DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

Dr. Stone Tests Diane D’s Memory About Inside Of The Examining Room

Back inside the examining room, Diane D continues to sit up on the hospital bed as she leans her back against the hospital bed looking around the examining room.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Diane D looks at the door, but does not answer.

The door suddenly opens. Dr. Stone comes back into the room with the pen and note pad in his hands and says, “It’s me again Diane.” He then goes to the side and grabs a chair as the door closes behind himself. He pulls the chair from the side and brings it beside Diane D’s hospital bed. He sits down on the chair. He then speaks to Diane D

and says, “So Diane, how do you feel? You feel okay?”

“Yeah I feel okay,” Diane D says.

“You do?”


“Okay good. Are you in any pain right now?”

“Pain? No, not really.”

“You don’t feel any pain at all?”


“Okay great. Okay Diane, I have to ask you some questions.”

“Really. Don’t you always have questions to ask me Doctor Stone?”

“Yes you’re right, I do.”


“Okay then shoot. What do you have to ask me?”

“Okay,” Dr. Stone says as he gets ready to write notes. “The first question I have to ask you is, ‘you remember the apologetic speech you gave to the victims’ family members inside the hotel conference room, right?”

“Yeah I remember the apologetic speech I gave to them.”

“Okay good. Can you explain or describe to me what happened from when you first walked into the hotel conference room all the way up to the end?”

“Explain or describe to you what happened from when I first walked into the room all the way up to the end?”



“Yes, everything.”

“Why? You want to know what led up to the fight I had with that guy Jeremy, don’t you?”

“Yes I do. So what led up to the fight with you and Jeremy? I need to hear it from your point of view.”

“From my point of view?”


“Well, when I first walked into the room, I turned and looked at the crowd. Then I walked over to the podium. I stood at the podium next to you, then you turned and left the room. I turned back to the audience then I spoke into the microphone. I told all the victims’ family members that I want to apologize to each and every one of them for what happened last year. I told them I want to apologize for the loss of their loved ones who got killed when their loved ones tried to enter that hypnosis room, even though I don’t remember what happened. I told them I want to apologize for the injuries of their loved ones who got injured when their loved ones tried to enter that hypnosis room, even though I don’t remember that either. I told them that I don’t remember killing anyone while I was inside that hypnosis room. I told them I do not remember injuring anyone and I don’t remember stalking any of the victims’ family members! I explained everything to everyone in that room and told them, that I’m sorry about what happened to all those authority figures. I told them that I feel for what their families are going through and I’m sorry if I killed their loved ones.”

“If you killed their loved ones. That’s what you told them, ‘if’?”

“Yes I did. They told me that I DID kill their loved ones. One lady shouted that I killed her husband. Then this other lady shouted that I killed her husband too. I told them I don’t remember killing their husbands or anybody else. I told them again that I’m sorry if I killed their husbands and their loved ones, that’s when this guy Jeremy stood out of his seat from the back of the room and shouted at me, saying that his father was one of the swat team members who was killed by me.”

“He said that his father was one of the swat team members who was killed by you?”

“Yeah. He said that I harmed, tore up and brought pain and suffering to his entire family. I told him that I was sorry, but he didn’t want to hear that. He told me that my sorrow and apologies are not going to bring his dad back. All of a sudden, he started to head towards the front of the room, that’s when I told him to stay in his seat. Then the crowd grabbed him and stopped him holding him back, then he tried to break away from the crowd trying to come to the front of the room towards me, but the crowd kept holding him back, then he broke away from the crowd and kept heading towards me 155

hollering and screaming at me, then the crowd grabbed him and stopped him again, then I hollered back at him.”

“You hollered back at him?”

“Yeah, then he hollered back at me, we were going back and forth at each other, then he broke loose from the crowd again and continued to head towards me! We were still going back and forth at each other, then he broke loose from the crowd again and ran straight to the front of the room pass the barriers, then runs straight to me shouting for me to come and kill him!”

“He shouted for you to come and kill him?”

“Yeah! When I saw that his mind was already made to come attack me, I had no choice but to go into defense mode and defend myself.”

“You got into defense mode and defended yourself when you saw that Jeremy’s mind was already made to come attack you?”

“Yeah, so I ran straight towards him and he lunged right at me and threw his fist at me.”

“He threw his fist at you?”

“Yep, he sure did, that’s when it got physical. I ducked from his blow and he ducked from my blow. We kept ducking each other’s blows, then we started kicking at each other. We kept ducking each other’s kicks too.”

“Oh wow.”

“Then I jumped, spin around and kicked him right in the head.”

“You jumped, spin around and kicked Jeremy in the head?”


“What happened after you kicked Jeremy in the head?”

“I’m not sure if I remember what happened after I kicked him in the head.”

“You’re not sure if you remember what happened after you kicked Jeremy in the head?”

“No. The only thing I remember happened after I kicked him in the head was that I found myself inside the hospital room.”

“You found yourself inside the hospital room right after you kicked Jeremy in the head?”


“So you don’t know or remember how the fight with you and Jeremy ended.”

“No I don’t.”

“So you don’t remember knocking him out?”

“What? He was knocked out?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out from you.”

“Find out from me?”


“I don’t know if he was knocked out. I don’t remember him ever landing on the floor.”

“You don’t remember Jeremy landing on the floor at all?”


“So you remember nothing else after you kicked Jeremy in the head.”

“No I don’t remember anything else after I kicked him in the head.”

“Until you woke up and find yourself inside the hospital room.”

“Yes! Was he knocked out Dr. Stone?”


“Yes Jeremy was knocked out after you kicked him in the head.”

“What! He was?!”

“Yes and he still is.”

“He still is?!”

“Yes. He’s lying in the hospital right now.”

“He is?!”

“Yes he is.”

“Oh my God! I had no idea Dr. Stone! Oh my God! So that’s what happened after I kicked him in the head?! He was knocked out?!”

“Yes he was Diane.”

“Oh no! Does my family know about this?!”

“Yes Diane, everybody knows about it.”

“What! Everybody knows?!”


“Wow! I’m the last to know something again! I bet those victims’ family members hate me even more now!”

“I’m sorry Diane, that’s why I’m here to help you. Now I have to ask you something else. Do you remember being inside this examining room before?”

“Do I remember being inside this examining room before?”


Diane D looks around the examining room again.

Inside the monitor room, Diane D’s family is looking right at the monitor watching and listening to everything she and Dr. Stone are saying.

Back inside the examining room, Diane D continues to look around. She then looks back at Dr. Stone and says, “No, I don’t remember being inside this examining room before.”

“You don’t remember being inside this examining room before at all?” Dr. Stone asks.

“No. Am I supposed to remember being inside this examining room before?”


“Oh yeah? Why? Was I inside this examining room before?”

“Yes you were Diane.”

“I was?”


“Why? Why was I inside this examining room before?”

“To be evaluated.”

“To be evaluated? In here?”

“Yes in here. So you don’t know how long you were inside this examining room since you don’t remember being inside here before.”

“No, I must have been brought inside this examining room during the week I was knocked out.”

“Yes, you were brought inside here during that week Diane.”

“Oh yeah? How long was I inside this examining room?”


“You were inside this examining room for a while.”

“I was?”

“Yes. So you wouldn’t know or remember anything that happened inside this examining room since you don’t remember being in here before.”

“No I don’t know or remember anything that happened inside this examining room.”

“You don’t know or remember anything that happened inside this examining room at all?”

“No I don’t. Do you?”

“I only know some of the things that happened inside here because I had left the examining room temporarily.”

“You did?”

“Yes I did, so I wouldn’t know everything that happened inside this examining room, that’s why I’m trying to find out from you to see if you know or remember anything that happened inside this examining room.”

“Trying to find out from me?”


“How am I supposed to know or remember anything that happened inside this room if I don’t remember being inside this room? All I know, is that after I kicked that guy in the head, I was already inside the hospital room and didn’t know how I wound up there, that’s the only thing I remember. Why is my memory of what happened inside this room so important to you Dr. Stone? Oh oh.”

“Oh oh? Oh oh what Diane?”

“Don’t tell me something happened inside this room too. Dr. Stone, did something happen inside this room?”

“What makes you think something happened inside this room Diane?”

“Because you’re asking me that question for a reason. Every time you ask me questions like ‘do I remember about this, do I remember about that, do I remember about a certain point in time’, something usually happened during that certain point in time that I’m not aware of because I would always hear later on that something happened during that certain point in time that I wasn’t aware of before, like when you and my family brought me inside that damaged storage room at that other hospital, and I’m thinking the same thing is happening now. What happened Dr. Stone? What happened inside this room?”

“I’m still trying to find out from you Diane.”

“Still trying to find out from me?”

“Yes. I’m trying to see if I can refresh your memory of being inside this examining room.”

“Trying to refresh my memory? Why do you have to refresh my memory of being inside this examining room Doctor Stone? Did I lost time again? Whatever happened inside this room wouldn’t be so important to you if nothing happened. So what happened Dr. Stone? What happened inside this room?”

“That’s what I need you to tell me Diane.”

“You’re not giving me a straight answer Dr. Stone! What happened inside this room?! Did something happen inside this room?”

“Yes Diane, something did happen inside this room.”

“Something happened?!”



“Oh no, not again!”

“I’m afraid something happened again Diane.”

“Oh no! Damn, something is always happening! What happened this time?! To whom?! I hope I didn’t hurt anybody again, did I?! I hope no one was hurt by me! Was somebody hurt by me inside this room Dr. Stone?”

“Yes somebody was hurt by you Diane.”

“Somebody was?!”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Oh no! I hope no one was killed this time! Was anybody killed Dr. Stone?!”

“No Diane, no one was killed! Don’t worry, no one was killed! There were no fatalities so far.”

“No fatalities?”


“Oh thank God.” Diane D gives a sigh of relief. She then says, “So who got hurt by me Dr. Stone? Was it you? Did I wind up hurting you again like I did before and don’t remember it?”

“No I didn’t get hurt Diane.”

“You didn’t?”

“No. It wasn’t me this time.”

“This time? What do you mean ‘this time’ Dr. Stone? Oh no! That means it was somebody else who got hurt by me! Was it someone else who got hurt by me Dr.

Stone?” Dr. Stone sadly looks at Diane D. “Then it WAS someone else! Who Dr. Stone?

Who got hurt by me?”

“Some hospital staff members.”

“What! Some hospital staff members?!”


“Oh no! That means it was more than one person! Was it more than one person who got hurt by me Dr. Stone?”

“Yes Diane it was more than one person.”

“It was?! Oh my God! Not again! Who Doctor Stone?! Who were the staff members who got hurt by me?!”

“You don’t remember? They were inside this very room while you were inside here.”

“And they were the ones who got hurt by me?”

“Yes they were the ones Diane.”

“Oh no! What happened to them Doctor Stone? What did I do to them?”

“You don’t remember what happened to them? You don’t remember what you did to them?”

“If I remember what I did to them, I wouldn’t be asking you ‘what happened to them’ or ‘what did I do to them’ would I?”

“No you wouldn’t.”

“Okay then! So what happened to them?! What did I do to them?! Who were the staff members that were in here? Who were the staff members that got hurt by me?!”

“You don’t remember the staff members who were in here?”

“No! How many of them were in here?!”

“You don’t know how many of them were in here?”


“No I don’t.”

“You never saw how many staff members were inside this examining room with you?”

“No, because I don’t remember being in here!”

“That’s strange, because the staff members who were in here while you were in here said when one of them hollered and yelled at the other one and accidentally woke you up, you lifted your head then turned your head around and looked right at them.”

“What? The staff members who were in here said when they accidentally woke me up, I lifted my head then turned my head around and looked at them?”

“Yes that’s what they said. The one who yelled at the other one told me while you were looking at them, they were even talking to you.”

“They were talking to me?”

“That’s what they said. They said they were apologizing to you for waking you up.”

“They were apologizing to me for waking me up?”

“That’s what they said.”

“Did I talk back to them?”

“No they said you never talked back to them.”

“I didn’t?”

“No. They said you never spoke one word to them.”

“I didn’t speak to them at all?”

“Well according to them, you didn’t. They said you never responded back to them at all, they said you just kept staring at them. They said once you turned your head around and looked at them, you never once took your eyes off them until they left the room.”

“What? They said I never took my eyes off them until they left the room?”

“Yes, that’s what they said Diane.”

“But I don’t remember being inside this room or remember seeing anybody in this room!”

“You don’t remember at all?”


“Are you sure you didn’t see the staff members who were inside this room Diane?”

Diane D stares at Dr. Stone. She suddenly shouts, “Wait a minute! As a matter of fact, I DO remember being inside this examining room before and seeing the staff members who were inside here.”

“You do?!”


“Oh wow! That’s great! Now if you remember being inside this room before and remember seeing the staff members who were inside this room, that means you saw how the staff members look like, right? So if you saw how the staff members look like, you should be able to describe to me how they look like. So tell me Diane, who were the staff members you saw inside this room? Who were the staff members you remember seeing inside this room? How did they look like?”

“How did they look like?”


“They looked like doctors.”

“Doctors? The hospital staff members you saw inside this room looked like doctors? Is that who you saw inside this room Diane, doctors?”



“Are you sure those were doctors that you saw inside this room Diane?”

“What, they weren’t doctors?”

“Don’t you know? You claim you remember seeing the staff members who were inside this examining room, therefore you should know whether they were doctors or not. Were they doctors?”

“I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure if they were doctors or not?”


“Then why did you say they looked like doctors?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay. How many staff members did you see inside this room?”

“How many staff members?”


“I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure how many staff members you saw in here?”

“No. How many were in here?”

“I need YOU to tell me that Diane. How many staff members did YOU see in here?”

“I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure?”


“Okay. What race or ethnic background were the staff members that you saw inside this room?”

“What race or ethnic background?”


“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know what race or ethnic background they were?”


“You saw them and you already forgotten how they look like?”

“I guess I did.”

“Wow. Okay. Were the staff members you said you saw inside this room males, or females, or a combination of both?”

Diane D stares at Dr. Stone. She then says, “I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure? You don’t know whether or not the staff members that you saw inside this room were males, or females, or a combination of both?”


“How come you’re not able to give me a description of the staff members who were inside this room if you said you saw them Diane?”

Inside the monitor room, Diane D’s family is looking right at the monitor as Barry shouts, “She’s not able to give a description of the staff members because she knows she never saw them!”

“So why is she saying that she saw them then?” Tomas asks.

“I think she’s pretending to have seen them,” Margarita says.

“Pretending to have seen them?” the rest of the family asks.

“Why would she pretend to have seen them Grandma?” Nicolas asks.


“So no one will accuse her of having a memory lapse!” Margarita shouts.

“What?” everyone else says.

“Accuse her of having a memory lapse?” Michael asks.

“I think so!” Margarita shouts. They continue to watch and listen to Diane D and Dr. Stone on the monitor.

Back inside the examining room, Dr. Stone says to Diane D, “If you claim you saw the staff members inside this room and they claim you never once took your eyes off of them until they left the room, you should be able to give me a complete description of them. So tell me Diane, I need to know, how did the staff members you said you saw inside this room look like? What is their description?”

“I don’t know what their description is Dr. Stone,” Diane D says.

“You don’t know what their description is? What do you mean ‘you don’t know what their description is’? You claim you saw them! Suppose these staff members that you claim you saw inside this room committed a crime and you are about to describe them to the police, what description would you give these staff members?”

“I don’t know what description I would give them.”

“You don’t know what description you would give them? Think hard Diane. If you had to describe these staff members to the police, what description would you give to the police?”

“I don’t know what description I would give to the police!”

“You don’t know what description you would give to the police? Why not?!”

“Because I never saw the staff members who were inside this room!”

Inside the monitor room, Diane D’s family gasps as they shockingly look at the monitor.

Back inside the examining room, Dr. Stone says to Diane D, “You never saw the staff members who were inside this room? What do you mean ‘you never saw them’?”

“I never saw them,” Diane D tearfully says.

Inside the monitor room, Diane D’s family sadly looks at the monitor.

Back inside the examining room, Dr. Stone says to Diane D, “You don’t remember ever seeing them at all?”

“No I don’t remember seeing them,” Diane D says.

“But you just claimed you saw them Diane.”

“Okay Dr. Stone, you got me! I never saw the staff members who were inside this room!”

“You never? Even though the staff members said you woke up, turned your head around and was looking right at them, staring at them and never once took your eyes off them until they left this room, you still don’t remember ever seeing them?”


“No I don’t remember ever seeing them.”

“But Diane, how can you stare at something and not take your eyes off it one day, then the next few days you don’t remember ever seeing it?”

Inside the monitor room, Diane D’s family shockingly looks at the monitor as Margarita shouts, “Because most likely it was probably that other personality who was staring at those nurses!”

“Other personality!” the rest of the family shouts. “Oh no!”

“I was hoping we got rid of that other personality!” Barry shouts, “but it seems like we didn’t!”

“Oh no!” the rest of the family shouts.

Back inside the examining room, Dr. Stone says to Diane D, “If you never ever saw the staff members who were inside this room yesterday, then why did you say you did?”

“Because I didn’t want my memory lapse to be held against me, that’s why!” Diane D shouts.

“You didn’t want your memory lapse to be held against you? What do you mean

‘you didn’t want your memory lapse to be held against you’?”

“If you and everybody else realize that I don’t remember being inside this room and don’t remember who was inside this room with me, you all will hold it against me!”

“Hold it against you? In what way?”

“You all are going to claim that same story again!”

“What story Diane?”

“That some other personality took over me and was the one who was looking at those staff members who were in here and hurt them, and I sure didn’t want that!”

“You didn’t? That’s why you were pretending to remember seeing the staff members who were inside this room, so nobody will accuse you of having a split personality again?”

“Yes! It’s devastating for me when people accuse me of having that split personality, it really is, then they wind up being afraid of me! Now with this information out, people are going to be afraid of me even more! Now they’re gonna avoid me like the plague even more and would never purchase tickets for the front seats near the stage at any of my family’s future shows or concerts anymore if I’m in the show! I’m screwed for life now!”

“I’m sorry Diane.”

“So tell me Doctor Stone. Who were the staff members that were inside this room?

Who were the staff members who got hurt by me?”

“They were nurses Diane.”

“Nurses?! The staff members who were inside this room with me were nurses?”


“Not doctors?”

“Well the only other doctor who was inside this room besides me was Dr. Kramer when he physically evaluated you while your mom and your grandma were in here.

Before that, it was the nurses in here.”


“The nurses?”

“Yes, and your aunt Celeste was in here with them.”

“She was?”

“Yes she was.”

“How many nurses were in here Doctor Stone?”


“Six nurses? There were six nurses in here?”

“Yes six nurses.”

“Were the six nurses males or females?”

“They were all females Diane.”

“All females?”

“Yes. They were all interns.”



“Oh no!”

“Oh no? Oh no what Diane?”

“I sure hope I didn’t ruin their future nursing careers Dr. stone! What happened to them?! What did I do to them?!”

“Well, when you were lying face down on the hospital bed, they were about to lift you up from the hospital bed to transfer you onto the examining table right next to it.

When they were about to grab you, you back kicked your legs and feet straight up in the air and almost kicked them!”

“I did what?”

“You back kicked your legs and feet up in the air and almost kicked the nurses.”

“I almost kicked the nurse interns?”

“Yes, do you remember doing that?”

“No I don’t remember almost kicking anybody!”

“You don’t remember almost kicking anybody at all?”

“No! Why would I almost kick nurses?!”

“I don’t know Diane, that’s what they said happened.”

“Oh my God. Was my aunt Celeste in here when that happened?”

“Yeah she was in here when that happened Diane.”

“She was?”

“Yes, she saw the whole thing.”

“She did?”


“Oh my God. What happened after I almost kicked the nurses?”

“They quickly backed away from you to keep from getting hit by your legs and feet!

You missed hitting them the first time.”

“The first time? What do you mean ‘the first time’ Doctor Stone? You mean it happened more than once?”

“Well, when they were about to grab you the second time to lift you up from the hospital bed to transfer you onto the examining table, you back kicked your legs and feet straight up in the air and almost kicked them again!”

“I did?!”

“Yes you did Diane.”

“Oh my God! Then what happened after I almost kicked them again?!”


“They quickly backed away from you again to keep from getting hit by your legs and feet! You missed hitting them again! You didn’t get a chance to kick them the second time. On their third attempt to grab you to lift you up from the hospital bed to transfer you onto the examining table, you back kicked your legs and feet straight up in the air again! That time, you didn’t miss Diane.”

“I didn’t miss? What are you talking about?”

“You wind up actually kicking two of the nurses right in the jaw!”

“I did what?!”

“You kicked two of the nurses in the jaw.”

“I kicked two of the nurse interns in the jaw?!”

“Yes. Do you remember doing that Diane?”

“No, absolutely not! I don’t remember kicking any nurses! They said I kicked them?!”

“Yes that’s what they said.”

“Are you sure these nurses are telling the truth Dr. Stone?!”

“Well your aunt Celeste was right inside this room with them when it happened, she was right here. She witnessed the whole thing.”

“She did?”

“Yes she sure did.”

“And what did she say?”

“She confirmed it! She said you DID kick two of the nurses in the jaw! She claim you did that in your sleep.”

“What? She said I kicked two of the nurses in the jaw in my sleep?”

“That’s what she and the nurses claim Diane. They said you didn’t seem to realize that you were doing that because they said you were dead asleep, you were out of it.”

“I guess I was out of it if I don’t remember anything that happened after I kicked that guy in the head!”

“Well the two nurses that you kicked in the jaw claim they felt their necks snapped.”

“What! They felt their necks snapped?!”

“Yes, they had to get medical attention right away!”

“They did?!”

“Of course they did! Their jaws are wrapped in bandages now because of what your legs and feet did to them!”

“Oh my God!”

“As a matter of fact, those two nurses are still in the hospital now.”

“They’re in the hospital?!”


“Oh no! Oh God! I’m sorry that all this happened to them Dr. Stone! I wish I can make it up to them! I would like to apologize to them! You think those two nurses would accept my apology, if I try to apologize to them, or are they afraid of me?”

“They’re most likely still afraid of you Diane.”

“Still afraid of me? Even if I apologize to them?”

“Yes, even if you apologize to them, because when you kicked at them and wind up kicking two of them in the jaw, they said that’s not the only thing you did inside this room.”

“They said that’s not the only thing I did inside this room? What are you talking 165

about Dr. Stone?”

“After your aunt Celeste took the two injured nurses downstairs to get medical attention, the four remaining nurses that were left inside this room with you said you did another strange thing in your sleep.”

“What? The four remaining nurse interns that were left inside this room with me said I did something else in my sleep?”

“Yes they did.”

“What did they say I did?”

“They said you did something that was so strange and so out of this world.”

“I did something that was strange and out of this world?”

“That’s what they said.”

“Well what was it Doctor Stone? What did they say I did?”

Dr. Stone sadly looks at Diane D. He then says, “Diane, do you know or remember anything about handcuffs, chains or a lock?”

“What? Do I know or remember anything about handcuffs, chains or a lock?”


“No. Am I supposed to know or remember anything about handcuffs, chains or a lock? Why would I know or remember anything about them? What would handcuffs, chains or a lock have to do with me? The only thing I know about handcuffs, chains and any locks was when you and Doctor Kahn had me wrapped in chains last year chained to that psychiatrist couch while I was hypnotized and I didn’t learn about it until days later when I saw it on video. Oh oh.”

“Oh oh? Oh oh what Diane?”

“Unless I was put in handcuffs, chains and locks again and wasn’t aware of it. Dr.

Stone, I wasn’t in handcuffs, chains and locks again was I?”

“What makes you think that Diane?”

“Because you’re asking me about handcuffs, chains and locks for a reason! Was I in handcuffs, chains and locks again Doctor Stone?”

“I need YOU to tell me that Diane.”

“Why can’t YOU tell me?”

“Because I need to hear it from YOU. Do you know or remember anything about handcuffs, chains or any locks?”

“No I don’t.”

“You don’t know or remember anything about handcuffs, chains or any locks at all?”

“No. I only know of last year when you and Dr. Kahn had me in handcuffs, chains and locks chained to a psychiatrist couch during my hypnosis.”

“So you don’t know or remember anything about handcuffs, chains or locks this time.”

“No I don’t. Wait a minute! As a matter of fact, I DO remember something about handcuffs, chains and a lock, now that you mentioned it!”

“Now that I mentioned it?”


“Okay. So what do you remember about handcuffs, chains and a lock?”

“I had a dream that I was in handcuffs!”

“What? You had a dream that you were in handcuffs?”

“Yeah! I dreamt that I was handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal 166

boards that were at the head of a hospital bed.”

“What? You dreamt that you were handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards that were at the head of the hospital bed?”

“Yeah. There was a tray table between the two metal boards.”

“A tray table? You remember seeing a tray table between the two metal boards in the dream?”


“When did you had this dream Diane?”

“I don’t know exactly when I had this dream, but when you mentioned handcuffs, chains and a lock, it just brought back my memory of the recent dream I had that I was handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards.”

“You think you had this dream recently?”


“So by me mentioning handcuffs, chains and a lock brought back your memory of the dream you had that you were handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards that were at the head of the hospital bed?”


“So from the time you gave Jeremy a kick to the head to the time you found yourself inside your hospital room, you had this dream that you were handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards that were at the head of the hospital bed?”


“So far, that’s the only thing you remember happened from the time you gave Jeremy a kick to the head, to the time you found yourself inside your hospital room is this dream that you were handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards that were at the head of the hospital bed?”


“Do you know why you were handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards in the dream?”

“No I don’t. All I know, is that I was handcuffed, locked and chained to a couple of metal boards and I was trying to free myself from the handcuffs, lock, chain and metal boards.”

“You dreamt that you were trying to free yourself from the handcuffs, lock, chain and metal boards?”


“Do you know or remember where you were while you were handcuffed, locked and chained to the metal boards?”

“It looked like I was in a room like this.”

“It looked like you were in a room like this while you were handcuffed, locked and chained to the metal boards?”


“Was anybody around you while you were handcuffed, locked and chained to the metal boards? Do you remember seeing anyone else in the room with you in the dream?”

“No I don’t remember seeing anyone around me in the dream.”

“You don’t?”


“Okay. In the dream, what position were you in while you were handcuffed, locked 167

and chained to the metal boards?”

“What position was I in?”

“Yes, do you know or remember what position you were in while you were handcuffed, locked and chained to the metal boards?”

“It seemed like I was sitting up at the head of the hospital bed while I was handcuffed, locked and chained to the metal boards.”

“Sitting up at the head of the hospital bed? You were sitting up at the head of the hospital bed while you were handcuffed, locked and chained to the metal boards in the dream?”

“It seemed that way.”

“But you said the metal boards were at the HEAD of the hospital bed in the dream.

Were you facing the metal boards while you were sitting up at the head of the hospital bed?”

“Yes I was facing them.”

“You were? So if the metal boards were at the head of the hospital bed, that means you were facing away from the foot of the hospital bed while you were sitting up at the head of it.”

“It seemed that way.”

“Where were your legs and feet?”

“My upper legs were on the head of the hospital bed while my lower legs and feet were near the floor.”

“Your upper legs were on the head of the hospital bed while your lower legs and feet were near the floor? That means you were sitting upright on the edge of the head of the hospital bed in the dream?”

“Yes I was sitting on the edge.”

“Are you able to get up and show me how your position was?”

“You want me to get up and show you?”

“Yes, if it’s okay.”

“Sure.” Diane D gets up off the hospital bed. She goes to the head of the hospital bed and sits at the edge.

“Okay. What were the chains’ positions? What part of your body were the chains close to or hooked to?”

“Well, one end of the chain was hooked to the handcuffs that were wrapped around my wrists,” Diane D says as she demonstrates to Dr. Stone imaginary handcuffs around her wrists. “The other part of the chain went right through a hole that was in the first metal board.”

“It went through a hole that was in the first metal board?”

“Yes. The middle part of the chain went right across the tray table. The other end of the chain went right through a hole that was in the second metal board and that end of the chain was hooked to a lock that was on the other side of the second metal board.

I kept trying to free myself from the handcuffs, chain and the metal boards.”

“You kept trying to free yourself from the handcuffs, chain and the metal boards while you were sitting at the edge of the head of the hospital bed?”


“Then what happened?”

“Nothing, I didn’t succeed in freeing myself from the handcuffs, chains and the metal boards.”


“You didn’t?”

“No, so I tried again to free myself, but nothing happened. I was still handcuffed to the chains and the metal boards! I kept trying and trying to free myself from the handcuffs, chains and the metal boards but still nothing happened, so I started to struggle so I can free myself.”

“You started to struggle?”


“Then what happened after that?”

“Still nothing, nothing worked for me! I started to struggle to free myself again!

Still nothing happened! I was getting frustrated!”

“You were getting frustrated?”

“Yes, I was getting frustrated by the minute! That’s when I decided to use my feet and toes to unlock the lock.”

“You used your feet and toes to unlock the lock?”

“Yeah because I had no other choice! No one else was around to help me free myself from the handcuffs, lock and metal board!”

“So how were you able to have your feet and toes reach all the way to the lock if the lock was behind the second metal board?”

“I lifted my legs and feet from off the floor.” Diane D lifts her legs and feet from off the floor. “Then I lifted my legs over the first metal bar and had my feet and toes grabbed a key that I saw laying on the tray table.” Diane D lifts her legs over the first imaginary metal bar then have her feet and toes grab an imaginary key off the tray table.

“You saw a key laying on the tray table?”

“Yeah, I figure that was the key to the lock.”

“You figure that was the key to the lock? And you were able to use your feet and toes to grab the key?”


“So you were barefooted when you used your feet and toes to grab the key?”

“Yes I was.”

“Where were your socks and shoes?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay go on. What happened after you grabbed the key off the table with your feet and toes?”

“I reached my legs and feet pass the second metal board to the lock on the other side of it.” Diane D reaches her legs and feet pass an imaginary second metal board to an imaginary lock on the other side of it.

“You reached your legs and feet pass the second metal board to the lock on the other side of it?”


“Then what happened after that?”

“I used my feet and toes to put the key in the lock.”

“You did?”

“Yes.” Diane D uses her feet and toes to put the imaginary key in an imaginary lock.

“Then what happened after that?”

“I used my feet and toes to turn the key while it was inside the lock.” Diane D uses her feet and toes to turn an imaginary key while it’s inside imaginary lock.


“You used your feet and toes to turn the key?”


“So what happened after you used your feet and toes to turn the key, did the lock open?”

“No, not at first. I had to try again to turn the key and lock. After I turned the key and lock a few times, the lock opened! It worked! I was able to unlock the lock with my toes and feet. When I did that, the lock fell on the floor and I was able to free myself from the handcuffs, chains and the metal boards!”

“You were?”


“That’s good! And during that whole time, your body was sitting right at the edge of the head of the hospital bed when you used your feet and toes to unlock the lock from the second metal board.”

“Yeah.” Diane D gets up off the head of the hospital bed. She goes back to the side of the hospital bed and sits at the edge. She then lays up back on the hospital bed.

“Are you sure that your body wasn’t in any other position when you used your feet and toes to unlock the lock from the metal board?”

“No my body wasn’t in any other position when I used my feet and toes to unlock the lock. It couldn’t be in any other position because I wasn’t able to leave that sitting spot at the head of the hospital bed when I did that.”

“You weren’t able to leave that sitting spot?”

“Well how could I leave that sitting spot if I was handcuffed and locked to a metal board that was right in front of me? I had no way of leaving that sitting spot, I was trapped there.”

“You were trapped there?”

“Yeah, until I was able to free myself from the handcuffs, chains and the metal boards.”

“I see. And once you were able to free yourself from the handcuffs, chains and the metal boards, what happened after that?”

“I was able to get up and leave from off the hospital bed.”

“You got up and left the hospital bed?”

“Yeah I wasn’t trapped there on it anymore.”

“You weren’t?”


“That’s good! So what happened after you got up and left the hospital bed in the dream, where did you go?”

“Where did I go? I don’t remember where I went after I got up and left the hospital bed.”

“You don’t remember where you went?”

“No, because I think after I got up and left the hospital bed, that’s when I found myself inside my hospital room.”

“That’s when you found yourself inside the hospital room?”


“Wow, some dream, or was it a dream.”

“What do you mean ‘was it a dream’?”

“Was it really a dream?”

“Of course it was a dream Doctor Stone.”


“Diane I have to show you some objects or items and I want to know if you’re familiar with these objects or items.”

“Objects or items?”


“Well what are they Dr. Stone?” Dr. Stone reaches for a draw on the side. He opens the draw and pulls out the handcuffs, double chain, the lock and the two metal boards.

Diane D becomes shocked. She is stunned. She then shouts, “Hey! Those are the objects I saw in my dream! Those are the handcuffs that were wrapped around my wrists and I was chained to it! Those are the two metal boards I saw in the dream!

Where did you get those items from Dr. Stone?!”

“I got them from the security guard.”

“The security guard?”


“Well what are they doing in here? Maybe that’s why I dreamt about them. I must have probably saw those objects and those objects somehow crept into my dream, that’s why I dreamt about them.”

“Is that what you think Diane, that you saw these objects before?”

“Yeah, well how else would those objects appear in my dream? First I dreamt about those objects, now you have those same exact objects that I dreamt about right in your hands! It’s like you went right into my dream and snatched those objects right out of it!

It’s kind of creepy.”

“Is it? Diane you never saw these objects while you were awake.”

“Of course I did.”

“You remember seeing these objects while you were awake?”

“No not really. But I had to have seem them somewhere, because why would I dream about those exact same objects that you’re holding in your hands if I’ve never ever saw them before? I had to have seen them somewhere before.”

“You couldn’t have seen these objects before because you were already out of it before you were ever brought into this room, so you wouldn’t really remember seeing these objects. You were already out of it when the security guard brought these objects in here.”

“The security guard was in here? He brought those handcuffs, chain and lock inside this room?”

“Yes he did. We brought them in here while you were still out of it, so you never got a chance to see these handcuffs, chain, the lock or the metal boards unless you somehow woke up while you were in here and saw them.”

“I don’t remember ever waking up inside this room Dr. Stone.”

“You don’t? So there’s no way you could have possibly seen these objects before.”

“If I’ve never seen them before, how did they get into my dream? Why were handcuffs, chains and a lock even brought inside this room in the first place?”

“Well we put the handcuffs, chain and lock on you.”

“You did what?! You put the handcuffs, chain and lock on me?! You mean to tell me that I had the handcuffs, chain and lock on me for real?!”

“Yes Diane, you actually had the handcuffs, chain and lock on you, so that was no dream you had.”

“That was no dream I had?!”

“No it wasn’t.”


“Oh my God! Why?! Why were those handcuffs, chain and lock on me?”

“Because the nurse interns were afraid to deal with you and handle you when they were about to transfer you from the hospital bed onto the examining table.”

“What! The nurse interns were afraid to deal with me and handle me when they were about to transfer me from the hospital bed onto the examining table?! You mean to tell me that THEY’RE the reason why I was in those handcuffs, lock and chains?!

THEY’RE the reason while those handcuffs, lock and chains were on me?!”

“Yes because they were afraid of you Diane!”

“They’re scared of me too?!”

“I’m afraid they are Diane, especially after the tragedy that happened last year!

They figure something like you getting out of control and not remembering it might happen again and they sure didn’t want that. The four remaining nurse interns who were left in here after you kicked the other two nurse interns in the jaw witnessed you freeing yourself from the handcuffs, lock and chains.”

“What! They witnessed it?!”

“Yes they did. You actually did free yourself from the handcuffs, chain, lock and the metal boards, but you weren’t in a sitting position when you did that.”

“I wasn’t in a sitting position when I did that? What do you mean ‘I wasn’t in a sitting position when I did that’?”

“You were in a contortionist position when you did that!”

“What? Run that by me again Dr. Stone?”

“The four remaining nurse interns that were left inside this examining room with you claim that you did a hand stand while you were on top of the hospital bed.”

“What?! They said I did a hand stand on top of the hospital bed?!”

“Yes, the nurses claim you were doing all that in your sleep!”

“I did that in my sleep too?”

“That’s what they said. Do you remember doing a hand stand on top of the hospital bed Diane?”

“No I don’t! Why would I do a hand stand on top of the hospital bed?”

“That’s what the nurses claim you did. They said after you did a hand stand, you bended your body all the way backwards and moved your legs and feet all the way over the tray table, grabbed the key that was on it with your toes, then moved your legs and feet all the way pass the tray table to the lock that was on the other side of the second metal board. That’s when you used both of your feet to put the key into the lock then wind up unlocking the chain freeing yourself.”

“I did?”

“Yes. Do you remember grabbing the key that was on the tray table with your toes while you were in a contortionist position Diane?”

“No I don’t.”

“You don’t remember grabbing the key that was on the tray table with your toes while you were in a contortionist position?”


“Do you remember putting the key into the lock while you were in a contortionist position?”

“No I don’t!”

“You don’t remember putting the key into the lock while you were in a contortionist position at all?”



“When the nurses saw you putting the key into the lock with your feet while you were in a contortionist position, especially doing that in your sleep, it frightened the hell out of them that they turned and screamed right out of this room so fast! Do you remember hearing the nurses screaming out of this room?”

“No I don’t.”

“You don’t remember hearing the nurses screaming out of this room at all?”

“No! I’m sorry if I scared those nurse interns Dr. Stone! The last thing I want to do is scare any nurse interns or ruin or destroy anyone’s nursing career! My God, I don’t believe I’m hearing all of this! Dr. Stone? Will those nurse interns accept my apology if I send them a video or live chat of myself apologizing to them?”

“You want to apologize to the nurses? You want to send the nurses a video or live chat of yourself apologizing to them?”


“Wow that’s great Diane! But why do you want to apologize to them by video or live chat?”

“Because I know they wouldn’t want me to apologize to them in person! I doubt they would even want to be in the same room with me again!”

“Well if you want to apologize to them by video or live chat, I think that would be wonderful!”

“You think so?”

“Yes! I’ll try to have it set up!”

Inside the monitor room, Diane D’s family sadly smile as they continue to look at the monitor.