DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

All The Nurse Interns Are Passed Out And Traumatized Inside Trauma Unit!

Twenty minutes later, Amanda and Suzie are laying on hospital beds downstairs on one side of the emergency room trauma unit with their faces sweaty and eyes closed.

They are traumatized by what they have witnessed Diane D doing a little while ago.

Francine and Annette are laying on the other side of the trauma unit with their faces sweaty and eyes closed too. They are also traumatized by what they have witnessed Diane D doing.

Dr. Stone and another white male doctor, Dr. Morgan who is around his mid-sixties with dark hair and glasses, Barry, Aunt Celeste, Michael and the security guard rush inside the trauma unit! They see Amanda laying on the hospital bed. Dr. Stone and Dr.

Morgan rush right over to Amanda as Barry, Aunt Celeste, Michael and the security guard rush behind them following them!

Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Barry, Aunt Celeste, Michael and the security guard approach Amanda. They start to surround Amanda and look down at her as she lays with her eyes closed and face sweaty. Dr. Stone speaks to Amanda and shouts,

“Amanda, are you okay?! What happened to you?! Amanda!” Amanda does not respond.

“Amanda!” Dr. Morgan shouts, “it’s me Doctor Morgan! Wake up! Say something!

Are you alright?! What happened to you?! What happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane D?!” Amanda suddenly tries to respond.

“Amanda?!” Dr. Stone shouts. Amanda suddenly stops responding. “Amanda!” Dr.

Stone shouts. Amanda still does not respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Amanda wake up!” Dr. Morgan shouts as he shakes Amanda a little. “Wake up!

What happened?! Tell us what happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane D?!”

“Yeah Amanda!” Dr. Stone shouts, “what made you all run towards the elevator crying and screaming?! Why did you all shout ‘it’s Diane’ when I asked you all what happened?!” Amanda suddenly tries to respond again. “Amanda!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Talk to us! What happened to you?! Why were you and the other nurses running, crying and screaming to the elevator?!”

“And how did the lock and chain get loose?” the security guard asks. “Why was the lock to the chain that was attached to Diane’s handcuffs unlocked?! How did the lock fall on the floor?!”

“How did the chain wind up being near Diane’s head?!” Dr. Stone asks. Amanda suddenly stops responding again.


“Amanda!” Dr. Morgan shouts. Amanda still does not respond. “Wake up Amanda, wake up!” Dr. Morgan shouts as he shakes Amanda again. “Amanda! Wake up! What happened to you and the other nurses?!”

“That’s right Amanda!” Dr. Stone shouts. “What happened upstairs?! Why were you nurses running, crying and screaming to the elevator then shout ‘it’s Diane’?!”

Amanda is not able to respond. Dr. Stone looks at Amanda and says, “We’re not getting anything out of her.”

“Man she is out of it,” Michael says.

“She sure is,” Barry says. Barry, Michael, Dr. Stone, the security guard, Dr. Morgan and Aunt Celeste sadly look down at Amanda.

“Let’s go to the other nurses and see what we can find out from them,” Dr. Stone says. He, Barry, Michael, Dr. Morgan, the security guard and Aunt Celeste turn from Amanda. They see Suzie laying on the other hospital bed. They start to walk towards her.

Dr. Stone, Barry, Dr. Morgan, the security guard, Aunt Celeste and Michael approach Suzie laying on the other hospital bed. They surround Suzie as she lays with her eyes closed and face sweaty. Dr. Stone speaks to Suzie and shouts, “Suzie! Are you okay?!” Suzie does not respond. “Suzie!” he shouts. Suzie still does not respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Suzie!” Dr. Morgan shouts, “it’s me Doctor Morgan! Wake up! We need to speak to you about something! Wake up!” Suzie still does not respond.

“Come on Suzie?!” Dr. Stone shouts as he shakes Suzie a little. “Wake up! Are you okay?! What happened to you?! What happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane?!

Suzie!” Dr. Stone shouts. Suzie still does not respond.

“Suzie wake up!” Dr. Morgan shouts as he shakes Suzie also. “Wake up Suzie!

Wake up!” Suzie still does not respond.

“Come on Suzie wake up!” Dr. Stone shouts. “What happened?! Why were you nurses running, crying and screaming to the elevator?! Why did you all shout ‘it’s Diane’ when I asked what happened?! Why was the lock to the chain that was attached to Diane’s handcuffs unlocked making the chain loose?! How did the lock fall on the floor and how did the chain wind up being near Diane’s head?!” Suzie still does not respond. “Suzie!” Dr. Stone shouts. Suzie is not able to respond.

“Wow,” Barry says, “she’s out of it too.”

“She sure is,” Michael says.

“I don’t understand this!” Dr. Stone says. “What happened to them?! What could have happened up there with them and Diane?!”

“I guess we have to see if we can still find out from the other nurses,” Dr. Morgan says as he, Dr. Stone, Michael, Barry, the security guard and Aunt Celeste sadly look down at Suzie.

“Let’s go to the nurses on the other side of the room,” Dr. Stone says. “Let’s see what we can find out from them.” Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Michael, Barry, the security guard and Aunt Celeste turn from Suzie. They see Francine laying on another hospital bed on the other side of the trauma unit. They start to head towards the other side of the trauma unit towards her.

Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Barry, the security guard, Aunt Celeste and Michael reach 133

the other side of the trauma unit. They approach Francine. They start to surround Francine and look down at her as she lays with her eyes closed and face sweaty. Dr.

Stone speaks to Francine and says, “Francine? Are you okay?” Francine does not respond. “Francine please say something! Are you okay?! What happened to you?!”

Francine still does not respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Francine wake up!” Dr. Morgan shouts. “It’s me Doctor Morgan! Are you okay?!

What’s wrong?! What happened to you?! What happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane D?!” Francine still does not respond. “Francine!” Dr. Morgan shouts as he shakes Francine a little. “Say something! What happened to you?! What happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane D?!”

“Yeah Francine!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Why were you nurses running, crying and screaming to the elevator?! Why did you all shout ‘it’s Diane’ when I asked what happened?!”

“Why was the lock to the chain that was attached to Diane D’s handcuffs unlocked making the chain loose?!” the security guard asks. “How did the lock fall on the floor and how did the chain wind up being near Diane D’s head?!” Francine still does not respond.

“Come on Francine!” Dr. Stone shouts, “we need some answers! Please say something! What happened with you nurses and Diane!” Francine still does not respond. “Francine!” Dr. Stone shouts. Francine is still not able to respond.

“Wow,” Michael says. “She’s out of it too!” He turns to Barry and says, “This is the exact same situation we were in last year when we were laying in the trauma unit traumatized!”

“I know,” Barry says. “It’s like history repeating itself!”

“It sure is.”

“And why were you all traumatized last year?” Dr. Stone asks.

“What do you mean ‘why were we all traumatized last year’ Doctor Stone?” Barry asks. “You know it’s because we all witnessed what Diane did inside that hypnosis room last year!”

“Well the same thing is probably happening now with these nurses!”

“The same thing is probably happening with these nurses? What do you mean Doctor Stone?”

“They probably witnessed Diane do something inside that examining room!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“Witnessed Diane do something inside the examining room?!” Aunt Celeste shouts.

“Oh no!” Barry shouts. “Not again Doctor Stone!”

“Why not?” Dr. Stone asks. “They weren’t running, crying and screaming towards the elevator shouting ‘it’s Diane! It’s Diane!’ for nothing! Obviously something happened with Diane inside the examining room! Something that frightened the nurses so bad that they’re all traumatized and not able to talk about it right now, the same thing you all went through last year! The thing that had you all traumatized and wind up inside the trauma unit last year is probably the same thing that has these nurses traumatized and wind up inside the trauma unit now! The thing that had all the victims’ family members traumatized and wind up inside the trauma unit after Diane attacked Jeremy inside that hotel conference room is also probably the same thing that has these nurses traumatized and wind up inside the trauma unit also!”

“Oh yeah? So what are you saying Doctor Stone? You’re not saying that Diane’s 134

other personality came into her inside that examining room and killed somebody again, are you?!”

“No, not necessarily! We didn’t see any dead bodies or any bloodshed anywhere while we were upstairs inside that examining room, did we?”

“No we didn’t.”

“Maybe these nurses witness Diane do something else!”

“Witness Diane do something else?” Michael asks. “Like what Doctor Stone?”

“Well she did kick the other two nurses in the jaw, right?”


“Maybe she kicked these four nurses in the jaw or tried to kick them in the jaw too and they probably ran the hell out of there to get away from her before she had the chance to kick them, I don’t know.”

“That still doesn’t explain how the locked became loose and on the floor and how the chain wind up near Diane’s head,” the security guard says.

“I know. We have yet to find out. There’s only one more nurse left who was up there inside that examining room. Let’s see if we can hopefully get some answers out of her. Hopefully she’s able to talk. If not, we’re just gonna have to wait until they all AND Diane wake up to be able to talk.”

“Wait until they all and Diane wake up to be able to talk?” Michael asks. “Wow. It’s just like the night that little boy Marcus and Diane both wind up laying in the hospital.

They were both out of it and not able to talk, so we didn’t know what happened to them at first! We didn’t know what happened to either of them for a while, now the same thing is happening with these nurses! They and Diane are laying in the hospital.

They’re all out of it and not able to talk right now, so we don’t know what happened to them and we might not know what happened to them for a while either!”

“The only difference between this case and Marcus’ case is, that none of these nurses nor Diane seem to be injured or bruised like the night Diane and Marcus were both found injured, bleeding and bruised.”

“Wow.” Michael, Dr. Stone, Barry, Dr. Morgan and Aunt Celeste sadly look down at Francine.

“Come on,” Dr. Stone says, “let’s go to the other nurse and hopefully see what we can find out from her.” Dr. Stone, Michael, Barry, Dr. Morgan, Aunt Celeste and the security guard turn from Francine. They see Annette laying on the other hospital bed.

They start to walk towards her.

Dr. Stone, Michael, Barry, Dr. Morgan, Aunt Celeste and the security guard approach Annette laying on the other hospital bed. They surround Annette as she lays with her eyes closed and face sweaty. Dr. Stone speaks to Annette and says, “Annette?

Are you okay? Are you able to speak?” Annette does not respond.

“Annette it’s me Doctor Morgan,” Dr. Morgan says. “Are you okay? What happened to you? What happened upstairs inside the examining room with you nurses and Diane D?” Annette still does not respond.

“Annette?” Dr. Stone says. “Say something! Did something happen upstairs?! Did something happen inside the examining room between you nurses and Diane? What happened up there with you nurses and Diane? Why were you and the other nurses running, crying and screaming towards the elevator then shout ‘it’s Diane’ when I stopped you all and asked you all what happened?! Why was the lock on the chain that 135

was attached to Diane’s handcuffs unlocked making the chain loose?! How did the lock fall on the floor?! How did the entire chain wind up being near Diane’s head?!”

Annette suddenly tries to respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Hey!” Barry shouts. “She’s coming out of it!”

“Annette!” Dr. Morgan shouts. “Are you okay? You want to say something? You want to tell us what happened to you?! What happened to you? What happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane D?!”

“Yeah Annette!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Why were you nurses running, crying and screaming towards the elevator?! Why did you all shout ‘it’s Diane’ when I asked what happened?! Why was the lock to the chain that was attached to Diane’s handcuffs unlocked making the chain loose?! How did the lock fall on the floor and how did the chain wind up being near Diane’s head?!”

“She ….,” Annette says under her slow breath as her eyes remain closed.

“She? She who, you mean Diane? What about her?! What happened?!”

“She …..”

“She?” Dr. Morgan asks. “She what? What about she?”

“She did it.”

“What?” everyone shouts. “She did it?”

“Diane?” Dr. Stone asks. “She did what? What are you talking about Annette, what did Diane do?”

“She did it,” Annette says.

“She did it? She did what Annette? What did Diane do? You’re not saying Diane is the one who unlocked the chain that was attached to her handcuffs, are you?! You’re not saying it was Diane who made the chain loose, are you?! Is that what you’re trying to say? Is that what you and the other nurses witnessed?!” Annette suddenly stops responding. “Oh come on Annette finish!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Finish what you were telling us! What did Diane do?! What did you nurses witness her doing?!” Annette still does not respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Annette please wake up!” Dr. Morgan shouts as he shakes Annette a little. “Wake up Annette! What happened to you nurses?! What happened upstairs with you nurses and Diane D inside the examining room?! We need to know!”

“That’s right Annette! Why were you nurses running towards the elevator crying and screaming?! Why did you all shout ‘it’s Diane’ when I asked you all what happened?!” Annette suddenly tries to respond again as her eyes remain closed.

“She’s coming out of it again!” Barry shouts.

“Come on Annette, talk to us!” Dr. Stone shouts. “What happened to you nurses?!

Why were you and the other nurses running, crying and screaming to the elevator?!

Why was the lock to the chain that was attached to Diane’s handcuffs unlocked making the chain loose?! How did the lock fall on the floor?! How did the chain wind up being near Diane’s head?! You said ‘she did it’! Did Diane do all that stuff I was just talking about?!”

“Yes,” Annette says under her slow breath as her eyes remain closed.

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“She did?!” Dr. Stone asks. “Are you saying that Diane is the one who unlocked the chain that was attached to her handcuffs making the chain loose?!”

“Yes,” Annette says.

“What!” everyone else shouts.


“Oh my God!” Dr. Morgan shouts. “How did Diane D do that?!”

“Yeah Annette!” Dr. Stone shouts. “How was Diane able to unlocked the chain that was attached to her handcuffs if the lock was behind the second horizontal metal board where she couldn’t see it or reach it?!”

“She was standing upside-down,” Annette slowly says.

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Standing upside-down?!”

“Diane was standing upside-down?!” Aunt Celeste asks. “What do you mean she was standing upside-down?”

“She was standing on her hands,” Annette slowly says.

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Standing on her hands?!”

“Diane was standing on her hands?” Dr. Stone asks. “You mean she was doing a hand stand?”

“Yes,” Annette slowly says.

“She was?!”



“On top of the hospital bed.”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“On top of the hospital bed?!” Dr. Morgan asks. “Diane D was doing a hand stand on top of the hospital bed?!”

“Yes,” Annette slowly says.

“My God, why was she doing that?!”

“That’s what I’d like to know!” Dr. Stone shouts. “Why was Diane standing on her hands?! How was she even able to do a hand stand on top of the hospital bed while in handcuffs?!”

“She was doing it in her sleep,” Annette slowly says.

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Doing it in her sleep?!”

“Diane was doing a hand stand in her sleep too?!” Aunt Celeste shouts, “just like she kicked the other two nurses in her sleep?!”

“Is that what you and the other nurses witnessed Annette?” Dr. Stone asks. “Is that what made you all run, cry and scream towards the elevator shouting ‘it’s Diane’? Did you all witness Diane do a hand stand on top of the hospital bed in her sleep while she was in handcuffs?!”

“Yes,” Annette slowly says.

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Oh no!”

“If Diane was doing a hand stand in her sleep, that still doesn’t explain how the lock to the chain that was attached to her handcuffs became unlocked?!” Aunt Celeste shouts. “That still doesn’t explain how the lock fell on the floor and that still doesn’t explain how the chain wind up being near Diane’s head?!”

“Annette,” Dr. Stone says, “if Diane was doing a hand stand in her sleep, we still need to know how the lock to the chain that was attached to her handcuffs became unlocked! How did the lock become unlocked? How did it fall on the floor?! How did the chain wind up being near Diane’s head?!” Annette suddenly stops responding again. “Oh come on Annette!” Dr. Stone shouts, “don’t stop on us now, finish!

Continue to talk with us!” Annette does not respond as her eyes remain closed. “Wake up Annette!” Dr. Stone shouts as he shakes Annette a little. “Wake up! Finish telling us about Diane! Finish telling us how she stood on her hands on top of the hospital bed 137

while in handcuffs! Tell us how the lock became unlocked!” Annette still does not respond. She is not able to respond anymore as her eyes remain closed. Dr. Stone, Aunt Celeste, Dr. Morgan, Barry, Michael and the security guard sadly look down at Annette. “Well we kind of have something here,” Dr. Stone says. “Now we know it’s a possibility, that Diane herself did a handstand, stood on her hands and somehow freed herself from the handcuffs, lock and chain, in her sleep!”

“Freed herself from the handcuffs, lock and chain, in her sleep?” Barry asks. “How?

How was she able to do that by doing a handstand?”

“That’s right Doctor Stone!” Michael shouts. “This young lady could be hallucinating! After all, she’s still out of it! She could be saying anything ‘that she saw Diane do this or that she saw Diane do that’!”

“Anything is possible,” Dr. Stone says, “that’s why we would have to wait until these nurses come out of it to really find out what happened inside that examining room. If they don't come out of being shocked and traumatized by the end of tonight, I might have to have them all admitted.”

“Have them all admitted, because of Diane?”

“Because of them being traumatized and out of it, none of them are really talking right now, we can’t get too much answers from them. We might have to ask Diane herself whenever she wakes up, that’s if she remembers standing on her hands doing a handstand while on top of the hospital bed.” Dr. Stone, Michael, Barry, Dr. Morgan, Aunt Celeste and the security guard sadly look down at Annette. "Let’s head to the other two nurses who got injured. I want to check on them and see how they’re doing.”

“Okay Doctor Stone,” Barry says. They all take one last look at Annette and the other nurses. They then turn from Annette and start to head towards the door!

Paula is laying on a hospital bed inside another room with her face sweaty and eyes closed and a bandage wrapped around her head and jaw. She is injured and traumatized by Diane D kicking her in the jaw.

Elaina is laying on another hospital bed on the other side of the room with her face sweaty and eyes closed too, also with a bandage wrapped around her head and jaw.

She is also injured and traumatized by Diane D kicking her in the jaw.

Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Barry, Aunt Celeste, Michael and the security guard rush inside the room! They see Paula laying on the hospital bed. Dr. Stone and Dr. Morgan rush right over to Paula as Barry, Aunt Celeste, Michael and the security guard rush behind them following them!

Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Barry, Aunt Celeste, Michael and the security guard approach Paula. They surround Paula and look down at her as she lays with her eyes closed, face sweaty with the bandage around her head and jaw. Dr. Stone speaks to Paula and says, “Hey Paula. Paula can you hear us?” Paula does not respond.

“Paula it’s me Doctor Morgan,” Dr. Morgan says. “Are you alright?” Paula still does not respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Paula?” Dr. Stone says. Paula still does not respond. She is not able to respond.

“She is out of it too,” Michael says. He, Dr. Morgan, Dr. Stone, the security guard, Barry and Aunt Celeste sadly look down at Paula.


“Let’s go to the other nurse and see how she’s doing,” Dr. Stone says. He, Michael, Dr. Morgan, the security guard, Barry and Aunt Celeste turn from Paula. They see Elaina laying on the other hospital bed. They start to walk towards her.

Dr. Stone, Barry, Michael, Dr. Morgan, the security guard and Aunt Celeste approach Elaina laying on the other hospital bed. They surround Elaina as she lays with her eyes closed and face sweaty with the bandage around her head and jaw. Dr.

Stone speaks to Elaina and says, “Elaina. Are you okay?” Elaina does not respond.

“Elaina?” Dr. Morgan says. “Can you hear us? It’s me Doctor Morgan.” Elaina still does not respond as her eyes remain closed.

“Elaina?” Dr. Stone says. Elaina still does not respond. She is not able to respond.

“She’s out of it too,” Michael says.

“My God!” Barry shouts, “they’re all out of it!”

“It’s so unbelievable!” Dr. Morgan says.

“It is,” Dr. Stone says. He, Dr. Morgan, Michael, Barry, Aunt Celeste and the security guard sadly look down at Elaina. He then says, “Let’s go back upstairs to the examining room now. I'll be back to check on the nurses later.” Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Michael, Barry, Aunt Celeste and the security guard turn from Elaina. They start to head towards the doorway and leave the room.

Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Nicolas, Michael, Barry, Aunt Celeste and the security guard come out into the hallway. There are hospital staff members, hospital authorities, police officers, news reporters and photographers outside the trauma unit. A couple of white male reporters and a white female reporter rush to Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family as the first white male reporter shouts, “Doctor Stone! Diane D’s family! How are you?! How are you all doing?! What happened in there?! What happened to those nurses?! What happened between them and Diane D?!”

“Yeah!” the other white male reporter shouts, “are those nurses traumatized?! Is it true that Diane D caused six young nurses to be traumatized, that’s why those nurses are all laying in the trauma unit?”

“Look!” Dr. Stone shouts, “we don’t have time to talk about what happened! Now if you would excuse us, we have to get back to Diane!” Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Michael, Barry, Aunt Celeste and the security guard go around the reporters and hurry down the hallway. The reporters watch Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Michael, Barry, Aunt Celeste and the security guard hurry down the hallway then disappear around the corner.

The second reporter turns to another hospital security guard and says, "Wow I don’t believe this! Diane D caused several people to be inside the trauma unit, again?!"

"Yep,” the other security guard says. “I'm afraid she did, and this time it was nurses she did that to!”

"Nurses?!” a female reporter shouts.

“Yeah, six nurse interns!”

“Six nurse interns?!”


“My God, didn’t she do the same exact thing last year to her own family members?!

Didn’t she cause eight members of her family to be inside a trauma unit last year after 139

they witnessed what she did to those authority figures and priest inside that hypnosis room?! Didn’t she do the same exact thing to those victims’ family members?! Didn’t she cause those victims’ family members to be inside a trauma unit after they witnessed what she did to that guy Jeremy inside that hypnosis room, and now this time she caused six nurse interns to be inside the trauma unit?!”

“Yep! She sure did!”

“Wow! What happened?! Did they witness Diane D doing something too like her family members and those victims’ family members witnessed her doing something?”

“I think it’s a possibility those nurse interns witnessed her doing something.”

“Oh yeah?” the first white male reporter says, “like what? What did they witness Diane D doing?”

“We don’t know yet, neither of the nurse interns are able to talk right now. They’re still traumatized.”

“Yeah, just like her own family members and the family members of those victims weren’t able to talk at first after they were traumatized!”

“My God!” the second reporter shouts, “six nurse interns had one encounter with Diane D, and this is what happens?! Gee, I’m afraid if I come near Diane D, I might wind up inside the trauma unit myself because she seems to be very good at sending people to the trauma unit! How is her family taking all of this?”

“I don’t know,” the other security guard says. “I think they’re all lost about this whole thing.”

“I bet they are! It’s like history repeating itself for them!”

“Yeah that’s the way it seems.”

Several minutes later, Dr. Stone, Dr. Morgan, Michael, Barry, Aunt Celeste and the security guard are back upstairs inside the examining room surrounding Diane D with the rest of her family as Diane D continues to sleep face down with a sheet covering her whole body this time with the handcuffs and chain removed from her wrists. Margarita turns to Dr. Stone and says, “So you couldn’t get answers from any of the nurses at all Dr. Stone?”

“No I couldn’t,” Dr. Stone says, “we couldn’t wake them up. But believe me, we tried.”

“So what are you gonna do next Dr. Stone?” Tomas asks.

“I’m gonna have to find out from Diane herself what happened. I’m gonna have to seek out the information from her whenever she wakes back up.”

“Seek out the information from her? You don’t plan on hypnotizing her again do you Dr. Stone? Because we can’t allow it!”

“That’s right Dr. Stone!” Margarita shouts. “We all remember what happened the last time she was hypnotized!”

“That’s right Dr. Stone!” Barry shouts, “and we all hate to think about that!”

“Relax everyone,” Dr. Stone says. “I was not thinking about hypnotizing Diane again because I would hate to go back to that place too.”

“So how would you get information from her then?”

“Just question her like I would question anybody else. I’ll question her to see if she remembers anything that happened inside this room and I will question her without hypnotizing her.”


“You will?”


“Well thank God, because we definitely don’t want to go back to that place again.”

“Neither do I. Don’t worry, you won’t.” They all continue to surround Diane D as she continues to sleep face down.