DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Kurt’s Nightmare!



That same night, Kurt is laying in the hospital bed still with a bandage wrapped around his head and face, and a bandage wrapped around his arm and leg.  He is sleeping.  He starts tossing and turning as he starts to dream.




Kurt’s soul or spirit is soaring in another dimension in the astral plane over a thick forest or wilderness where it is very windy and very cloudy where there are thick dark storm clouds in the sky.  His soul or spirit is soaring over thick trees.  His soul or spirit then soars through the trees then towards the ground. 

Kurt soon lands lying face down on the ground.  He holds his head up and looks around.  He then sits up and looks around.  He finds himself surrounded by a dark spooky eerie forest or woods.  The forest is dimly lit with small fires everywhere and dimly lit from the storm clouds above.  The wind blows with an eerie sound to it.  Kurt then gets up.  He stands and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest.  He sees a few dark dirt paths in the distance going into different directions.  He goes down one of the dark dirt paths and starts to wander through the eerie forest as he puzzledly and frighteningly looks around.  He nervously says to himself, “Where am I?  What am I doing here?  How did I even get here?”  Kurt continues to go down the dark dirt path and wanders through the forest puzzledly and frighteningly looking around.  He suddenly hears a deep voice screaming way in the distance shouting, “Help!”  Kurt quickly turns his head and puzzledly looks towards the sound of the voice.  “Help, help, help!” the deep voice screams again.  “Help me somebody, help!”  The voice is coming from another dark dirt path.  Kurt goes down the other dark dirt path towards the sound of the voice and follows it.  “Please somebody heeeelp!” the voice screams again.  “Somebody please heeeelp!” the voice screams again as Kurt continues to go down the dark dirt path following the voice.   


A couple of minutes later, Kurt continues to walk down the dark dirt path following where the voice is coming from.  “Heeelp!” the voice screams again. 

Kurt then stops on the dirt path and reaches the part of the dark forest where he hears the mysterious voice.  He looks to his left and sees where the voice is coming from.  He becomes shocked and horrified to find Diane D five yards away from him down in the grass and weeds laying on her belly dressed in the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes with her long spooky black hair out loose with bangs blowing in the wind.  She is trapped in a contortionist position with her head down facing the grass, her back bent backwards, her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders with her right wrist handcuffed and chained to the shackle on her right ankle with a two feet chain attached between the handcuff on her right wrist and the shackle on right ankle.  Her left wrist is handcuffed and chained to the shackle on her left ankle with a two feet chain attached between the handcuff on her left wrist and the shackle on left ankle.  She is locked in the contortionist position with the handcuffs, shackles and chains!  She is in distressed as she tries to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains, but she cannot break loose from them, she cannot break free!  Kurt stands five yards away on the dirt path shockingly staring down at Diane D as she lays on her belly with her back bent backwards trying to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains trying to break free from her locked contortionist position!  Diane D suddenly stops trying to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains.  She is out of breath.  She then holds her head up.  She looks up with her face slightly pale and her eyes small, slightly swollen and slightly puffy and sees Kurt.  She looks at Kurt as her long black hair and bangs continues to blow in the wind with some of her hair and bangs blowing in front of her face.  “Hey,” she says to Kurt.  Kurt continues to stand on the dirt path shockingly staring down at Diane D.  “Hey wait a minute,” Diane D says to him out of breath, “you’re Kurt aren’t you?!”  Kurt does not answer.  He becomes stunned when he realizes that Diane D knows who he is.  He continues to shockingly stare down at her.  “Could you help me?” Diane D says to him.  “Please help me.  Please get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains?  I’m stuck down here in this position.”  Kurt continues to shockingly stare down at Diane D.  “Could you help me get out of this position?” Diane D says to him.  “Will you unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains for me?”  Kurt continues to shockingly stare down at Diane D.  He puzzled stares at her.  He turns his head and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest.  He turns his head back forward and puzzledly looks back down at Diane D.  “Please help me?” Diane D says to him as her long black hair and bangs continues to blow in the wind with some of her hair and bangs blowing in front of her face.  “Unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains and release me from this position?  Please get me out of this?  Please get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains?”  Kurt continues to shockingly stare down at Diane D.  He turns his head and frighteningly looks around the spooky forest again.  He turns his head back forward and puzzledly looks back down at Diane D.  Diane D tries to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains again, but she cannot break loose from them!  She is still locked and trapped in the contortionist position.  She struggles to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains, but she still does not succeed.  She becomes distressed more.  She looks up at Kurt again.  She becomes frustrated and shouts, “Come on just don’t stand there, help me!”  Kurt hesitates.  He does not know what to do.  He doesn’t know if he should help Diane D.  He doesn’t know if he should even trust her knowing that she killed his father and knowing that she’s been stalking him.  Diane D tries to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains again, but she still does not succeed.  She looks up at Kurt again and shouts, “Aren’t you going to even help me?!”

“First of all, where am I?” Kurt nervously says.  “What am I doing here?  How did I get here?  How did I get inside these woods?  Especially, what are you doing here Diane D?  What are you doing down there in the grass chained up like that?”

“I’ll tell you what happened,” Diane D says out of breath.  “This evil Being handcuffed and chained me up like this!”

“What?  Evil Being?  An evil Being handcuffed and chained you up, like that?”


“What evil Being?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“No I don’t.”

“Why did they handcuff and chain you up?  Why did they do that to you?”

“They said that I need to be locked up and chained forever.”

“What?  They said that you need to be locked up and chained forever?”

“Yeah, so they approached me!  When they approached me, I turned and ran from them!”

“You ran from them?”

“Yes, then they chased after me!”

“They chased after you?”

“Yes, then they caught up to me, grabbed me, held me down then locked and chained me up in this position, then ran off and just left me here like this!”

“They did?”


“My God, why do they think that you need to be locked up and chained forever?”

“They accused me of causing a lot of chaos in your world.”

“What?  They accused you of causing a lot of chaos in my world?”


“What do you mean MY world?”

“That’s exactly what I mean, YOUR world.”

“Oh yeah?  Aren’t you and I in the same world?”

“Right now we are.”

“Right now we are?”


“What chaos are they talking about?”

“The chaos in your world.”

“The chaos in my world?”


“Which chaos?”

“I don’t know.  I didn’t cause any chaos.”

“You didn’t cause any chaos?”


“Well if they think that you caused chaos in the world, and that you need to be locked up and chained forever, why did they chose to do that to you here in the woods of all places?”

“Well what other place do you expect?  It’s nothing but woods here.”

“It’s nothing but woods here?”


“But why did they chose to do that to you during the dusk?”

“It’s always dusk here.”

“What?  It’s always dusk here?  I don’t understand.  What do you mean it’s always dusk here?”

“There’s no daylight in this place.”

“What?  There’s no daylight in this place?  What are you talking about, what do you mean there’s no daylight in this place?”

“It’s never daylight here.”

“It’s never daylight here?”

“No, the sun never shines here.”

“What?  The sun never shines here?!  Why not?!”

“That’s just the way it is.”

“That’s just the way it is?!  Is that why there’re little fires all over this place?”


“My God, where am I?!” Kurt shouts as he frighteningly looks around the spooky forest again.  “What kind of place is this?!  Where on earth am I if it’s never daylight here and the sun never shines?!  I must be near the top of the world close to the North Pole!  Am I close to the North Pole?!”  Kurt looks back at Diane D and says, “Where am I Diane D?!”

“Where do you think?  You’re in the woods just like me.”

“I can see that, but what part of the world am I in?!”

“You’re in the same world I’m in.”

“I’m in the same world you’re in?”


“Really!  And what world is that?!  Does this world or place have a name?!”

“No it doesn’t.”

“What?  This world or place doesn’t have a name?”


“We’re not close to the North Pole?”

“No we’re not.”

“Are we near the South Pole?”


“We’re not near the South Pole either?”


“So where am I?!  How did I get here?!”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“No.  So could you release me from these handcuffs, shackles and chains please?”

“What I would like to know is, why am I here Diane D?  Did you somehow bring me here?  Did you bring me to this odd place?  Are you stalking me again Diane D?”

“Am I stalking you again?”


“I never stalked you.”

“You never stalked me?”


“You did too stalk me.”

“I did?”

“Yeah.  You were there when I got shot in the stairwell at your family’s organization.”

“I was?”

“Yes, and you were staring at me outside a coffee shop window while I was sitting inside there with my family.”

“I was?”

“Yes you were, then your eyes were stalking me all the way from across a park while I was sitting there with my friends, then you were stalking me inside my own apartment building in the stairway while I was walking up the stairs with my friends, then I caught you running away from me right on my own floor, now you’re here in the woods of all places, the same place I’m at, and at the same time.  Are you stalking me again Diane D?”

“No.  How the hell am I able to stalk you anyway while I’m trapped and chained in this position?!  It just happens to be a coincidence that I’m here at the same place you’re at, and at the same time.”

“A coincidence?”

“Well yeah.  It’s just happens to be a coincidence that you and I came across each other like this.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Mighty funny when I got here and you first looked up and saw me standing here, you didn’t really seem surprised when you saw me.  It’s almost as if you were already expecting me here, because when you first saw me standing here, you called me by name, so that means, you already know me.  You already know who I am.  Were you already expecting me to come here Diane D?  Were you luring me here with your screams for help?”

“I was trying to lure anybody here to help me, I didn’t care who it was, as long as whoever came here help get these handcuffs, shackles and chains off me.  You just happen to be the one who heard my screams for help and came here.  It’s a good thing you heard my screams for help and got over her because you got here just in the nick of time to save me from this position.”

“I got here just in the nick of time to save you from that position?”

“Yeah.  If you hadn’t shown up here, I would have been stuck down here in the grass trapped in this position and stayed like this forever!”

“You would?”

“Yeah, so since you’re the one that’s here, you can be the one to help get these handcuffs, shackles and chains off me.  You can be my savior.”

“Your savior?”

“Yeah.  You can save me from being stuck down here in the grass trapped in this horrible position.”

“I can?”

“Yeah.  So why don’t you be my savior and help unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains for me so you can release me from this horrible position.  You can start that by getting the key.”

“Getting the key?  What key?”

“The key to the handcuffs, shackles and chains.  It’s right over there on that bush.  I can’t reach it.”

Kurt turns his head to his left.  He sees a large key with a large ring on it laying on the bush several yards away from Diane D.  He turns back to Diane D and says, “You mean to tell me, that whoever locked and chained you up like that, just left the key not too far from you?”

“Well they didn’t deliberately leave the key there, they accidentally dropped the key when they ran off, but didn’t know it.”

“They didn’t know that they dropped the key?”

“No they didn’t.  It’s a good thing they dropped the key, now that you’re here, you can go get it for me and help unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains off me.”

“Oh really?”


“Why should I help unlock the handcuffs, shackles and chains off you?”

“What?  Why should you help unlock the handcuffs, shackles and chains off me?  What kind of question is that?  What do you mean ‘why should you help unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains off me’?  Why not help unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains?”

“Because you killed my dad.”

“I killed your dad?  What are you talking about?”

“Oh don’t acted like you don’t know what I’m talking about Diane D!  You killed my father last year when you picked up that psychiatrist couch and threw it twenty or thirty feet across the room at full speed hitting his head and neck killing him instantly when he, a Priest and the other authority figures had burst into that hypnosis room!”

“I did?”

“Yes, you did!”

“I didn’t kill your dad.  I didn’t kill anyone!”

“Yes you did Diane D, you injured and killed a lot of people that day!  You practically decapitated my dad and the other authority figures with that psychiatrist couch!”

“I did?”

“Yes you did!  You busted their heads wide open when you threw that psychiatrist couch at around fifty or sixty miles an hour, hitting them all!  Some of the victims are still laying in the hospital in comas, others are brain dead!”

“They are?”

“Yes they are!”

“I don’t remember doing that.  I don’t remember killing your father or anybody else!”

“You don’t remember killing my dad?!”


“Do you remember picking up that psychiatrist couch throwing it twenty or thirty feet across the hypnosis room at fifty or sixty miles an hour?!”

“No I don’t.”

“You don’t remember doing that either?!”

“No I don’t.”

“Well your family members remember you doing that!  They already claimed that you killed my father and all the other authority figures including the Priest!  They witnessed the whole entire massacre first-hand!”

“They did?”

“Yes they did!”

“Well if I did kill all those people and your father, I still don’t remember it.”

“You still don’t remember any of it at all?”

“No I don’t.”

“Wow.  Let me tell you something Diane D, whoever have you handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that must have felt that they had a very good reason to have you handcuffed, shackled and chained like that after what you did last year!  After you killed my father and all the other authority figures and the Priest with that psychiatrist couch, I agree with whoever have you handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that!”

“What!  You agree with them having me handcuffed, shackled and chained like this?!” Diane D shouts as she jerks the chains causing the chains to rattle.

“Yes I do!  Now that you’re handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that, at least you’re not able to break away to harm or kill any more people!  As a matter of fact, I would like to meet whoever handcuffed, shackled and chained you up like that.”

“You would like to meet them?”

“Yes I do.”

“Why do you want to meet them?”

“So that I can thank them for having you handcuffed, shackled and chained!”

“What!  So you can thank them for having me handcuffed, shackled and chained?!”

“Yes!  I would like to thank them for saving the world from people like you!”

“What!  Saving the world from people like me?!  You mean to tell me that you’re glad I’m in this position?!  You’re glad that I’m trapped like this?!”

“If being trapped like that means putting a stop to you harming or killing anymore innocent people, then yes, I’m glad that you’re trapped like that!”

“What!  How dare you!”  Diane D shouts as she jerks the chains again causing the chains to rattle.  “How dare you be glad that I’m in distress like this!  Get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains so I can be released from this position!”

“No!  Why should I help you get out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains?!  So you can go around to harm and kill more innocent people?!  So you can take more people’s fathers away from them?!  No, I won’t help get you out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains, just in case you decide to go around harming and killing more innocent people!  I do not want other people’s blood on my hands!”

“So you won’t help me get out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains?!”

“Weren’t you able to break loose from those handcuffs, shackles and chains inside that hypnosis room last year when you were handcuffed, shackled and chained to that psychiatrist couch?!  You were able to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains then when you used that psychiatrist couch as a weapon to kill my dad and the other authority figures!  So no, I will not help you get out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains!  I will not help a person who killed my father and I will not help a person who has no respect for authority figures either!  I will not help release you into the world so you can harm and kill more innocent people!”

“So you refuse to help me!”

“Yes I refuse to help you!” 

“Very well then!  If I want to be released from this trap and this position, I guess I’ll have to try and get the key myself!”  Diane D angrily stares at Kurt.  Then she turns her head slightly towards her right and looks across the grass at the large key that’s laying on the bush.  Suddenly, she violently kicks her legs and feet towards the ground very hard causing the chains to jerk and pull her upper body up as the chains rattle!  Then she rolls her body on her right over on the grass laying on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky.  Suddenly, she straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent all the way backwards with her head down near the ground!  She is in a spider like position with her head and face upside down.  Kurt becomes frightened by Diane D’s locked spider like contortionist position with her head and face upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  He backs up as he nervously looks at Diane D!  He then sees Diane D looking across the grass at the key while her head and face are upside down.  Suddenly, Diane D starts to walk on her hands and feet doing an eerie spider walk right across the grass towards the key with her head and face upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other as the chains rattle.  Kurt becomes more frightened!  He then shouts, “Okay, okay!  I’ll help you!”

Diane D suddenly stops right in her tracks!  She bends her arms and legs and lowers her torso back down to the grass.  Then she lays on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky, then rolls her body over on the grass again laying back on her belly with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders again with her head and face right side up again.  She looks up at Kurt and asks, “You will?”

“Yes I will!  I’ll help you!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure!”

“Oh wow, that’s great!  That’s wonderful!”

“Yeah!  Just don’t walk like that anymore!”

“I won’t, as long as you go get the key.”

“Okay, I’ll go get it!”  Kurt is out of breath as he turns his head to his left again.  He sees the key still laying on the bush several yards from Diane D.  He then turns to his left and goes to the key.

Kurt reaches the bush where the key is laying.  He bends a little and picks the key up off the bush.  He stands back up then turns and walks on the grass heading towards Diane D. 

Kurt approaches Diane D with the key.  He is out of breath as he bends down to Diane D’s right and nervously puts the key into her right handcuff.  He starts to unlock the handcuff off Diane D’s right wrist freeing her right wrist from the handcuff and chain.  Diane D’s lower right leg and foot slowly start to rise above her back then away from her back with the chain still attached to her right shackle.  Her right leg, foot and the chain are placed on the grass.  Her entire right leg is on the grass.  Her right side is now free from the contortionist position.  Kurt moves over to Diane D’s left side and nervously puts the key into Diane D’s left handcuff.  He starts to unlock the handcuff off Diane D’s left wrist freeing her left wrist from the handcuff and chain.  Diane D’s lower left leg and foot slowly start to rise above her back then away from her back with the chain still attached to her left shackle.  Her left leg, foot and the chain are placed on the grass.  Her entire left leg is on the grass.  Her left side is now free from the contortionist position which makes her entire body free and released from her trapped contortionist position!  After Kurt frees and releases Diane D from her contortionist position, he moves down to Diane D’s left foot and nervously puts the key into Diane D’s left shackle.  He starts to unlock the shackle off Diane D’s left foot freeing her left foot from the shackle and chain.  He then moves over to Diane D’s right foot and nervously puts the key into Diane D’s right shackle.  He starts to unlock the shackle off Diane D’s right foot freeing her right foot from the shackle and chain.  Diane D’s entire body is now free and released from the handcuffs, shackles and chains!  After Kurt frees Diane D from the handcuffs, shackles and chains, he stands back up.  He backs away from Diane D.  He goes right back to the dirt path where he was standing. 

Kurt stands five yards away back on the dirt path out of breath and puzzledly looks back at Diane D.  He then asks her, “Are you okay now?” 

“Yeah I’m okay now,” Diane D says.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure.  Thank you!” Diane D says with an sinister sounding tone to her voice giving Kurt a sinister stare through small puffy eyes.  Kurt puzzled looks at Diane D.  Diane D slowly starts to get up off the grass.  Kurt quickly backs away as he watches Diane D.  Diane D kneels as she is about to stand.  She then stops right in her tracks and angrily stares at Kurt as she kneels.  Kurt puzzled stares at Diane D wondering what she’s thinking.  He then becomes frightened as Diane D angrily stares at him.  Suddenly, Diane D stands straight up on the grass.  She stands there still angrily staring at Kurt. 

“Is there something wrong Diane D?” Kurt asks.  “What’s wrong?”  Diane D does not answer.  She just stands there on the grass angrily staring at Kurt, then she slowly starts to head towards Kurt.  Kurt puzzled stares at Diane D as he backs away a little.  He then shouts to her, “What do you want Diane D?!  I already freed you, why are you coming towards me?!”  Diane D does not say a word.  She continues to slowly head towards Kurt.  Kurt is frightened.  He now realizes the mistake he’s made freeing Diane D as he continues to frighteningly stare at her.  He then turns and starts to run off down the dark dirt path! 


Kurt is running down the dark dirt path through the dark eerie forest!  He turns his head back as he continues to run and sees Diane D chasing after him in hot pursuit!  He quickly turns his head back forward and continues to run!


After several yards, Kurt continues to run through the forest!  Suddenly something ahead of him runs and bumps right into him causing him to stop right in his tracks!  He then shouts, “Hey!” as he is about to fall!  He quickly catches his balance and steps back!  He is out of breath!  He then looks at the thing that just bumped into him!  To his shock and horror, he realizes that the thing that just bumped into him is slightly pale, puffy-eyed, swollen-eyed Diane D again!  She beat him to the other side!  Kurt backs away and frighteningly stares at Diane D as Diane D continues to give him a sinister stare through small puffy eyes.  Kurt then shouts to her, “My God Diane D!  It’s you again!  How did you beat me here?!”  Diane D does not say a word.  She continues to give Kurt a sinister stare.  Kurt turns his head around and nervously looks where he just ran from!  He turns his head back forward and looks back at Diane D and shouts, “How did you beat me here?!”  Diane D still does not say a word.  She slowly starts to circle Kurt in a clockwise direction as she gives him the evil eye!  Kurt then shouts, “What, are you circling me again Diane D, like you did to me when I got shot inside the stairwell at your family’s organization?!”  Diane D suddenly stops circling Kurt and stares at him.  She does not say a word.  She suddenly turns her body the other direction and slowly starts to circle Kurt in a counterclockwise direction as she gets closer to him!  Kurt then turns and runs off in the other direction through the spooky forest again shouting, “Help!  Somebody help meeee!”




“Somebody heeelp!” Kurt screams as he wakes back up inside his hospital room and quickly sits up on the hospital bed!  He frighteningly looks around the hospital room sweating and out of breath!  He does not see Diane D anymore.  He does not see the eerie forest or woods anymore.  He does see or hear anything unusual happening inside the hospital room.  He realizes that he’s inside his hospital room and just woke up from a nightmare! 

A couple of female nurses around their late 50’s open the door and rush into Kurt’s hospital room.  They quickly approach Kurt and hold on to him as one of the nurses, a Middle Eastern woman shouts, “Young man are you alright?!  Are you okay?!”

“Yeah!” the second nurse, an Asian woman shouts, “we heard you screaming shouting for help!  What happened?!  Are you okay?!”  Kurt frighteningly stares at the nurses not knowing what to say, then he frighteningly looks around the hospital room again.