DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Young Nurse Interns Fear Handling Diane D Inside Examining Room!

Inside an upstairs hospital hallway, Dr. Stone is talking to six young female nurse interns who are all wearing nurse uniforms as he says to them, “Now listen. Diane is lying face down on the hospital bed inside the examining room. She’s sound asleep.

She’s sedated right now. What I need for you all to do, is try to lift her up from the hospital bed and transfer her onto the examining table so I can have wires from the monitor hooked to her. I need six of you to lift and carry her because she is pretty heavy.”

“Diane?” Amanda the head nurse, a tall slim white female who has dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail, nervously says. “You mean Diane D?”

“Yes, her.”

“We have to lift her and transfer her onto the examining table?”

“That’s what I just said.”

“We’re kind of afraid to deal with Diane D Doctor Stone.”

“That’s right,” Suzie, a white female who has short cut blonde bob hairstyle with bangs, says, “especially after what happened with that guy she attacked inside that hotel conference room, and what she did to all those authority figures and a priest last year and what she did to more of their family members this year inside that hotel 98

conference room!”

“But Diane’s mental state have to be evaluated again,” Dr. Stone says.

“Well where’s her family?” Elaina, a medium built Hispanic female who has black shoulder length hair, asks. “Can’t her family be there? Can’t they lift her from the hospital bed onto the examining table?”

“Her family? You expect her family to lift her and transfer her? It’s not her family’s job to do that. It’s your job to do that.”

“We know that, but we’re still afraid to deal with Diane D!”

“Yeah we don’t want to wind up like that guy she attacked inside that hotel conference room and all those authority figures she killed last year!” Francine, a thick-size white female who has short cut black bob hairstyle with bangs, shouts. “We don’t want to be her next victims!”

“It was her other personality who committed all that,” Dr. Stone says.

“Oh come on Doctor Stone! You can’t make excuses for her that it was her other personality who committed all that stuff! Other personality or not, it’s still Diane D’s physical body that committed that stuff whether she remembers it or not!”

“That’s right Doctor Stone!” Paula, a tall thick-size white female who has long black hair in a low ponytail, shouts. “I don’t know if I want to deal with or handle Diane D


“Me neither!” Annette, a short petite black female with a dark complexion, big innocent eyes who has her hair back in a ballerina bun, shouts. “We all might be in danger dealing with her!”

“Diane is asleep right now,” Dr. Stone says. “You don’t have to worry about her other personality right now, her other personality is not there.”

“But what if her other personality suddenly pops up while we’re lifting her and transferring her onto the examining table?”

“I’ll tell you what. If it makes you all feel better, I’ll see if it would be okay with Diane’s family if she gets handcuffed and her handcuffs chained to the head of the hospital bed.”

“What!” the nurse interns shout. “Handcuffed?!”

“If she gets handcuffed and her handcuffs chained to the head of the hospital bed?!”

Amanda shouts.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says, “so you can feel at ease and won’t have to worry about her or should I say ‘her other personality’ harming you.”

“We don’t want to see or deal with Diane D being handcuffed and her handcuffs chained to the head of the hospital bed! It’s only going to remind us all how dangerous she really is!”

“Look, I need Diane evaluated! I need her body transferred from the hospital bed onto the examining table! Now you nurses have a job to do and you must do it! I’m going to go downstairs and see if I can get Miss Margarita or someone else in Diane’s family and security to come up here and get Diane handcuffed and her handcuffs chained to the head of the hospital bed. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Dr. Stone goes around the nurse interns and walks down the hallway. The nurse interns turn to their right and nervously look at Dr. Stone as he goes down the hallway.

It is fifteen minutes later. The six young nurse interns are nervous as they still 99

stand in the hospital hallway.

Suddenly Dr. Stone, Diane D’s Aunt Celeste and a white male security guard who is holding a pair of handcuffs, a lock and a foot and a half long double chain come down the hallway towards the nurses.

Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste and the security guard approach the nurses as Dr. Stone says to them, “Are you all alright?”

“I don’t know Doctor Stone,” Amanda annoyingly says. She nervously looks down at the pair of handcuffs, the lock and the foot and a half long double chain that the security guard is holding and asks Dr. Stone, “Are those handcuffs, lock and chains for Diane D?”

“Yes, I told you they would be for her. This is Diane’s Aunt Celeste. She gave permission to have Diane handcuffed and her handcuffs locked and chained to the head of the hospital bed and she’s going to be in the room with you all while you’re all lifting Diane transferring her from the hospital bed to the examining table, okay? Wait here while the security guard put the handcuffs on Diane then chain the handcuffs to the lock while the lock is at the head of the hospital bed. We’ll be back.” Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste and the security guard turn to their right and go past the nurse interns then walk down the hallway. The nurse interns turn their heads to their left and nervously look at Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste and the security guard as Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste and the security guard go down towards the end of the hallway heading towards the examining room door on the left.

Twenty minutes later, Dr. Stone and the security guard come out of the examining room. The security guard does not have the handcuffs, lock or double chain with him anymore as he and Dr. Stone walk down the hallway.

Dr. Stone and the security guard approach the nurse interns as Amanda says, “Well where are the handcuffs, lock and chain?”

“They’re on Diane right now,” Dr. Stone says.

“They are?”

“Yes. The handcuffs and one end of the double chain are on Diane’s wrists and the other end of the double chain is attached to the lock that’s at the head of the hospital bed.”

“Oh. Are you sure it’s on Diane D right now?”

“Well you don’t see it now, do you? It’s on her. It’s all done. You can go inside the examining room and start lifting Diane and transferring her from the hospital bed onto the examining table.”

“But how are we going to transfer Diane D from the hospital bed onto the examining table, if her handcuffs are chained to the head of the hospital bed?”

“While you’re lifting her from the hospital bed, her aunt Celeste is going to quickly unlock the chain from the head of the hospital bed, then you all are going to transfer Diane onto the examining table right next to it. While you’re lowering her and placing her down onto the examining table, her aunt Celeste is going to quickly lock the chain to the head of the examining table.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Yes, it’s that simple.”

“Oh I don’t know Doctor Stone. I’m still not feeling this!”

“Me neither!” Francine shouts. “Do we have to do this?”

“Yes you have to do this,” Dr. Stone says, “it’s your job.”

“But we’re still afraid to deal with Diane D Doctor Stone! She’s a killer!”

“But Diane is in handcuffs right now and the handcuffs are locked and chained to the head of the hospital bed, so she won’t be able to kill you!”

“Really! That didn’t seem to stop her before when she killed all those authority figures and a priest last year! Even though she was handcuffed, locked and chained to a psychiatrist couch, she still managed to break loose from the psychiatrist couch, use it as a weapon and killed all those authority figures and a priest with it! WHO does that?!

Whoever heard of a psychiatrist couch being used as a weapon?! Who in the world is even that strong enough or powerful enough to lift a heavy psychiatrist couch up high, spin it around and around in the air, then toss it twenty or thirty feet across the room anyway?! THAT is not normal at all!”

“But Diane’s aunt is in the room with her right now!”

“So what!” Suzie shouts, “what’s that gonna do?!”

“It’ll stop Diane’s dangerous and out-of-control other personality from coming around, because her dangerous and out-of-control other personality does not come around if her family is there! Now that her aunt is already inside the examining room with her, her dangerous and out-of-control other personality won’t surface!”

“Oh yes her dangerous and out-of-control other personality will still surface even though her aunt is already inside the examining room with her, because her dangerous and out-of-control other personality managed to kill all those authority figures while her family was right inside that hypnosis room with her! Her other personality killed all those authority figures right in front of her family! You said that eight members of Diane D’s family were inside that hypnosis room on that fateful day and witnessed everything, then wind up being traumatized by the whole thing and are still traumatized by it! If her other personality can kill all those authority figures right in front of eight members of her own family, then it won’t make a difference if one member of her family is inside the examining room with her!”

“But when I brought Diane’s other personality out to the surface on that fateful day, it didn’t know that her family members were already inside the hypnosis room with her!”

“And it might not know that her aunt is already inside the examining room with her now! Her other personality can still pop up, get out-of-control and hurt us right in front of her aunt! That’s why we still don’t feel comfortable dealing with her or handling her whether her aunt is inside the examining room with her or not!”

“Well someone has to do this!”

“I said ‘how about her family members’!” Elaina shouts. “If that other personality of hers doesn’t come around if her family members are there, can her family members be the ones to lift her from the hospital bed to the examining table?”

“I thought I told you it’s not her family’s job to do that! If it was her family’s job to do that, I wouldn’t need you all here in the first place now, would I?”

“We know that it’s not her family’s job, but could you at least make this her family’s job for now, for our sake? Because that other personality of hers is no joke!”

“Look ladies, I need this evaluation on Diane done! It’s important that she gets this 101

evaluation done! When I come back, I expect to see Diane transferred to the examining table, do you all understand?!”

“But Doctor Stone…”

“No buts about it, alright?! Now you all have a job to do! I want you all to get inside that examining room right now and get this thing started! I’ll be right back! I’ll see if I can send more of Diane’s family members up here so you all can ease your minds.” Dr. Stone and the security guard turn left and go past the nurses. They walk back down the other end of the hallway. The nurses turn their heads to their right again and nervously look at Dr. Stone and the security guard as Dr. Stone and the security guard go down the hallway heading to the elevators. The nurses see the elevator doors open. They then see Dr. Stone and the security guard go into the elevator as the elevator doors close behind them.

The nurses turn and nervously look at each other, they then turn to their left and look down the other end of the hallway towards the examining room door on the left.

Amanda then turns to the other nurses and says, “I guess we have to go in there, because Diane D’s aunt is in there with Diane D all by herself.”

“Oh don’t worry about Diane D’s aunt Amanda,” Suzie says, “Diane D’s aunt will be safe. Diane D’s other personality won’t attack her aunt. It’s OUR safety we have to worry about.”

“Yeah that’s true. Come on, let’s go and get this over with.” Amanda turns left and nervously heads down the end of the hallway as the other nurses nervously follow her.

Amanda approaches the end of the hallway and goes to the left where the examining room door is as the other nurse interns nervously approach behind her. Amanda nervously puts her hand on the door knob. She slowly turns the door knob. She slightly opens the door and takes a peek inside the examining room. She opens the door wider and enters inside the examining room as the other nurses nervously enter inside the examining room behind her.

Amanda and the rest of the nurse interns slowly and nervously walk inside the large examining room. They look to their right way across the examining room and see Diane D several yards away on the opposite side of the room lying face down on a hospital bed with her eyes rested on her folded hands while the handcuffs are wrapped around her wrists and her legs slightly spread apart. They see Diane D wearing tight navy blue leggings with matching navy blue socks. She has no top on but a folded hospital sheet wrapped beneath her chest area that comes all around her back and tied somewhere on her back beneath a top sheet that is laying over her back. Her bare arms are exposed with her bare elbows stretched out towards the edges of the hospital bed.

The handcuffs on her wrists are attached to one end of the double chain. There is a thick horizontal metal bar placed across the head of the hospital bed right near the top of Diane D’s head. The end of the double chain that is attached to the handcuffs goes right through a hole at the center of the horizontal metal bar. Eighteen inches forward, there is a second horizontal metal bar placed on a tray table that is attached to the head of the hospital bed as the center of the double chain lays across the tray table. The other end of the double chain goes right through a hole at the center of the second 102

horizontal metal bar. On the other side of the hole is a lock which the other end of the double chain is attached to. Altogether, the nurses see the double chain attached to Diane D’s handcuffs going through two separate horizontal metal bars that are eighteen inches apart. The nurses then see Diane D’s Aunt Celeste standing behind the second metal board as she uses a key. testing on the lock. They then look at Diane D as she remains asleep with her face down on her folded hands.

Across the examining room, Aunt Celeste continues to test the lock. She then turns to her left and looks across the examining room at the nurses. “Hey Ladies,” she says to them, “how’re you all doing? Are you all ready to lift Diane and transfer her to the examining table?”

Back across the examining room, the nurse interns do not say anything as they nervously stand their looking across the examining room at Diane D.

Aunt Celeste puzzledly looks at the nurses and asks, “Are you all alright?”

“Um,” Amanda nervously says, “she won’t harm us will she?”

“Is that what you’re worried about?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Look, I know what happened with Diane and that guy Jeremy inside the hotel conference room, and I know what happened with those authority figures last year, but she’s not going to harm you.”

“No? How are you so sure?”

“She’s asleep and she’s handcuffed to the bed.”

“Okay, what about her legs and feet? Her legs and feet aren’t in cuffs or shackles.

They’re still loose.”

“Oh we left her feet loose because we don’t want too many locks and chains on her.

Anyway, we have to get this done. Let’s go.”

Amanda nervously stands there. She slowly starts to head towards the hospital bed as the other nurse interns slowly follow her.

Amanda and the other nurse interns approach near the foot of the hospital bed on Diane D’s right near her legs and feet. They stand near the foot of the hospital bed and nervously look down at Diane D. They’re not able to see Diane D’s face as Diane D lays face down with her eyes resting on her hands, they can only see the back of her body and the back of her head which is covered by her long black hair which is in a long thick braid. They hear her snoring a little. Aunt Celeste then says to the nurses, “Okay I need three of you to stay on that side of her, and the other three to come around the bed and be on the other side of her so it can be three of you on each side of her, okay?”

Suzie, Elaina and Francine slowly go around the foot of the hospital bed to the other side of Diane D as Amanda, Paula and Annette remain on Diane D’s right.

Suzie, Elaina and Francine then stand on the other side of the hospital bed on Diane D’s left near her legs and feet. Aunt Celeste looks at Suzie, Elaina and Francine and says to them, “You ladies need to spread out further towards the top half of her like her chest and shoulder areas so you can be able to lift her whole body. It’s going to be impossible to lift her whole body if you’re all standing at the bottom half of her. You 103

have to spread out towards the top half of her too.” The nurses nervously look at Aunt Celeste. They then look back down at Diane D. Amanda and Paula nervously spread out to Diane D’s waist and hip areas on Diane D’s right and Annette remains near Diane D’s feet as Suzie and Elaina nervously spread out to Diane D’s waist and hip areas on Diane D’s left and Francine remains near Diane D’s feet. Aunt Celeste looks at the nurses again and says, “Now come on Ladies, you can do better than that. Spread out further towards the top half of her so you can be able to lift her.” The nurses nervously look at Aunt Celeste again. They then look back down at Diane D. Amanda and Paula nervously spread out to Diane D’s chest and waist area on Diane D’s right and Annette spreads out to Diane D’s right leg as Suzie and Elaina nervously spread out to Diane D’s chest and waist area on Diane D’s left and Francine spreads out to Diane D’s left leg.

Aunt Celeste looks at the nurses again and says, “Okay that’s better. Now you all are gonna get ready to grab her and lift her up, okay? When I count to three, I want you all to grab her and try to lift her, okay? One, two, three, go!” Aunt Celeste gets the key and lock ready as the nurse interns are about to grab Diane D by the chest, waist and legs. As soon as the nurses are about to touch Diane D, Diane D suddenly lets out a slight grunt, rattles the chain and throws her legs and torso up in the air like a horse and back kicks at the nurses, almost kicking the nurses right in their chest areas causing them to quickly back up! Diane D’s lower legs and feet settle back down! The nurses and Aunt Celeste shockingly look down at Diane D! They see that she is sound asleep. They can still hear her slightly snoring. The nurses then look up at Aunt Celeste.

“She almost kicked us!” Suzie whispers. “We thought she was asleep!”

“I thought so too,” Aunt Celeste whispers as she puzzledly looks down at Diane D.

She then speaks to Diane D and says, “Diane? Are you awake?” Diane D does not respond. She remains sound asleep as she continues to snore a little. Aunt Celeste then shouts, “Diane!” Diane D still does not respond. She continues to remain asleep. Aunt Celeste puzzledly looks back up at the nurses and says, “I’m sorry about that. I guess we have to try again.”

“Will it be safe to try again after she almost kicked us?” Elaina whispers.

“I’m sorry that happened, but we have to keep trying! We have to get this done!

I’m going to count again. When I count to three, grab her and try to lift her, okay?

One, two, three, go!” Aunt Celeste gets the key and lock ready again as the nurse interns are about to grab Diane D by the chest, waist and legs again. As soon as the nurses are about to touch Diane D again, Diane D suddenly lets out a louder grunt, rattles the chain again and throws her legs and torso up in the air like a horse again and back kicks at the nurses again, almost kicking the nurses right in their heads causing them to quickly back up again! Diane D’s legs and feet settle back down! The nurse interns and Aunt Celeste shockingly look down at Diane D again! They see that she is still sound asleep. They still hear her slightly snoring. The nurses then look at Aunt Celeste again.

“She almost kicked us again!” Francine whispers.

“I know,” Aunt Celeste says, “I’m so sorry about that.” Aunt Celeste puzzledly looks down at Diane D again. She then speaks to Diane D again and says, “Diane what’s going on? Why are you kicking your legs up? Are you awake?” Diane D does not respond.

She remains sound asleep as she continues to slightly snore. Aunt Celeste then shouts,

“Diane answer me! Are you awake or not?!” Diane D still does not respond. “Diane!”


Aunt Celeste shouts again. Diane D still does not respond. She continues to remain sound asleep. Aunt Celeste looks back up at the nurses and says, “I’m sorry Ladies, but, we have to try again.”

“Oh no not again!” Paula whispers. “This is the third time we’re about to try this!

How many times do we have to risk doing this?! She might try to kick us again!”

“I’m so sorry that happened, but we have to give it another try! I’m going to count again. When I count to three, grab her and try to lift her, okay? One, two, three, go!”

Aunt Celeste gets the key and lock ready again as the nurses are about to grab Diane D

by the chest, waist and legs again.