DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Owner Of Wax Museum Wants To Create Diane D And Dana In Wax!



The following day, Mr. Yim, a tall Asian man around his mid 50’s who has dark hair and bangs parted in the middle who wears glasses and dressed in a business suit is inside Margarita’s office speaking to Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry as he says to them, “I just love that sword battle game app online commercial I saw on the internet that had Diane D and her cousin Dana in it fighting with swords!”

“You love it?” Margarita asks.

“Yes I really do!  I love the commercial so much, that I would like to make wax figures of both Diane D and her cousin Dana doing the sword battle commercial to put in the wax museum!”

“What?” everyone else says. 

“You want to make wax figures of Diane and Dana doing the sword battle commercial to put in the wax museum?” Barry asks. 

“Yes!” Mr. Yim says.  “I was inside the hotel conference room at the Blixon hotel a few years ago when Diane D was inside the hotel conference room making that speech.”

“You were there?” Tomas asked.

“Yes I was.  I was one of the people who went up to the microphone, and told Diane D that I and the rest of the staff members from the museum were so inspired by all those frightening images of herself on the front wall of the hotel conference room, that my staff members approached you all earlier that day and offered to make wax figures out of the frightening images of Diane D on the front wall and place those wax figures inside the horror division of the museum or exhibit.”

“Oh it was your staff members that approached us who were telling us about wanting to make wax figures of Diane and Dana to put in the horror section of the wax museum,” Barry says.

“Yes, you remember them, huh.”

“Yes I do.”

“Yes those were my staff members that approached you all and offered to make wax figures out of the frightening images of Diane D on the front wall of the hotel conference room, but my staff members said you all declined that offer.  I asked Diane D why did you all decline that offer.  She said you all said her ordeals don‘t need to be on public display like that.”

“That’s right Mr. Yim,” Margarita says, “Diane’s ordeals don‘t need to be on public display.”

“Yeah that’s what she told me inside the hotel conference room that day.  Then I asked Diane D how does she feel about it.  She said she felt the same way about it, that she doesn’t need her ordeals on public display.  Then I asked her wouldn’t she like to see herself or an image of herself in wax.  She said maybe not like that.  Then I asked her would she like to see herself in wax at all.  She said she never really gave it a thought.  Then I told her my staff said they also offered to make a wax figure of her cousin Dana also and place that wax figure inside the horror department of the museum too, but my staff said you all declined that offer also and said you would never allow a wax figure of Diane D or a wax figure of Dana to be inside a horror department of a museum or exhibit.”

“That’s right Mr. Yim,” Margarita says, “we would never allow it.”

“Yeah that’s what Diane D told me inside the hotel conference room too.  Then I asked her why would you all never allow it.  She said because if I put a wax figure of herself and a wax figure of Dana inside the horror department of the museum, then what am I trying to say about her and Dana.”

“Yeah what ARE you trying to say about her and Dana?” Mary asks. 

“I told Diane D I wasn’t trying to say anything about her and Dana!”

“Then why would you want to put Diane’s and Dana’s wax figures in the horror section?!”

“I told Diane D that I thought the horror section would be a good spot for her and Dana’s wax figures!”

“You thought the horror section would be a good spot?!  Oh really?!”

“Yes, being that Diane D and Dana both have bad reputations, I thought that the horror section would be a good section for their wax figures.”

“Because of their bad reputations?” Margarita asks.


“So in other words, you think their wax figures will fit right in that horror section!”

“Well, yeah.  I think the horror section would be a good spot for their wax figures, but Diane D told me that she and you all were not interested in having wax figures of herself and Dana being on display inside the horror department.”

“That’s right Mr. Yim, we all still feel that way.  We’re not interested in having wax figures of Diane or Dana being on display inside the horror department of a wax museum.”

“Oh.  Okay then!  What about the adventure section?”

“The adventure section?”

“Yes, since they’re fighting with swords!”

“I’m sorry Mr. Yim, but we already went through this with the victims’ family members complaining about Diane and Dana being in that sword battle commercial, threatening Dan Carter that they would protest against the commercial if it continued to be shown online!  Then if your wax museum has wax figures of Diane and Dana, the next thing you know, is that those victims’ family members are gonna want to come after you and protest against your wax museum!  Aren’t you worried that those victims’ family members are gonna want to come after you protesting against your wax museum if your wax museum have figures of Diane and Dana in it?”

“I’ll hide the wax figures downstairs in the basement.”

“Hide the wax figures in the basement?” Tomas asks.


“What good would that do Mr. Yim, I mean who’s going to see them?!  If you have to go through all of that, you might as well not make wax figures of Diane and Dana at all then!”

“That’s right,” Margarita says.  “I’m sorry Mr. Yim, but we won’t give you permission to make wax figures of Diane or Dana to put in your wax museum.”

“You won’t give me permission?” Mr. Yim asks.


“There would be money involved in it.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes.  Every time people would purchase tickets for the wax museum, both Diane D and Dana would earn some money from the ticket sales!”

“Is that right?”

“Yes!  Since they’re not able to earn any money from that online commercial anymore, maybe they can earn money from having their wax figures at the wax museum instead!”

“I’m sorry Mr. Yim, but the answer is still no.”

“Still no?”


“Okay I won’t put Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures in the horror section, I’ll put their wax figures in the fighters or warriors section instead.”

“Fighters or warriors section?” Barry asks.


“Still ‘no’ Mr. Yim,” Margarita says.

“No?  Then how about if I put their wax figures in the athletes or sports section instead of the fighters or warriors section?”

“No Mr. Yim, we won’t give you permission to make wax figures of Diane or Dana at all no matter what section you put their wax figures in!  The answer is still ‘no’!”

“But Miss Margarita…”

“You heard my wife Mr. Yim!” Tomas shouts, “the answer is ‘no’, we do not give you permission to make wax figures of both Diane and Dana!  You got that?!  Good!  You may go now!”

“But Mr. Tomas…”

“Bye Mr. Yim,” Tomas says as he turns and walks to the door. 


Tomas reaches the door.  He opens the door, turns to Mr. Yim and says, “Good day Mr. Yim,” gesturing for Mr. Yim to leave.  Mr. Yim is disappointed.  He turns and sadly heads to the doorway.  He then walks out the doorway into the hallway as Tomas closes the door behind him.



Later on that day, Mr. Yim is sitting behind the desk inside his office looking down and disappointed.  Don an Asian male staff member around his mid 40’s who’s slightly bald on top and wearing a white T-shirt comes into his office.  He sees Mr. Yim then shouts, “Yiiim!”  Mr. Yim looks up at Don as Don says to him, “I see you’re still disappointed about Diane D’s family not allowing you to make wax figures of her and her cousin Dana, huh.”

“Of course I’m still disappointed about that Don,” Mr. Yim says, “I still want to make wax figures of Diane D and her cousin Dana!  I think their wax figures would have been perfect for this museum!”

“Yeah I think so too.  Sorry their family is not allowing you to make wax figures of them.”

“Yeah I’m sorry too.  Hey you know what?  We should secretly make the wax figures of Diane D and her cousin Dana anyway.”

“What?  Secretly make the wax figures of Diane D and her cousin Dana?  You mean make wax figures of them behind their family’s back?”

“Yes!  What we can try to do is secretly make the wax figures of Diane D and her cousin Dana.  Once we have the wax figures completed, we will store the wax figures downstairs in the basement where they won’t be publicly displayed.  Once I have the wax figures in the basement, I will call up Diane D’s family and tell them about the wax figures.  Of course they will be angry at first, then I will invite them here to the museum for a private viewing of the wax figures!  Once they get here, I will bring them down to the basement and show them the wax figures of Diane D and Dana.  Once they see the wax figures of Diane D and Dana, I figure they will change their minds and like the wax figures once they see that the wax figures are actually already made then allow the wax figures to be publicly displayed!  You want to try it?”

“I guess so, as long as the wax figures won’t be publicly displayed.  I don’t want any trouble from Diane D or her family.”

“There won’t be trouble from them as long as we have the wax figures hidden in the basement for the time being.  So let’s get to work and start working on the wax figures of Diane D and her cousin Dana.”

“Okay.”  Don turns around and walks towards the door as Mr. Yim gets up from behind his desk.



The following day, Mr. Yim and around ten staff members are sitting inside a conference room watching the sword battle online commercial featuring Diane D, Dana and the male sword fighters on a large TV screen.  Mr. Yim pauses the end of the video with Diane D and Dana standing back to back looking around holding swords high up in the air.  “Get a screen shot of that Don,” Mr. Yim says.  He then stands up out of his seat.  He turns around to the staff members and says, “Now this is the pose and look I want for the wax figures.”

“You want that pose and look?” Don asks.

“Yes.  First we need to know Diane D’s and Dana’s measurements.  I already know how tall they are.  I’ve seen Diane D and her cousin Dana before.  They both seem to be just a little bit shorter than me.  Plus I remember Diane D’s height from inside the hotel conference room a few years ago.”

“I saw Diane D from a distance too,” Don says.

“You did?” a white male staff member says.

“Yeah.  She’s my height.”

“She is?”


“And how tall are you?”

“I’m between five feet five inches and five feet six inches tall, in other words, I’m five feet five and a half inches.”

“Your five feet five and a half inches?”


“Okay that settles it then,” Mr. Yim says.  “We’ll make Diane D’s and Dana’s wax figures five feet five and a half inches tall.  And remember everyone, we must keep this a secret between us, okay?  We will reveal the wax figures to Diane D’s family once the wax figures are completed.  Now let’s get this thing going.”  The staff members start to stand up out of the chairs and head towards the door.



The following day, My Yim is alone inside a very large empty chamber inside the basement of the wax museum.   He has the screenshot of Diane D and Dana standing back to back looking around holding swords high up in the air on his tablet.  He looks out at the large empty chamber.   He then holds the tablet up against the empty chamber.  He looks at the screenshot of Diane D and Dana against the empty chamber trying to measure the spot and position where he would place their wax figures.