DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Two Of The Nurses Get Kicked And Injured By Diane D, While She’s Asleep!

The nurse interns are about to grab Diane D again. As soon as they are about to grab Diane D, Diane D suddenly lets out an even louder grunt, rattles the chain again and throws her legs and torso up in the air like a horse again and back kicks at the nurses again and actually kicks two of the nurses Elaina and Paula right in their face, hitting them in the jaw!

“Aaaahh!” Elaina and Paula scream as they and the other nurses are about to all fall backwards like bowling pins! Amanda and Annette quickly catch their balance, breaking their fall then quickly catch Paula, breaking her fall as Suzie and Francine quickly catch their balance, breaking their fall then quickly catch Elaina, breaking her fall as Diane D’s legs and feet settle back down! Amanda and Annette hold onto Paula as Paula struggles to stand painfully holding onto her neck and jaw while Suzie and Francine hold onto Elaina as Elaina struggles to stand painfully holding onto her neck and jaw also! Amanda, Paula and Annette shockingly look down at Diane D then quickly back up away from the hospital bed as Suzie, Elaina and Francine shockingly look down at Diane D also, then hurry around the foot of the hospital bed back to the other side of the room catching up to Amanda, Paula and Annette! They all back up way across the examining room!

The nurses quickly approach the opposite side of the examining room far away from Diane D not far from the front door! “Aaaahh!” Elaina and Paula scream holding their necks and jaws in pain as the other nurses try to comfort them. They all turn and shockingly look back across the examining room at Diane D! They see that she is still lying face down with her eyes on her hands sound asleep while the handcuffs are still wrapped around her wrists and the handcuffs still chained to the lock that’s behind the second horizontal metal board at the head of the hospital bed! Aunt Celeste quickly approaches the nurses and whispers to them, “Are you all alright?!”

“No we’re not alright!” Paula angrily whispers. “That’s it! I’m not gonna try to lift 105

her anymore, I’m done! I’m afraid my neck and jaw could be broken!”

“What!” the other nurses whisper.

“Your neck and jaw?!” Amanda whispers. “You think your neck and jaw could be broken?!”

“It feels that way!” Paula whispers.

“Mine too!” Elaina whispers as she painfully holds her neck and jaw also. “I felt my neck snapped when she kicked me!”

“I felt my neck snapped too! I thought my head was gonna come off!”

“I thought my head was gonna come off too!”

“Oh no!” Annette whispers. “I knew this would be dangerous for us, I knew it!”

“I knew it too!” Amanda whispers. She looks at Aunt Celeste, points towards Diane D and angrily whispers, “She should have had her legs and feet bounded and chained to the foot of the hospital bed! You all know she has deadly kicks, look what she just did to Paula and Elaina!”

“I know!” Aunt Celeste worriedly whispers, “it’s just that we didn’t want too much cuffs and chains on her after what happened last year when she broke loose from them and wind up injuring herself real bad causing bruises all over her body!”

“So you’d rather put us in danger instead?! Instead of HER being injured and bruised, WE wind up being the ones getting injured and bruised! I knew we shouldn’t have done this, I knew it! We shouldn’t have listened to Doctor Stone!”

“Doctor Stone had you do this because it’s your job.”

“But it’s a dangerous job dealing with Diane D!”

“I understand, but some of us have dangerous jobs like police officers, fire fighters and correction officers.”

“Oh we know police officers and correction officers have dangerous jobs, look what Diane D did to those poor police officers and those poor swat team members and a priest last year! She killed them, practically decapitating them! Look what she did to those correction officers inside that jail cell she was locked up in several years ago! She literally tried to attack them right inside the jail cell! Those correction officers said they felt like they were dealing with the spirit of a wild animal or demon! Look what she did to that little boy Marcus inside that school hallway! She beat the crap out of him, breaking that poor innocent child’s bones! That child said he felt like he was dealing with the spirit of a wild animal or demon also, now look what she just did to us nurses! She back kicked us and winds up kicking two of us right in the jaw practically breaking Elaina’s and Paula’s jaws, snapping their necks! Their necks and jaws could be broken! She literally almost decapitated them with that double kick just like she literally almost decapitated those authority figures and the priest with that psychiatrist couch!”

“Oh no!” Annette whispers.

“Now the new dangerous job on the list is being a nurse who have to deal with dangerous mental patients like Diane D! The proof is right here!” Amanda looks across the examining room towards Diane D and whispers, “Does she even know or realize what she just did?!” The other nurses and Aunt Celeste turn and look back across the examining room at Diane D. They see that she is still laid face down sound asleep with her eyes still laid down on her folded hands.

“I don’t know if she realize what she did,” Aunt Celeste whispers. “She seemed sound asleep before, but as soon as you nurses were about to touch her, her legs and 106

feet kicked up so violently!”

“It sure did! She threw her entire body up in the air and back kicked us like if she was a horse! Why did she do that to us?”

“I don’t know. It didn’t seem like she was even aware of what she was doing!”

Aunt Celeste and the nurses continue to stare across the examining room at Diane D.

Aunt Celeste then turns back to the nurses. She looks at Elaina and Paula and whispers to them, “I am so sorry that this happened to you two. I’m gonna take you two to get medical attention. After that, I’m going to go downstairs and get my other family members and have them come up here with me and help me lift Diane.”

“Your other family members?”

“Yes. I guess we’re gonna have to try and transfer Diane from the hospital bed to the examining table ourselves.”

“But Doctor Stone said it’s not your family’s job to do that.”

“I know what he said, but we have to be on the safe side, look what just happened!”

“I know, but would it be safe for your other family members to try and lift Diane D?”

“Of course it’ll be safe for them Amanda,” Suzie whispers, “that’s Diane D’s family!

Diane D’s ‘other’ personality doesn’t attack her family!”

“Listen Miss,” Aunt Celeste whispers to Suzie, “let’s not forget, our other family members almost got hurt themselves inside that hypnosis room last year when Diane’s

‘other’ personality threw that psychiatrist couch right above their heads! If they hadn’t duck in time, they would have been the ones injured and probably killed by that psychiatrist couch instead of those police officers and swat team members!”

“And you expect us to take a chance with her too?! Yeah your other family members might have almost gotten hurt, but miraculously they all still came out of that hypnosis room unscathed and alive, none of them were physically harmed! But yet two of us just got physically harmed by Diane D and she doesn’t seem to even know it or realize it!”

“I’m very sorry about that. That’s why I’m going to tell Doctor Stone what just happened and I’m going to get the rest of my family members to come up here and transfer Diane from the hospital bed onto the examining table. I want to make sure it gets done.” Aunt Celeste turns to Elaina and Paula and says to them, “Come on, I have to take you two to get medical attention now.” She turns to the other nurse interns and says to them, “The rest of you wait here and keep an eye on Diane until I come back with my other family members.”

“Wait here and keep an eye on Diane D until you come back?” Francine whispers.

“Will it be safe for us to remain alone inside this room with her?”

“It should be safe, she’s asleep.”

“Yeah that’s what we thought when she back kicked us a little while ago!”

“It should be safe for you now, as long as you are not near her, as long as you don’t go over there near her and try to grab her again.”

“Try to grab her again? Did she have a problem with us trying to grab her?

Because as soon as we were about to grab her, she grunted like an animal and back kicked us!”

“I don’t know what that issue was. I don’t know what went on with her, she could have been sleep kicking.”

“Sleep kicking?” Amanda whispers.


“Yeah, you know, like sleepwalking, but instead of walking in her sleep, she’s kicking in her sleep because she sleepwalks once in a while.”

“Yeah that’s what we heard.”

“Yeah. So in the meantime, I’m going to take these two nurses to get medical attention, then I’m going to get the rest of my family and come back up here with them.

Stay on this side of the room until I come back with my other family members, okay?”

“But how long will you be?” Suzie whispers. “How long will we have to stay alone inside this room with her?”

“Until I get back. I’ll be back in a hurry. Just keep an eye on Diane until I come back and don’t let her out of your sight. If any problems arrive, just call me or the doctor’s assistant and my family and I will be up here in a flash.” Aunt Celeste turns her head and takes one last look back across the examining room at Diane D. She then turns her head back to Elaina and Paula and says to them, “Come on, let’s go get you two some medical attention.” Aunt Celeste turns and hurries to the door! Elaina and Paula turn and hurry after Aunt Celeste as they continue to painfully hold their necks and jaws. Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette turn and nervously look at Aunt Celeste, Elaina and Paula as Aunt Celeste, Elaina and Paula hurry to the door. They see Aunt Celeste open the door and hurry out into the hallway as Elaina and Paula hurry out into the hallway behind her. They then see the door slam behind Aunt Celeste, Elaina and Paula.