DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Controversy Over Diane D and Dana’s Online Sword Fighting Commercial



A couple of days later, Dan Carter is inside his office sitting behind his desk.  Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Muer, Mrs. Reid, Kurt and other family members of the victims who were killed by Diane D’s other personality angrily storm into his office!  Kurt’s arm, hand and fingers are in a cast.  Dan Carter nervously looks at them all and says, “May I help you?”

“Are you Mr. Dan Carter?!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.

“Yes I am.  What can I do for you all?”

“How dare you?!”

“How dare I?  How dare I what?”

“How dare you put Diane D and her cousin Dana in an online commercial advertising for a sword game app?!”

“How dare I put Diane D and her cousin Dana in the online commercial?”

“That’s right!  Why do you have Diane D and her cousin Dana advertising for something that involves weapons after what Diane D did last year?!”

“First of all, who are you?”

“I’m Mrs. Jenkins!  I’m the one whose husband was killed by Diane D last year!”

“So was my husband!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.

“So was mine!” Mrs. Muer shouts.

“So was my husband!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Oh really?!” Dan Carter says.  “Wow, I’m sorry about what happened to your husbands!”

“You should be!”

“And I’m Kurt!” Kurt shouts.  “I’m the one who got shot in the stairwell at Diane D’s family’s organization!  And I’m the son of one of the authority figures who got killed by Diane D!  How can you put Diane D and her cousin Dana in your commercial?!”

That’s right Mr. Carter!” Mrs. Peterson shouts.  “We are very upset about that!  Why do you have Diane D and her cousin Dana advertising for something that involves weapons?!  Every time I see Diane D on some poster or in some type of advertisement, she’s always holding some type of weapon in her hands!  One advertisement she’s holding nunchakus, another poster she’s holding knives, now she’s in a commercial holding and using swords!  I mean what is with that woman and these weapons?!  What weapon is she going to hold next, a gun or rifle?!  Why do you have Diane D and her cousin Dana advertising for something that involves weapons?!”

“Well I wanted some female athletes to do the commercial,” Dan Carters says.

“You wanted female athletes to do the commercial?!”


“So you wound up choosing Diane D and her cousin?!”

“Well yeah.  I figured since Diane D and her cousin Dana are good athletes, I can use them for the commercial.”

“What!” everyone else shouts. 

“You figure since they’re good athletes, you can use them for the commercial?!” Mrs. Muer shouts.

“That’s right,” Dan Carter says.

“You couldn’t find any other female athletes besides those two to put in your commercial?!  Why would you want those two women who are constantly locked up back and forth in mental institutions to promote your product?!  I mean really Dan Carter?!  What were you thinking putting Diane D and her cousin Dana in your online commercial?!”

“That’s right Mr. Carter!” Kurt shouts.  “Diane D is a killer!  She killed six people last year including my dad!  She was there when I got shot in the stairwell at her family’s organization!  She witnessed the whole entire thing, then claim she was never there in the stairwell when I got shot making me look like a liar when she’s the one who’s lying!  You want a killer like her to represent your product?!”

“Well?” Dan Carter says.

“Well my ass Mr. Carter!  Listen Mr. Carter and listen good!  You might as well get rid of that commercial and not put it online anymore because we will not purchase your product or game if Diane D and her cousin Dana are in it and promoting it!”

“You won’t?” 

“Hell no, are you crazy?!  Diane D and her cousin Dana don’t need to be making money off of a commercial showing them using weapons after Diane D killed my father!”

“But I already paid Diane D and her cousin Dana upfront advance money for doing the commercial!  They’re supposed to make more money whenever the commercial is aired or if someone purchases the game app!”

“No one is going to purchase that goddamn game app Mr. Carter, because we are going to make sure of that!  If you don’t remove that commercial from online, we will protest against the commercial AND your game app, Diane D and her cousin Dana won’t make any more money from it!”

“What!  You’re willing to stop Diane D and her cousin Dana from making more money?”

“That’s right!  Diane D shouldn’t even be doing commercials anyway!  After what she did to my father and all the other authority figures last year, she doesn’t deserve to be in a commercial, she deserves to be in prison!”

“But Diane D already said that she was going to donate some of the money she earns to you guys, the victims’ families!”

“We don’t want her money!” Mrs. Jenkins shouts.  “If she can bring me my husband back, then I will forgive her, but she can’t bring my husband back after what she did to him!  So therefore, we don’t want or need her money!”

“But I still need to make money off this game app!”

“Then get someone else to do the commercial!  Find other female athletes to put in your commercial besides Diane D and her cousin Dana!  I’m sure there are plenty of other female athletes out there besides those two!”

“There are!” Kurt shouts.  He then says to Dan Carter, “As a matter of fact, I have a female cousin named Johanna who tried for the Olympics!  Maybe you can use her for your sword game app commercial!”

“Oh really!” Dan Carter says.

“Yes really!”

“Why her?”

“Because she’s not a criminal like Diane D and her cousin Dana, she has a clean record!  She’s never killed anybody and has never been locked up before like Diane D and her cousin Dana!”

“Is that right?!”

“Yes that’s right!”

“So you’re gonna tell me who to choose for my online commercial?!”

“No I’m not telling you who to choose for your online commercial Mr. Carter, I’m just telling you who NOT to choose!  Don’t choose Diane D or her cousin Dana!  I’m sure you will see it different if it was someone in your family that Diane D killed!  Just saying.”

Dan Carter sadly looks at Kurt and the rest of the victims’ family members.



The following day, Dan Carter is at the organization inside Margarita’s office speaking to Margarita, Diane D and the rest of the family as Diane D shouts to him, “What the hell you mean you might have to cancel the online commercial and replace me and Dana with somebody else, after Dana and I put our blood, sweat and tears into it!”

“Well that victim Kurt who got shot in the stairwell and the rest of those victims’ family members stormed into my office yesterday complaining about you and Dana appearing in that commercial!” Dan Carter says.  “They said that they are going to make sure no one purchases the game app and told me that if I don’t remove the commercial from online, they will protest against the commercial AND my game app and you and Dana won’t make any more money from it!”

“What!” the family shouts.

“So you’re going to cancel the online commercial because of those victims’ family members’ complaint?!” Diane D shouts

“I’m afraid so,” Dan Carter says.

“So therefore Dana and I won’t be making any more money?!”

“I’m afraid not.”

“My God!” Mary shouts.  “How dare that guy Kurt and the rest of those victims’ family members storm into your office complaining about Diane and Dana appearing in that commercial!”

“Yeah Mr. Carter!” Barry shouts.  “How dare that guy Kurt and the rest of those victims’ family members stop Diane and Dana from earning that money, especially when some of that money was going to go to them!”

“They said they don’t want Diane D’s money,” Dan Carter says.

“They don’t want her money?!” Tomas shouts.  “That’s what they said?!”

“Yeah.  They said if I still need to make money off the game app, they suggested that I find other female athletes to put in the online commercial besides Diane D and Dana.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“They suggested that you find other female athletes to put in the commercial?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yeah,” Dan Carter says.  “They said they are sure there are plenty of other female athletes out there I can use!  Then Kurt says that he has a female cousin who tried for the Olympics that maybe I can use her for the sword game app commercial.”

“What!” the family shouts. 

“He suggested that his female cousin who tried for the Olympics can be used for the commercial?!” Mary shouts.

“Yes,” Dan Carter says.

“So he thinks his female cousin is good enough for the app and not Diane and Dana because it involves them holding weapons?!” Barry shouts.


“But he doesn’t mind his female cousin holding a weapon, huh!”

“No, because he said his female cousin is not a criminal that she has a clean record and never killed anybody and has never been locked up before.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“My God!” Margarita shouts.  “It sounds like this guy Kurt is throwing shame at both Diane and Dana!”

“He is throwing shame Grandma!” Diane D shouts.  “Every time my promotional image is shown somewhere with me holding a weapon, he and his family members keep having a problem with it!  They keep trying to stop my promotional images and I’m sick of it!  I understand the hurt and pain they’re going through after what happened to their loved ones, but now they’re controlling my life and fucking with my money!  Well since they want to control my life and fuck with my money, it’s time for me to turn the tables!”

“Time for you to turn the tables?  What do you mean Diane?”

“It’s time for me to control THEIR lives now!”

“Control THEIR lives?” Tomas asks.  “In what way Diane?”


“By ANY MEANS NECESSARY?!” the family shouts.

“Yes!”  Diane D turns and angrily walks away, then disappears around the corner.

“Oh oh,” Barry says, “here we go again.” 

“I know,” Mary says.  She then goes off after Diane D and shouts, “Diane!  Diane!”  Mary then disappears around the corner after Diane D.  Barry and other family members hurry off after Diane D then disappear around the corner.  Margarita, Tomas and Dan Carter stand there and watch the rest of the family go off after Diane D. 

Dan Carter turns to Margarita and Tomas and says, “I’m sorry about this.”

“I thought you made an agreement with us and Diane Mr. Carter,” Margarita says.

“I did!  I didn’t know that the victims’ family members were gonna complain about Diane D and Dana holding weapons in the commercial ad, not until they stormed into my office!  I’m sorry about this whole thing.”

“Yeah so are we,” Tomas says.  “Listen Mr. Carter we have to tend to Diane.”

“Okay no problem.  Take care.”  Dan Carter sadly turns from Margarita and Tomas and heads towards the doorway as Margarita and Tomas turn and follow where Diane D and the rest of the family went off to.