DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Mr. Yim Wants To Recreate Kurt’s Sketches Of The Diane D

Demons In Wax!

The following day, Mr. Yim, the wax museum owner, is at Dr. Ramsey’s office as he, Dr. Ramsey, Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick all stand and surround Kurt as Kurt 84

sits in a chair. Kurt has just finished telling Mr. Yim about his nightmares about Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons as Mr. Yim says to him, “Wow! What a crazy nightmare you had about Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons! When I first heard about the nightmares you had about Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons and the sketches you drew of what you saw in your dreams and nightmares, I just had to come meet you so I can see the sketches for myself! Is it alright if I see the sketches that you drew of your nightmares of Diane D or the Diane D entities or Diane D demons?”

“Sure,” Kurt says. He then turns to Dr. Ramsey and says, “Dr. Ramsey? Could you show him the sketches I drew of my nightmares about the Diane D entities or Diane D


“Sure Kurt,” Dr. Ramsey says. He hands Mr. Yim a copy of one of the sketches Kurt drew of the nightmares he had of Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons.

Mr. Yim takes the copy of the sketch and holds it. He looks down at the sketch. He becomes shocked as he looks at the sketch of around fifteen identical Diane D images or Diane D entities from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares all dressed in identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes with long black waist length hair and bangs with all their hair slightly blowing in the wind. They are all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D entity or demon who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the other Diane D entities or demons standing directly behind her as a third Diane D

entity stands directly behind the second one. One of the Diane D entities on the right holds a large tree branch as they all angrily stare above the camera with half-closed puffy eyes. They are surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon and clouds behind and above them. “Wow!” Mr Yim shouts. He looks at Kurt and says,

“You drew this Kurt?!”

“Yes I did,” Kurt says.

“Wow, this is what you dreamt about?! This is what you saw in your dreams and nightmares, entities or demons that look exactly like Diane D and one of the entities or demons is handcuffed, shackled and chained, trapped in a contortionist position?!”

“Yes that’s what I saw in my dreams and nightmares.”

“Wow! And THESE are the entities or demons who kept terrorizing you in your dreams and nightmares?!”


“And they were the ones surrounding you, tying you up and were about to set you on fire?!”

“Yep, they’re the ones!”

“Wow, it’s a wonderful sketch! The drawing is great! The image is pretty scary too!

Were these Diane D entities or Diane D demons wearing these identical all-black, one-piece bodysuits in your dreams and nightmares?”

“Yep, that’s what they were wearing.”

“Wow, and they were wearing these shoes too?”

“Yes they were wearing those shoes.”

“Wow! How many of these Diane D entities or Diane D demons were there in your dreams and nightmares altogether?”

“Altogether, there were around fifteen of them.”


“What! Fifteen of them?!”


“Wow! Why do all their eyes look sort of puffy and half-closed?”

“That’s how all their eyes looked like in my dreams and nightmares, puffy and half-closed just like that.”

“I see.” Mr. Yim continues to look down at the sketch. He then says, “What type of moon is this Kurt? It looks so large!”

“That’s the moon that’s in their spiritual underworld or universe!”

“Their spiritual underworld or universe?”


“Wow!” Mr. Yim continues to look down at the sketch. He then says, “You know, this image looks just like something right out of ‘Village Of The Damned’!”

“It certainly does,” Mrs. Reid says.


“Here’s the other sketch Kurt drew about the dreams and nightmares he had about the chained up Diane D entity or demon,” Dr. Ramsey says as he hands Mr. Yim the sketch of the Diane D entity or demon alone in the grass and weeds handcuffed, shackled and chained, trapped in a contortionist position.

Mr. Yim takes the copy of the other sketch and holds it. He looks down at the sketch. He becomes shocked as he looks down at the sketch of the other version of the Diane D entity or Diane D demon alone in the grass and weeds handcuffed, shackled and chained, trapped in a contortionist position standing on all fours with her head and face upside down, surrounded by the eerie forest or woods at night with the large hazy moon above and behind it. “My God!” Mr. Yim shouts. He looks at Kurt and asks, “You drew this sketch too Kurt?”

“Yes I did,” Kurt says.

“Wow! This is what you saw in your dreams and nightmares too?!”

“Yes, that’s the first thing I saw in my dreams and nightmares.”

“This is the first thing you saw?”

“Yes. That was when I had my first encounter with that chained up Diane D entity, when she was walking on all fours with her head and face upside-down like that.”

“Oh yeah? Wow! You said out of all the Diane D entities, this Diane D entity was the only one chained up?”

“Yep, she was the only one chained up.”

“Wow! And you said out of all the Diane D entities, this chained up Diane D entity was the only one that talked?”

“Yep, she was the only one that talked.”

“The other Diane D entities didn’t talk at all?”

“Nope, they never once spoke!”

“Never spoke at all?”

“No, the chained up entity did all the talking.”

“Wow, interesting!” Mr. Yim continues to look down at the sketch. He then says,

“This sketch of this Diane D entity handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position with her head and face upside down looks so barbaric! And this Diane D entity told you in the dream and nightmare, that some evil Being handcuffed, shackled and chained her up like this?”

“Yep, that’s what that entity told me.”


“Wow, and the fact that she’s surrounded by these creepy woods at night with this large eerie moon peeking through the clouds behind the creepy woods makes it look too frightening!”

“It sure does,” Mrs. Reid says.

“Wow. Did Diane D and her family see these images yet?”

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “I showed Diane D and her family the images before she made that apologetic speech at the hotel.”

“You did?”


“What do they think of it?”

“They were surprised by it.”

“They were?”


“Wow!” Mr. Yim says as he continues to look down at the sketch. He then turns to Kurt and says, “What about the last dream and nightmare you had about the Diane D

entity being stoned while she was handcuffed, shackled and chained to a tree? Do you have a sketch of that last dream and nightmare?”

“No I don’t,” Kurt says.

“You don’t?”


“Why not?”

“I didn’t want to draw a sketch of that!”

“You didn’t want to draw a sketch of it?”


“How come?”

“Because that image was too frightening for me, it was very barbaric! That’s not something I want to see again, it was too traumatizing for me! I’m still frightened and traumatized by seeing that barbaric scene or vision! I don’t want to ever see that scene or vision again, so I refuse to draw a sketch of that evil entity being stoned while she’s handcuffed, shackled and chained to a tree!”

“I understand Kurt, I understand.” Mr. Yim continues to look down at the sketches.

He then says, “You know, I think that these images of these Diane D entities or Diane D

demons will be a great display for my wax museum!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“A great display, for your wax museum?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim excitingly shouts.

“You mean have the sketches shown in your wax museum?”

“No. I mean recreate these images and have wax figures made out of these images!”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Wax figures?!”

“Have wax figures made out of those images?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“You don’t mean life-size wax figures of those images, do you?!”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“You want to create life-size wax figures of those Diane D entities or Diane D

demons?!” Kyle shouts.


“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“But those entities or demons look exactly like Diane D! Since those entities or demons look exactly like Diane D, does that mean you have to create wax figures of Diane D herself?!”


“What!” everyone else shouts.

“You mean life-size wax figures of her?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts.

“You mean multiple life-size wax figures of her?!”

“Of course!”

“Oh no!” everyone else shouts.

“Now why the hell would you want to create wax figures of Diane D Mr. Yim?!” Kyle shouts. “Why would you want to put wax figures of her in your wax museum, especially multiple life-size wax figures of her?! She’s a killer! She killed our dad! She killed him and the other authority figures when she lifted up that heavy psychiatrist couch, used it as a missile and threw it at our dad’s and the other authority figures’

heads and neck killing them! She put all of our families through hell and we’re still going through hell, thanks to her!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim!” Mrs. Reid shouts. “Not only that, didn’t you hear that Diane D just harmed more people in our families after she made that apologetic speech to our families at the hotel inside the hotel conference room?! Didn’t you hear that she caused that guy Jeremy to get shot multiple times by the police when she put his unconscious body right in the line of fire in front of police bullets that were meant for HER?! Don’t you know that more people in our families are laying up in the hospital because of her?!

More people in our families might die because of her!”

“I know!” Mr. Yim shouts, “that’s why I think it would be great to display wax figures of these images of her! What Diane D actually did to your families, and Kurt’s nightmares of the entities or demons that look like her can be a great display for the horror section of the wax museum!”

“The horror section?!” everyone else shouts.

“Yes! The wax figures of these Diane D entities or Diane D demons can be displayed right next to the Jack the Ripper wax figure and other horror entities!”


“The Jack the Ripper wax figure and other horror entities?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Mr. Yim shouts. “That horror chamber can be called, ‘The Diane D Entities’!”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “The Diane D Entities?!”

“Yes, or it can be called ‘The Attack Of The Diane D Entities’!”

“The Attack Of The Diane D Entities?!”

“Yes, or ‘The Attack Of The Diane D Clones’!”

“The Attack Of The Diane D Clones?!”

“Yes! Kurt did say he was attacked by these Diane D entities or Diane D demons in his dreams and nightmares! He did say that these Diane D entities or Diane D demons kung fu kicked him right in the chest, beat him with a large tree branch, slam a karate chop at his throat, tied him up, then were about to set him on fire just before he woke up! That’s why ‘The Attack Of The Diane D Clones’ would be a perfect name for the wax chamber!”

“Oh really!” Kyle shouts.



“How many wax figures of these Diane D entities or Diane D demons would you plan to create Mr. Yim?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“The same amount of Diane D entities or Diane D demons Kurt saw in his dreams and nightmares which is the same amount of Diane D entity figures I see in Kurt’s sketches, around fifteen or sixteen of them.”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“Around fifteen or sixteen of them?!” Dr. Ramsey shouts. “You’re going to create around fifteen or sixteen wax figures of these Diane D entities or Diane D demons?!”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “fifteen from this sketch and the version standing alone on all fours from that sketch! That’s around sixteen wax figures of those Diane D entities altogether, because each of these Diane D entities or Diane D demons in Kurt’s sketches will have their own wax figure!”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Their own wax figure?!”

“Each of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons on the sketches will have their own wax figure?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says.

“Every single one of them?!”

“Yep, every single one of them!”

“So that means you’re going to create around fifteen or sixteen wax figures of Diane D herself?!”

“Yes, since Kurt claim the Diane D entities or Diane D demons do look exactly like her!”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Oh no!”

“Damn Mr. Yim!” Kyle shouts, “one Diane D is bad enough, now you want to create fifteen or sixteen carbon copies of her?!”

“Well I have to create the same amount of wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons that were in Kurt’s dreams and nightmares,” Mr. Yim says, “and I have to create the same amount of wax figures of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons that are in Kurt’s sketches to keep the image close to the sketches as possible.”

“Are you planning to even get permission from Diane D or her family to create wax figures of herself, especially multiple life-size wax figures of her?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Of course I plan to get permission from Diane D and her family since it was Diane D’s face and Diane D’s image that appeared in Kurt’s dreams and nightmares and since it is Diane D’s face and Diane D’s image that would be on the wax figures, but I plan to get Diane D and her family’s permission after the wax figures are created then stored in a hidden area.”

“What!” Everyone else shouts.

“After the wax figures are created?!” Dr. Ramsey shouts. “You mean to tell us that you’re going to create multiple wax figures of Diane D first, hide the wax figures somewhere, then try to get permission from Diane D or her family to publicly display them?!”

“Uh, yeah,” Mr. Yim says.

“Don’t you think that’s kind of risky Mr. Yim, and illegal since Diane D herself or her family aren’t aware of this yet?”


“Yes it is risky and illegal,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“That’s why the wax figures will be stored and hidden away from public viewing until I get permission from Diane D and her family to publicly display them,” Mr. Yim says.

“Why can’t it be the other way around?” Dr. Ramsey asks. “Why can’t you get permission from Diane D and her family first, then if they grant you the permission to have the wax figures created, then create wax figures of those Diane D entities?”

“Because I want to have the wax figures already created just in case Diane D and her family do say ‘yes’ and give me the permission to have the wax figures of herself publicly displayed.”

“You want to have the wax figures already created, just in case Diane D and her family say ‘yes’?”


“But what if Diane D or her family say ‘no’ and won’t give you permission to use her image on the wax figures Mr. Yim?”

“Simple, I won’t use Diane D’s image then.”

“You won’t?”

“No. I already planned out what I would do if Diane D and her family say no.”

“You already planned it out?”


“Alright Mr. Yim, so what is your plan then? What is your plan if Diane D and her family do say ‘no they don’t want wax figures of her publicly displayed’?”

“I plan to change all the wax figures right away, put an unknown image on the wax figures instead, an image with no face or body type if Diane D and her family say no.”

“An image with no face or body type?”

“Yeah where the wax figures won’t be identified as Diane D.”

“Where they won’t be identified as Diane D?”

“Yes, but for now, they will all identify as Diane D and hidden away until I get permission from Diane D and her family to publicly display them. Don’t worry, whenever the wax figures are created, Diane D and her family will be the first ones to see them before anyone else gets to see them.”

“They will?”


“How will you get Diane D and her family to see the wax figures Mr. Yim?” Mrs.

Reid asks.

“I will invite them all to where the wax figures are hidden and let them see the wax figures in person with their own eyes! If they give me the permission to have the wax figures publicly displayed, then the wax figures will be publicly displayed later on. If they say ‘no’ and don’t give me the permission to have the wax figures publicly displayed, that’s when I would have to quickly change all the wax figures and put an unknow image on the wax figures instead, an image that’s not Diane D’s.”

“But where in the world would you store fifteen or sixteen wax figures of these Diane D entities or Diane D demons Mr. Yim?!”


“I would store all the wax figures down in the basement of the museum where it is cold until I somehow get permission from Diane D or her family to have the wax figures publicly displayed.”

“You would store the wax figures down in the basement of the museum until you get permission from Diane D or her family to have the wax figures publicly displayed?”


“Oh wow!”

“What position will you have the Diane D entity wax figures in while they’re stored down in the basement Mr. Yim?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“I’ll have the wax figures standing while they’re stored in the basement,” Mr. Yim says.

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Standing?!”

“You’re going to have around fifteen to sixteen wax figures of Diane D, the Diane D

entities or Diane D demons standing in the basement of the wax museum?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “what other position should they be in?”

“Wouldn’t that be sort of creepy Mr. Yim?”

“I guess it would be creepy, that’s why it would be perfect to have those wax figures publicly displayed in the horror section of the wax museum!”

“Hmm,” Kyle says, “is this the real reason why you wanted to come here and meet Kurt Mr. Yim, so you can see the sketches he drew of his Diane D entity nightmares, then get ideas or material for your wax museum horror section?!”

“Well, to tell you the truth, I WAS inspired when word got around that Kurt drew sketches of the nightmares he had about Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D

demons. I was so inspired that I thought the images would be great for the wax museum horror section, so I just had to come here, meet Kurt, see the sketches for myself, then get Kurt’s permission to make wax figures out of his nightmares of Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons and publicly display them in the wax museum!”

“Where would you get fifteen or sixteen identical copies of that all-black one-piece bodysuit?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“I would have a tailor or seamstress watch Diane D’s martial arts performance on screen.”

“A tailor or seamstress?”

“Yes, then have the tailor or seamstress make fifteen or sixteen identical copies of the all-black one-piece bodysuit Diane D is wearing.”

“Oh yeah?”


“What about the thick black shoes?” Kyle asks. “Where would you get fifteen or sixteen identical copies of those thick black shoes?”

“We would have a shoe designer watch Diane D’s martial arts performance on screen.”

“A shoe designer?”

“Yes, then have the shoe designer make fifteen or sixteen identical copies of the shoes Diane D is wearing.”

“Oh yeah?”



“What about the long black hair?” Mrs. Reid asks. “Where would you get around fifteen or sixteen identical copies of long black hair?”

“We will order several wigs of long black hair.”

“Just several wigs?”


“But you said there will be around fifteen or sixteen wax figures of Diane D, the Diane D entities or Diane D demons. How would you divide several wigs into fifteen or sixteen even pieces?”

“We wouldn’t need much wigs because we will have cushions hidden beneath the wigs to make the hair appear full, that way we won’t have to use too much wigs. It’s not like the wax figures are going to move around and the public can see that the wigs have cushion beneath them. The wax figures will stand completely still.”

“Oh yeah?” Officer Kilpatrick asks. “What about the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon? Are you planning to have a wax figure of the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon too?”

“Of course! I told you, each of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons in Kurt’s sketches will have their own wax figure.”

“Even the chained up one?”

“Yes, even the chained up one.”

“But will the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon be trapped in a contortionist position too?”

“Yes it will! Whatever you see on the sketch, is exactly what’s going to be created in wax.”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“You mean you’re going to copy Kurt’s sketches exactly to a tee Mr. Yim?” Dr.

Ramsey asks.

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “exactly to a tee.”

“Oh my God!” everyone else shouts.

“But where would you get handcuffs, shackles and chains from Mr. Yim?” Officer Kilpatrick asks.

“We would have a set designer create the handcuffs, shackles and chains,” Mr. Yim says.

“A set designer?”


“What about the creepy woods?” Mrs. Reid asks. “Are you planning to put those creepy woods in the display too?”

“Of course!”

“You are?”


“Where would you get the creepy woods from Mr. Yim?” Dr. Ramsey asks.

“We would have a set designer bring in some real trees and fake trees.”

“Real trees and fake trees?”


“What about that creepy moon Mr. Yim?” Kyle asks. “Where would you get that creepy moon’s image from?”

“Oh the moon’s image will shine on the dome-shaped wall or dome-shaped ceiling 92

from a projector.”

“It will shine from a projector?”

“Yes, the projector will show moving images of clouds in front of the moon.”

“Moving images of clouds in front of the moon?”

“Yes, it will be a slight video!”

“A slight video?”


“Wow Mr. Yim!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “it sounds like you have it all planned out!”

“I do! By tomorrow afternoon, my staff and I are going to get started working on the wax figures.”

“You are?!”

“Yes!” Mr. Yim turns to Kurt and says, “Well Kurt, you haven’t said anything yet, what do you say? Since it’s YOUR nightmares and YOU’RE the copyright holder of these sketches, I would like to have your permission for me to create wax figures out of these images of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons! I would like to take the copy of the sketches with me so my staff and I can study these Diane D entities’ or Diane D demons’

images then get started.”

“No Mr. Yim!” Kurt shouts.


“That’s right, no!” Kurt stands.

“Well why not?”

“First of all, it seems like YOU want to profit off of our family’s tragedy! It seems like you want to profit off the fact that Diane D killed our dad! Second of all, you want to profit out of my nightmares of her or those entities or demons that look like her!

Third, I had enough of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons! I had enough of them constantly coming into my dreams and nightmares stalking me, terrorizing me, they would not leave me alone! They appeared everywhere I was or everywhere I ran off to, especially that ring-leader, the one who was handcuffed, shackled and chained up, trapped in a contortionist position! She was stalking me all throughout the woods in one of my dreams and nightmares! I even had to throw dirt at her face to keep her from coming after me stalking me, finding me then coming near me, but that didn’t stop her! It did not stop her at all! She still managed to come after me stalking me and find me no matter where I ran off to and no matter where I hid! It was like she was sniffing me out like a bloodhound!”

“Oh wow!”

“Being handcuffed, shackled and chained up in that tight contortionist position didn’t stop her from stalking me at all! Whenever she found me and came near me, I had to avoid looking at the sight of her being handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in that tight contortionist position, but when I turned my head away from her and shut my eyes and ears to keep from seeing or hearing her, all of a sudden, it felt like someone had their hands wrapped around my throat trying to choke me! When I opened my eyes to find out what the heck it was, that chained up Diane D entity was right there on her knees right at my face giving my neck this evil look! She was trying to choke me telepathically!”

“Oh no!”

“Yes! She couldn’t release her arms and hands from out of those handcuffs and chains, so she had no choice but to try to choke me telepathically!”


“Oh no!”

“I had to hurry and get away from her!”

“Oh my God!”

“All of a sudden, I found a large tree branch on the ground and grabbed it, then I lifted it up high in the air and tried so hard to hit her with it, but she managed to move right out of harm’s way just in time, forcing me to constantly miss her and I wind up hitting the ground instead! When I was in the hospital, every time I fell asleep, those Diane D entities or Diane D demons constantly kept pulling my soul or spirit right out of my physical body, then pull my soul or spirit right into their spiritual underworld! I was trapped in their spiritual underworld, there was no place for me to go, nowhere for me to run and nowhere for me to hide! There was wilderness all over the place! I had no way of getting out of that wilderness or dark place until whenever I wake back up screaming! Whenever I woke back up, I used to constantly wake up in the middle of the night screaming! I could tell that the night nurses out in the hallway receptionist area were getting tired of me constantly waking up in the middle of the night screaming! I was afraid to fall asleep again because I was afraid my soul or spirit would be pulled and snatched right out of my physical body again then be pulled right back into that dark spiritual underworld and I would be trapped there again until whenever I wake back up screaming, so I had to try and force myself to stay awake to keep those Diane D

entities or Diane D demons from snatching my soul or spirit out of my physical body every chance they get!”

“Oh wow, and you had no control over your soul or spirit being snatched or pulled out of your physical body?!”

“No, I absolutely had no control over it at all! If I had any control over it, I certainly wouldn’t have left my physical body and wind up going to that dark spiritual underworld! I was helpless and vulnerable when it came to that! After I sent Officer Kilpatrick to apologize to the real Diane D for me, I was finally able to get rid of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons once and for all, they didn’t come into my dreams and nightmares anymore once Officer Kilpatrick apologized to the real Diane D for me!”

“They didn’t?”

“No, they stopped snatching and pulling my soul or spirit out of my physical body for a while! They stopped pulling my soul or spirit into their dark spiritual underworld for a while! I had finally stopped waking up in the middle of the night screaming for a while! I had finally escaped those Diane D entities or Diane D demons for a while! I had finally escaped from being constantly pulled into their dark spiritual underworld! I had finally escaped from their clutches until this last nightmare when that chained up entity pulled my soul or spirit into that dark spiritual underworld, lured me to her cries for help, then I had to witness her being stoned, then she pulled me into her clutches, held me tight and used me as a human shield so I can be hit by those stones instead of her, when I’m the one who tried to save her by putting myself in harm’s way to stop those men from throwing anymore stones at her, even after she killed my own father, tried to have me set on fire and tried to choke me telepathically! And now you want to bring that same entity and her look-alike demons here into this world, the physical world by making wax figures out of them and display those entities’ or demons’ wax figures inside your wax museum?! You don’t need to invite those Diane D entities or Diane D demons here into this physical world Mr. Yim, I don’t want them in this world!

Those Diane D entities or Diane D demons need to stay right where they are, in their 94

own world! The last thing I need, is for those Diane D entities or Diane D demons to appear in THIS WORLD terrorizing me again!”

“Terrorizing you again?”


“But they’ll be wax figures this time Kurt! Wax figures aren’t alive, they can’t move! So therefore, they won’t be able to harm you or terrorize you!”

“That’s not the point Mr. Yim! The point is, I don’t want to see those Diane D

entities’ or Diane D demons’ wax figures! Some wax figures look too real! The wax figures of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons might look too real for me if I see them! It might start my nightmares all over again! My nightmares about those Diane D

entities or Diane D demons were too frightening for me! I would never want to come across any image of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons ever again whether it’s during my sleep hours or during my wake hours as wax figures!”

“Well if you feel that way Kurt, you do not have to come to the wax museum to see the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures.”

“That’s still not the point Mr. Yim! Knowing that my dreams and nightmares could become a reality in this world, knowing that those Diane D entities or Diane D demons are here in the physical world is terrifying enough! No Mr. Yim, I don’t want my nightmares about those Diane D entities or Diane D demons on public display! I do not want those Diane D entities or Diane D demons here in this physical world in any shape or form, they are not welcomed here! The only way I’ll ever come to the wax museum to see those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures, is to destroy them!”

“What! Destroy them?! What do you mean destroy them?!”

“I might just light a match and set those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures on fire!”

“What! Set them on fire?!”

“That’s right Mr. Yim, set those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures on fire and burn them just like those Diane D entities or Diane D demons in my dreams and nightmares tried to do to me! They tried to burn ME alive! The ones who didn’t talk were listening to the chained up Diane D entity, the ring leader who was their

‘puppet master’ the one who was pulling their strings calling all the shots telling them what to do, telling them to tie me up real tight and set me on fire, and they were all listening to her like they were her soldiers! I got to get back at those Diane D entities or Diane D demons and set their wax figures on fire, I just got to!”

“No Kurt, I can’t let you set their wax figures on fire! If you do that, you’ll be committing arson! You can’t set fire to my wax museum, I won’t allow it!”

“Then I suggest you don’t create wax figures of those Diane D entities or Diane D

demons Mr. Yim!”

“But Kurt, you can make a profit if those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures are on public display when people pay to come to the museum since it’s YOUR

nightmares and you’re the copyright holder of these sketches you drew! Diane D would make a profit out of it also!”

“Diane D would make a profit too?!”

“Yes because after all, it’s HER image that would be used if she and her family gives the okay or the permission to have the wax figures of herself publicly displayed!”

“But what if I still don’t give you permission Mr. Yim?!”

“I’ll still have the wax figures made, but just store them all in the basement for the 95

time being until both you and Diane D and her family give me permission to publicly display them!”

“I still don’t want to exist in the same world anymore with those Diane D entities or Diane D demons Mr. Yim! You can say that those Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures aren’t alive all you want, but those Diane D entities or Diane D demons in that spiritual underworld were very much alive to me! I felt the flames right on my fingers when they started to set me on fire! I remember feeling the pain! If I didn’t wake back up in time, I would have been trapped in that spiritual underworld and that flame would have spread all over my body! I could have died in my sleep! I also felt the pain right on my head and chest when that chained up entity used my body as a human shield and held my body right towards the hurling stones that was meant for her! I remember feeling that pain too! If I didn’t wake back up in time for that too, I would have been trapped in that spiritual underworld and continued to feel those stones pounding my body! I could have died in my sleep then too!”

“I’m sorry Kurt. I’m sorry that happened to you in your dreams and nightmares. I understand how you feel about those Diane D entities or Diane D demons, especially if there’s going to be wax figures made out of them, but could you at least think about having their wax figures publicly displayed if Diane D and her family give the okay?”

“But I don’t agree with my nightmare images being on public display Mr. Yim!”

“I know, that’s why the wax figures will be stored down in the basement for the time being where the public cannot see them!”

“I’m still not feeling it Mr. Yim! I do not want you profiting off my family’s tragedy!

I do not want you profiting off my nightmares about Diane D or the entities or demons that look like her by putting wax figures of them in your wax museum! I do not want wax figures of those Diane D entities or Diane D demons inside your wax museum or anywhere else! I do not want them in this world, do you understand that?! Let those entities or demons stay in their own world right where they belong!”

Mr. Yim sadly and worriedly looks at Kurt.

The following day, Mr. Yim and two Asian women who are around their early 60’s who are tailors and seamstresses are sitting inside the wax museum conference room looking at the large TV screen watching Diane D’s martial arts performance that she did at the theater with the other martial arts performers from Asia. One of the Asian women turns to Mr. Yim and says, “So that’s the all-black one-piece bodysuit you want us to duplicate for the wax figures?”

“Yes,” Mr. Yim says, “that’s the all-black one-piece bodysuit that we need for the wax figures.”

“With high collars and V-necks like that?”

“Yes with high collars and V-necks just like that.”

“You want around fifteen or sixteen identical copies of them?” the other Asian woman asks.

“Yes fifteen or sixteen identical copies of them. You think your team can pull it off?”

“I think so.”

“Good. Do you have an idea of Diane D’s measurements?”

The two Asian women look back at the large TV screen watching Diane D’s martial 96

arts performance. “I think we have an idea what her measurements are. You said she’s around five foot six inches tall right?”

“Yeah I think she’s the same height as Don.”

“The same height as Don?”


“Okay I have an idea of her measurements.”

“Good! Okay, let’s get this thing started.” Mr. Yim and the two Asian women stand up out of their seats. Mr. Yim then turns off the TV screen as the two Asian women turn and head towards the front door.

Later on, Mr. Yim is standing alone inside the front of a very large empty chamber inside the basement of the wax museum. He holds his tablet high up in the air as he looks at a slow-motion video of Diane D on his tablet.


Diane D is standing and posing in slow-motion in a mountainous area during her martial arts performance looking around holding swords wearing the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes with her long black hair in bangs and a long thick braid down her back. Diane D then twirls the swords and starts to perform martial arts with the swords.


Mr. Yim stares at Diane D’s performance on the screen. He then looks out at the large empty chamber. He holds the tablet up against the empty chamber. He looks back at the slow-motion video of Diane D against the empty chamber. He then turns around and places the tablet down on the side. Mr. Yim then grabs Kurt’s sketch of the multiple Diane D entities or Diane D demons off the side! He has the sketch of the multiple Diane D entities or Diane D demons wearing the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows and thick black shoes standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D

entity who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with all their hair and bangs blowing in the wind surrounded by the eerie forest or woods at night with the large hazy moon above and behind them.

Mr. Yim holds Kurt’s sketch of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons high up in the air as he looks at the images of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares. He then looks out at the large empty chamber again. He holds the sketch of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons up against the empty chamber.

He looks back at the sketch of the Diane D entities or Diane D demons against the empty chamber trying to measure the spot and position where he would place the Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figures. “Perfect!” Mr. Yim shouts to himself as he stares at the sketch and at the large empty chamber. He then turns around and places Kurt’s sketch back down on the side. He then turns and heads towards a small hallway in the corner at the front of the chamber.


Mr. Yim steps inside a short narrow hallway. He goes through the hallway.

Mr. Yim steps at the other side of the hallway. He steps inside another very large empty wax chamber. He stands at the front of the chamber then looks towards the back of the chamber. He then turns around and grabs Kurt’s other sketch of the other version of the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon alone in the grass and weeds wearing the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position standing on all fours with her head and face upside down. Mr.

Yim holds the sketch of the other version of the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D

demon high up in the air as he looks at the image of the other version of the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares. He then looks out at the large empty chamber again. He holds the sketch of the other version of the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon up against the empty chamber. He looks back at the sketch of the other version of the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D

demon against the empty chamber trying to measure the spot and position where he would place the other version of the chained up Diane D entity or Diane D demon wax figure. “Perfect!” Mr. Yim shouts again as he stares at the sketch, then at the large empty chamber.