DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Kurt Tells About Nightmare Of Horrific Stoning Of Himself And Evil Entity!

The next afternoon, Kurt is sitting inside his doctor, Dr. Ramsey’s office with his mother Mrs. Reid and his brother Kyle as Dr. Ramsey sits behind the desk with a pen and notepad in his hand, ready to take notes. He is in the middle of telling his mother, brother and Dr. Ramsey about the horrific nightmare he had about the Diane D entity as he shouts, “That Diane D entity claimed that the evil Being was planning to have her killed!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

“The Diane D entity claimed that the evil Being was planning to have her killed?!”

Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts. “She said the evil Being was planning to have her killed right 76

there on the spot by having her stoned to death!”

“Stoned to death!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

“Yes! She said the evil Being was planning to have stones thrown at her, that’s why she needed me to help her get out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains and help release her from the tree! I asked her ‘how do I know she’s not lying to me’! She told me I’ll be able to see the evil Being’s soldiers throwing the stones at her!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

She said you’ll be able to see the evil Being’s soldiers throwing the stones at her?”

Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “if I stay there long enough!”

“If you stay there long enough?”


“You mean she wants you to watch that? She wants you to see stones being thrown at her?”

“I guess so!”

“Why would she want you to watch and witness something so barbaric like that, especially watching and witnessing something like that happening to her?”

“I guess so that I can feel sorry for her, because she asked me again could I help get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains and free her from the tree and claim the evil Being’s soldiers will be there any minute to throw the stones at her and kill her, and said she really needed my help! She said I had to hurry and get her out of the handcuffs, shackles and chains before that evil Being’s soldiers get her, then said she think she hear them coming!”

“She heard them coming?”

“That’s what she said! Then she turned her head around and shouted that they were there!”

“She said they were there?!”

“Yes! She said the evil Being’s soldiers were standing way over there, ready to throw the stones at her! Then I looked and saw the evil Being’s soldiers standing several yards away behind the Diane D entity!”

“You saw the evil Being’s soldiers?”

“Yes I did!”

“How did they look like?”

“They looked like a faint group of middle aged to older men with beards dressed in Biblical robes.”

“They looked like a faint group of middle aged to older men with beards dressed in Biblical robes?”

“Yes! They sort of looked ghostly, like they weren’t really there.”

“It looked like they weren’t really there?” Kyle asks.

“That’s the way it appeared to me! They were holding stones in their hands!”

“They were holding stones?!”


“Oh wow!”

“Then that Diane D entity told me I got to help her get out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains before the soldiers start to throw the stones! I asked her why doesn’t she want the stones thrown at her! I told her it’s not like she will feel it, because according to Dr. Stone, that entity admitted to him during the real Diane D’s 77

hypnosis that it doesn’t feel pain! Then that entity told me it doesn’t matter whether or not she feels pain, she can still be killed even if she doesn’t feel pain, that’s why I have to help get her out of the handcuffs, shackles and chains before she gets killed! I told that entity that she wants me to help get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains to save her life after she killed my father, taking his life! I told her she expects me to help get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains after she had her look-alike demons tie me up and were about to set me on fire?! She said ‘yes, she does expect me to help get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains! I asked her ‘why me’! She said because she had no one else! I asked her where were her look-alike gang and soldiers, the same look-alike gang and soldiers she had tie me to a tree and were about to set me on fire! She said they weren’t there!”

They weren’t there?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“That’s what she said! Then I asked her where were they, they’re not able to come rescue her! She claimed if they were able to come rescue her, she wouldn’t need me and told me I just got to help her! I told her I don’t know what I can do for her! She told me to try to stop those soldiers from stoning her to death! I told her after all the people she killed in this physical world including my dad, now she wants mercy and doesn’t want herself to be killed! It’s strange after all the people she killed in this physical world including my dad, now she wants mercy from the exact same person whose father she killed and doesn’t want she, herself to be killed!”

“I know!” Kyle shouts. “That entity has a lot of damn nerve depending on you to help and save her after she killed our father!”

“That’s why I told that entity ‘what goes around comes around’!”

“You told that Diane D entity that?!”

“Yep, I sure did! Then I heard one of the men shout ‘ready’!”

“You heard one of the men shout ‘ready’?” Dr. Ramsey asks. “You mean they spoke English?”

“It sounded like English! Then that Diane D entity shouted that they’re about to start throwing the stones at her, then I heard the men shout ‘aim’!”

“You heard them shout ‘aim’?”

“Yes, then they started to throw the stones right towards the Diane D entity!”

“They started to throw the stones towards her?!”


“Then what happened?”

“She got hit with a stone!”

“She got hit?!”

“Yes! One of the stones hit her hard right on the back of her shoulder!”

“One of the stones hit her on the back of her shoulder?!”


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“My God!” Dr. Ramsey shouts. “What happened after that?!”

“She screamed and shouted for me to help her!” Kurt shouts.

“She screamed, even though it’s a possibility that she doesn’t feel pain, she still screamed?”

“Yes, then she got hit by another stone hard across her back!”

“She got hit by another stone across her back?!”



“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“What happened after that?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“She screamed again and shouted for me to save her!” Kurt shouts.

“She shouted for you to save her?”

“Yes, then when she got hit with several stones right on her head and body, all of a sudden, she leaped right up off the grass, jumped to her feet and stood with her arms and legs apart desperately trying to break away from those handcuffs, shackles and chains as the stones were hitting her head and body hard!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“She tried with all her might to fight off the stones as the stones were hitting her head and body hard bouncing off her head and body! I was shocked to witness all of that! I couldn’t believe I was witnessing the Diane D entity being hit hard with the stones trying to fight off the stones as the stones bounced off her head and body like she was Wonder Woman or something!”

“Bounced off her head and body?!” Kyle shouts.


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“She couldn’t kung fu kick those stones back at those men, like she kung fu kicked those water bottles and chairs back at our families when she possessed the real Diane D’s physical body?!” Kyle shouts.

“I guess not!” Kurt shouts. “All of a sudden, the Diane D entity started to bleed!

“She started to bleed?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Then she fell out on the grass with her head and body bloodied and passed out!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

“She passed out?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“Oh nooo!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I was shocked to see the Diane D entity passed out on the grass with her head and body bloodied! I had to shout to those men to stop! Then I ran right in harm’s way hurrying behind the Diane D entity putting myself right between her and the men, trying to block the path of the stones and shouted for the men to please stop! All of a sudden, the stones stop being thrown! I shouted for the men to please not throw anymore stones at the Diane D entity! I turned around and looked down at the Diane D

entity. I saw that she was still laying passed out on the grass with her head and body bloodied!”

“Oh no!”

“I turned back to the men and shouted to them that there’s got to be a better way than this! There’s got to be a better way to deal with that entity, not be brutal or barbaric like that! I told them if they’re brutal or barbaric like that entity, it makes them no better than she is! It makes them just as bad! I told them ‘please, no more throwing the stones at her, no more! Let’s try to have peace and settle this peacefully’!

All of a sudden, they shouted ‘ready’ again! They were about to throw more stones at the Diane D entity!”

“Oh no!”

“I shouted to them ‘didn’t I say no more stones! I think you guys already did 79

enough damage to her! Do not throw anymore stones at her’! Then they shouted ‘aim’

again! They completely ignored me and started to throw more stones right towards the Diane D entity again with me standing right in the way!”

“Oh no!”

“I saw a large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity!”

“You saw a large stone hurling towards you and the Diane D entity?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I was shocked! I turned and was about to run to get out of the way and make a run for it, because I didn’t want to be the next one to get hit by a stone! Then when I turned and was about to run out of the way, all of a sudden, that Diane D entity grabbed one of my ankles and stopped me from running!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

“The Diane D entity grabbed one of your ankles and stopped you from running?”

Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts. “I tripped and fell right next to her!”

“You tripped and fell?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes! I turned and looked at the Diane D entity and was shocked to see that she had a tight grip on my ankle!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Dr. Ramsey shout.

“She had a tight grip on your ankle?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.


“To keep me from running away!”

“To keep you from running away?!”

“Yes! I shouted ‘no’ to the Diane D entity! I told her to ‘let go of me! All of a sudden, she got hit with the large stone hard on her back!”

“She got hit with the stone on her back?!”


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I screamed and turned around towards the men! They shouted ‘ready, aim’ again!

I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh no!”

“Those men were still throwing stones right towards the Diane D entity while I was trapped right there with her!”

“Oh no!”

“I was shocked again! I turned back towards the Diane D entity and tried to break away from the tight grip she had on my ankle! I shouted again for her to let go of me!

All of a sudden, she got hit with the other large stone hard on her head!”

“She got hit with the other large stone on her head?!” Kyle shouts.


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I screamed and turned back around towards the men again! They shouted ‘ready, aim’ again! I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh no!”


“I became shocked again! I turned back towards the Diane D entity and desperately tried to break my ankle away from her tight grip! I shouted for her to let go of me! All of a sudden, she got hit with the other large stone hard on her right shoulder!”

“Oh no!”

“I screamed and turned back around towards the men again! They shouted ‘aim’

again! I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh my God!”

“I turned back towards the Diane D entity and desperately tried to break away from the tight grip she had on my ankle! All of a sudden, she got hit with the other large stone hard on her lower back!”

“Ah Geez!” Kyle shouts.

“I screamed and turned around towards the men again! They shouted ‘aim’ again!

I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh my goodness!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I turned back towards the Diane D entity and desperately tried to break my ankle away from her tight grip! All of a sudden, she grabbed my other ankle with her other hand, pulling my entire body right towards herself!”

“Oh no!”

“All of a sudden, the stone landed hard on the grass right next to us, just missing us!”

“Oh no!”

“I screamed and turned back around towards the men again! They shouted ‘aim’

again! I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“My God!”

“I turned back towards the Diane D entity and punched that Diane D entity with both of my fists, shouting for her to let me go!”

“Oh no!”

“I desperately tried to break my ankles away from her tight grip! All of a sudden, that Diane D entity grabbed one of my arms, wrapping her entire arm around my arm, locking and squeezing my arm into her arm! All of a sudden, another stone landed hard on the grass right next to us, missing us again!”

“Oh no!”

“I screamed and turned back around towards the men again! They shouted ‘aim’

again! I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh no!”

“I turned back towards the Diane D entity and punched that Diane D entity with my remaining fist! All of a sudden, she reached behind my back and grabbed my arm, wrapping her entire arm tightly around my arm, locking and squeezing my arm into her arm!”

“She had both of your arms locked and squeezed into her arms?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes! All of a sudden, another stone landed hard on the grass right next to us, missing us again!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I screamed and looked towards the men again! They shouted ‘aim’ again! I saw 81

another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh no!”

“All of a sudden, that Diane D entity wrapped her legs tightly around my legs, locking and squeezing my legs into her legs! All of a sudden. another stone landed hard on the grass right next to us, missing us again! It felt like I was in a warzone!”

“A warzone?!”

“Yes! It felt like some type of spiritual warfare was going on, and I was caught right in the middle of it!”

“Oh no!”

“I screamed and looked towards the men again! They shouted ‘aim’ again! I saw another large stone hurling right towards me and the Diane D entity again!”

“Oh no!”

“That Diane D entity had all of my limbs locked and squeezed tightly into her grip and held my body right between herself and the hurling stones, facing my body right towards the hurling stones, using my body as a human shield!”

“She used your body as a human shield?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Yes, to cover and protect her own body from the stones! All of a sudden, I got hit with a stone right on my chest!”

“You got hit with a stone on your chest?!”


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I screamed and desperately tried to break away from that Diane D entity’s tight grip of my body and shouted for her to let me go! All of a sudden, I got hit with a stone right on my head and felt my head bleeding!”

“You felt your head bleeding?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I screamed and desperately tried to break away from that Diane D entity’s tight grip of my body and shouted to her that she tricked me! I saw more stones fly towards me and the Diane D entity’s direction again, but I was the only one getting hit by the stones because that Diane D entity was holding my body right in the path of those hurling stones while trying to cover and protect her own body from those stones! I was screaming as I kept getting hit with the stones!”

“You couldn’t break away from that Diane D entity’s tight grip at all?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“No, I couldn’t! I kept trying to break away from her tight grip, but she was too strong and too powerful for me! She had superhuman strength!”

“Superhuman strength?”

“Yeah, her strength was not human! She had the strength of a wild animal!”

“The strength of a wild animal?”

“Yeah! She had the strength of a chimpanzee or the strength of a large snake!”

“The strength of a chimpanzee or strength of a large snake?”

“Yeah, chimpanzees and those large snakes are very strong, especially those python snakes that tightly wraps itself around people and squeezes them to death before it swallows them whole!”

“Oh wow!”

“That’s how it felt like being in that Diane D entity’s tight grip! It felt like I was 82

being squeezed to death by one of those large pythons! That’s how strong and powerful she was compared to me!”


“She had strength enough to hold, press and squeeze me down to keep me from getting away so that I can get hit by those stones, but she didn’t have the strength enough to break away and free herself from those handcuffs, shackles and chains while she was being hit by those stones!”

“That’s because those handcuffs, shackles and chains were most likely placed there by that Being who seems to be more powerful than that Diane D entity is! That Diane D

entity might be more strong and more powerful than you or any of us, but she is not stronger nor more powerful than the Being who had her locked in those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“I see! I was about to pass out and shouted for those men to stop, that’s when I woke back up and realized I just had another nightmare about that Diane D entity!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“It seems like the only way I’m able to get out of and escape that dark spiritual underworld, is by waking up screaming!”

“Oh no!”

“After I woke back up, I realized that the Diane D entity tricked me! I fell for her trick again! Her whole goal of pulling my soul or spirit back into that spiritual underworld in the first place was to lure me to her with her cries for help, then set me up to grab my body once I got close enough to her, then use my body to cover her own body, using my body as a human shield to block those stones from hitting her, protecting her own body from the stones and have those stones hit my body instead of hitting hers! Those men tried to destroy that evil Diane D entity! They were on a mission to destroy her by having stones thrown at her!”

“My God!”

“Kurt, do you know whether or not the Diane D entity survived that stoning?” Dr.

Ramsey asks.

“No!” Kurt shouts, “I have no idea! I hope she didn’t survive that stoning!”

“What!” Dr. Ramsey, Kyle and Mrs. Reid shout.

“You hope she didn’t survive the stoning?!” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“You damn right I hope she didn’t survive it!” Kurt shouts, “she could have had me killed by having my body trapped there in the line of fire by having my body hit and banged up by those stones! I could have died in my sleep if I would have stayed in that dark spiritual underworld long enough! Thank God I was able to wake up just in the nick of time to get out of that dark place!”

“Well if you hope the Diane D entity didn’t survive the stoning, why did you step into the line of fire and try to stop those men from throwing anymore stones at her when you saw her laying passed out on the grass with her head and body bloodied?

Why did you put yourself in harm’s way pleading with those men to stop throwing anymore stones at the Diane D entity if you hope she didn’t survive the stoning?”

“Because at that time, I felt sorry for her!”

“You felt sorry for her?”

“Yes, I really did feel sorry for her at first! Then when I saw another stone hurling towards our way and was about to run, she got the nerve to grab me by the ankles to stop me from running, to keep my body trapped there so she can use my body as a 83

human shield to cover and protect her own body from the stones, causing my body to get hit with those stones instead of her body, all bets were off! I tried to protect her from getting hit with anymore stones w hen I saw her laying passed out on the grass with her head and body bleeding! I pleaded with those men not to throw anymore stones at her, but that’s the thanks I get for feeling sorry for her, trying to save her from getting hit with anymore stones even after she killed my dad, said those terrible things about him and was about to have me set on fire by her look-alike gang! It seems like every time I start to feel sorry for that damn Diane D entity and try to help or save her, that’s when she turns on me!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I was a fool for allowing her to lure me towards her with her cries for help! I was a fool for getting too close to her where she was able to grab my ankles and pull me right into her clutches, locking and squeezing my body so tight like she was a python, holding and facing me right towards the hurling stones, then I wind up getting hit by the stones in the process!”

“Wow,” Dr. Ramsey says. “Kurt, are you able to draw a sketch of what you saw in your last dream and nightmare about the Diane D entity? Are you able to draw a sketch of that Diane D entity being chained to the tree while she’s being stoned?”

“No! I will not draw a sketch of that Diane D entity being chained to a tree while she’s being stoned! That was a frightening experience for me! That’s not something I want to see again whether it’s through a dream or nightmare or drawn on a sketch!

Seeing and witnessing that barbaric vision was too frightening and too traumatizing for me! I’m still frightened and traumatized by seeing something barbaric like that! I don’t ever want to see that barbaric scene or that barbaric vision again, so no, I will not draw a sketch of that evil entity being chained to a tree while she’s being stoned, I will not!”

“Okay, no problem Kurt. I understand.”

“Man, I sure hope that Diane D entity didn’t survive that stoning, I sure hope she didn’t survive it, that way she can stop pulling my soul or spirit back into that spiritual underworld, leave me alone and stay the hell out of my dreams and nightmares forever, because as long as she stays alive in that spiritual underworld, I don’t think any of us in this physical world will have any peace in our lives because I fear that Diane D entity and her look-alike demons will continue to cause chaos in this physical world in order to watch over and protect the real Diane D!” Kurt turns and angrily walks away as Dr.

Ramsey, Mrs. Reid and Kyle frighteningly and worriedly look at him.