DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

The Beast Within Rears Its Head As It Angrily Stares At The Nurse Interns!

Annette reaches halfway across the examining room! She is heading towards the head of the hospital bed! Amanda rushes halfway across the examining room after Annette and shouts, “No Annette, NOOOOO!”

Diane D suddenly awakens! She lifts her head, quickly turns her head and angrily looks to her right towards Amanda and Annette!

“Oh nooo!” Amanda and Annette scream and stop right in their tracks seeing Diane D glaring at them with sleepy, half-closed puffy, swollen eyes! They quickly back up as 116

Annette frighteningly turns back around and runs back the other way across the examining room right towards Suzie and Francine leaving Amanda behind as Amanda nervously stands there alone halfway across the examining room facing Diane D!

Back across the examining room, Annette cowards right behind Suzie and Francine!

She frighteningly peeks from behind Suzie and Francine at Diane D with her eyes wide open with fear as Suzie and Francine stand there frighteningly looking across the examining room at Diane D!

Amanda continues to stand halfway across the examining room frighteningly facing Diane D. She nervously stares at Diane D. She then speaks to Diane D and says, “Hi Diane D. How are you?”

Diane D does not answer. She glares at Amanda with puffy, sleepy, half-closed eyes as the handcuffs and chain remain wrapped around her hands and wrists.

“Are you okay?” Amanda nervously says. “Sorry to wake you. Sorry to bother you.

You’re probably wondering who we are and what we’re doing in here, but we’re nurses.

I’m Amanda, the head nurse, and those nurses over there are interns, Suzie, Francine and Annette,” as she points her hand towards Suzie, Francine and Annette.

Diane D turns her head a little and glares across the examining room at Suzie, Francine and Annette with puffy, sleepy, half-closed eyes while still handcuffed and chained to the hospital bed.

Suzie, Francine and Annette stand across the examining room frighteningly looking at Diane D as Annette continues to coward behind Suzie and Francine! Then they nervously turn their heads away, trying to avoid eye contact with Diane D.

Diane D turns her head and looks around the examining room wondering where she is. She then looks back at Amanda and glares at her again.

“We didn’t mean to wake you Diane D,” Amanda nervously says to Diane D. “We’re here to help you. Is there anything we can do for you? Is there anything you need?”

Diane D does not say a word. She continues to glare at Amanda with puffy, sleepy, half-closed eyes.

“We saw that you were trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain,”

Amanda nervously says. “We thought that you might be in distress because of it. Are those handcuffs and chain bothering you? Do you need someone to help you get relief from it? Just let me know. Do you need someone to remove the handcuffs and chain from off you?”

Suzie, Francine and Annette continue to stand across the examining room frighteningly looking across the examining room at Amanda and Diane D.

“Would you like the handcuffs and chain removed?” Amanda nervously says to Diane D. “Do you need those handcuffs and chain removed from off you?”

Diane D does not say a word. She remains silent as she continues to glare at Amanda. She then looks down at the handcuffs wrapped around her wrists and the double chain attached to them. She puzzledly looks down at the handcuffs and double chain. She then looks at the two metal bars that the double chain is going through. She 117

suddenly jerks her arms, hands and wrists making a rattling sound with the chain and tries to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain. She does not succeed. She jerks her arms, hands and wrists again making another rattling sound with the chain again and tries to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain again! She still does not succeed. She jerks her arms, hands and wrists a third time making another rattling sound with the chain again and tries to break loose from the handcuffs and double chain again! She does not succeed. She then suspiciously looks back up at Amanda with angrier eyes as her eye balls start to disappear behind her half-closed puffy and swollen eyelids.

Amanda becomes more nervous.

Diane D then turns her head and glares back across the examining room at Suzie, Francine and Annette.

Suzie, Francine and Annette nervously turn their heads away again, trying to avoid eye contact with Diane D.

Diane D continues to glare across the room at Suzie, Francine and Annette.

Suzie, Francine and Annette continue to have their heads turned away.

Diane D then turns her head back towards Amanda and glares at Amanda again.

“I’m sorry Diane D,” Amanda says, “I’m sorry you’re in those handcuffs and chain, but don’t worry. If you want those handcuffs and chain removed from you, they will get removed, because Doctor Stone and your family members are on their way up here.

They will be up here shortly. They’ll remove the handcuffs and chain from off you.”

Suzie, Francine and Annette nervously turn their heads back around towards Diane D and Amanda.

“In the meantime, can I get you anything?” Amanda nervously asks Diane D. “Do you need any water or something?”

Diane D still does not say a word as she continues to glare at Amanda with angrier eyes.

“Look Diane D,” Amanda nervously says, “I know you don’t know who I am, but I’m a nurse and I’m only here to help you. Don’t you want or need help with those handcuffs and chain?”

Diane D continues to glare at Amanda.

“Well say something Diane D,” Amanda says. “Don’t you need help with those handcuffs and chain?”

Diane D suddenly jerks her arms, hands and wrists hard and makes a loud rattling sound with the chain causing a loud bang against the horizontal metal bars and the lock as the horizontal metal bars jerk!

“Uh!” Amanda frighteningly screams and jumps back at the sound of the rattling and bang! She frighteningly looks at the chain, horizontal metal bars and the lock!

Then she nervously looks back at Diane D as Diane D continues to glare at her! “Oh is that what you want to say Diane D?” Amanda nervously says.

Diane D suddenly jerks her arms, hands and wrists harder and makes a more loud 118

rattling sound with the chain causing a louder bang against the horizontal metal bars and the lock as the horizontal metal bars jerk harder!

“Uh!” Amanda frighteningly screams and jumps back again at the sound of the louder rattling and louder bang! She frighteningly looks at the chain, horizontal metal bars and the lock again! Then she nervously looks back at Diane D again as Diane D

continues to glare at her!

Suzie, Francine and Annette continue to stand across the examining room frighteningly looking across the examining room as Francine shouts to Amanda, “Get from over there Amanda! Don’t you see she doesn’t want to talk to you?!”

Amanda turns her head and nervously looks across the examining room at Francine.

“Don’t you see she’s trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain right in front of you?!” Francine shouts. “It’s best to just leave her alone and let her be! Let’s get out of here while we got the chance!”

Amanda continues to look at Francine, then she nervously turns her head back towards Diane D and says to Diane D, “Okay Diane D. You don’t want or need anything? Alright. Since you don’t want or need anything, I’m gonna get ready to go now and let you be. Bye.” Amanda nervously backs up then slowly turns around.

Diane D glares at Amanda as Amanda backs up and turns around.

Amanda slowly starts to head back across the examining room towards Francine, Suzie and Annette.

Diane D slightly turns her head to her right following Amanda as she continues to glare at Amanda as Amanda heads back across the examining room towards Francine, Suzie and Annette.

Amanda reaches back across the examining room to Francine, Suzie and Annette and nervously stands behind them. They all stand there frighteningly looking back across the examining room at Diane D. They see Diane D glaring right across the examining room at them not moving or saying a word. They then turn away from Diane D and slowly head back behind the equipment and shelves.

Amanda, Francine, Suzie and Annette reach back behind the equipment and shelves and stop. They turn their heads around and take another peek at Diane D through the equipment and shelves. They see that she is still glaring right across the examining room at them through the equipment and shelves not moving or saying anything. They then turn their heads forward and slowly start to head towards the door.

Amanda, Francine, Suzie and Annette reach the door. Amanda nervously grabs the doorknob. She turns the doorknob and opens the door. She, Francine, Suzie and Annette nervously turn their heads around and take one last look back across the examining room at Diane D. They see that Diane D is still glaring right across the examining room at them still not moving or saying anything. They turn their heads back forward and slowly start to walk out the door. They go out the door into the hallway leaving the examining room.


Amanda, Francine, Suzie and Annette nervously enter out into the hallway as the examining room door closes behind them. They stand in the hallway and frighteningly look at each other, then give a sigh of relief. They then turn and shockingly look back at the examining room door. They turn their heads and nervously look back at each other again as Amanda whispers, “Wow, did you all see that?! Did you all see the way she looked at us, the way she looked at me?! It looked like she wanted to kick my head in right there! It looked like she was just about to break loose from those handcuffs and chain right there in front of me so she can do it!”

“Yeah I saw that!” Suzie whispers.

“I saw that too!” Francine whispers. “That’s why I don’t know why on earth you were just standing there talking to her Amanda! Didn’t you see that she didn’t want to talk to you?!”

“Yeah I saw that Francine!” Amanda whispers. “I was just trying to get inside her head to see if she needed any help with those handcuffs and chain!”

“Trying to get inside her head? What are you, a psychiatrist?! While you’re busy trying to get inside her head, the inside of her head was busy plotting to break loose from those handcuffs and chain probably getting ready to attack you right there!”

“But why would she or the inside of her head want to attack me Francine? I was only trying to be nice to her! I was trying to help her!”

“I don’t think she cares or gives a crap if you’re trying to help her or be nice to her Amanda! Trying to help her or be nice to her didn’t work for Doctor Stone and Doctor Kahn! She still kicked their heads in and knocked them both out cold after they tried to help her and be nice to her! Trying to help her or be nice to her is like trying to help or be nice to the Devil himself! You were trying to help or be nice to the Devil and you didn’t even know it! You were too busy trying to get inside the Devil’s head!”

“That’s why I decided to get out of there as soon as you told me to! I would have eventually gotten out of there sooner or later, but when you told me to get out of there, it made me get out of there sooner.”

“Was that her other personality in there?” Suzie whispers. “Is it a possibility that it was her other personality we just saw laying there inside this room?”

“I sure hope not, because I would never want to meet, encounter or come across that other personality of hers!”

“Me neither, but I’m wondering if we did!”

“I’m wondering that too, because I would hate to know that I actually met, encountered, came across or even talked to that other personality, the other personality who killed all those authority figures and a priest last year! I would hate to know, that we were actually inside the same room with it!”

“Wow, I would hate to know that too, but I’m wondering if we WERE inside the same room with it!” They all frighteningly stare at each other. They suddenly hear the sound of the double chain rattling loud from inside the examining room. They quickly turn their heads and look at the examining room door as Suzie whispers, “I just heard the chain rattling.”

“So did I.”

“Me too,” Annette whispers. “It sounds like she’s still trying to break loose from those handcuffs and chain!”


“Well I did offer to call for help for her, but she never said a word! She just looked at me like she wanted to wring my neck!”

“She probably think we’re responsible for her being in those handcuffs and chain in the first place! That’s probably why she was looking at us like that!!”

“That’s why I offered to call for help for her about those handcuffs and chain!”

“Well maybe she felt she didn’t need your help Amanda!” Francine whispers. “She probably felt she would break out of those handcuffs and chains herself sooner or later, because if she could break loose from that psychiatrist couch while she was handcuffed and wrapped in chains to it, she can always do it again! For all we know, she could be getting off that hospital bed right now then come right behind this examining room door and open it!”

“Really?!” Suzie whispers, “well what are we still standing near this door for?!

Maybe we shouldn’t stand too close to it just in case that WAS her other personality in there and her other personality succeeded in breaking lose from those handcuffs and chain, then winds up getting off that hospital bed then come right behind this door and open it while we’re standing near it, and then the next thing you know, is that she’s throwing the hospital bed at us!”

“Throwing the hospital bed?” Annette whispers. “You think she could really do that?”

“Oh come on Annette! If she can lift up an entire psychiatrist couch right up off the floor, spin it around and around in the air then toss it thirty feet across the room at a real high speed and kill those authority figures and a priest with it, I don’t think an entire hospital bed will make any difference!”

“It sure won’t!” Amanda whispers. “Come on, let’s move down the hallway.”

Amanda, Suzie, Annette and Francine move away from the examining room door and start to ease down the hallway.

Amanda, Suzie, Annette and Francine reach halfway down the hallway. They suddenly hear the sound of the double chain rattling louder with a louder bang coming from inside the examining room! They stop right in their tracks and frighteningly look at each other! They then turn their heads and look back at the examining room door down the hallway on the left!

“Oh oh,” Suzie frighteningly whispers. “She probably succeeded in breaking out of those handcuffs and double chain! It sounded like one of those metal bars broke!”

“Oh oh!” Annette whispers as she, Suzie, Amanda and Francine turn their heads and frighteningly stare at each other. They then turn their heads and frighteningly look back towards the examining room door! They stare at it for a while listening for any other sounds coming from behind it. They suddenly hear the sound of an object sliding across the floor.

“Oh oh!” Francine frighteningly whispers. “Did I just hear something sliding across the floor in there?”

“I heard it too!” Suzie whispers. “She probably DID succeed in breaking loose from those handcuffs and double chain and got up off the hospital bed! She could be walking right to that door now! Let’s run!”

“Let’s not jump into conclusions Suzie!” Amanda whispers as they all look at each other. “Remember, her legs and feet were not strapped or bounded. They were still 121

loose! She might have kicked something in there and caused it to slide across the floor!”

“Kicked something in there? You think it’s a possibility?”

“Of course it’s a possibility! If she was able to back kick Paula and Elaina right in their jaws while she was handcuffed and chained to the hospital bed, then she is able to kick another object while she’s handcuffed and chained to the hospital bed and cause it to slide across the floor! Let’s wait and see if we hear anything else like her footsteps coming towards the door!”

“Wait and see if we hear her footsteps coming towards the door?!” Francine whispers. “Are you crazy Amanda?! I don’t want to wait around to hear that killer’s footsteps coming towards the door! I’d rather run and get the hell out of here before WE become her next victims!”

“Hold on now Francine, I don’t want to become her next victim either! So far I don’t hear her footsteps coming.”

“You’re not going to hear her footsteps coming Amanda, she was wearing socks!

Wearing socks won’t cause the sound of footsteps!”

“I know. Let’s just wait and see if we hear any other sounds coming from inside the room.” Amanda, Francine, Suzie and Annette stare at the examining room door down the hallway to listen for other sounds coming from inside the examining room. “Well,”

Amanda whispers, “I don’t hear her footsteps coming nor hear any other sounds coming from inside the room. The only way to find out what’s really going on inside that room, is to open the door and check on Diane D to make sure she’s okay, because anything can happen to her while she’s handcuffed and chained alone inside that examining room and no one is in there with her! We’re the ones who are actually supposed to be inside that examining room with her, watching her until her aunt comes back with Doctor Stone and the rest of their family!”

“Well where are they?!” Suzie asks. “What’s taking them so long to get up here?!”

“I don’t know! The last time I heard is that they went inside the elevator and are on their way up here! They should have been up here by now! I hope the elevator didn’t get stuck.”

“I hope not either!”

“Well since they’re not up here yet, it’s our duty to check on Diane D ourselves!”

“Check on her ourselves?!” Francine asks. “But how are we going to do that Amanda, by going back inside the room?! I don’t want to go back inside there! I don’t want to go back inside that room with that killer!”

“I don’t want to go back inside there either!” Annette says.

“What? You don’t want to go back inside there either? What do you mean ‘you don’t want to go back inside there either’ Annette?! Why don’t you want to go back inside that room?! Are you scared?”

“Of course I’m scared! I’m scared just like the rest of you!”

“Really! Mighty funny you weren’t scared before! Weren’t you the one who was bold enough to go right over to the head of that hospital bed to unlock those handcuffs and double chain for Diane D! You were bold and fearless then, and now you’re scared and don’t want to go back in there?!”

“I was only about to risk unlocking those handcuffs and double chain for Diane D

when I thought she was asleep! As soon as she woke up and turned her head around and looked right at me and Amanda, I chickened out and ran off! I wouldn’t have dared 122

tried to risk unlocking those handcuffs for her if she was wide awake, no way!”

“You shouldn’t have tried to risk going to unlock those handcuffs and double chain for Diane D whether she was asleep or awake, you almost got us in trouble in there, Diane D is a dangerous individual! She’s locked up in the mental institution for a reason! Her other personality is a dangerous vicious entity! It killed five authority figures and a priest last year and did a whole lot of bloodshed inside that hypnosis room by throwing that psychiatrist couch at the authority figures and the priest killing them all with the psychiatrist couch and injured tons of other authority figures with it!”

“That’s right!” Amanda says. “Her ‘other’ personality beat up that guy Jeremy one of the victims’ sons this year and did a whole lot of bloodshed inside that hotel conference room by back kicking the victims’ family members like a horse snapping their necks, injuring tons of them just like she did to Paula and Elaina and by kung fu kicking water bottles and chairs back at the victims’ family members, injuring tons of them with the water bottles and chairs, then her ‘other’ personality put and held Jeremy’s unconscious body right in the line of fire, causing his body to get shot multiple times!”

“That’s right! Her ‘other’ personality seems to cause bloodshed and chaos wherever it goes! And you were about to put us all in that same dangerous situation when you were about to go to the head of the hospital bed to unlock those handcuffs and double chain for her Annette?!”

“Sorry,” Annette says, “I didn’t mean any harm. I just didn’t want her to suffer.”

“Yeah but would you rather for us to suffer instead?! What if we had suffered if her handcuffs became unlocked and she lifted up and threw the hospital bed at us?! We would wind up injured or dead just like those authority figures and the priest she injured and killed last year!”

“Yeah you’re right. Sorry.”

“Alright everybody,” Amanda says, “come on. We have to check on Diane D.”

“But we’re scared to go back inside that room Amanda! What if that WAS her other personality in there?!”

“Anything is possible Annette, but we still have to check on Diane D, it’s our duty!”

“Okay,” Francine says. “So how would we check on her then?”

“By poking our heads inside the doorway and take a quiet peek inside the room without her noticing it!”

“Take a peek inside the room without her noticing it? You think it’ll work?”

“I sure hope so. Come on, let’s give it a try.” Amanda nervously turns around and walks back towards the examining room door as Francine, Annette and Suzie nervously follow behind her.