DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Nurse Finally Tells What Really Happened Inside Exam Room With Diane D!

The following day, Dr. Stone, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Aunt Celeste, Michael, Nicolas and the security guard are back inside the hospital. They are inside Amanda’s hospital room surrounding Amanda who is wide awake laying in the hospital bed as she shouts, “I’m telling you all, it was Diane D who did all that stuff! She was standing on her hands on top of the hospital bed while in handcuffs! She was standing upside-down doing a handstand! She had her feet way up in the air and tried to walk on her hands, then she bent her entire body all the way backwards like a contortionist! Her feet were right above her head, then she had her feet go all the way pass her head, then she had her feet go all the way pass the head of the hospital bed, then she had her feet go all the way over the tray table, then used her feet and her toes to grab the key that was laying on top of the tray table, then she held the key right between her toes, then she had her feet go all the way pass the tray table to the lock and used her feet and toes to unlock the lock causing the lock to drop to the floor, that’s how the chain got loose, then she winds up freeing her own self from the lock and she was doing all that in her sleep like she wasn’t even aware she was doing all of that stuff, that’s what made us run out of that examining room like crazy crying and screaming towards the elevator!”

“Wow,” Diane D’s family says.

“Amanda are you sure Diane did all of that stuff?!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Yes I’m telling you the truth!” Amanda shouts. “She DID do all that stuff!”

“And you said Diane did all that stuff in her sleep?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yes she was doing that in her sleep! She didn’t seem to be aware of what she was doing! She was like a modern day Houdini! I know this all sounds crazy, but if you don’t believe me, ask the other nurses! They were there inside the examining room with me, they saw everything! They and I witnessed it first-hand! Ask them!”

“Okay Amanda,” Dr. Stone says, “calm down. We believe you.”

“You do?”

“Of course we do.”

“That’s right Miss,” Margarita says. “After what we witness Diane did inside that hypnosis room last year, we believe what you saw. We believe that you saw Diane bend her entire body all the way backwards like a contortionist, because she did the same exact thing last year when she attacked those police officers with those broken chains 141

that were still hooked to her ankles, and we all wind up in the hospital traumatized ourselves just like you are right now, therefore, we believe you.”

“Thanks,” Amanda says.

“Amanda we are going to talk to the other nurses to hear what they say,” Dr. Stone says. “We still believe what you just told us, we still need to hear the story from the other nurses’ point of view to see if they have the exact same story you do. So far Annette said some of the same things you said when we were talking to her yesterday, that Diane was standing upside-down that she was standing on her hands doing a hand stand on top of the hospital bed in her sleep, that’s what made you all run out of the room crying and screaming towards the elevator, but that was all Annette said because she was still out of it. She should be wide awake now for us to talk to her about this more. Thanks for telling us this Amanda. We can see you were all frightened by this whole ordeal!”

“Yes we were all frightened and we still are!”

“I know. Okay Amanda, you continue to get some rest while we go talk to the other nurses, okay?”

“Okay Dr. Stone.”

“See you later.” Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family sadly look at Amanda. Dr. Stone then turns to Diane D’s family and says, “Okay, let’s go talk to the other nurses.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Barry says.

“Right this way.” Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family turn from Amanda and head towards the door.

Dr. Stone, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Aunt Celeste, Michael, Nicolas and the security guard all enter the hallway. They stop and stand there as Dr. Stone turns to Diane D’s family and says to them, “Well what do you all think?”

“I think this is all crazy,” Barry says. “It sounds like the nurses were trying to do their job when they were about to lift Diane to transfer her to the examining table, and this is what happens!”

“I know. Let’s hurry and talk to the other nurses so we can get to the bottom of this. Come on.” Dr. Stone turns and heads down the hallway as Diane D’s family turn and follow him.

Around an hour later, Dr. Stone, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Aunt Celeste, Michael, Nicolas and the security guard all enter another hallway. They stop and stand there as Dr. Stone turns to Diane D’s family and says to them, “Well we just spoke to the other three nurses Suzie, Annette and Francine about what happened inside the examining room. We spoke to each of them individually and all their stories match up with Amanda’s. They all said the same thing about what they saw Diane do inside the examining room yesterday, standing on her hands doing a handstand on top of the hospital bed while in handcuffs trying to walk on her hands in her sleep, then bend her entire body backwards then used her own feet and toes to unlock the lock freeing herself! They said that’s what made them all run out of the examining room!”

“Well I don’t believe any of that stuff Dr. Stone,” Aunt Celeste says.

“What?” Diane D’s family says as they turn to Aunt Celeste.


“You don’t believe what those four nurses said Miss Celeste?” Dr. Stone asks.

“No I don’t,” Aunt Celeste says.

“Why not? Do you think they’re all lying about what they saw?”

“Yeah I think they’re all lying!”

“You do?”


“Why do you think they’re all lying Miss Celeste? Why do you think they would lie about something like this?!”

“To cover up for themselves Dr. Stone! They were probably the ones who unlocked the lock for Diane then turn around and said she did it herself when she didn’t do it, it was them who did it!”

“Oh come on Miss Celeste. It sounds like you’re making yourself judge and jury here. It’s not fair to those nurses.”

“And it’s not fair to Diane blaming her for something that they did! You all believe Diane can bend her own body all the way backwards like that far enough where her feet and toes can reach all the way to that lock?!”

“Yes we believe Diane bent her own body all the way backwards like that Celeste because we all witnessed it ourselves when she or her other personality went out of control inside that hypnosis room last year!” Tomas shouts.

“That’s right Celeste,” Barry says, “you weren’t there when Diane or her other personality went out of control inside that hypnosis room last year, we were! We all saw and witnessed what Diane or her other personality did inside that hypnosis room, that’s why we believe the nurses. We believe what they saw!”

“But bending her body all the way backwards like that to be able to reach the lock?”

Aunt Celeste asks.

“Well she is a performer isn’t she?” Dr. Stone says. “Diane has done some contortionist moves in some of her acts before, hasn’t she?”

“Yes she has, but not like that.”

“Well I think we should try to find out answers from the main person herself.

Whenever Diane wakes back up, I’m going to question her about this whole thing.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Margarita says.

“Come this way.” Dr. Stone turns and leads Diane D’s family and the security guard down the hallway.