DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Diane D finally Awakens And Experience Missing Time!

The next day, Dr. Stone and Diane D’s family are inside Diane D’s hospital room again surrounding Diane D trying to wake her up as she still lays asleep in the hospital bed. She is hooked to IV tubes and monitors. “Come on Diane wake up Honey,” Mary says as she gently shakes Diane D’s shoulder. “Usted durmió lo suficiente, es hora de despertar ahora.”


“Diane?” Barry says, “wake up.”

“Will she ever wake back up Dr. Stone?” Margarita says, “or will she hurry and go right back into a deep sleep as soon as she opens her eyes and sees us again?”

“I don’t know Miss Margarita,” Dr. Stone says, “we have to give it another try.”

“Okay.” Margarita turns to Diane D and says, “Diane? Wake up Baby.” Margarita gently shakes Diane D on the shoulder. “Es hora de despertar.” Suddenly Diane D


“Diane!” her family excitingly shouts as they look at her. Diane D slightly opens her eyes. “Diane!” her family excitingly shouts again. “It’s us!” Diane D puzzledly looks at her family through puffy, sleepy, half-closed eyes. “Diane!” her family shouts again.

Diane D puzzledly stares at her family.

“Please don’t go back to sleep Diane!” Mary anxiously shouts. Diane D puzzledly looks at Mary. Suddenly, her upper body springs up off the bed real quick almost hitting her family and Dr. Stone causing her family and Dr. Stone to quickly back up and get out of the way as Diane D sits up on the hospital bed then ducks her head, then turns her head around looking behind herself!

“Diane!” her family shouts as they stand back away from her with their arms out towards her puzzledly and frighteningly looking at her! Diane D turns her head and puzzledly looks around the hospital room. She then turns her head back forward and puzzledly looks at her family. She puzzledly stares at her family. Her family and Dr.

Stone puzzledly stare at her! She then looks down on her arms and sees IV tubes, needles and monitors hooked to herself. She puzzledly stares at the IV tubes and monitors. She puzzledly looks around the hospital room again. She then looks back at her family and puzzledly stares at them again.

“Diane?” Margarita puzzledly says. “Are you okay?” Diane D puzzledly looks at Margarita.

“It’s us Diane,” Mary puzzledly says. “Are you okay Baby?” Diane D puzzledly looks at Mary. She then turns her head around looking behind herself again, then she turns her head and puzzledly looks around the hospital room again. Her family continues to puzzledly and frighteningly stare at her. She then turns her head back forward and puzzledly looks at her family again. She puzzledly stares at her family. Her family and Dr. Stone continue to puzzledly stare at her.

Barry then turns to Dr. Stone and whispers, “Dr. Stone, why is she staring at us like she doesn’t know us? Is that the ‘other’ personality still there?”

“Yeah Dr. Stone,” Tomas whispers, “which personality are we looking at, her original personality, or the ‘other’ one?”

“I don’t know yet,” Dr. Stone whispers, “let’s find out.” Dr. Stone turns to Diane D

and says, “Diane? Are you okay?” Diane D puzzledly stares at Dr. Stone.

“Yeah Diane,” Barry says, “are you alright? It’s us, your family.” Diane D puzzledly stares at Barry.

“Say something Diane,” Margarita says. “Are you okay?”

Diane D puzzledly stares at Margarita. She slowly says, “Where am I?” She puzzledly looks around the hospital room again.

“Where are you?” Mary excitingly answers as everyone else becomes excited hearing Diane D speak for the first time in days. “Oh, you’re in the hospital Baby!”

“I’m in the hospital?”



Diane D puzzledly looks at Mary again, then she puzzledly looks around the hospital room again. She then turns her head back forward and puzzledly looks down at the IV

tubes and monitors hooked to herself. She then looks back at Mary and says, “What am I doing, in the hospital?”

“What are you doing in the hospital?! You fell out!”

“I fell out?”


“How? How did I fall out?”

“You don’t remember falling out Diane?” Margarita asks.

“No, I don’t. Why did I fall out?”

“Well, something happened inside the hotel conference room that caused you to fall out.”

“What? Something happened inside the hotel conference room, that caused me to fall out?”


“What happened inside the hotel conference room, that caused me to fall out?”

“You don’t remember Diane?” Tomas asks.

“No. What happened in there?”

“Do you remember being inside the hotel conference room?”

“Yeah I remember being inside the hotel conference room.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, but how did I wind up being here inside the hospital? I don’t remember coming here. How did I wind up being inside the hotel conference room one minute, then the next second, I find myself here inside this hospital room?”

“The next second?!” the family shouts.

“Is that the last thing you remember Diane?” Nicolas asks, “is being inside the hotel conference room just before you found yourself here?”

“Yeah,” Diane D says.

“You don’t remember how you got inside this hospital room Diane?” Michael asks.


“What was the last thing you remember happened inside that hotel conference room?” Dr. Stone asks.

“The last thing I remember happened in there?”


“Me and this guy who stood up from the back of the room while I was giving that apologetic speech got into a fistfight.”

“You and this guy who stood up from the back of the room while you were giving that apologetic speech got into a fistfight, a physical altercation?”


“So you remember that part.”


“That guy’s name is Jeremy.”


“Yes, he’s one of the victims’ son. Do you remember what happened after you and Jeremy got into a physical altercation?”

“I spun around and gave him a kick to the head.”

“You spun around and gave Jeremy a kick to the head. So you remember that part.”



“Do you remember what happened after you spun around and gave Jeremy a kick to the head?”

“I ducked just now to make sure I don’t get hit by another one of his blows or kicks.”

“What?” the family puzzledly says.

“You ducked just now to make sure you don’t get hit by another one of Jeremy’s blows or kicks?” Margarita asks.

“Is that why you ducked your head when you first sat up on the bed then started looking around the room just now?” Barry asks. “You thought you were still fighting with Jeremy?”

“Yeah I thought I was still fighting with him,” Diane D says, “but when I ducked from his blows or kicks, all of a sudden, I don’t see him anymore.”

“You don’t see him anymore?”

“No, instead, I find myself here, looking around wondering what happened to him, wondering where the hell did he go.”

“What?” the family puzzledly says.

“You were looking around wondering what happened to Jeremy, wondering where he went?” Margarita asks.

“Yeah,” Diane D says. “I was wondering where did he disappear so fast!”

“You were wondering where Jeremy disappeared so fast?”

“Yeah, because he’s gone just like that!”

“He’s gone just like that?”

“Yeah. It’s like after I spun around and gave him a kick to the head, I blinked, then suddenly, he disappeared into thin air.”

“He disappeared into thin air?” Mary asks.

“That’s the way it seems to me, then I looked around this room wondering where the hell am I.”

“You don’t remember anything that happened between the time you gave Jeremy a kick to the head to just now when you found yourself inside this hospital room?” Barry asks.

“No I don’t. I don’t even know or remember how I got to this hospital. I don’t even know what hospital this is. What hospital am I in?”

“You’re in Memorial Hospital Diane,” Mary says.

“Memorial Hospital?”


“How did I get here?”

“You were brought here by ambulance,” Margarita says.

“I was?”


“But how did I wind up being inside the hotel conference room fighting with that guy one minute, it’s like I blinked, then suddenly, I don’t see him anymore, then I find myself here inside this hospital room and I don’t even know or remember how I got here? I don’t even know how much time has passed by.”

“You don’t know how much time passed by?”

“No. How much time passed by from the time I gave that guy a kick to the head, to now?”


“A week already went by Diane,” Barry says.

“What! A week?! A week went by?!”

“I’m afraid it did.”

“What! Oh no! What day is it by the way?”

“It’s Tuesday.”

“Tuesday?! It’s Tuesday?! How can it be Tuesday already when I was just making that apologetic speech inside the hotel conference room a little while ago, then just had a fight with that dude?!”

“Diane,” Margarita says, “I’m afraid to tell you.”

“Afraid to tell me? Afraid to tell me what?”

“You didn’t make that apologetic speech inside the hotel conference room a little while ago, then had a fight with that guy Jeremy just now.”

“Yes I did! I just kicked him right in the head!”

“You just kicked him in the head?”


“Diane, the reason why Jeremy seemed to disappear so fast is, because the fight you had with him didn’t happen just now, it happened several days ago.”

“What! Several days ago?!”

“Yes Diane,” Mary says, “several days went by already from the time you kicked Jeremy in the head.”

“What?! Several days went by?!”

“I’m afraid it did.”

“You’re kidding me right?!”

“No we’re not kidding you Diane, it’s true! I’m afraid to tell you, but you lost some time!”

“What! I lost time?!”

“I’m afraid you did!”

“Oh no! Oh my God! What the hell happened?!” Diane D cries. “How did I lose time?! What happened to me?! What happened after I kicked that guy in the head?! Is that when I fell out?! I must have fell out after I kicked him in the head because I don’t remember what happened after I kicked him in the head!”

“You don’t remember what happened after you kicked Jeremy in the head?” Dr.

Stone asks.

“No I don’t remember, because I found myself here after I kicked him in the head!

What happened after I kicked him in the head?! What happened during the whole time from when I kicked him in the head to now?! Was I asleep the whole time?!”

“You were asleep most of the time Diane.”

“Most of the time?!”


“Well what happened during the time I WASN’T asleep?”

“Well you did open your eyes and looked at us.”

“I did?”


“You remember opening your eyes looking at us Diane?” Barry asks.

“No I don’t,” Diane D says.

“You don’t remember opening your eyes looking at us?”

“No. What happened when I opened my eyes and looked at you?”


“You kept going right back into a deep sleep as soon as you saw us.”

“What? I kept going back into a deep sleep, as soon as I saw you?”

“Yes you did.”

“Really? Why would I go back into a deep sleep as soon as I saw you?”

“We don’t know. It was like you were trying to avoid us or something.”

“What? Trying to avoid you?”


“Why would I want to avoid my own family?”

“That’s what we’re trying to find out Diane, to see if it was really YOU doing that.”

“What? To see if it was really me doing that? What do you mean ‘to see if it was really me doing that’? Who else would it be?”

“You don’t remember going right back into a deep sleep as soon as you opened your eyes and saw us Diane?” Mary asks.

“No I don’t.”

“We tried to wake you up plenty of times, but you just would not wake up. When you did wake up at times, you would wake up only a little, see us, then fall right back into a deep sleep.”

“I would?”


“Did you try to wake me up harder so that I can stay awake, because an entire week of my life have been lost! A week that I would never get back! How was I able to stay alive without eating or drinking for a week?”

“You were being fed through the IV, that’s what’s feeding you.”

Diane D looks back down at the IVs attached to her arm. “Damn!” she says. She looks back up at her family and says, “It’s so much I could have done within this past week!”

“It’s so much you could have done?” Dr. Stone asks.


“I think you did a lot within this past week Diane.”

“I did a lot?”


“What are you talking about? What do you mean ‘I did a lot’? You all just told me that I was asleep most the time, now you telling me that I did a lot. How could I have done a lot if I was asleep most of the time? What happened from the time I gave that guy a kick to the head, to now?”

“That’s what we need to hear from YOU Diane.”

“Hear from me?”


“But I don’t know what happened Dr. Stone. I don’t know what happened from the time I gave that guy a kick to the head, to now. After I gave him a kick to the head, I found myself here. So tell me. What happened from the time I gave that guy a kick to the head, to now?”

“Maybe if you answer some questions, we can find out.”

“Answer some questions?”

“Yes. Diane, after you gave Jeremy that kick to the head, do you remember seeing him fall to the floor?”

“Do I remember seeing him fall to the floor after I gave him that kick to the head?”


“Yeah. Do you remember seeing Jeremy land or hit the floor?”

“No, I never saw him land or hit the floor.”

“You never saw Jeremy land or hit the floor at all after you kicked him in the head?”

“Not that I remember.”

“Okay. Do you remember anything else that probably happened after you gave Jeremy a kick to the head besides finding yourself here in this hospital room?”

“No I don’t remember anything else that probably happened after I gave him a kick to the head besides finding myself here.”

“You don’t remember anything else that probably happened after you gave Jeremy a kick to the head at all?”


“So far, you remember the apologetic speech you made to the victims’ family members inside the hotel conference room, you remember the physical altercation you had with Jeremy when you kicked him in the head, but you don’t remember anything afterwards.”

“No I don’t. So what happened after I gave him a kick to the head?”

“I’m going to tell you everything while I’m evaluating you tomorrow.”

“You’re going to evaluate me?”

“Yes tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to talk with you some more tomorrow to refresh your memory about what happened between the time you gave Jeremy a kick to the head to now. In the meantime, I want you to lay back down and get some rest, okay?” Diane D looks at her family.

“It’s okay Baby,” Margarita says. “Lay down and get some rest.” Diane D lays back down on the hospital bed.

“I’m going to have Dr. Turk check on your physical well-being in a little while, okay?” Dr. Stone says to Diane D. He then turns to Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas and says, “Can I speak to you all outside?”

“Sure Dr. Stone,” Margarita says.

Dr. Stone turns to Diane D and says, “I’ll see you later.” He then turns and heads towards the door.

Margarita turns to Diane D and says, “Diane? Vamos a entrar en el pasillo con el Dr. Stone por un minuto. Volveremos.” Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas smile at Diane D, then they turn and follow Dr. Stone towards the door as the rest of Diane D’s family stay in the room with her and come closer to her.

Dr. Stone, Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas step out into the hallway. Dr. Stone then leads Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas down the hallway.

Dr. Stone leads Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas to the middle of the hallway then stops. He turns to Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas and says, “So what do you all think? You heard it from Diane yourselves. She does not remember what happened after she gave Jeremy a kung fu kick to the head to now when she just woke up inside the hospital room then got up quickly and ducked her head thinking she was still fighting with Jeremy! She does not remember anything between those two points in time at all.”

“So if she doesn’t remember anything that happened between those two points in 149

time,” Margarita says, “then that means anything that happened with her between those two points in time wasn’t her original personality, was it? Was it the ‘other’


“I’m afraid it was Miss Margarita.”

“What!” everyone else shouts. “Oh nooo!”

“Including when Diane ran behind Jeremy, put him in a choke hold then body slammed his face to the floor, including when she backed kicked the victims’ family members knocking several of them out, including when she back kicked Mrs. Stevens straight up in the air, causing Mrs. Stevens’ entire body to drop and land right on her head!”

“My God!” Barry shouts.

“Including when she used Jeremy’s body as a human shield when she put his unconscious body right in harm’s way causing his body to be hit with the water bottles that were thrown at her, including when she kung fu kicked those water bottles right back at the other family members of the victims, when she kung fu kicked those chairs right back at the family members when those chairs were being thrown at her, when she slammed Jeremy’s head and body hard into the walls, when she used his body as a human shield again when she put his unconscious body right in harm’s way, causing his body to be hit with police bullets that were aimed at her, causing Jeremy to get shot multiple times, when she opened her eyes while she was in the hospital bed, saw you guys then hurried and went right back into a deep sleep as soon as she saw you all, when she backed kicked the nurses, kicking two of them in the jaw, when she woke up inside the examining room, seeing the nurses then angrily staring at them. The nurses said Diane did a hand stand inside the examining room on top of the hospital bed which caused the nurses to flee right out of the examining room! All of that was the other personality, not Diane’s original personality! Then when her original personality finally returns, her original personality sprung up off the hospital bed getting into action, then ducks to avoid Jeremy’s blows, thinking she was still fighting with Jeremy when the fight with her and Jeremy ended over a week ago! Her original personality returned and was picking up right where it left off still trying to fight Jeremy, ducking from his blows!”

“Wow,” Barry says as he, Margarita, Mary and Tomas sadly look at Dr. Stone.