DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

The Four Remaining Nurses Are Scared Being Left Alone With Diane D!

Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette are left standing alone inside the examining room as they stare at the door. They then turn and nervously look at each other. Then they turn and nervously look back across the examining room at Diane D who remains sound asleep with her eyes still laid down on her folded hands as the handcuffs still remain wrapped around her wrists. Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette stare at Diane D. They suddenly see Diane D moving. They become nervous! They secretly and quietly watch Diane D from across the examining room and see her lift her head. They can hear the double chain attached to the handcuffs rattling while Diane D turns her head facing their way with her long black bangs covering her eyes and face as she is about to lay her head back down. Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette become more nervous as they stare at Diane D across the room. They see Diane D jerking her head trying to move her long black bangs out of her eyes and face. After Diane D jerks her bangs out of her eyes and face, they then see Diane D continuing to lay her head back down on her hands, this time with her face towards them and her eyes closed. Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette quickly turn around towards some equipment and shelves not too far from the front door! They quietly rush behind the equipment and shelves 108

trying to hide from Diane D just in case she opens her eyes and sees them.

Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette stand behind the equipment and shelves and nervously peek through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D. They see Diane D’s face for the first time since being inside the examining room.

They see that her eyes are kind of puffy and swollen as her eyes remain closed. They stare at Diane D’s face as she sleeps. “Wow,” Francine whispers. “She’s beautiful!”

“She sure is,” Amanda whispers. “She has sort of an odd beauty to her, like she’s from another world or something.”

“She does,” Suzie whispers. She, Amanda, Francine and Annette continue to stare across the examining room at Diane D’s face as she remains asleep. They then turn their heads and nervously look at each other again. They suddenly hear the double chain rattling again. They quickly turn their heads and peek back through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D! They see her head lifted again then see her turn her face forward towards the head of the hospital bed as her eyes remain puffy, swollen and shut. They suddenly see her jerking her arms, hands and wrists trying to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain in her sleep as the double chain rattles and jerks.

“Oh oh!” Francine whispers as she, Amanda, Suzie and Annette watch Diane D

through the equipment and shelves. “It looks like she’s trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain, in her sleep!”

“Oh no!” Annette whispers as they frighteningly peek through the equipment and shelves at Diane D. They see her continuing to jerk her arms, hands and wrists trying to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain in her sleep as the double chain continues to rattle and jerk.

“Oh my God!” Amanda whispers. “I’m scared she might succeed in breaking loose from those handcuffs and chain just like she did inside that hypnosis room last year where all those authority figures and the priest got killed!”

“Oh nooo!” Annette whispers, “we might be next!” Annette, Amanda, Suzie and Francine frighteningly stare at the double chain as it continues to jerk and rattle, fearing it could break! They then see Diane D give up trying to break loose from the handcuffs and chain then see her turn her head facing the other way. They see her laying her head back down on her hands and wrists facing the other way with the back of her head towards them. They nervously stare across the examining room at Diane D.

They then turn their heads and nervously look at each other again.

“She was probably getting restless from being handcuffed and chained,” Amanda whispers. They suddenly hear the double chain rattling again. They quickly turn their heads and peek back through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D again! They see her head lifted again then see her turn her face forward towards the head of the hospital bed again as her eyes remain puffy, swollen and shut.

They then see Diane D jerking her arms, hands and wrists again trying to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain in her sleep again as the double chain rattles and jerks again.

“Oh no!” Francine whispers. “She’s trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain again!”

“Oh oh!” Annette whispers as she, Francine, Amanda and Suzie continue to frighteningly peek at Diane D through the equipment. They see Diane D continuing to 109

jerk her arms, hands and wrists struggling to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain in her sleep as the double chain continues to rattle and jerk. Annette, Francine, Amanda and Suzie frighteningly stare at the chain again fearing it could break! They then see Diane D give up trying to break loose again then see her turn her head facing back towards them with her eyes still closed. They see her laying her head back down on her hands and wrists again facing towards them again with her eyes still swollen and shut. The nurses nervously stare across the examining room at Diane D


“I think she got restless again from the handcuffs and chain,” Amanda whispers.

“Well shouldn’t we go over there and help her?” Annette whispers.

“What!” Amanda, Suzie and Francine whisper as they turn and shockingly look at Annette.

“Go over there and help her?!” Suzie whispers. “Are you serious Annette?! Didn’t her aunt Celeste tell us not to go over there near her, that it would be safe for us in this room, as long as we don’t go over there and try to touch her again?! Didn’t Paula and Elaina being kicked in the jaw by her teach you anything?! Didn’t she kick Doctor Stone and Doctor Kahn in their heads inside that hypnosis room last year while one of her hands was still handcuffed and chained to that psychiatrist couch?! She was still able to knock both of them out cold even while one of her hands was still handcuffed and chained to that psychiatrist couch! Didn’t that teach you anything?! It should have taught you not to go over there near her and try to touch her again!”

“I wasn’t talking about trying to touch her again Suzie!” Annette whispers. “I was talking about trying to unlock the handcuffs for her!”

“What!” Amanda, Suzie and Francine whisper.

“Unlock the handcuffs for her?!” Francine whispers. “Are you kidding Annette?!

Now why would you want to unlock the handcuffs for Diane D, she’s in handcuffs for a reason! You must have never heard of her history before, have you?”

“Yes I’ve heard of her history before!” Annette whispers.

“You have?”

“Yes, I heard about all of it!”

“Okay then, why on earth would you want to put us in danger by unlocking the handcuffs for her?!”

“Because what if she has to get up and use the bathroom?! She might have to use the bathroom for all we know! Maybe she might need a blanket over herself, because it’s kind of cold inside this room! We should go over there and unlock the handcuffs for her so she can get up and use the restroom or get a blanket for herself! I think the key to the handcuffs are still there on the tray table at the head of the hospital bed! I think her aunt left it there!”

“So we should go over there and take the risk of trying to unlock the handcuffs for Diane D, just so she can get up and use the bathroom or get a blanket for herself? We might get kicked in the jaw too! It’s bad enough that Paula and Elaina got kicked in the jaw, we don’t need to be next! We don’t need to get kicked in the jaw either!”

“We won’t get kicked in the jaw if we’re trying to unlock the handcuffs for her, because the lock and key are at the head of the hospital bed far away from her legs and feet where she can’t kick us!”

“Where she can’t kick us?” Amanda whispers.



“Annette, do you know how powerful Diane D’s kicks are?! Do you know how high she can kick?! Don’t you know that she holds a Black Belt in the martial arts?! She kicks like Bruce Lee! She is able to kick you while you’re standing at the head of the hospital bed, even while she’s in handcuffs! She can even dodge bullets!”

“Dodge bullets?”



“I heard when that guy Kurt, the son of one of the authority figures who got killed by her other personality, got shot in the stairwell at her family’s organization, she was right there! She didn’t get shot, but he did! I also heard that someone dressed in black tried to shoot her from a balcony while she was on stage after her martial arts performance. That person winds up getting shot instead of her!”

“Oh wow!”

“I heard when that guy Kurt caught her inside his apartment building running away from him in the hallway right on his floor, he shot at her, and when he tried to shoot her, I heard that she did some type of ninja side flip which caused the bullet to miss her!”


“Yes and the bullet winds up hitting the wall instead of HER!”

“Oh wow!”

“The problem is, I heard she doesn’t even remember any of it.”

“She doesn’t?”

“That’s what I heard.”

“Damn!” Francine whispers, “she doesn’t seem to remember a lot of stuff that she did!”

“Most likely it had to be her ‘other’ personality inside that guy Kurt’s apartment building running away from him in the hallway on his floor if she doesn’t remember being there or remember what happened in there!”

“I think it WAS her ‘other’ personality on that guy Kurt’s floor when he tried to shoot her.”

“Oh no!” Annette whispers.

“Remember when we heard she dodge those police bullets when she was carrying and spinning that guy Jeremy’s body around inside that hotel conference room after she gave all those victims’ family members an apologetic speech in there?” Amanda whispers. “When the police burst in the back door and saw Diane D carrying and spinning that guy Jeremy’s body around then swung his body and was about to bang and slam his head and body hard into the wall, the police told her to ‘drop him’, she refused and ignored the police officer! When she swung that guy Jeremy’s body and was about to bang and slam his head and body hard into the wall anyway, the police officer told her again to ‘drop him’, even Dr. Stone told her to ‘put him down’, but she ignored him too! When she swung Jeremy’s body again and was about to bang and slam his head and body hard into the wall again, the police officer shot at her, that’s when she turned and held that guy Jeremy’s unconscious body right towards the bullet using his body as a human shield, causing his body to get shot!”

“I heard!”

“He was still unconscious, he didn’t even feel himself getting shot!”

“Oh no!”


“When Diane D was about to bang and slam his head and body into the wall again, another police officer shot at her, that’s when she turned and held that guy Jeremy’s body right towards the bullet again, causing his body to get shot again!”

“Oh no!”

“Jeremy still didn’t feel himself getting shot!”

“Oh no!”

“When Diane D was about to bang and slam Jeremy’s head and body hard into the wall again, a third police officer tried to shoot her too, that’s when she turned and held that guy Jeremy’s body right towards the bullet again, causing his body to get shot a third time!”

“Oh no!”

“Jeremy still didn’t feel himself getting shot!”

“My God!”

“When Diane D was about to bang and slam Jeremy’s head and body hard into the wall again, three police officers tried to shoot her, that’s when she turned and held Jeremy’s body right towards the line of fire again, causing his body to get shot multiple times!”

“Oh no!”

“Jeremy still didn’t feel himself getting shot!”

“Oh my God!”

“When Diane D was about to bang and slam Jeremy’s head and body hard into the wall again, the police couldn’t even shoot at her anymore, because she kept using that guy Jeremy’s body as a human shield causing him to get shot multiple times!”

“Oh no!”

“So instead of HER getting shot, Jeremy’s the one who winds up getting shot! The police had no choice but to hold their fire when Diane D was about to bang and slam Jeremy’s head and body hard into the wall again, that’s when Dr. Stone had to step in real quick, rushed right up to Diane D’s physical body and shouted for her ‘other’

personality to go back to sleep and go back to where it came from!”

“My God!”

“Now if she or her ‘other’ personality can dodge bullets and can kick Doctor Stone and Doctor Kahn right in their heads knocking them out cold while she was handcuffed and chained to a psychiatrist couch, then she can kick us and knock us out cold too while she’s handcuffed and chained to that hospital bed!”

“But wasn’t her aunt just standing over there at the head of the hospital bed? Her aunt was standing in that same spot! She made it out of there unscathed!”

“That’s because that was HER AUNT Annette! You can’t compare yourself to Diane D’s aunt, that’s her family! Maybe somewhere in Diane D’s subconscious, she knew her aunt was standing there at the head of that hospital bed, that’s probably why she never kicked that way! But believe me, if it was any of us standing over there at the head of that hospital bed instead of her aunt, oh boy, she would have definitely kicked her feet that way, because she back kicked at us without ever seeing any of our faces! She doesn’t know any of us or know who we are! She probably sensed we weren’t her family even though she never once saw our faces! I don’t know if she even knew we were there when she back kicked us, but she never kicked towards her aunt’s direction!”

“Maybe because her aunt didn’t try to grab her like we tried to do!”


“But her aunt is planning to touch her when her aunt returns with the rest of their family to lift her from the hospital bed onto the examining table! In order for Diane D’s aunt and the rest of their family to grab and lift Diane D from the hospital bed to transfer her onto the examining table, they would HAVE TO touch her! I’m sure their family would be unscathed after they transfer her from the hospital bed onto the examining table, but we can’t take the risk of going over there to her ourselves!”

“But if we secretly unlock the handcuffs while Diane D is still asleep, we can sneak out from over there real fast before she wakes up and she would never even know that we were over there!”

“Oh she would know that we’re there Annette! She sensed we were there when she back kicked us and she might sense us again if we go over there to the head of the hospital bed to unlock those handcuffs!”

“But if we unlock the handcuffs real quick before she wakes up, we’ll run from over there real quick and she won’t get a chance to kick us or attack us!”

“No Annette, it’s not gonna happen! It’s nice of you to be concerned about Diane D’s wellbeing, I’m concerned about her wellbeing too, but you seem to be more concerned about her wellbeing than your own safety and OUR safety! Why?”

“Because I feel it’s our fault she’s in those handcuffs and chain!”

“You feel it’s our fault?”



“Because the only reason why Doctor Stone and her aunt had those handcuffs and chain placed on her in the first place, is because WE felt uncomfortable dealing with her and handling her from the hospital bed to the examining table!”

“Well of course we felt uncomfortable dealing with her or handling her Annette, can you blame us for feeling that way?! Do you blame us?! Remember, she killed five authority figures and a priest inside that hypnosis room last year! She beat up that guy Jeremy by bashing his head right into a wall causing him to have a fractured skull and other broken bones, then put Jeremy’s body right in the line of fire and caused him to get shot multiple times by police bullets that was meant for HER! She tried to attack correction officers right inside a jail cell she was held in several years ago, and two hospital employees witness her kung fu kick a storage room door right off its hinges in the middle of the night inside a clinic area at another hospital a few years ago, then they saw her burst right into the storage room then heard her ransacking it sounding like she was turning everything inside that room upside down! She beat up that little boy Marcus inside an isolated school hallway and he winds up killing himself a few years later because he kept having nightmares about her coming after him in that same stairwell! She recently attempted to break right out of the mental institution right in front of her family to approach the public on the street to find out why they’re not purchasing tickets for the seats near the stage at her family’s show and she probably would have succeeded in breaking out of the mental institution if her grandma Miss Margarita wasn’t there to whack her with a paddle stopping her! And now she just back kicked Paula and Elaina right in their jaws! They’re her latest victims now! I think she actually tried to back kick all of us, but Paula and Elaina were the ones who got hit because maybe they were standing in a certain spot! So we can’t take the risk of going over there to help her! If she’s having any kind of problem, then worst case scenario, we would have to call her aunt Celeste, Dr. Stone or her grandma Miss 113

Margarita to get up here real quick to help her, we can’t risk doing it ourselves! Don’t worry! I’m going to call her aunt Celeste, Doctor Stone and her grandma Miss Margarita right now to help her.”

“Isn’t her aunt Celeste supposed to return back here with the rest of her family anyway?” Suzie whispers. “Maybe Miss Margarita might show up too! In the meantime, I think we should try to get closer to the door just in case we have to run out of here and make a quick getaway, because the next time she tries to break loose from those handcuffs and chain, she just might succeed like she did inside that hypnosis room last year!”

“Yeah you’re right Suzie. Let’s get closer to the door. Once we get closer to the door, I’m going to call Doctor Stone and Miss Margarita. Let’s move.” Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette quickly turn their heads and peek back through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D. They see her head still laid down on her hands and wrists while still facing towards them with her eyes still shut. They then turn and look towards the door. They are about to ease towards the door.

As Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette ease towards the door, they suddenly hear the sound of the double chain rattling again! They stop right in their tracks, quickly turn their heads and look back through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D again! They see her head lifted again then see her turn her face forward towards the head of the hospital bed again as her eyes remain puffy, swollen and shut. They then see her jerking her arms, hands and wrists trying to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain in her sleep again as the double chain rattles and jerks again this time causing the two horizontal metal bars to slightly shake! “Oh no!” Amanda whispers. “She’s trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain again! She’s getting restless again! I see those two metal bars starting to shake!”

“I see them shaking too!” Francine whispers. “They weren’t shaking before!”

“But they’re shaking now which means she’s getting stronger, which means she just might succeed in breaking them then breaking loose from those handcuffs and chain like she did inside that hypnosis room last year!”

“Oh nooo!” Suzie whispers. “You have to call her aunt Celeste, Doctor Stone and Miss Margarita up here fast!”

“Okay!” Amanda quickly pulls out her Walkie Talkie as she, Suzie, Francine and Annette frighteningly stare through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D. She dials a number on the Walkie Talkie as she, Annette, Suzie and Francine see Diane D continuing to jerk her arms, hands and wrists struggling to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain again as the double chain rattles and jerks harder causing the two horizontal metal bars to jerk and shake harder. They frighteningly stare at the chain and the two metal bars fearing they could break!

Amanda then whispers into the Walkie Talkie and says, “Hi, this is an emergency!

Could you send Doctor Stone and Diane D’s family up here to the examining room right away, because I think she’s restless! She keeps jerking her arms, hands and wrists trying to break loose from the handcuffs and chain that’s attached to the head of the hospital bed!”

“She is?!” a white female assistant with shoulder length red hair and glasses says.

“Yes and she’s doing it in her sleep!”

“In her sleep?”

“Yes, I don’t think she’s fully awake though!”


“She’s not?”

“No, but we’re afraid if she keeps trying to break loose from the handcuffs and chain in her sleep, she just might succeed like she did before inside that hypnosis room last year!”

“Oh no!”

“We want to help her, but we’re afraid to get close to her! Two of the nurses already got hurt while we were near her! She back kicked them right in the jaw in her sleep as we were about to grab her and lift her up from the hospital bed to the examining table!”

“She back kicked two of the nurses in the jaw in her sleep?!”

“Yeah and we don’t want history repeating itself!”

“I know and I don’t blame you for not wanting to go near her! For your safety, it’s best not to go over to her or near her! Doctor Stone and Diane D’s family are already on their way up there!”

“They are?!”

“Yes! They just went inside the elevator!”

“They did?!”

“Yes, I saw them go in there! They should be up there to the examining room at any minute now!”

“Okay great! Did her Aunt Celeste go inside the elevator too?!”

“Yes, I saw her Aunt Celeste go into the elevator too!”

“You did?!”


“What about Diane D’s grandma Miss Margarita?! Did her grandma Miss Margarita go into the elevator too?! Is she amongst the family members who are coming up here?!”

“Yes I saw Miss Margarita go inside the elevator too!”

“You did?!”

“Yeah, she’s coming up!”

“Oh thank God she’s coming up too, because after I heard about the whacking she gave Diane D when Diane D attempted to break out of the mental institution, I think she might be the one who can really handle her!”

“Yeah I think so too! I’m gonna send security up there too to make sure nothing goes wrong!”

“Okay thank you! Bye!”


Amanda turns off her Walkie Talkie. She turns to the other nurses and whispers,

“Doctor Stone and Diane D’s family are on their way up!”

“They are?!” Suzie whispers.


“Thank God.” Suzie, Amanda, Francine and Annette turn and nervously look back through the equipment and shelves across the examining room at Diane D. They see Diane D continuing to jerk her arms, hands and wrists trying to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain as the double chain continues to rattle and jerk causing the two horizontal metal bars to continue to jerk and shake harder. Annette, Amanda, Suzie and Francine frighteningly stare at the chain and horizontal metal bars again fearing they could break! They then see Diane D give up trying to break loose again 115

then see her turn her head facing the other way again. They see her laying her head back down on her hands and wrists facing the other way with the back of her head towards them again. The nurses nervously stare across the room at Diane D.

“She got restless again!” Amanda whispers.

“I know!” Annette whispers. “I can’t take this anymore! I’m going to go over there and help her!”

“What!” Amanda, Suzie and Francine whisper as they shockingly look at Annette.

“What do you mean you’re going to go over there and help her?!” Suzie whispers.

“I’m gonna go right over there to the head of that hospital bed and secretly unlock those handcuffs for her real quick while she’s asleep!” Annette whispers.

“Secretly unlock those handcuffs for Diane D while she’s asleep?! Are you crazy Annette?! What are you trying to play, Russian Roulette, with our lives?!”

“No Suzie, I’m not trying to play Russian Roulette! I just don’t like seeing her struggling like that!”

“But her family and Doctor Stone are already on their way up here Annette!”

Amanda whispers. “Let them handle it!”

“No, she’s struggling! I’m gonna go over there to unlock the lock! Don’t worry, once I secretly unlock the lock, I’ll run from over there real fast!” Annette starts to go around the equipment and shelves.

“Get over here Annette!”

“No!” Annette stops and whispers as she quickly turns towards Amanda and whispers, “She needs our help!” Annette turns back forward and starts to head right towards the head of the hospital bed as Amanda, Suzie and Francine hurry from around the equipment and shelves!

Amanda, Suzie and Francine rush to Annette and try to grab her, but Annette jerks away from them and rushes away towards the head of the hospital bed! “No Annette, don’t do it!” Amanda whispers. Annette ignores Amanda as she continues to head across the examining room right towards the head of the hospital bed!