DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Diane D Does Strange Behavior While Alone Inside Examining Room


Amanda nervously approaches the examining room door and puts her hand on the door knob as her hand shakes. She slowly and quietly turns the door knob. She slightly opens the door and takes a peek inside the examining room. She opens the door wider and quietly pokes her head and shoulders inside the doorway looking to her right.

Francine, Suzie and Annette nervously stand behind Amanda as Francine whispers,

“What do you see?”

Amanda pokes her head and shoulders back out the doorway and quietly closes the door. She turns to the other nurses and whispers, “She’s still laying down on the hospital bed.”

“She is?”


“Are the handcuffs still wrapped around her wrists?”

“Yes her hands still have the handcuffs wrapped around them.”

“They do? So that means she didn’t succeed in breaking loose from those handcuffs and chains like we thought!”

“No she didn’t break loose from them. So far she’s still in handcuffs. Other than that, she appears to be okay. She’s laying on the hospital bed with her head facing the other way.”

“Her head is facing the other way? So that means she didn’t see you then.”

“No she didn’t see me. I think she’s asleep again.”

“She is?”

“I think so. Go take a peek.”

“Okay.” Francine approaches the door and puts her hand on the door knob. She is very nervous as she slowly and quietly turns the door knob. She slightly opens the door and takes a peek inside the examining room. She opens the door wider and quietly pokes her head and shoulders inside the doorway looking to her right. Amanda, Suzie and Annette nervously stand behind Francine.

“What do you see?”

Francine pokes her head and shoulders back out the doorway and closes the door.

She puzzledly turns to Amanda and whispers, “I thought you said she was asleep Amanda.”

“What!” Amanda, Suzie and Annette whisper.

“What do you mean ‘you thought’ Francine?” Amanda whispers. “She’s not asleep?

She seemed asleep when I saw her! Is she facing this way with her eyes open?”

“No she’s not facing this way,” Francine whispers, “her head is still facing the other way.”

“It is?”


“Is she still lying down?”

“Yes she’s still lying down.”

“So why don’t you think she’s asleep then?”

“Because if she’s asleep, then why do I see her pulling one of her socks off with her other foot?”

“What!” Amanda, Suzie and Annette whisper.

“Pulling off one of her socks with her other foot?!” Amanda whispers.

“Yeah!” Francine whispers.


“Why would she be pulling off her sock?”

“Maybe she’s doing that in her sleep too!”

“She’s doing that in her sleep too?! Oh God, are the handcuffs still on her?!”

“Yeah I saw the handcuffs still on her.”

“You did?”


“Okay, let me take another peek!” Amanda hurries to the door! She nervously puts her hand on the door knob. She slowly and quietly turns the door knob. She slightly opens the door and takes another peek inside the examining room again. She opens the door wider and quietly pokes her head and shoulders inside the doorway looking to her right. Francine, Suzie and Annette nervously stand behind Amanda.

“What do you see Amanda?”

Amanda pokes her head and shoulders back out the doorway and closes the door.

She puzzledly turns to Francine and whispers, “Yeah you’re right Francine, she IS

removing her socks! One of her socks already fell on the floor!”

“It did?”

“Yeah and she’s trying to remove the other sock off her other foot now!”

“She is?”

“Yeah! I think she is removing her socks in her sleep!”

“Oh yeah?” Suzie whispers. “Why is she removing her socks in her sleep?”

“I don’t know!”

“Let me take a peek.”

“Me too,” Annette whispers.

“Let’s all take a peek,” Amanda says as she, Suzie, Annette and Francine turn to the door. Suzie nervously puts her hand on the door knob. She slowly and quietly turns the door knob. She slightly opens the door and takes a peek inside the examining room.

She opens the door wider and quietly pokes her head and shoulders inside the doorway looking to her right. Annette comes beside Suzie and quietly pokes her head and shoulders inside the doorway looking to her right also as Amanda and Francine come beside Annette and quietly poke their heads and shoulders back inside the doorway looking to their right again.

Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine all have their heads and shoulders poked inside the doorway as they look to their right across the examining room at Diane D.

They see Diane D’s head laid down on her hands and wrists with her face turned the other way with the back of her head facing their way while the handcuffs remain wrapped around her wrists as she removes the sock off her right heel with her left foot.

They then see the sock on her right foot drop to the floor. They see that Diane D is completely bare footed now as she continues to have her head laid down on her hands and wrists with her face turned the other way. Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine continue to have their heads and shoulders poked in the doorway secretly watching Diane D.

Across the examining room, Diane D still has her head laid down on her hands and wrists with her face turned the other way with the handcuffs still wrapped around her wrists as she suddenly spreads her legs far apart on the hospital bed bare footed. She then bends her knees. She gets on her knees and lifts her buttocks up in the air as the double chain rattles and jerks. She then gets on her feet a little and lifts her buttocks 125

higher in the air as her torso raises off the hospital bed. She then throws her legs and feet upside-down in the air, lifting her lower body upside-down in the air then lifts her torso upside-down in the air, rattling and jerking the double chain as she does an elbow and forearm stand, bringing her legs closer together! Her entire body from the neck down is upside-down with her bare feet straight up towards the ceiling. The top hospital sheet falls off Diane D’s back and lands on her head and neck, showing the folded hospital sheet wrapped around her chest area and tied around her back as her head continues to rest on her hands and wrists with her face still turned the other way.

Back across the examining room at the front door, Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine are shocked with their mouths slightly open as they continue to have their heads and shoulders poked in the doorway frighteningly and quietly watching Diane D.

Across the examining room, Diane D continues to have her body upside-down doing the elbow and forearm stand. Her head is still laid down on her hands and wrists with her face turned the other way. She suddenly raises her elbows and forearms off the hospital bed straightening her arms raising her upside-down body higher in the air causing her head to be lifted right off her hands and wrists doing a complete hand stand right on top of the hospital bed! Her entire body including her head is upside down as her long thick braid dangles below her head. The top hospital sheet falls off Diane D’s head and neck and lands at the head of the hospital bed as the folded hospital sheet remains wrapped around Diane D’s torso!

Back across the examining room at the front door, Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine are more shocked with their mouths wide open as they continue to have their heads and shoulders poked inside the doorway frighteningly and quietly watching Diane D! They quietly come further into the examining room to get a better look as they stare at what Diane D is doing in disbelief!

Across the examining room, as Diane D continues to do a complete handstand on top of the hospital bed. Her head appears to just dangle there upside-down. She suddenly spreads her legs apart again and tries to walk on her hands as the double chain continues to rattle and jerk, but she can’t get far being that her handcuffs are still attached to the double chain. She then brings her legs closer together and starts to bend her entire body backwards into a large half-circle with her feet high above her head! She then bends her entire body all the way backwards into a complete smaller circle like a contortionist as her feet almost touch the top of her head. She suddenly bends her entire body even more backwards, causing her body to bend into a number six shape as her lower legs and feet reach past her head! Her lower legs and feet then reach past the head of the hospital bed! Her lower legs and feet then reach all the way past the first horizontal metal board to the tray table, causing the back of her knees to hang right above her head, causing her legs to dangle and sway from above her head!

Back across the examining room near the front door, Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine become more shocked with their mouths wide open as they secretly watch Diane D.


Across the examining room, Diane D continues to have her legs dangle and sway from above her head. She suddenly bends her arms and lowers her elbows and forearms back on the hospital bed, lowering her body, landing her head right back down on her hands and wrists, this time with her face turned right towards Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine with her eyes still puffy and closed! Her face appears to be sound asleep totally unaware of what her body is doing as her legs continues to dangle and sway from above her head.

Back across the examining room, Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine become more shocked as they see Diane D with her face turned their way with her eyes still shut. They come more further into the examining room to get a better look as they stand behind the equipment and shelves secretly watching Diane D.

Across the examining room, Diane D’s legs continues to dangle and sway from above her head as her face still appears to be sound asleep. Her body appears to be moving on its own as her legs suddenly spreads apart again! Her knees bend as her bare left foot and bare right foot slowly come down together near the top of the tray table and slightly face each other. Her bare left foot and bare right foot then reach for the key that’s laying on top of the tray table. Her bare left foot and bare right foot use the toes to turn the key on its side. Her bare right foot then uses the toes and grabs the key with the toes. It then places the key right between the toes of the left foot all without Diane D looking as she continues to have her head laid down on her hands and wrists with her eyes still closed! Suddenly her lower legs and feet slowly rise up off the tray table together as her legs straighten and come back together. Her legs then dangle and sway from above her head again with the key between her left toes. Her entire body suddenly bends even more backwards as her lower legs and feet reach past the tray table! Her lower legs and feet then reach all the way past the second horizontal metal board to the lock on the other side of it causing the back of her thighs to hang right above her head causing her legs to still dangle and sway from above her head.

Back across the examining room, Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine remain shocked as they continue to frighteningly stare at Diane D with their mouths wide open! They come from behind the equipment and shelves. They come further into the examining room to get a better look as they continue to stare at Diane D in disbelief!

Across the examining room, Diane D’s legs continue to dangle and sway from above her head as the key remains between her left toes. Her legs suddenly spread apart again! Her knees bend again as her bare left foot and bare right foot slowly come down together near the top of the lock and slightly face each other again. Her bare left foot and bare right foot then reach for the lock. Her bare left foot and bare right foot uses the toes to turn the lock on its side. Her bare right foot then uses the toes and holds the lock in place. Her bare left foot then uses the toes and puts the key right into the lock all without Diane D looking as she continues to have her head laid down on her hands and wrists facing Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine with her eyes still closed. Her left foot starts to turn the key to unlock the lock. The lock does not open. Her left foot turns the key again. The lock still does not open. Her left foot puts the key inside the lock deeper jamming the key into the lock. It turns the key a third time. The lock still 127

does not open. As Diane D’s left foot turns the key a fourth time, the lock suddenly opens! It then falls right off the double chain and drops to the floor! The double chain has become loose! It slowly starts to slide through the hole of the second horizontal metal board then slide right over the tray table towards Diane D as her face remains sound asleep!

Back across the examining room, Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine frighteningly back up with their eyes and mouths wide open. “Aaaaaaaaahhh!” they all scream as they quickly turn around and run right towards the door! “Aaaaaaaaahhh!”

they continue to scream as they practically tumble over each other! They quickly catch their balance as they continue to scream running for the door!