told the police that she wasn’t trying to assault me when she was trying to come towards my and my wife’s direction! She told the police that she just wanted to talk to me! It did not look that way to me and my wife! By the look we saw on her face, it looked like she wanted to wring my neck!”

“Oh no!”

“Why do you think the other women who were with her were holding on to her trying to hold her back?! They knew she didn’t want to come my way just to talk! They knew! Well it’s a good thing Diane D and her cousin Dana both got arrested because I 63

don’t know what would have happened to me or my wife if the police hadn’t arrive in time and those other women weren’t there to slow down Diane D and her cousin Dana!

I think I or my wife would have been seriously injured or dead meat! After Diane D and her cousin Dana got arrested, I found out that the police were gonna let Diane D go because she told them that story that she just wanted to talk to me, not assault me!

Obviously they believed her story! They kept Dana locked up because she was the one the police caught with the hammer in her hand and my wife and I told the police that we actually heard Dana threatening me with the hammer, saying that she was gonna bash my face as she was walking towards my car! She literally threatened me with the hammer! She is a danger to society as well as Diane D and they both need to be deported then departed right out of here!” Everyone claps and cheer as Mr. Gus hands the microphone back over to Mrs. Reid.