DIANE D Evil Entity Strikes Again! by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

Diane D Makes An Apologetic Speech To The Nurse Interns Via Live Video

The following week, the six nurse interns Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina are sitting inside Dr. Stone’s office wearing regular street clothes. They are facing the front of the room with Paula and Elaina still having bandages wrapped around their jaws. There is a monitor in front of the room near the ceiling. Dr. Stone turns to Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina and says to them, “So are you all ready to accept Diane’s apology? She really feels bad about what happened to you all. Even though she doesn’t remember any of it, she still feels bad about it. So are you all ready to watch and listen to Diane on the monitor and hear her apology to you?”

“Oh I don’t know if I want to see or hear Diane D’s apology Dr. Stone!” Elaina shouts.


“Me neither!” Paula shouts. “I’m afraid to even look at her or even hear her voice!

I’m afraid to be in the same room with her, even if she’s on a monitor!”

“I’m afraid too!” Francine shouts. “What we went through with her inside that examining room is no joke! I would never want to experience anything like that ever again!”

“Neither would I!” Suzie shouts.

“Me neither!” Annette shouts.

“I understand,” Dr. Stone says, “but just give her a chance to apologize! She really wants to apologize to you all.” Dr. Stone takes the remote and turns the monitor on as Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina frighteningly and nervously look at the monitor. The screen on the monitor is black. The monitor then comes on.


Diane D’s image from her head to the top of her chest suddenly appears on the screen. She is looking down at something that’s off screen.


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina shockingly and nervously look at Diane D on the screen.


Diane D continues to look down at something that’s off screen. “Is the video on?” a female voice in the background asks Diane D.

Diane D slightly turns her head to her left. She then turns her head back forward, looks back down and says, “I don’t know yet.” She then speaks into the microphone and says, “Dr. Stone? Are you on now?”

“Yes Diane,” Dr. Stone says, “we’re on now!”

“You’re on?”

“Yes! We can see you on the screen!”

“You can see me?”

“Yes we can see you! Can you see us?”

“No I can’t see you.”

“You can’t see us at all?”


“Okay, but we’re on now!”

“Are the nurse interns there?”

“Yes, the nurses are here!”

“All of them?”

“Yes all of them.”

“Okay.” Diane D continues to look down. She then looks up into the camera. She then says, “Hello ladies, nurses, interns. How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well.”



Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina nervously continue to look at Diane D on the monitor.


Diane D continues to look into the camera and says, “I heard about what happened inside the examining room, while you all and my aunt Celeste were inside the examining room with me.” Diane D closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She then opens her eyes, blinks a few times, looks back into the camera and says, “I don’t remember anything that happened inside the examining room, I don’t remember ever being inside there while you all and my aunt Celeste were inside there with me, but my Aunt Celeste told me everything about the first part that happened inside the examining room. She told me that I was handcuffed and chained to two metal boards and a tray table that was at the head of my hospital bed. I don’t remember being handcuffed and chained to any metal boards or any tray table that was at the head of my hospital bed, I just don’t. Dr. Stone and my aunt Celeste told me that I was supposed to be transferred from the hospital bed onto the examining table and that you all were supposed to lift me up and transfer me. My aunt Celeste told me when you all attempted to grab me, lift me up from the hospital bed to transfer me onto the examining table right next to it, I back kicked my legs and feet straight up in the air and almost kicked you guys! She told me that you all had to quickly back away from me to keep from getting hit by my legs and feet! I swear, I don’t remember doing that! I don’t remember almost kicking anybody! My aunt Celeste told me when you all were about to grab me the second time to lift me up from the hospital bed to transfer me onto the examining table, I back kicked my legs and feet straight up in the air again and almost kicked you guys again!

She told me that you all quickly backed away from me again to keep from getting hit by my legs and feet. She told me when you all were about to grab me the third time to lift me up from the hospital bed to transfer me onto the examining table, I back kicked my legs and feet straight up in the air again! That time, I wind up actually kicking two of you nurses Elaina and Paula right in the jaw.” Diane D turns her head to her right and grabs something off screen. She brings the item on screen and holds a white board up to the camera with pictures of Paula and Elaina on it with their names underneath their pictures.


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Elaina and Paula shockingly look at Diane D

holding up a white board with pictures of Elaina and Paula on it with Elaina’s and Paula’s names underneath their pictures.


Diane D continues to hold the white board up to the camera and says, “Dr. Stone gave me your pictures with your names on it. He figures I have the right to see who you are and get to know your names. I heard that you two nurses Elaina and Paula claim that you felt your necks snapped after I kicked you, that you two had to get 175

medical attention right away. I don’t remember kicking any of you nurses in the jaw! I don’t remember doing any of that at all, I completely was not aware of it! I wasn’t even sure if you nurses were telling the truth that I kicked you in the jaw, but my aunt Celeste confirmed that I did kick two of you nurses Elaina and Paula in the jaw. She claim that I did that in my sleep, that I didn’t seem to realize what I was doing because I was so out of it! She told me that your jaws were wrapped in bandages for days because of what I did. I would just like to say to you Elaina and Paula, that I’m very sorry for what happened to you two, I’m sorry that I kicked you two in the jaw, even though I don’t remember doing that and I wasn’t aware of it at the time. I’m sorry that this all happened to you and I hope you two get better from the injuries I did to you. I hope we can meet face to face some day and I hope I can try to make up for what I did to you.”


Elaina and Paula sadly look at Diane D.


Diane D turns her head to her right and puts the white board away back off screen.

She turns back to the camera, looks back into the camera and says, “Now for the four remaining nurse interns that were left inside the examining room with me, I heard about what happened inside the examining room after my aunt Celeste and the two injured nurses Elaina and Paula left you all Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette alone inside the examining room with me.” Diane D then turns her head to her right again and grabs something off screen again. She brings the item on screen and holds another white board up to the camera with pictures of Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette on it with their names underneath their pictures.


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Elaina and Paula shockingly look at Diane D

holding up another white board with pictures of Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette on it with their names underneath their pictures.


Diane D continues to hold the white board up to the camera and says, “Dr. Stone told me that you all told him everything that happened inside the examining room after my aunt Celeste and the two injured nurses Elaina and Paula left the room. He told me that you all told him that when you accidentally woke me up, I lifted my head, turned my head around and looked right at you. He said that you all told him while I was looking at you, you were even talking to me apologizing to me for waking me up. I swear I do not remember seeing any of you inside the examining room. I don’t even remember being inside the examining room at that time either, nor remember seeing anybody inside that room! Dr. Stone also told me that you four remaining nurse interns told him that I did a hand stand while I was on top of the hospital bed. He told 176

me that you four remaining nurse interns claim that I was doing a hand stand in my sleep. That claim sounded so farfetched when he told me about it. I wondered why on earth would I do a hand stand on top of the hospital bed. I don’t remember doing a hand stand on top of the hospital bed at all! Why would I do a hand stand on top of the hospital bed? Dr. Stone claim that you four remaining nurses said after I did a hand stand on top of the hospital bed, you all witnessed me bend my body all the way backwards putting myself into a contortionist position and moved my legs and feet all the way over my head to the metal board at the head of the hospital bed, then reached my legs and feet all the way across the tray table to pick up a key that was on the tray table, then grabbed the key with my toes, then moved my feet over another metal board, then reached the key all the way to the lock that was on the other side of the second metal board. He told me that you all claim that’s when I used both of my feet to put the key into the lock then wind up unlocking the chain freeing myself from the handcuff, lock and chain. I don’t remember doing any of that stuff! I don’t remember putting any key into any lock with my feet while I was in a contortionist position freeing myself from the handcuff, lock and chain in my sleep. I remember dreaming that I was unlocking the lock in a sitting up position, not in a contortionist position like you all claim. Dr. Stone told me when you four remaining nurse interns saw me put the key into the lock with my feet while I was in a contortionist position in my sleep, you got so frightened that you all turned and screamed right out of the examining room!

I’m sorry if I scared you all! The last thing I want to do is scare nurses or ruin anyone’s nursing career. Well anyway, I would just like to say to you four remaining nurse interns, Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette who were left alone inside the examining room with me, I’m very sorry for what happened to you all. I’m sorry that I scared you all out of the examining room when you all saw and witnessed me unlocking and freeing myself from the handcuffs, lock and chain with my feet, even though I don’t remember doing that and wasn’t aware of it at the time. I hope you all get better from the scare I caused you, I hope we can meet face to face some day and I hope I can try to make up for what I did to you too.”


Amanda, Suzie, Francine and Annette sadly look at Diane D.


Diane D turns her head to her right and puts the white board away back off screen.

She turns back to the camera, looks back into the camera and says, “For all six of you nurse interns, please don’t ever leave your nursing jobs, don’t leave that wonderful job because of me, because this world is always going to need good nurses like you. I want to thank you all for your work and thank you for listening. Before I go, do any of you have any questions for me?”


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina nervously look at Diane D on the monitor. Then they turn their heads and nervously look at each other. Dr. Stone 177

turns to them and says, “Questions anybody?” Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina nervously look at Dr. Stone. They then turn their heads back forward and nervously look back at Diane D on the monitor.


Diane D continues to look into the camera and says, “Do any of you nurses have questions for me? I know you have to ask me at least something. Come on, talk to me.

Do any of you nurses have any questions for me?”


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina continue to nervously look at Diane D on the monitor. Then they turn their heads and nervously look at each other again. Dr. Stone turns to them and says, “Do any of you have any questions for Diane?

She’s waiting for you to ask her something.” Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina nervously look at Dr. Stone again. They then turn their heads back forward and nervously look back at Diane D on the monitor.


Diane D continues to look into the camera and says, “No questions?”


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina continue to nervously look at Diane D on the monitor. Then they turn their heads and nervously look at each other again. They then turn their heads back forward and nervously look back at Diane D on the monitor.


Diane D continues to look into the camera. She then stares into the camera wondering what’s going on.


Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina continue to nervously look at Diane D on the monitor. They see Diane D firmly staring into the camera. They become more nervous. They nervously turn away from the camera trying to avoid eye contact with Diane D as they nervously look at each other. They then turn their heads back and take a peek back at Diane D.


Diane D continues to firmly stare into the camera appearing to be looking right at the nurse interns.



Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina quickly turn their heads to the side and nervously hide their faces from Diane D and look at Dr. Stone as Suzie whispers to him, “Can you turn that monitor off Dr. Stone? It looks like she’s looking right at us as if she can see us! I thought she couldn’t see us!”

“She can’t see you,” Dr. Stone whispers.

“She can’t?”

“No. I already covered the camera with tape so she can’t see you or see inside this room.”

“You did?”


“Are you sure the camera is covered Dr. Stone?” Amanda whispers.

“Yes I’m sure.”

“So why does it look like she’s looking dead at us like she can see us?”

“I don’t know.” Dr. Stone quickly looks back at the monitor. He then says to Diane D, “No Diane, I don’t think the nurses have any questions to ask you right now!”

“No questions at all?” Diane D asks.

“No! No questions!”

“Okay. Going once, going twice! Okay ladies, nurses, interns, I’m signing out on this live video! Again, I apologize for any confusions that I caused you all inside the examining room. I hope you all have a wonderful life.”

“Okay Diane! I’ll see you in a little while.” The monitor goes off. Dr. Stone stares at the monitor. He then turns to Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina and says to them, “Okay guys, the monitor is off. You can turn your heads back around, Diane is gone. She’s off the screen now.”

“She is?” Amanda asks.

“Yes, take a look.” Amanda, Suzie, Francine, Annette, Paula and Elaina nervously turn their heads and look back towards the front of the room at the monitor. They see that the monitor is off. They see that Diane D is gone. Dr. Stone then says to them, “So, what do you all think?”

“What do we all think?” Elaina asks. “We’re still afraid of her Dr. Stone!”

“That’s right!” Paula shouts.

“You are?” Dr. Stone asks. “Even after she apologized to you all, you all are still afraid of her?”

“Yes we are!” Francine shouts. “Did you see the way she was looking directly into the camera waiting for us to ask a question?! Then she started staring into the camera like if she could see us! She stared into the camera for a while! It looked like she was looking right at us! I was getting spooked by that!”

“So was I!” Annette shouts.

“Yeah me too!” Suzie shouts. “She was just sitting there staring into the camera just waiting and waiting for one of us to ask a question! I kind of felt that her eyes were stalking us!”

“I felt that too!”

“Me too!” Paula shouts. “If you hadn’t said anything to her Dr. Stone, it looked like she was going to stare right into that camera stalking us with her eyes all day!”


“I know!” Elaina shouts. “Look Dr. Stone, no matter how hard Diane D tries to clean up her image, this whole ordeal of what she did and what she’s capable of is going to always follow her! This broken jaw that I have is going to be a constant reminder of what she did to me and Paula!”

“That’s right, especially when we were only trying to do our jobs!”

“And the fact that she killed five authority figures and a priest is going to always follow her too!” Amanda shouts. “It’s going to always follow her until the day she dies!”

Dr. Stone sadly looks at the nurse interns.

A few hours later, Dr. Stone is at the mental institution sitting in a room talking with Diane D, Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Michael as Diane D, Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Michael sit in chairs with Margarita, Mary, Barry, Tomas, Nicolas and Michael surrounding Diane D. Dr. Stone then says, “Diane?

Are you okay.”

“No I’m not okay Dr. Stone,” Diane D says.

“You’re not? What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong! Even though I apologized to those doggone nurses, I could sense that they were still afraid of me!”

“What? You could sense that the nurses were still afraid of you, even though you apologized to them?”


“How were you able to sense that Diane? You weren’t even in the same room with them while you were making that apologetic speech to them on video. You weren’t even in the same building with them nor in the same town! You never even saw their faces on camera! You never even met them face to face! How were you able to sense that they were afraid of you while you were in separate towns?”

“I don’t know! It was a feeling that came over me.”

“A feeling that came over you?”


“Where did this feeling come from?”

“I don’t know. It just came out of nowhere.”

“It came out of nowhere?”


“I see. I’m sorry you sensed that Diane.”

“It’s no need to be sorry Dr. Stone.”

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No, it’s nothing you can do for me anymore. You did all you can do for me and I appreciate it. I just have to accept the fact that people seeing me as some type of dangerous monster and fearing me is going to be a part of my life from now on. I think I’m going to go lie down now.” Diane D sadly gets up from her seat.

“We’ll come with you Diane,” Nicolas says as he and Michael get up from their seats.

“Are you going to be okay Diane?” Mary asks.

“I don’t know Mom,” Diane D says as she walks away from her family and heads towards the door.


“We’ll be with you in a minute Diane,” Margarita says. “We just want to talk with Dr. Stone a little bit more.”

“Nicolas and Michael,” Barry says, “make sure you guys and the rest of the family stay with her.”

“Okay Dad,” Michael says as he and Nicolas follow Diane D. Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas sadly look towards Diane D as Michael and Nicolas follow her out the door.

Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas then turn to Dr. Stone as Barry says to him, “Dr.

Stone? Is there any way we can encourage people to stop being afraid of Diane?”

“What?” Dr. Stone says. “Encourage people to stop being afraid of her?”

“Yeah, because I really had it up to here with people being afraid of my daughter, treating her like she’s some type of vicious monster!”

“Yeah!” Mary shouts, “treating her like she’s some vicious demon when she’s not!”

“I understand how you feel,” Dr. Stone says, “but I can’t stop people from being afraid of Diane. What she did in the past is always going to stay with her.”

“Even though she doesn’t remember what happened, her past is still going to stay with her?” Tomas asks.

“Of course, especially since there were deaths involved! The fact that Diane doesn’t remember what she did doesn’t matter to people! The fact is, that her physical body was still involved, that’s what matters to people, is that her physical body was involved and that’s what they’re afraid of, her physical body!”

“So what can we do for her Dr. Stone?” Mary asks.

“Yeah,” Barry says, “what can we do to make sure that other personality of hers goes away and never ever comes back?”

“The only thing I can try to do is talk to the other personality,” Dr. Stone says, “but you all don’t want Diane to be hypnotized again.”

“Well of course we don’t want Diane to be hypnotized again because we don’t want what happened last year to happen again!” Margarita shouts.

“Yeah we don’t want history repeating itself!” Tomas shouts, “you saw how that other personality got out of control inside that hypnosis room going on a murderous rampage taking down authority figures and wind up killing several of them and a Priest!”

“I know,” Dr. Stone says, “that’s why I said Diane can be locked inside a bolted room by herself with no one else inside the room with her, just in case the other personality comes out to the surface and becomes dangerous and vicious again and I can talk to the other personality from another room through a live video, microphone and speaker because I sure don’t want to be in the same room with that killer personality again either! I almost didn’t make it out alive the last time I had an encounter with that killer personality, I want to make sure I come out alive THIS time.”

Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas sadly and worriedly look at Dr. Stone.