DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Kurt Tells His Family About His Nightmare Of Diane D!



The next morning, Kurt is sitting up in the hospital bed surrounded by his mother Mrs. Reid, his brother Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick as Kyle shouts to him, “What!  You had a nightmare about Diane D?!”

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“My God, what happened in the dream?”

“I was wandering through this dark eerie forest or woods!”

“What?” Mrs. Reid says.  “You were wandering through a dark forest or woods?”

“Yes!  There were thick dark storm clouds above and there were small fires everywhere!  All of a sudden, I heard somebody’s voice screaming for help!”

“You heard someone’s voice screaming for help?”

“Yes, so I started to follow the sound of the voice!  When I got to where the voice was coming from, I found Diane D right down there in the grass laying on her belly handcuffed, shackled and chained!”

“What?” everyone else shouts.

“You found Diane D down in the grass laying on her belly handcuffed, shackled and chained?” Kyle asks. 

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.  “She was dressed in an all-black, one-piece bodysuit and thick black shoes!”

“She was?”

“Yeah, she was trapped in a contortionist position!”

“Trapped in a contortionist position?!”


“What are you talking about Kurt?” Mrs. Reid asks.  “What do you mean she was trapped in a contortionist position?  How can someone be trapped in a contortionist position?”

“She was handcuffed, shackled and chained while she was in a contortionist position!”

“What?” everyone else shouts.

“She was handcuffed, shackled and chained while she was in a contortionist position?” Officer Kilpatrick asks.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “she was trapped in that contortionist position with both of her wrists handcuffed, shackled and chained to both of her ankles with a two feet chain attached between each of her wrists and each of her ankles!”

“What?” everyone else shouts.

“Both of her wrists were handcuffed, shackled and chained to both of her ankles with a two feet chain attached between each of her wrists and each of her ankles?” Officer Kilpatrick asks.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “she was locked in that position, she couldn’t break away from her trapped contortionist position!  She kept trying to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains, but she couldn’t break loose from them, so she kept trying again to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains, but couldn’t!  I kept staring at her!  Then she looked up and saw me!  She said ‘hey’ when she saw me!”

“She said ‘hey’ when she saw you?” Kyle asks.

“Yeah!  Then she said to me ‘you’re Kurt aren’t you’!”

“What!” everyone else shous.

“She asked you were you Kurt?” Mrs. Reid says. 


“So she already knew who you were in the dream?”

“Yes she already knew who I was!  Then she asked if I could please get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“Diane D asked if you could get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains?”

“Yes!  She asked could I help unlock the handcuffs, shackles and chains for her and get her out of that contortionist position!  I hesitated!  I didn’t know what to do!  I didn’t know whether or not to trust her after she killed Dad and after I’ve seen her constantly stalking me!  I thought maybe she was trying to lure me to her to trap me or set me up or something!  Then she asked wasn’t I going to even help her!  Then I asked her where was I, what was I doing there!  Then I asked her how did I get there!  Then I asked her what was she doing down there in the grass chained up like that!  When I asked her that, she said that this evil Being had handcuffed, shackled and chained her up like that!”

“What?  An evil Being handcuffed, shackled and chained her up like that?”

“Yes that’s what she said!”

“What evil Being?”

“I asked her what evil Being!  She said she didn’t know!”

“She didn’t know what evil Being it was?” Kyle asks.

“That’s what she claim!  Then I asked her why did this evil Being handcuffed, shackled and chained her up!  She told me that this evil Being said that she needs to be locked up and chained forever!”

“What?” Mrs. Reid says.  “She said this evil Being who had her handcuffed, shackled and chained said that she needs to be locked up and chained forever?”

“That’s what she said!  She said the evil Being locked and chained her up in that position and just left her there like that!”

“It left her there?”

“That’s what she said.”

“Wow.  I wonder why this evil Being or whoever felt that she needed to be locked and chained forever.”

“I asked her why this evil Being think that she needs to be locked and chained forever!  She said that this evil Being accused her of causing a lot of chaos in my world!”

“What?” Officer Kilpatrick says.  “She said that this evil Being accused her of causing a lot of chaos in your world?”

“Yes that’s what she said!”

“What do she mean YOUR world?”

“I asked her what does she mean MY world, that aren’t she and I in the same world!  She said right now we are!”

“Right now you are?”


“Well what world was she in?”

“I don’t know!  Then I asked her what chaos is she talking about!  She said the chaos in my world, then I asked her which chaos!  She said she didn’t know!  She claim she didn’t cause any chaos!”

“She claim she didn’t cause any chaos?”

“That’s what she said in the dream, then I asked her why did this evil Being chose to lock and chain her during the dusk.  She said it’s always dusk there.”

“It’s always dusk there?” Kyle asks.

“That’s what she said!  She said there’s no daylight in that place!”

“No daylight in that place?!”

“Yes that’s what she said!  She said it’s never daylight there!”

“It’s never daylight there?”

“According to her it’s never daylight there!  She said the sun never shines there.”

“The sun never shines there?!”

“Yeah, that’s what she said!  I asked her how come the sun doesn’t shine there, she said that’s just the way it is.”

“That’s just the way it is?”

“Yes, according to her!  I turned my head and looked around the dark forest or woods!  The whole forest or woods looked very dark and creepy!  It looked like I was in some type of dark spiritual underworld or something!”

“Some type of dark spiritual underworld?”

“Yeah where there’s no daylight and the sun never shines!”

“Wow, that sounds frightening!  I sure wouldn’t want to be in that place!”

“Well I was in that place Kyle and that place was not a pretty picture!  It was scary, creepy, eerie and frightening!  It seemed like both Diane D and I were in this underworld, but at that time, I didn’t know I was dreaming or having a nightmare!”

“You didn’t know you were dreaming?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Not at the time because it seemed so real!  It felt like I was actually right there with Diane D!  Then later in the dream, she asked me ‘why don’t I be her savior and help unlock those handcuffs, shackles and chains for her so I can release her from that contortionist position!”

“She asked why don’t you be her savior?” Kyle asks.

“Yes!  Then I told her ‘why should I help unlock the handcuffs, shackles and chains off her’.”

“What?  You told her that?”

“Yes!  Then she said ‘what kind of question is that, why not help unlock the handcuffs, shackles and chains’, I told her because she killed my dad!  She said she didn’t kill my dad, she said she didn’t kill anyone!  I told her yes she did!  I told her that she injured and killed a lot of people that day that she practically decapitated dad and the other authority figures with that psychiatrist couch, that she busted their heads wide open when she threw that psychiatrist couch at them hitting them all!  I told her that some of the victims are still laying in the hospital in comas, others are brain dead!  She said she doesn’t remember doing that!”

“What?  You mean to tell us even in the dream she’s claiming not to remember doing that?”

“Yes even in the dream she’s claiming she doesn’t remember doing that!  Then I told her that after she killed our father and all the other authority figures and the Priest with that psychiatrist couch, I agree with whoever have her handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that!”

“What!  You told her that you agree with whoever have her handcuffed, shackled and chained?!”


“What did she say when you told her that?”

“She got upset!”

“She did?”

“Yes!  I told her now that she’s handcuffed, shackled and chained up like that, at least she’s not able to break away to harm or kill any more people!  I also told her that I would like to meet whoever handcuffed, shackled and chained her up like that so that I can thank them for having her handcuffed, shackled and chained!”

“What!  You told her that too?!”

“Yes!  I also told her that I would like to thank them for saving the world from people like her!”

“For saving the world from people like her?  You told her that too?!”

“Yep, I sure did!”

“My God, what did she say to that?”

“She got upset again!”

“I bet she did!”

“Then she said how dare I be glad that she’s in distress and demanded me to get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“She demanded you?” Mrs. Reid asks. 

“Yes!  I told her why should I help her get out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains, so she can go around to harm and kill more people, so she can take more people’s fathers away from them?!  I told her ‘no, I won’t help her get out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains, just in case she goes around harming and killing more innocent people’!  I told her that I do not want other people’s blood on my hands!  I told her I will not help release her into the world so she can harm and kill more innocent people, so I refused to help her!  When I refused to help her, she decided to go get the key herself!”

“She decided to get the key herself?” Kyle asks.


“And how was she going to do that while she was handcuffed, shackled and chained in a contortionist position?”

“By rolling over on the grass laying on her back, then she straightened her arms and legs and raised her torso right up off the ground with her hands and feet still on the grass while her wrists and ankles were still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she started to walk on her hands and feet right towards the key with her head and face upside down while her wrists and ankles were still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid shouts.  “Diane D started to walk on her hands and feet with her head and face upside down while her wrists and ankles were still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other?!”

“Yes!  She was walking on all fours!”

“Walking on all fours?!”

“Yes!  I got so scared when I saw her walking like that!”

“You did?”

“Yes, seeing her walk like that gave me the creeps!”

“Wow, I bet it did!”

“It really creeped me out, so I told her ‘okay, I’ll help her!’”

“You decided to help her?”

“Yes I decided to go get the key for her because I rather go get the key for her than to see her walk like that!  When I told Diane D that I’ll help her and will get the key for her, she stopped walking like that!”

“She did?”

“Yes, then she rolled her body back on her belly, then I told her just don’t walk like that anymore, so I went and got the key for her!”

“You couldn’t run from her to avoid seeing her walk like that?”

“No, that didn’t cross my mind!!  I just decided to go get the key for her, then I brought the key to her and unlocked the handcuffs, shackles and chains for her!  After that, her entire body was freed and released from the contortionist position she was locked and trapped in and her body was free from the handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“Oh wow. 

Right after I freed her from the handcuffs, shackles and chains and released her from her trapped contortionist position, I stood back up and backed away from her!  I went right back on the dirt path where I was standing before, then I asked her ‘is she okay now’.  She said ‘yeah she’s okay’, then she said ‘thank you’!  When she said ‘thank you’, she had this sinister tone to her voice and gave me this evil look!”

“What?” Kyle says.  “She had a sinister tone to her voice and gave you an evil look right after you freed her from the handcuffs, shackles and chains?!”

“Yes right after I freed her!”

“Why would she give you an evil look right after you freed her?!”

“I don’t know why, you tell me!  Then she started to get up off the grass real slow!”

“She got up off the grass real slow?”


“Well of course she’s gonna get up off the grass real slow,” Mrs. Reid says.  “I guess being trapped in a contortionist position for a while is gonna make anyone’s body stiff and make them get up and move real slow!”

“Yeah but she was still angrily staring at me while she was getting up!”

“She was?”



“I don’t know!  I was wondering ‘why is she staring at me like that, what is her problem, what the hell is she thinking’!  I got scared the way she kept staring at me!  Then she stood straight up on the grass and just stands there angrily staring at me!”

“Oh no!”

“I was wondering ‘why does she seem to be so angry at me, what have I ever done to her for her to look at me like that’!  I asked her ‘was there something wrong, what’s wrong’, but she didn’t answer!  She just stood there on the grass angrily staring at me giving me this death stare!”

“Death stare?!”

“Yes, just like we heard she did to that little boy Marcus inside the school hallway the night she beat the crap out of him!”

“Oh no!”

“I thought about that incident while she was staring at me!”

“You did?”

“Yeah!  The next thing I know, is that she started coming towards me real slow!”

“Diane D started to come towards you real slow?” Officer Kilpatrick asks.


“Why was she coming towards you?”

“I don’t know!  It looked like she was about to do something vicious to me!”

“It looked like she was about to do something vicious to you right after you freed her?!”

“Yeah, I saw it in her face!  By the look I saw on her face, I doubt she wanted to give me a handshake or a hug for freeing her, so I backed away a little!  I asked her ‘what does she want’!  I told her ‘I already freed her, why is she coming towards me’, but she didn’t say anything, she just kept coming towards me real slow!  I became frightened and realized that it was a big mistake freeing her from those handcuffs, shackles and chains and I wasn’t going to waste any more time trying to find out why she was coming towards me!  I didn’t want to risk being the next Marcus, so I turned and ran off!  When I turned my head back, I saw her chasing after me!”

“She chased after you?”


“Wow!” Kyle shouts, “she must have really wanted to give you a handshake or a hug for freeing her, didn’t she?!”

“I doubt that very much!”

“Kurt,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “you don’t think that Diane D was about to sexually assault you in the dream when she was coming towards you, do you?” 

“Sexually assault me?”


“No I don’t think she had any intentions of sexually assaulting me!”

“You don’t think so?”


“Why not?”

“Because if you had seen the look on her face, if you had seen the way she was looking at me, that wasn’t a look of lust on her face, that was a look of anger and hatred on her face!”

“A look of anger and hatred?”

“Yes like she wanted to kill me!”

“Like she wanted to kill you?!  But why would Diane D want to kill you, especially after you freed her?”

“I don’t know!”

You didn’t want to risk the chance to try and fight off Diane D instead of running away from her?”

“Risk the chance to try and fight off Diane D?!  Why should I risk the chance to try and fight off Diane D, because she's a woman?!  You ought to know, that Diane D is not just any ordinary woman!   If a person have the power and strength enough to lift up a heavy psychiatrist couch, use it as a weapon and throw it thirty feet across the room at full speed and take down five authority figures who had guns and shotguns and a priest killing them, and injures around twenty other authority figures, that’s not ordinary, that’s supernatural, I mean WHO does THAT?!  That’s why I had to run away from her, I didn’t want to be next!  While I was running trying to get away from her, all of a sudden, something bumped right into me!”

“Something bumped into you?!”

“Yes, I almost fell!  When I backed up and looked at whatever it was that bumped into me, it was Diane D again!”

“It was?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yeah!  She somehow beat me to the other side!”

“She beat you to the other side?”

“Yes!  I backed away and stared at her!  She was still giving me this evil stare!  Then I said to her ‘it’s you again’!  Then I asked her ‘how did she beat me there’, she didn’t say anything!  She just kept giving me this sinister stare!  The next thing I know, is that she started to circle me real slow while she was giving me the evil eye!”

“She started to circle you?!”

“Yes, just like she did to me when I got shot inside the stairwell at her family’s organization!  All of a sudden, she stopped circling me!  Then she turned and started to circle me the other direction real slow while she was still giving me the evil eye, then she started to get closer to me!”

“She started to get closer to you while she was circling you?!”

“Yes, so I turned and ran off in the other direction screaming and shouting for someone to help me!  That’s when I woke up!  I’m still shaking from the nightmare!”  Kurt turns to Officer Kilpatrick and shouts, “Officer, you got to do something about Diane D!  First she was stalking me while I was awake, now she’s stalking me in my dreams and nightmares just like she did to that little boy Marcus!”

“I’m sorry Kurt,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “but I can’t do anything about the nightmare you had of Diane D.”

“You can’t?!”


“Why not?!”

“What am I supposed to do, arrest her because YOU and that little boy Marcus had nightmares about her?  She doesn’t have any control over your nightmare or anybody else’s nightmare, that’s something you’re going to have to talk about to a psychiatrist.”

“A psychiatrist?”

“Yeah, that’s something that they would have to fix and handle.  They would have to get into your brain and into your subconscious to find out why you had this terrible and frightening dream about Diane D.”

Kurt, Kyle and Mrs. Reid worriedly look at Officer Kilpatrick.  They then turn to each other and start to hug and hold each other as Mrs. Reid says, “Don’t worry Kurt.  It was just a bad dream.”  Mrs. Reid and Kyle continue to hold and comfort Kurt.