DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


Kurt Claims To See Diane D Stalking Him!



Kurt is sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee with his mother Mrs. Reid and brother Kyle.  He looks to the side out the window.  He suddenly becomes shocked!  He then shouts, “Oh my God, that’s Diane D!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.  “Diane D?!”

“Yeah!  She’s right there!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout as they quickly turn their heads around towards the coffee shop window and look out of it.  They look out on the street and sidewalk.  They do not see Diane D anywhere.  They stare out the coffee shop window and look out on the sidewalk and street.  They still do not see any sign of Diane D.  They turn back to Kurt as Mrs. Reid says, “Kurt, I don’t see Diane D!”

“I don’t see her either,” Kyle says.

“You don’t?” Kurt asks.

“No,” Mrs. Reid says.

“She was just there!”

“Oh yeah?  Where?!”

“Outside the window!  She disappeared as soon as you guys turned around!”

“She did?”


“What was she doing out there?” Kyle asks.

“Nothing!  She was just standing outside the coffee shop window angrily staring at me!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.  “Angrily staring at you?!”

“She was standing outside the coffee shop window angrily staring at you?” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.  “It looked like she was mad at me!”

“Mad at you?”

“That’s the way she looked!  Her eyes looked puffy while she was angrily staring at me!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout.

“Her eyes looked puffy while she was angrily staring at you?” Kyle asks.

“Yeah!” Kurt shouts.  “She knows we’re the ones who caused that online commercial of her and her cousin Dana not to be shown any more causing her and her cousin Dana not to make any more money from it and wants to get at us for it!  I think she might be stalking us!”

“Stalking us?!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shout. 


“Kurt how can Diane D even be out here?!” Kyle shouts.  “Isn’t she on house arrest?!”

“That’s what I thought!  Maybe she escaped!”

“Escaped?!  You think she could have escaped?”

“Most likely she escaped since I saw her out there!  I’m gonna have to call the police on her!”

“Call the police?!” Mrs. Reid shouts. 


“Kurt are you sure it was Diane D you saw out there?!  Because you just can’t call the police on somebody just because you saw them outside a public window staring at you, as long as they’re not trying to harm you!”

“The way she was angrily staring at me like that, I think she wants me to be harmed again just like when she was there when I got shot inside the stairwell at her family’s organization!  It was like she was challenging me!  I don’t want to take another chance with Diane D because she is a dangerous person!  I have to get prepared and call the cops on her!”

“Kurt, I don’t want you to call the cops and make false accusations against anybody!”

“It’s not a false accusation Mom!  I really saw Diane D out there!” 

“But did she try to harm you?”

“Not yet!  I want the cops to get to her before she gets to me!”  Kurt gets on his cell phone and gets ready to call the police.  Mrs. Reid and Kyle puzzled look at Kurt, they then turn and look back out the window still seeing no sign of Diane D.



A few hours later, Officer Kilpatrick is at the organization inside Margarita’s office talking to Margarita, Diane D and the rest of their family as he says to Diane D, “Diane D, Kurt Reid, the victim who got shot in the stairwell here at the organization says he saw you outside a coffee shop window angrily staring at him.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“That guy Kurt said he saw Diane outside a coffee shop window angrily staring at him?!” Margarita shouts.

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “he said he saw Diane D outside a coffee shop window while he was sitting inside there with his mother and his brother.”  Officer Kilpatrick turns to Diane D and says, “Diane D, do you remember being outside any coffee shop window staring at Kurt while he was inside a coffee shop with his family a little while ago?”

“Hell no!” Diane D shouts.  “Why would I be outside some damn coffee shop window staring at him?!”

“He thought maybe you might be stalking him.”

“Stalking him?!” the family shouts.

“He thinks Diane might be stalking him?!” Mary shouts.

“That’s what he said,” Officer Kilpatrick says. 

“Officer I didn’t stalk that guy!” Diane D shouts.  “That motherfucka is not worth my time to be stalking and staring at!”

“Well he says he saw you outside a coffee shop window angrily staring at him and wants to make a report of it.”

“What!” the family shouts, “make a report of it?!”

“He wants to report Diane staring at him outside some damn coffee shop window?!” Nicolas shouts.

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“See?!” Diane D turns to her family and shouts, “that motherfucka keeps causing trouble for me!”  Diane D turns back to Officer Kilpatrick and shouts, “First this guy tells everybody I was there when he got shot in the stairwell and I don’t remember ever being in the stairwell when he or ANYBODY got shot there!  Second, he and his family caused that online commercial with me and Dana not to be shown online anymore causing me and her not to make any more money from it!  Now he’s saying that he saw me outside some coffee shop window angrily staring at him when I was never there!  If he did see me outside some coffee shop window staring at him, I don’t remember it!”

“Officer!” Mary shouts, “Diane has been with us the whole entire time!  We all have to keep our eyes on her, we do not let her out of our sight!”

“That’s right officer!” Margarita shouts.  “If Diane was outside that coffee shop window staring at that guy Kurt, we would have been right there along with her because she’s always with us, we have to keep our eyes on her at all times!”

“Yeah!” Nicolas shouts, “maybe that guy Kurt’s mind is playing tricks on him!”

“That’s right officer!” Barry shouts, “because Diane has been here with us all day!  She never left our sight!”

“Okay,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “I understand.  I just needed to hear YOUR side of the story, that’s all.  It’s only fair that I hear BOTH sides of the story.”

“Look Officer!” Diane D shouts, “I am so sick and tired of these goddamn people accusing me of doing something that I don’t remember doing, just like that damn kid Marcus told everybody that I beat him up inside that school hallway that night then chased him down the back stairwell of that school building, and I don’t remember beating him up OR chasing him down the back stairwell of that school building either!  I swear if people keep accusing me of doing things I’m not actually doing, I’m gonna have to start filing harassment charges against them!”  Diane D turns around and walks away into the hallway.  She then turns and disappears around the corner as Mary, Barry, Nicolas and the rest of their family members go after her. 

Margarita turns to Officer Kilpatrick and says, “Look officer, I don’t know what the hell is going on.  I don’t understand how that guy Kurt is seeing Diane when she’s with us!”

“Yeah officer,” Tomas says, “Diane is only one person, she can’t be at two different places at the same time!”

“I know that and you know that, but try telling that to Kurt,” Officer Kilpatrick says.  “I’m sorry I had to come here and bother you all with this information, but I had to let you all know what Kurt claimed then get your side of the story.”

“We understand officer,” Margarita says.  “Thanks for the information.”

“You’re welcome.  If I get any more information, I’ll let you know.”


“Take care.”  Officer Kilpatrick turns around and walks away towards the doorway.



Several days later, Alex is walking inside the organization hallway.  He sees Margarita on the side.  He turns and starts to head towards her.

Alex approaches Margarita and says, “Hey Miss Margarita.”

“Hey Alex,” Margarita says.  “What’s going on?”

“Nothing much.  I heard you and your family took Diane back to see Dr. Stone a couple of days ago.”

“We did.”

“Oh yeah?  Why?”

“To catch up on her memory assignments again.”

“To catch up on her memory assignments?”

“Yes so she can practice her memory again to see if she remembers this, to see if she remembers that, to see if she remembers doing this or to see if she remembers doing that, to see if she remembers being in this place or to see if she remembers being in that place because she still does not remember a lot of actions that she’s accused of in the past!”

“Like when that nurse inside the jail cell claimed Diane was staring at her and Diane claimed she never saw a nurse inside her jail cell that day.”


“Like when that woman Candis claimed Diane threatened her over the phone and Diane claimed she never threatened Candis.  Like when that kid Marcus claimed Diane beat him up inside the school hallway and she claimed she never beat him up.  Like when Nancy claim Diane said those strange things to her inside your family’s home that night and Diane claimed she doesn’t remember saying those things to Nancy.  Like when that guy Kurt claimed Diane was there when he got shot in the stairwell and Diane claimed she was never there.  Now that guy Kurt claims Diane was outside some coffee shop window staring at him and she claim she was never there, but this time you and your family can prove Diane was never outside the coffee shop window staring at him because you and your family are with her all the time.  You all keep an eye on her.  She has no way of escaping from any of you to go stalk that guy Kurt and watch him outside a coffee shop window.”

“I know!”

“So why did that the guy Kurt swear he saw Diane outside the coffee shop window staring at him?!”

“I don’t know Alex, but whoever it was that guy Kurt saw outside the coffee shop window staring at him was not Diane, it was someone else.”

“Someone else?  Like who?  I mean who would stare him down outside a coffee shop window?”

“I have no idea Alex.”  Margarita and Alex worriedly look at each other.



A couple of days later, Margarita is inside her office sitting behind her desk doing paperwork.  Diane D is sitting on a chair besides Margarita’s desk again with a stack of papers on her lap with her arms folded angrily staring down at the stack of papers.  Margarita turns to Diane D and says, “Diane, are you okay?”

Diane D turns her head towards Margarita and says, “No I’m not okay Grandma.  I’m still upset about that guy Kurt accusing me of stalking him.  I’m still upset about him saying that I was in the stairwell when he got shot.  I’m still upset about him and his family ruining it for me and Dana, causing that online commercial of me and her not to be played on the internet anymore, causing us not to make any more profits from it when someone was finally not afraid of me and was willing to put me in their project!”

“I’m sorry Diane.  I know how you feel.  I don’t like the fact that guy Kurt and his family stopped the online commercial either!”  Diane D turns her head back forward and looks back down at the papers as Margarita asks, “So how’s your memory assignment coming along?”

“Very complicated Grandma.”

“I understand.  Dr. Stone wants you to try to remember most of the stuff to exercise your memory.”

“Really.  Do I have to do all this memory work because of what that guy Kurt said about seeing me outside some coffee shop window staring at him?”

“No it’s not because of that, we know you were with us the same time he claim to have seen you outside that coffee shop window.  It’s because of your past memory lapses.”

“My past memory lapses?”


“Oh.  You mean like when Nancy claim I said those strange things to her inside the upstairs hallway that night and I don’t remember it?”


“And that kid Marcus claiming I beat him up inside the school hallway?”

“Yes, that’s why Dr. Stone and the rest of us want you to study the memory assignment.  So let’s get back to it.”

“Get back to it?  Am I gonna be able to step out and take a break soon Grandma?”

“You’ll get your break in about an hour.”

“An hour?”

“Yes.  The sooner you finish the memory assignment, the sooner you can have your break.” 

“Okay Grandma.”  Diane D turns her head back forward and looks back down and study the memory assignments on the papers as Margarita continues to do paperwork at her desk.



Around ninety minutes later, Kurt is sitting on a park bench with a group of three male friends standing beside him as he looks to the side at them chit chatting with them.  He then looks forward.  He suddenly becomes shocked and shouts, “Oh my God!”

“Oh my God?” one of the guys a white male says.  “Oh my God what Kurt?  What happened?”

“There’s Diane D again!”

“What!” Kurt friends shout.  “Diane D again?!”

“What are you talking about Kurt?!” the first guy says.  “What do you mean there’s Diane D again?!”

“She’s right there!” Kurt shouts as he points his finger way across the opposite side of the park. 

Kurt’s friends quickly turn their heads around and look all the way towards the opposite side of the park.  They stare towards the opposite side of the park.  They faintly see a group of people very, very far away, but they do not see Diane D anywhere.  They turn back to Kurt as the first guy says, “Kurt, I don’t see Diane D!”

“You don’t see her?!”

“No I don’t!  I can’t see her from this far away!”

“I can’t see her either,” the second guy another white male says.

“You can’t?!” Kurt shouts.


“Neither can I,” the third guy with olive skin and straight black hair says.

“What!” Kurt shouts.  “You can’t see her either?!  None of you guys see her at all?!  What are you all blind?!  How can you all not see Diane D when she’s sitting way across the park looking right at me!”

“What!” his friends shout.  “Looking at you?!”

“Diane D is looking at you?” the third guy says.

“Yeah!” Kurt shouts.

Kurt’s friends quickly turn their heads back around and look all the way towards the opposite side of the park again.  They stare towards the opposite side of the park.  They still faintly see a group of people very far away, but still see no sign of Diane D.  “Kurt we still don’t see Diane D anywhere!” the first guy shouts as he continues to look way across the park.  “We can’t really see way down there on the other side of the park anyway, the people are too far away, you can’t really see who they are, so how are you gonna be able to tell who’s down there!  You can’t even see the whites of their eyes, so how the hell are you gonna be able to tell if anybody from down there is looking at you from that far way?”  The first guy turns back to Kurt and says, “Unless you happen to have a pair of binoculars on you.  Do you have binoculars on you Kurt?”

“Binoculars?!  No I have no goddamn binoculars on me!  I can see her!  She’s sitting way across the park with those people!  Damn what the hell is she doing here?!  She must have followed me here too!” 

“Followed you?”

“Yeah, just like she did before when I saw her outside the coffee shop window!”

“My God Kurt!” the second guy shouts.  “Are you sure you can see Diane D all the way from this distance?”

“Yes I can see her!”

“So that means she’s way across the park now?”

“Yes and she’s looking right over here!”

“Oh yeah?  Is she looking at us?”

“No she’s not looking at you guys, she’s looking at me!”

“Looking at you?”


“Kurt isn’t Diane D on house arrest?” the third guy asks, “and doesn’t she be with her family at all times?!”


“So how can she even be inside this park unless her family is there with her?”

“Maybe she escaped from them!”

“Escaped from them?!”

“Yeah!  She managed to escaped from them before when she had me shot in the stairwell!”

“But doesn’t she wear ankle monitors where it will go off if she tries to escape from her family?”

“Maybe she somehow got those ankle monitors not to go off when she escaped from her family’s clutches and had me shot in the stairwell, and it looks like she might have escaped from her family’s clutches again!”

“Oh yeah?”


“Are you sure that Diane D is down that other end of the park Kurt?”

“Yes she’s down there, I can feel it!”

“You can feel it?”

“Yes!  I can feel Diane D sitting over there looking at me, watching me!”

“Looking at you, watching you?”

“That’s right!”

“I thought you said that Diane D was sitting over there because you saw her sitting there, not because you can feel her sitting there!”

“It’s both!  I see her sitting there and I can feel her sitting there staring at me!”

“Wow Kurt!” the first guy shouts as he looks way across the park again.  “You must be have x-ray vision in order to see that far away because I still see no sign of Diane D way from here.”

“You still don’t?!”

“No I can’t see Diane D anywhere!”

“Well maybe it’s not meant for any of you guys to see her!  It’s probably only meant for me to see her because I can still see her looking at me!”

“You can?”

“Yes!  I swear if she comes near me, I’m going to defend myself!”

“Defend yourself?” the third guys says.  “In what way?”

“I am going to shoot her!”

“Shoot her?!” the guys shout.

“That’s right shoot her!” Kurt shouts.

“Oh no Kurt!” the third guy shouts.  “Please don’t go there!”

“Why not?!  She’s the one who’s starting this!  I’m over here minding my business talking with you guys and there she is, sitting way across the park staring at me with those dagger eyes!”

“Staring at you with dagger eyes?” the second guy shouts.

“Yeah like she wants to come at me!” 

“You can see her dagger eyes Kurt?”

“Yep, I sure can!”

Kurt’s friends turn their heads and worriedly look way across the park again.  They still see no sign of Diane D.  They then turn and look back at Kurt.  Kurt sits there on the bench staring way across the park. 



Way across the opposite side of the park, Diane D, Dana, their Aunt Celeste and their Aunt Laura are sitting on park benches that have tables there.  Diane D and Dana are sitting right next to each other with Dana on Diane D’s right, Aunt Laura on Diane D’s left and Aunt Celeste sitting right across from Dana with the table between them.  “Come on Dana,” Aunt Celeste says, “you have to get back to your memory assignment now.”

“Oh yeah?” Dana says.  “I thought I was on break Aunt Celeste.”

“Your break was over three minutes ago, but Grandma Margarita says you and Diane can continue to work on your memory assignments out here so you two can get some fresh air.  Now Diane already started getting back on her memory assignments.”  Dana and Aunt Laura turn their heads and take a quick look at Diane D as Diane D quietly sits there holding a stack of paper right up to her face studying her memory assignments.  Aunt Laura holds Diane D’s papers and takes a quick look at the page Diane D is studying.  “Now it’s your turn Dana,” Aunt Celeste says, “let’s get to it.”  Aunt Celeste takes a stack of paper off the table, fixes the stack of paper then holds the stack of paper out to Dana.  Dana angrily looks at the stack of paper.  She then looks at Aunt Celeste.  Aunt Laura then let go of Diane D’s papers.  She takes a quick glance back at Diane D then turns towards the table and grabs some papers off the table as Diane D continues to sit there quietly studying the memory assignments continuing to hold the papers right up to her face. 



Back across the opposite side of the park, Kurt continues to sit there on the park bench facing the opposite side of the park as his friends continue to stand beside him looking way across the park.  “Kurt,” the first guy says, “we still don’t see Diane D!”

“No?!” Kurt shouts.  “I don’t know how you guys still don’t see her when she’s sitting right there looking at me!”

“Are you sure she’s looking at you Kurt?” the third guy says.  “Can she even see you all the way from that distance?”

“If she keeps looking right at me, I guess she can see me!”  Kurt continues to sit there on the bench staring way across the park.  He then starts to mumble to himself saying, “Yeah you want to try me bitch?  If you want me, come and get me because I’m ready for you!” 



Back across the opposite side of the park, Diane D continues to sit there on the park bench between Dana and Aunt Laura quietly holding the stack of paper right up to her face slightly looking right over the papers.  Her slightly puffy slightly swollen vicious looking eyes secretly glare all the way across the park at Kurt!



Back across the opposite side of the park, Kurt continues to sit on the bench facing the opposite side of the park as his friends continue to stand beside him.  He quickly turns his head to his friends and shouts, “See?!  She’s staring at me again!  Look!”  Kurt’s friends quickly turn their heads and look way across the opposite side of the park again.  They still see no sign of Diane D.  They stare across the park.  They still cannot see Diane D.  They turn back to Kurt.  “Look Kurt,” the first guy says, “we still don’t see Diane D!”

“Oh no?!” Kurt shouts.  “Well if you can’t see her from over here, go take a walk all the way over there!”

“Take a walk all the way over there?”

“Yeah, you’ll see her!”

“Oh yeah?  Is that right?”


“No thank you Kurt, I don’t need to walk over there.  There is one thing or one person that I do not care to run into or want to be bothered with, and that’s Diane D, especially after she killed all those authority figures including your father with that psychiatrist couch and injured around twenty other authority figures, some of them are still laying in the hospital, you think I want to run into her?!  I don’t think so!”

“Me neither,” the third guys says.

“Neither do I because she’s dangerous!” the second guy shouts, “that’s why she’s in the mental institution!”

“What the hell is being locked up in a mental institution going to do if she is able to come out and sit right there on the park bench looking at me?!” Kurt shouts.  “Oh Oh, there she goes again, looking right over here!  She keeps staring at me with those dagger eyes!”  Kurt’s friends turn their heads and look way across the park again.  They still see no sign of Diane D.  They turn their heads back around and puzzled look at Kurt as Kurt continues to sit there on the bench staring way across the park mumbling to himself, “Well what are you waiting for bitch?  Come and get me!” 



Back across the opposite side of the park, Diane D continues to sit there between Dana and Aunt Laura still quietly holding the papers right up to her face slightly looking right over the papers secretly glaring across the park at Kurt.  Her eyes appear more puffy, more swollen and more vicious looking as her eyes continue to secretly glare all the way across the park at Kurt appearing to read his mind as she hears him mumbling to her, “You want to try me bitch?  Huh?  Come on, you want to try me?  Come on, what are you waiting for?  Come and get me!”



Back across the opposite side of the park, Kurt turns to his friends and says, “She’s still looking over here at me!”

“She is?” the third guy says.

“Yeah and she won’t stop!  I can’t take it anymore!  I’m getting out of here!” Kurt shouts as he stands up from the bench. 

“We’ll come with you.” 

Kurt and his friends take one last look towards the opposite side of the park again.  They then turn and start to head towards the street.



Two hours later, Kurt and his friends are waiting at the elevator inside the lobby of his apartment building chit-chatting.  He then looks up at the elevator floor numbers and says, “What’s taking this elevator so long?  It’s been stuck up on the ninth floor for a while now.”

“Well maybe we should walk up,” the third guy says.

“You feel like walking all the way up to the sixth floor?”

“Yeah we can do it!  As a matter of fact, stair climbing is good exercise.  Think of it as mountain climbing.”

Kurt and his friends laugh a little.  Kurt then says, “Okay let’s go.”  Kurt and his friends turn and walk towards the stairway. 



Three minutes later, Kurt and his friends are walking up the stairs inside his apartment building.  They are heading up the fourth flight of stairs going up to the fourth floor.  Kurt then looks up.  He suddenly becomes shocked and stop right in his tracks as he shouts, “Oh my God!”

Kurt’s friends become startled and stop in their tracks too as the first guy shouts, “Oh my God?!  Oh my God what Kurt, what happened this time?!”

“There’s Diane D again!”

“What!” Kurt friends shout.  “Diane D again?!”

“What are you talking about Kurt?!” the first guy shouts.  “What do you mean there’s Diane D again?!  In this building?!”

“Yes in this building!” Kurt shouts.  “I just saw her!” Kurt shouts as he points his finger right up the stairs at the fourth floor stairwell door!  “She was peeking at me right through the stairway door at the top of the stairs!”

“What!” Kurt friends shout.

“She was?!” the second guy shouts.

“Yeah!” Kurt quickly pulls his gun out of his pocket!

“Kurt!” the third guy shouts, “What are you doing?!”

“I’m going to defend myself, what do you think?!”

“Kurt, before you start to shoot at someone, are you sure it was Diane D you saw?!”

“Yes I’m sure it was her!”

“If it was Diane D you saw, then what is she doing inside this building?!”

“Most likely she followed me here!”

“Followed you?!”


“Why would she follow you?”

“To come after me!”

“Then how did she get inside this building?!”

“I don’t know!”  Kurt runs up the stairs to the fourth floor stairway door as his friends hurry up the stairs behind him! 


Kurt reaches the fourth floor landing and approaches the stairway door!  He opens the stairway door then runs out the stairway into the fourth floor hallway as his friends rush behind him!


Kurt is slowly walking on the fourth floor hallway with his gun drawn  He quickly looks around the fourth floor hallway and shouts, “Okay bitch!  Where are you?!  Where are you?!”  Kurt and his friends nervously look around the fourth floor hallway.  They do not see any sign of Diane D.  Kurt’s friends worriedly turn to him as the third guy says, “Kurt are you sure you saw Diane D this time?”

“Yes I saw her!”

“Are you sure?!  Because first you said you saw her at the park, now you say you see her here inside this building!”

“Because obviously she followed me here!”

“Are you sure it was Diane D you saw at the staircase door?”

“Yes I’m sure!”

“Kurt, how can you tell if it was Diane D peeking at you through the stairway door if the stairway door wasn’t opened all the way?” the second guy asks.  “That could have been ANYBODY you saw peeking at you!”

“No, it wasn’t just anybody, that was Diane D I saw!  First I caught her staring a