DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Dr. Stone Cannot Find Staff Willing To Bring Diane D To Examining Room

The next day, Dr. Stone enters inside a monitor room where there is a monitor screen. He leads Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Aunt Celeste, Nicolas and Michael inside the room. The door closes behind them. Dr. Stone turns to Diane D‘s family and says, “Okay, what I need for you all to do is sit inside this room and watch the 150

monitor.” He goes to the side where there are chairs and says to them, “While I’m questioning Diane, you all can see and listen through the monitor. I can’t have any of you in the same room with Diane while I’m questioning her, because I don’t want her to be influenced into saying just anything if she knows that her family is watching and listening just like we did before.”

“We understand Dr. Stone,” Margarita says.

“Okay, you can all have a seat here.” Diane D’s family members sit down on the chairs. Dr. Stone points to the monitor inside the room and says, “This is the monitor where you can see inside the examining room.” Diane D’s family looks at the monitor.

They see the examining room inside the monitor. Dr. Stone then says to them, “I’m gonna have Diane come into the examining room, have her look around the examining room to see if she can remember anything that happened inside there.”

“Are you sure she won’t be hypnotized again Dr. Stone?” Tomas asks.

“Like I said, she won’t be hypnotized again, she’ll be wide awake while I’m questioning her.”

“Wide awake?”


“Okay good.”

Dr. Stone then gets on the phone. He speaks into the phone and says, “Marge, go get patient Diane Deniece Brown and bring her to the examining room please. ----

Okay, bye.” Dr. Stone turns to Diane D’s family and says, “They’re going to bring Diane to the examining room.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Diane D’s family says as they continue to sit on chairs facing the monitor.

It is fifty-five minutes later. Diane D’s family continues to sit and wait inside the room where the monitor is as Dr. Stone hangs up the phone. Barry turns to Dr. Stone and says, “Dr. Stone, we’ve been sitting and waiting here for over fifty minutes and Diane hasn’t come inside the examining room yet.”

“That’s right Dr. Stone,” Mary says. “Where is she?”

“Oh I’m sorry everyone,” Dr. Stone says, “but I’m having a hard time finding a hospital staff member who is willing to get Diane and bring her up here to the examining room.”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“You’re having a hard time finding a hospital staff member willing to get Diane and bring her up here to the examining room?” Margarita asks.

“Yes,” Dr. Stone says.

“What do you mean you’re having a hard time finding a hospital staff member willing to get Diane and bring her up here?” Tomas asks.

“No staff member wants to bring her up here!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts again.

“No staff member wants to bring her up here?!” Mary shouts. “What do you mean no staff member wants to bring her up here?! Why not?!”

“Because of Diane’s reputation!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“Her reputation!” Diane D’s family shouts.

“Yes, nobody wants to be in contact with her!”



“Nobody wants to be in contact with her?!” Nicolas shouts. “You mean nobody wants to be in contact with my sister?!”

“I’m afraid not!” Dr. Stone shouts. “I tried to find somebody, but everybody in this hospital is afraid to come near Diane! They all heard about what she did to those nurse interns inside the examining room!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Yeah! Everybody heard that she back kicked two of the nurse interns in the jaw snapping their necks in her sleep when they and the other four nurse interns were about to lift her from the hospital bed to transfer her onto the examining table causing the two nurse interns to go seek medical attention, and then she winds up frightening the hell out of the four remaining nurse interns that were left inside the examining room with her!”


“You mean news of what Diane did inside the examining room spread all over the hospital?!” Tomas shouts.

“I’m afraid it spread all over town Mr. Tomas!” Dr. Stone shouts.

“What!” Diane D’s family shouts. “Oh nooo!”

“News of what Diane did spread by word of mouth, and those reporters that were bombarding us outside the trauma unit yesterday didn’t seem to waste any time writing about this incident on social media!”

“What! Oh no!”

“And the fact that Diane put Jeremy in a choke hold while he was unconscious, the fact that she used his unconscious body as a human shield twice by putting his body right in harm’s way causing his body to be hit multiple times by water bottles and when she put his body right in the line of fire causing his body to be shot multiple times by the police, and the fact that everybody knows her other personality killed five authority figures and a priest last year is not helping at all!”

“Oh no!”

“So since there is no staff member willing to get Diane to bring her up to the examining room, I guess maybe two of her family members will have to be the ones to go down to her hospital room to get her and bring her up here, there’s no one else.”

“No one else,” Barry says. “Wow.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Margarita says, “Mary and I will go get Diane and bring her up to the examining room.”

“You will?” Dr. Stone asks.

“Yes Dr. Stone,” Mary says as she and Margarita stand up from the chairs. “We’ll go get her.”

“Okay great! Thanks! I appreciate it.”

“No problem Dr. Stone,” Margarita says. Margarita turns to Mary and says, “Venga a Mary, vamos consiguen a Diane.”

“Bien mama,” Mary says as she and Margarita turn and head towards the door.

Mary and Margarita reach the door. Mary opens the door as she and Margarita head out into the hallway and leave the room.

It is twenty-five minutes later. Diane D, Mary and Margarita are walking through 152

the upstairs hospital hallway with Diane D walking between Mary and Margarita with no IVs attached to her arms anymore as Mary and Margarita hold on to her talking to her with Margarita saying, “No te preocupes Diane, Doctor Stone sólo quiere evaluar su estado mental de nuevo.”

“Si,” Mary says, “tal como lo hizo antes.”

“Okay,” Diane D says as she rubs her head.

“Venga por aqui,” Margarita says as she and Mary take Diane D down the end of the hallway towards the examining room.

Margarita and Mary bring Diane D inside the examining room as they leave the door open. Margarita, Mary and Diane D look around the examining room. Margarita then sees a hospital bed. She turns to Diane D and says, “Supongo que puede acostarse en la cama del hospital mientras espera a la doctora Stone Diane.”

“Okay Grandma,” Diane D says as she goes to the hospital bed.

Diane D approaches the hospital bed. She sits on the hospital bed. She then turns towards the foot of the hospital bed and sits up on the hospital bed leaning her back against the hospital bed as she puzzledly looks around the examining room.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Margarita turns to the door and sees Dr.

Stone standing in the doorway. She then says, “Come on in Dr. Stone.”

Dr. Stone walks into the examining room. He approaches Diane D with a smile on his face and says, “Hi Diane. How are you doing today? How do you feel?”

“I feel okay I guess,” Diane D says.

“You do?”


“That’s good.” Dr. Stone turns to Margarita and Mary and says to them, “Thank you two so much for going to get her.”

“No problem Doctor Stone,” Margarita says. “Are you ready to start evaluating her now?”

“I should be Miss Margarita.”

“Okay.” Margarita turns to Diane D. She gently rubs Diane D on the head and says to her, “Bien Diane, el doctor Stone va a evaluarte ahora, ¿de acuerdo? Tu madre y yo nos vamos ahora.”

“Eso es correcto Diane,” Mary says as she gently rubs Diane D on the head also.

“Estaremos afuera por el pasillo, ¿de acuerdo?”

“Okay Mom and Grandma,” Diane D says.

Dr. Stone turns to Mary and Margarita and says to them, “I’ll walk you two down the hallway.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Margarita says. She turns to Diane D and says, “Adios Diane.”

“Te veremos más tarde,” Mary says to Diane D. Diane D waves to Mary and Margarita. Mary and Margarita then turn forward and head to the door as Dr. Stone follows them.

Mary and Margarita walk out the door and go into the hallway as Dr. Stone follows them out into the hallway closing the door behind himself.

Dr. Stone, Mary and Margarita enter back into the room where the monitor is as the 153

rest of Diane D’s family is still sitting on the chairs. Mary and Margarita sit on the chairs next to the rest of their family as Dr. Stone says to them, “Now you all see Diane on the monitor inside the examining room, right?”

Diane D’s family looks at the monitor as Tomas says, “Yes Doctor Stone, we see her.”

“Good. This way you can see and hear for yourself that she is not being hypnotized and you can see and hear for yourself what happened inside the examining room from HER point of view, okay?”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Barry says.

“Good. Now I’m going to get ready to question Diane, are you all ready to watch and listen?”

“Yes we’re ready Dr. Stone,” Margarita says.

“Yeah let’s do this,” Barry says.

“Okay,” Dr. Stone says. He grabs a pen and note pad that are on the side. He then turns his head to Diane D’s family and says, “See you all later.”

“Okay Dr. Stone,” Diane D’s family says.

Dr. Stone turns around and heads towards the door. He opens the door and walks out into the hallway closing the door behind himself.