DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


Kurt Has Another Nightmare About Diane D!



The following night, Kurt is laying in the hospital bed again still with a bandage wrapped around his head and face and a bandage wrapped around his arm and leg.  He is sleeping.  He starts tossing and turning as he starts to dream again.




Kurt’s soul or spirit is soaring in another dimension in the astral plane again over a thick forest or wilderness where it is very windy and little clouds in the sky where there is a large hazy moon peeking through the little clouds.  His soul or spirit is soaring over thick trees.  His soul or spirit then soars through the trees then towards the ground. 

Kurt soon lands lying face down on the ground.  He holds his head up and looks around.  He then sits up and looks around.  He finds himself surrounded by a dark spooky eerie forest again.  The forest is dimly lit with small fires everywhere and dimly lit from the large hazy moon above.  The wind blows with an eerie sound to it.  Kurt then gets up.  He stands and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest.  He sees a few dark dirt paths in the distance going into different directions.  He realizes that he’s back in the same eerie dark place again!  He nervously says to himself, “Oh my God, what am I doing here again?”  He goes down one of the dark dirt paths and starts to wander through the eerie forest again as he puzzledly and frighteningly looks around.  He nervously says to himself, “Why am I here again?”  Kurt continues to go down the dark dirt path and wanders through the forest puzzledly and frighteningly looking around.  He suddenly hears a deep voice screaming way in the distance again shouting, “Help!”  Kurt quickly turns his head and puzzledly looks towards the sound of the voice.  “Help, help, help!” the deep voice screams again.  “Oh no!” Kurt whispers to himself, “it’s Diane D again!”  He hears the voice screaming way in the distance shouting, “Help!”  Kurt nervously says to himself, “If that’s Diane D, why is she screaming for help again?  I thought I freed her!  Maybe she’s handcuffed, shackled and chained up again!  Maybe she’s trying to lure me to her again!”  He then goes down the dark dirt path towards the sound of the voice again and follows it.  “Please somebody heeeelp!” the voice screams again.  “Somebody please heeeelp!” the voice screams as Kurt continues to go down the dark dirt path following the voice. 

A couple of minutes later, Kurt continues to walk down the dark dirt path following where the voice is coming from. 

Kurt then stops on the dirt path and reaches the part of the dark forest where he hears the voice.  He turns to his left and looks where the voice is coming from.  He becomes shocked and horrified to find Diane D five yards away from him down in the grass and weeds again laying on her belly again dressed in the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows and thick black shoes with her long spooky black hair out loose with bangs blowing in the wind again.  She is locked and trapped in a tighter contortionist position with the handcuffs, shackles and chains again with her head down, her back bent more backwards, her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders, this time with her right wrist handcuffed and chained to the shackle on her left ankle with a thick two and a half feet chain attached between the handcuff on her right wrist and the shackle on her left ankle going right over her back while her left wrist is handcuffed and chained to the shackle on her right ankle with another thick two and a half feet chain attached between the handcuff on her left wrist and the shackle on her right ankle going right over her back crisscrossing right over the other thick two and a half feet chain that’s attached between the handcuff on her right wrist and the shackle on her left ankle!  She is in distressed as she tries to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and thick chains that are crisscrossed right over her back, but she cannot break loose from them.  She cannot break free from the tighter contortionist position.  Kurt continues to stand on the dirt path shockingly staring down at Diane D.  He is stunned as he continues to shockingly stare down at her.  He turns his head and frighteningly looks around the dark spooky forest.  He turns his head back forward and shockingly stares down at Diane D as she continues to try and break free from the tighter contortionist position.  He puzzled stares at her.  He then becomes frustrated and shouts, “Diane D!”  Diane D suddenly stops trying to break loose from the handcuffs, shackles and chains.  She is out of breath.  She slowly looks up with her face slightly pale and her eyes still small, puffy and swollen and sees Kurt.  She looks at Kurt as her long black hair and bangs continues to blow in the wind with some of her hair and bangs blowing in front of her face.  “It’s you again?!” Kurt angrily shouts to her.  “What am I doing here again?!  Did you send me here?!  What are you doing down there in the grass again handcuffed, shackled and chained, locked and trapped in that contortionist position again?!  I thought I freed you from that position!”

“You did,” Diane D says as her long black hair and bangs continues to blow in the wind. 

“So what happened?!  Why are you down there in the grass handcuffed, shackled and chained in that position again?!”

“I’ll tell you what happened!” Diane D says out of breath with tears in her eyes.  “Later on after you freed me, that evil Being approached me again!”

“What?!  That evil Being approached you again?!”

“Yes, so I turned and ran from them, then they chased after me again!  While I was running from them, they caught up to me again!  When they caught up to me, they grabbed me again, held me down then had me locked and chained up in this position again then ran off and just left me here like this again!”

“They did?!”


“Why do they have you locked and chained up again?!”

“They said that I need to be locked and chained forever!”

“What!  They still think that you need to be locked and chained forever?!”


“Why do they still think that you need to be locked and chained forever?!”

“They still accused me of causing havoc in your world!”

“They still accused you of causing havoc in my world?”

“Yes and I’m not doing anything!”

“You’re still not doing anything?!”


“Why do they have you locked and chained more tight than before with those two thick chains crisscrossing right over your back?!”

“They said to make sure that I never ever break free again!”

“To make sure you never break free again?”

“Yeah, so they have me locked and chained far worse than before and more tight than before, then ran off and just left me here like this again!”

“They did?!”


“My God, and they expect you to stay like that, forever?!”

“Yes they do, and I did nothing wrong!”

“Oh no?  Didn’t you give me the evil eye and chased after me like you were about to harm or kill me right after I freed you from those handcuffs, shackles and chains before?!  The last time I freed you from those handcuffs, shackles and chains, you started to come after me!”

“I did?”

“Oh come on Diane D!  You know right after I picked up the key and brought it to you to free you from the handcuffs, shackles and chains to release you from out of the contortionist position you were locked and trapped in, you chased after me!  That’s the thanks I get for helping you!  That’s the thanks I get for freeing you from your distress!”

“If I did chase after you, I won’t do it again, I promise!” Diane D desperately says.  “So could you help me?  Could you help get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains again?  If you unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains and release me from this position, we can talk about what I did more, because right now, I can’t talk about anything while I’m uncomfortable and trapped in this tight position!  Could you help me get out of this tight position?!”  Kurt continues to puzzledly stare down at Diane D.  Diane D looks at Kurt and says, “Could you go get the key please?  It’s right over there on the bush again.  I can’t reach it.”

Kurt turns his head to his left.  He sees the key laying on the bush several yards away from Diane D again.  He turns back to Diane D and says, “Did that evil Being accidentally drop the key again?”

“Yeah they did.  They accidentally dropped the key when they ran off and left me here, but didn’t know it.  It’s a good thing they got careless again and dropped the key.  Now that you’re here again, you can go get the key for me again and be my savior again.  You can help unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains off me.”

Kurt turns his head to his left again.  He looks at the key again laying on the bush.  He turns back to Diane D and says, “No, I won’t help you this time Diane D.”

“What?  You won’t help me?”


“Well why not?!”

“I’m not going to make another mistake of freeing you from the handcuffs, shackles and chains then have you come after me again!”

“So you’re not going to help me?!”


“I told you, if I came after you before, I won’t come after you again!  I won’t!  So please, unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains for me!”

“I said I won’t help you!  I won’t do it!”

“But you got to do it!  I need you!  I need you to help unlock these handcuffs, shackles and chains and get me out of this position!”

“The last time I helped unlocked those handcuffs, shackles and chains and got you out of that position, I almost paid a price for it!  I can’t take another risk!”

“But you got to take another risk!  I’m uncomfortable and trapped in this tight position!” 

“That is not my problem Diane D, it’s your problem now!  Sorry, but you are on your own with this one!  If that evil Being is the one who got you trapped in that horrible situation, let them be the one to get you out of it!”

“But they WON’T get me out of it!  They refuse to get me out of this!  I even begged and pleaded with them to get me out of this tight position, but they don’t trust me!  The more I begged them to get me out of this position, the tighter they put these handcuffs, shackles and chains on me, the shorter they made the chains, that’s why I need you to get me out of this!  Please help me!  Please get me out of these handcuffs, shackles and chains!  That evil Being have these handcuffs, shackles and chains too tight on me!  Please release me from this position!” 

“If I keep helping you and releasing you from that position, the next thing you know, is that evil Being is gonna want to put ME in handcuffs, shackles and chains then I’ll be handcuffed, shackled and chained right there on the grass next to you!  Sorry but I can’t help you this time Diane D!  I am out of here!”  Kurt turns to his left and is about to walk away.

“Please don’t go yet!  I still need you!”

“Bye Diane D.”

“Oh!” Diane shouts as her mood quickly switches from desperation to anger, “so you’re just gonna walk away and leave me trapped in this position forever?!”

“I guess I have to!”

“Oh yeah?!”


“Then you’re no better than that evil Being who did this to me!”

“I guess not!”

“Alright, very well then!  If I want to be released from this trap and this position, I guess I’ll have to try again to get the key myself!”  Diane D angrily stares at Kurt.  She then turns her head slightly towards her right and looks across the grass at the key laying on the bush again.  Suddenly she violently kicks her legs and feet towards the ground very hard causing the chains to jerk and pull her upper body up as the chains rattle!  Then she rolls her body on her right over on the grass laying on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky.  She straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other with the two thicker chains!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent way more backwards than before with her head down near the ground!  She is in a more tight contortionist position with her head and face upside down again!  Kurt becomes frightened by Diane D’s tighter contortionist position while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other with the two thicker chains, her back bent more backwards with her head and face upside down again!  He then backs up as he frighteningly looks at Diane D!  He sees Diane D looking across the grass at the key while her head and face are upside down.  Suddenly Diane D starts to walk on her hands and feet doing the eerie spider walk right towards the key again in the more tight contortionist position while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other with her back bent more backwards with her head and face upside down!  Kurt becomes more frightened again!  He turns his head.  He sees the key still laying on the bush as Diane D heads right towards it!  He then races right towards the key!   

Kurt reaches the bush where the key is laying.  He bends a little and picks the key up off the bush.  He bends back up with the key in his hand.  He turns to Diane D, holds the key up and shouts, “You’re not getting the key this time Diane D!”

Diane D suddenly stops right in her tracks and looks at Kurt with her head and face still upside down!  She bends her arms and legs and lowers her torso back down to the grass.  Then she lays on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky again, then rolls her body over on the grass again laying back on her belly with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders again with her head and face right side up again.  Then she looks up at Kurt and says, “What are you talking about?”

“You’re not getting the key this time!  I will not hand it to you!”

“No?!  Why not?!”

“Because I don’t want to make the same mistake of freeing you then have you come after me again!  I fell for your trick last time and I’m not going to fall for your trick this time!”

“I won’t trick you!”

“Yes you will!”

“No I won’t!  Give me the key!”

“Sorry I can’t!  I shouldn’t have freed you last time knowing what you did to my father!”

“Knowing what I did to your father?!”


“I didn’t do a goddam thing to your father!”

“Yes you did!  You killed him!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did!”

“Will you forget about your damn father!”


“Shut up about your goddam father and give me the key.”

“What!  Shut up about my father?!  How dare you say that to me!  How dare you say that about my father!  You expect me to forget about my father?!  How dare you!  How dare you expect me to forget about my father!”

“You should forget about your father!”

“I should forget about my father?!  Why?!”

“Because he’s gone, he’s done with!”

“He’s gone, he’s done with?!  What do you mean he’s gone, he’s done with?!”

“His life is over, he’s finished, get over it!”

“What!  His life is over, he’s finished, get over it?!  How dare you!  How dare you refer to my father as finished and tell me to get over him when you’re the reason why he’s no longer around!  You’re the reason why he’s no longer alive!  How dare you tell me to forget about him when you’re the one who killed him!”

“Your father got killed because he deserved to get killed!”

“What!  My father got killed because he deserved it?!  You think my father deserved to get killed?!  How dare you think my father deserved to get killed!  How dare you!  Why do you think that my father deserved to die when he was only doing his job?!  My father meant the world to me!  He was everything to me and my family and you took that away from me and my family when you killed him!”

“Oh really?!”

“Yes really!”

“Well how would you like for me to make that up to you and your family?”

“Make that up to me and my family?!  What the hell are you talking about make that up to me and my family?!”

“If you all miss your father so bad, would you like for me to arrange for you all to be with him again?”

“Arrange for us to be with him again?!  What do you mean?”

“You can be with him again.”

“Oh yeah?!  How?!  By raising him from the dead?!  Nobody can be raised from the dead!”

“No they can’t be raised from the dead, but I can arrange for YOU to be dead!”

“What!  You can arrange for ME to be dead!  What the hell you mean you can arrange for ME to be dead?!  Are you talking about killing me too like you killed my dad?!”

“Yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about!”

“What!  You are?!”

“Yes!  I can have your ass killed and then you can be buried right next to your dad, your grave can be right next to his!  There, you will be with your dad again and you two will be in that grave together forever, tombstone and all!”

“Tombstone and all?!”

“That’s right, tombstone and all!  Now give me the key.”

“Oh my God!  How could you?!  How could you say that to me?!  How could you be so cruel?!  I swear, you are a heartless evil bitch!”

“What….did you just called me?!”

“I said you are a heartless evil bitch!  You are so cruel!  The only evil Being around here is YOU and I hope that you stay handcuffed, shackled and chained right there in the grass like that forever and I hope you never come loose again!”  Kurt takes the key and runs off!

“Give me the key!” Diane D desperately shouts as she jerks the chains again causing the chains to rattle as she desperately watches Kurt run off with the key!


Kurt continues to run off with the key!  He turns his head and angrily looks back at Diane D as he continues to run off with the key!


“Give me the key!” Diane D desperately shouts again as she jerks the chains again causing the chains to rattle as she watches Kurt run off with the key!


Kurt continues to run off further with the key!  He turns his head and angrily looks back at Diane D again as he continues to run off with the key!


Diane D anxiously watches Kurt run off into the distance with the key!  She becomes frustrated!  She then becomes angry.  Then she violently kicks her legs and feet towards the ground very hard causing the chains to jerk and pull her upper body up very harsh as the chains rattle!  Then she flips her body over laying right on her back and lower legs with her face up towards the sky again.  She straightens her legs and straightens her arms raising her torso high up off the ground with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent way more backwards with her head down near the ground!  She is in the more tight contortionist position with her head and face upside down again!  She angrily looks towards where Kurt ran off to while her head and face are upside down!  She starts to walk on her hands and feet doing the tight eerie spider walk again right across the grass with her head and face still upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  She suddenly starts to run a little on her hands and feet right towards the dirt path!  


Kurt is running through the dark windy forest!  He looks way back as he continues to run!  He then stops right in his tracks and turns his body around!  He becomes shocked and stunned to see Diane D way in the distance running a little on her hands and feet towards the dirt path coming after him as she does an eerie spider run with her head and face still upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Kurt becomes more frightened by Diane D’s creepy spider position coming after him from a distance!  He then shouts to himself, “Oh no!  My God, she’s determined to get this key!”  He then holds the key high in the air and shouts to Diane D, “Hey Diane D!  This key is for my father!  I’m gonna return the key to the evil Being who dropped it!  If you want the key, come and get it from the evil Being!  Catch it if you can!”  Kurt quickly turns back forward and continues to run off through the forest with the key! 


After several yards, Kurt continues to run through the forest with the key!  Suddenly something ahead of him runs and bumps right into him causing him to stop right in his tracks!  He is about to fall!  He quickly catches his balance and steps back!  He is out of breath!  He then looks at the thing that just ran and bumped into him!  To his shock and horror, he realizes that the thing that just ran and bumped into him is slightly pale, puffy-eyed, swollen-eyed Diane D again who is now standing straight up in an upright position not in a contortionist position anymore with no handcuffs, no shackles and no chains on her, still dressed in the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows wearing thick black shoes!  She beat Kurt to the other side!  Kurt backs away and frighteningly stares at Diane D as she gives him a sinister stare through small puffy eyes!  He then shouts, “My God Diane D!  It’s you again!  How did you beat me here?!”  Diane D does not say a word.  Kurt turns his head around and nervously looks where he just ran from!  He turns his head back forward and shockingly looks back at Diane D!  He then shouts, “How did you beat me here?!  Especially, how in the world did you free yourself!  I still have the key!” Kurt shouts as he holds the key up to Diane D.  He then shouts to her, “How the hell did you free yourself, especially so fast and wind up beating me here?!  What are you, the great Houdini or something?!  I guess you never really needed the key after all!  You never really needed my help!  It was just all a set up!  It was just all a trap!  You probably were already able to free yourself all along but was just playing the victim role so you can lure me to come close to you then set me up to harm me!”  Diane D still does not say a word.  She continues to give Kurt a sinister stare.  She slowly starts to circle Kurt in a clockwise direction.  Kurt then shouts to her, “Are you circling me again?!  What is with you and this circling crap?!”  Diane D suddenly stops circling Kurt.  She suddenly turns her body the other direction and slowly starts to circle Kurt in a counterclockwise direction as she continues to give him the evil eye!  Kurt then shouts to her, “Well don’t worry!  You can have your circling behavior because I’m outta here!”  Kurt turns around and is about to run the other direction!  He suddenly stops right in his tracks as he looks straight ahead in the distance and shouts, “My God what the h…..!”  He sees a shadowy figure way, way in the distance walking on all fours slowly coming down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction.  He then shouts, “What the hell is that?!  Is that some type of animal or something?!  There’s animals here?!”  He then hears chains rattling as the thing gets closer and closer towards his direction.  As the thing gets closer and closer then appears in the light coming from the fires and the light coming from the large hazy moon, Kurt becomes shocked and horrified to realize that the thing he sees slowly coming down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction is the spider walking Diane D walking on her hands and feet with her head and face still upside down whose wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  “My God!” Kurt shouts, “it’s Diane D again!”  Kurt shockingly stares at the chained up spider walking Diane D as he hears the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattling as she slowly heads towards his direction!  He then turns his head around and shockingly looks back at the Diane D who had just ran and bumped into him!  He sees that the Diane D who had just ran and bumped into him is still standing there in an upright position with no handcuffs, shackles or chains still slowly circling him!  He turns his head back forward and shockingly looks back at the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D’s shadowy figure still way in the distance slowly heading towards his direction!  He then shouts, “If that’s Diane D…” he turns his head back around towards the standing Diane D who just bumped into him and shouts, “then who are YOU?!  Or if you’re Diane D….” he turns his head back around towards the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D and shouts, “then who is THAT?!”  Kurt shockingly stares at the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D as the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D gets closer and closer and the sounds of the chains rattling gets louder and louder!  He then turns his head back around and shockingly looks back at the standing Diane D who just bumped into him, then turns his head back forward and shockingly stares at the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D and realizes that there are two Diane Ds, exact carbon copies of each other!  He shockingly stares at the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D and sees the handcuffed, shackled and chained up spider walking Diane D getting closer and closer as the Diane D who bumped into him continues to slowly circle him giving him the evil eye.  He then shouts, “My God!  I think I’m about to get jumped!  I’m out of here!”  Kurt turns towards a different direction then runs off in that dirt path with the key and shouts, “Help!  Somebody help me please!”  


Kurt is running through the dark windy forest again!  He turns his head back as he continues to run and sees the Diane D who bumped into him chasing after him in hot pursuit!  He quickly turns his head back forward and continues to run through the forest and shouts, “Heeellp!  Somebody heeellp!”


After several yards, Kurt continues to run through the forest!  Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears right in front of Kurt then jumps, spins their body around and kung fu kicks Kurt right in the chest knocking him down!  Kurt falls and hits his head against a tree!  He lays painfully on the ground.  He slowly gets up off the ground and holds his head and chest in pain.  He then stands and steps back!  He is about to fall again then quickly catches his balance!  He is out of breath as he looks at the figure that just kung fu kicked him!  To his shock and horror, he realizes that the figure that had just kung fu kicked him is slightly pale, puffy-eyed Diane D again who is still standing straight up in an upright position still with no handcuffs, no shackles and no chains on her, still dressed in the all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows wearing thick black shoes!  Kurt backs away again!  He shockingly stares at the Diane D who just kung fu kicked him as she gives him a sinister stare through small puffy eyes.  He then shouts to her, “So you beat me again Diane D!  Or are you another Diane D?!”  Kurt frighteningly stares at the Diane D who just kung fu kicked him!  He turns his head around.  He is shocked and horrified to see the Diane D who bumped into him’s shadowy figure way in the distance slowly coming down the dark dirt path heading towards his direction!  He shockingly stares at the Diane D who bumped into him’s shadowy figure as she slowly heads towards his direction!  He turns his head back forward and looks back at the Diane D who just kung fu kicked him!  He sees that the Diane D who just kung fu kicked him is still there!  He turns his head back around and is shocked and horrified again to see the Diane D who bumped into him and the chained up spider walking Diane D’s shadowy figures way in the distance coming down the dark dirt path together slowly heading towards his direction with the spider walking Diane D’s head and face still upside down while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Kurt shockingly stares at the Diane D who bumped into him and the chained up spider walking Diane D!  He still hears the chains attached to the spider walking Diane D’s handcuffs and shackles rattling as she comes down the dark dirt path slowly heading towards his direction too.  He turns his head back forward and shockingly stares back at the Diane D who just kung fu kicked him in the chest and realizes that there are three Diane Ds now, exact carbon copies of each other!  He then shouts, “Oh my God, another Diane D?!  How many of you are there?!”  The Diane D who just kung fu kicked Kurt does not say a word.  She slowly starts to circle Kurt in a clockwi