DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

The Terrified Nurse Interns Scream And Flee Out Of Examining Room!

Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine reach the examining room door as they continue to scream! Suzie grabs the door handle, opens the door and flees right out of the examining room into the hallway as Annette, Amanda and Francine flee right out of the examining room into the hallway behind Suzie all screaming in fear!

Suzie, Annette, Amanda and Francine scream and flee from the examining room and run down the hallway as the examining room door shuts behind them!

Suzie races right down the middle of the hospital hallway screaming and crying in fear not looking back as Amanda and Francine race right down the middle of the hospital hallway behind Suzie screaming and crying in fear also not looking back either as they hold a screaming and crying Annette who’s running between them by the hands pulling her down the hallway right along with them!

Suzie, Amanda, Francine and Annette race right towards the elevator crying and screaming!

The elevator door suddenly opens. Dr. Stone, Diane D’s family and the white male security guard step out of the elevator. They see the nurses running their direction crying and screaming. They quickly approach the nurses! They grab the nurses and stop them as Dr. Stone shouts to them, “Hey! What happened?! Why are you nurses running and screaming?! What’s going on?!”

“It’s Diane D!” Suzie, Amanda and Francine cry and scream.

“Diane?!” Diane D’s family shout. Without waiting for an explanation, Diane D’s 128

family, Dr. Stone and the security guard turn from the nurses and race right down the hospital hallway towards the examining room! Suzie, Amanda, Francine and Annette continue to race right to the elevator crying and screaming!

Suzie, Amanda, Francine and Annette reach the elevator! They get right into the elevator still crying and screaming as the elevator doors close behind them.

Five minutes later, Diane D is still inside the examining room laid down on the hospital bed face down with her eyes resting right on top of her folded hands with the handcuffs still wrapped around her wrists, this time without the double chain attached to it as the double chain lays near her head and the top hospital sheet laying near her head. She is surrounded by her family, Dr. Stone and the security guard with her family bent down to her holding her as they try to wake her up with Margarita shouting, “Diane! Wake up honey, wake up!”

“Diane!” Mary shouts. Diane D does not respond. She continues to lay there face down as Mary and Margarita place the top hospital sheet over her back. “Diane!” Mary shouts again. “Wake up!” Diane D still does not respond.

“She’s not responding Mary,” Barry says. “She’s still out of it.” They all continue to look at Diane D. They then look at the double chain that’s laying near her head.

“What happened to the chain?” Aunt Celeste asks. “How did it become loose? How did it wind up from being laid across the tray table attached to the lock on the other side of the board to laying on the head of the bed near her head?”

“Beats me,” the security guard says. “I know I had it attached to the lock.” He then bends down and grabs the open lock that fell on the floor. He picks the open lock up off the floor and holds it up to Dr. Stone.

“How did that lock get opened?” Dr. Stone asks as he puzzledly looks at the lock. “I know you had it closed and locked to the chain from behind that second metal board!”

“I know I had it locked and closed to the chain too.”

“Then how did it get opened? How did it become unlocked?”

“I’m wondering the same thing.”

“Doctor Stone,” Margarita says, “what happened in here?! Why did those nurses run to the elevator crying and screaming at the top of their lungs, then said ‘It’s Diane’

when you asked them what happened?!”

“I don’t know Miss Margarita,” Dr. Stone says, “we didn’t wait around to find out.

As soon as the nurses mentioned Diane’s name, that’s all we needed to hear that made us all rush into this room. I want to find out what happened as soon as Diane wakes up.” Dr. Stone turns to Aunt Celeste and says, “Miss Celeste, you and the two injured nurses were the last ones in here when you all left the four remaining nurses alone inside this room with Diane. Did anything happen between the four remaining nurses and Diane inside this room that made them run down the hallway crying and screaming at the top of their lungs?”

“No,” Aunt Celeste says, “not that I know of! All I know, is that when I took the two injured nurses downstairs to get medical attention, I left the four remaining nurses on THAT side of the room away from Diane! I had told them not to come on this side of the room near Diane and they stood on that side of the room when the two injured 129

nurses and I left the room! Later we come up to this floor, get off the elevator and see the same four nurses running towards the elevator screaming and crying in fear!”

“Do you think something happened to them while they were alone inside this room with Diane? Because obviously something happened in here! We find the chain loose, we find it laying around Diane’s head, we find the lock on the floor, we find it opened and we find the nurses running down the hallway crying and screaming then shout ‘It’s Diane’ when I asked them what happened! Do you think something happened while they were alone inside this room with Diane?”

“I don’t know what could have happened between those nurses and Diane inside this room Dr. Stone, I don’t know what could have happened with the chain and lock!

The only thing I can think probably happened, was that the nurses came over here and unlocked the chain for Diane!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“The nurses came over here and unlocked the chain for Diane?” Barry asks.

“Yeah,” Aunt Celeste says.

“Why would they do that? Why would they unlock the chain for her?”

“So she can be free from the handcuffs!”

“So she can be free from the handcuffs?” Dr. Stone asks. “Now why would the nurses want to free Diane from the handcuffs after they were complaining that they were afraid of her, that they didn’t want to deal with her or handle her by transferring her from the hospital bed onto the examining table knowing her history? Why would they even want to free her, especially after they had just seen her kick the other two nurses breaking their jaws?”

“I guess after a while, they somehow felt sorry for her being in handcuffs and her handcuffs chained to the lock! They probably felt guilty about it, that’s probably why they came over here and unlocked the chain for her!”

“If they unlocked the chain for her, then why would they be running to the elevator crying and screaming in fear?” Tomas asks.

“They probably felt that once Diane got free from the cuffs, she was probably gonna come after them and kick them in the jaw too!”

“Kick them in the jaw too?”

“That’s right.”

“So you think those four nurses would risk freeing Diane after they saw what she did to the other two nurses?” Dr. Stone asks.

“I can’t think of any other reason why the lock is unlocked, the chain is loose and why the nurses were fleeing down the hallway running from this room!”

“I can’t think of any other reason either. We need to speak to those four nurses to get to the bottom of this!” He turns to the security guard and says to him, “Are those four nurses still down the hallway near the elevator?”

“I don’t think so Doctor Stone,” the security guard says. “I think they went inside the elevator crying and screaming while we all ran to this room.”

“Okay, because I need to speak to them to find out what happened inside this room to see if they were the ones who unlocked the chain off Diane.”

“Of course they were the ones who unlocked the chain off Diane Doctor Stone,”

Aunt Celeste says, “who else could it be? They were the last ones in here with Diane when the two injured nurses and I left them alone inside this room! I don’t think anyone else came inside this room to unlock the chain off Diane, it had to be the four 130

nurses I left in here!”

“So why would they be running down the hallway crying and screaming after they unlocked the chain for Diane?”

“Obviously they got scared of something that made them flee from this room and I have no idea what that something was.”

“I have no idea either.” Dr. Stone turns to the security guard and says, “Could you go downstairs and see if you can catch up to the nurses, because I need some answers from them. Leave the key to the handcuffs here. We’re gonna unlock the handcuffs after we transfer Diane onto the examining table.”

“Okay Doctor Stone,” the security guard says. “I’m on my way downstairs.”

“Thanks.” Dr. Stone then turns to Diane D’s family and says, “In the meantime, we have to get ready to transfer her onto the examining table so she can hurry and get evaluated.” Dr. Stone looks down at Diane D and says to her, “Diane, we’re going to try and lift you up to transfer you to the examining table.” Diane D still does not respond.

“Is she okay Doctor Stone?” Mary asks.

“Yes she’s okay. She’s still out of it right now.”

Barry turns to his family and shouts, “Okay everybody! Are we ready to lift her and transfer her onto the examining table?!”

“Yeah!” Diane D’s family shout as they continue to hold her.

“Okay, let’s do this! One two three lift!” Barry and the rest of Diane D’s family reach beneath her armpits, shoulders, waist, hips and legs and lift her up off the hospital bed as the handcuffs still remain wrapped around her wrists! They carry Diane D face down to the examining table right next to the hospital bed as the hospital sheet remains over her back. They gently bring her face down on the examining table.

Diane D is now lying face down on the examining table with the sheet still over her back with her eyes still rested on her folded hands with the handcuffs still remain wrapped around her wrists.

“Thank you so much guys,” Dr. Stone says. “I really don’t know what I would do without you.”

“It’s okay Doctor Stone,” Barry says.

“Okay, the first thing we’re gonna do is get her physically evaluated then get her mentally evaluated. While Doctor Kramer is gonna physically evaluate her, I’m gonna go downstairs and talk to those nurses.”

“I’m gonna go with you Doctor Stone,” Barry says, “because we need to get to the bottom of this and find out what happened between those nurses and Diane.”

“I’m coming with you guys too,” Aunt Celeste says, “because I want to talk to those nurses too!”

“I’m coming also,” Michael says.

“Okay lets go,” Barry says. He then turns to the rest of his family and says, “Mary, Ma, Dad, we’ll be right back.

“Okay Barry,” Mary says as she, Margarita, Tomas, Marilyn, Tonio, Nicolas and Mickey say as they continue to hold Diane D.

Barry, Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste and Michael turn and start to hurry to the examining room door.

Barry, Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste and Michael reach the examining room door. Dr.

Stone grabs the door handle and opens the door. He rushes out of the examining room 131

as Barry, Aunt Celeste and Michael rush out the room behind him!