DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


The Attack Of The Diane D Clones!



The Diane D carbon copies who were in the front continue to hurry towards Kurt’s direction carrying the sticks of fire and the ropes as their long black hair and bangs blow right in front of their faces almost hiding their eyes and chins!  The Diane D carbon copies who were in the back hurry and run pass the Diane D carbon copies who are in the front as their long black hair and bangs blow in front of their faces almost hiding their eyes also!


That Kurt is shocked, frightened and blown away by all the Diane D carbon copies he sees heading right towards his direction carrying sticks of fire and the ropes!

The chained up spider walking Diane D then kicks her legs and feet towards the ground very hard causing the chains to jerk and pull her upper body up very harsh as the chains rattle!  Then she flips her body over laying right on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky again.  She straightens her legs and her arms raising her torso high up off the ground again with her hands and feet remaining on the grass while her wrists and ankles are still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other!  Then she stands on her hands and feet with her back bent way more backwards again with her head down near the ground with her head and face upside down again!  She starts to walk on her hands and feet again doing the eerie spider walk again!  The sounds of the chains attached to her handcuffs and shackles rattle again as she turns her body back around with her hands and feet and faces towards Kurt’s direction again!  She then shouts to the Diane D carbon copies who came from behind the trees, “Wrap that rope around him!”  She starts to walk on her hands and feet again doing the eerie spider walk right behind the Diane D carbon copies who came from behind the trees as they all head towards Kurt with the fires and the ropes!


Kurt sees all the Diane D carbon copies who came from behind the trees heading towards his direction with the fires and ropesThe Diane D carbon copy who kung fu kicked him continues to circle him as she goes behind him.  She suddenly stops right in her tracks and looks down on the grass.  She bends down behind Kurt and picks up a large thick branch off the grass.  She then bends back up and stands straight up with the large thick branch holding it as it reaches the ground.  She slowly starts to circle Kurt again using the large branch as a cane.  She goes around Kurt with the large branch giving him the evil eye again, then goes in front of him.  She then stops and turns her head to her right looking away from Kurt.  She looks towards the Diane D carbon copies who came from behind the trees as the Diane D carbon copies who came from behind the trees head towards her and Kurt’s direction.  While the Diane D carbon copy who kung fu kicked Kurt is looking away from him, Kurt decides to make a quick getaway.  He turns and tries to make a run for it, but the Diane D carbon copy who kung fu kicked him turns her head and sees him trying to get away!  She quickly goes into action and charges right after him! 


The Diane D carbon copy who kung fu kicked Kurt catches up to him, then she swings the large branch like a baseball bat right across his back as her body spins!  “Aaaaahhh!” Kurt screams as his body is thrown several yards forward!  The Diane D carbon copy’s body quickly stops spinning, as she has her head turned sideways angrily looking at Kurt as his body lands hard on the grass! 

Kurt holds his back in pain!  The Diane D carbon copy who kung fu kicked him angrily approaches him!  Then she raises the branch high in the air, jumps and smashes it down on Kurt!  “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as his body jerks from the blow!  The Diane D carbon copy raises the branch high in the air again!  Then she jumps and smashes the branch down on Kurt again!  “Aaaahh!” Kurt screams as his body jerks from another blow!  The Diane D carbon copy then stands right over Kurt with the branch in her hands angrily looking down at him guarding him as he lays on the ground in pain!  The Diane D carbon copies who came from behind the trees finally reach Kurt.  Four of them bend down and viciously jerk Kurt and pull him right up off the ground with two of them on his left and the other two on his right!  They lift him right off his feet and put him in a vertical position then force him to stand!  They then throw and bang him right up against a tree!  “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams as the four Diane D carbon copies force his back against the tree then put his hands behind the tree and start to tie a smaller rope around his hands!  The other Diane D carbon copies start to surround Kurt with the fires and the ropes.  Kurt is shocked and frightened by all the Diane D carbon copies he sees angrily surrounding him with sticks of fire and ropes about to tie him up!  The four Diane D carbon copies start to tie the larger ropes around his entire body.  “Why are you doing this to me?!” Kurt cries.

The chained up spider walking Diane D and the Diane D who bumped into Kurt approach eight yards away and stop.  The chained up spider walking Diane D then lowers her torso back down to the grass.  Then she lays on her back and lower legs again with her face up towards the sky again, then rolls her body over on the grass again laying back on her belly with her feet high above her back, her elbows above her head, her hands high above her shoulders again with her head and face right side up again.  She then looks at the four Diane D carbon copies who are tying the ropes around Kurt and shouts to them, “Wrap those ropes around him real tight!  Just wrap them around!” 

The four Diane D carbon copies completely wrap the ropes around Kurt’s entire body!  Two Diane D carbon copies on Kurt’s right have one end of the rope in their hands while the two other Diane D carbon copies on Kurt’s left have the other end of the rope in their hands as the other Diane D carbon copies surround them and Kurt.  Suddenly the two Diane D carbon copies on Kurt’s right holding the end of the rope on Kurt’s right and the two Diane D carbon copies on Kurt’s left holding the other end of the rope on Kurt’s left spin their bodies around!  They then pull the ropes ends away from Kurt’s body doing a tug-of-war wrapping the rope tighter and tighter around Kurt’s body!  “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams.  Suddenly the Diane D carbon copy who kung fu kicked Kurt angrily goes around the other Diane D carbon copies surrounding Kurt as she carries the large tree branch.  She then goes right between the other Diane D carbon copies who are in front of Kurt, steps in front of them and goes right in front of Kurt putting herself between them and Kurt.  Then she jumps as she quickly lets go of the large branch, spins her entire body around and throws Kurt a karate chop right in the neck!  Kurt starts to choke as the Diane D carbon copy who just threw him a karate chop quickly grabs the large tree branch then angrily stares at him!  She then turns and walks away from him like nothing, then goes back behind the other Diane D carbon copies who are standing in front of Kurt!  Kurt starts to gasp for air!  He cannot breathe.  He is about to pass out.  The Diane D carbon copy who just threw Kurt a karate chop angrily grabs and snatches some berries from off one of the trees.  She then walks towards the chained up Diane D with the berries as she continues to hold the large tree branch! 


The Diane D carbon copy who just threw Kurt a karate chop approaches the chained up Diane D then holds the berries up to the chained up Diane D’s mouth as the chained up Diane D looks up towards Kurt then shouts to him, “Hey Mr. Kurt!”  Kurt frighteningly looks at the chained up Diane D as she shouts to him, “I’m gonna get ready to have a nice snack while I watch you burn!”  The chained up Diane D holds her head down and starts to eat the berries right out of the Diane D who just threw Kurt a karate chop’s hand.  The Diane D carbon copy who bumped into Kurt takes the berries out of the Diane D carbon copy who threw Kurt a karate chop’s hand and help put the berries inside the chained up Diane D’s mouth!  The chained up Diane D looks up towards Kurt again as she chews the berries.  She then shouts to him, “Hey Mr. Kurt!”  Kurt frighteningly looks at the chained up Diane D again as she shouts to him, “These berries are so delicious!  I’m gonna really enjoy these berries while I watch your execution!”  The chained up Diane D angrily stares at Kurt!  She then holds her head back down and continues to eat the berries out of the Diane D who threw Kurt a karate chop’s hand as the Diane D carbon copy who bumped into Kurt continues to help put the berries in the chained up Diane D’s mouth. 


The other Diane D carbon copies standing behind Kurt start to light the ropes with the fires!  They are about to set Kurt on fire!  The part of the ropes near Kurt’s fingers are on fire!  The Diane D carbon copies in front of Kurt and the Diane D carbon copies on the side of him step back and quickly move away from him!  They hurry towards the chained up Diane D entity!  Some of the Diane D carbon copies that are behind Kurt quickly go around him!  They hurry towards the chained up Diane D entity as they angrily look back at Kurt!  The other Diane D carbon copies that are behind Kurt quickly go around him also!  They jump right over three feet low tree branches then hurry towards the chained up Diane D entity as they angrily look back at Kurt too!   


All the Diane D carbon copies start to stand in a part-circle as they partially surround the chained up Diane D entity putting her in front and center as they angrily stare eight yards away at Kurt.  The chained up Diane D entity suddenly kicks her legs and feet down to the ground forcingly pulling her upper body upwards making herself stand upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the Diane D entities standing directly behind her holding one of her feet down on the shackles helping to hold the chained up Diane D entity upright as another Diane D entity stands directly behind that one.  Six Diane D entities stand on the right side of them in a partial circle while the other six Diane D entities including the one who kung fu kicked Kurt in the chest and threw a karate chop at his throat stands on the left side of the chained up Diane D entity in a partial circle also.  The Diane D entity who kung fu kicked Kurt and threw a karate chop at his throat is still holding the large tree branch as they all angrily stare at Kurt with puffy eyes and all their long black hair and bangs blowing in the wind.  They are surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon behind and above them.  

The fire from the ropes reach Kurt’s fingers!  “Aaaaahhh!” Kurt screams holding his head up!  “AAAAAHHHH!  Heeeelllp!”




“… AAAAAHHHH!” Kurt screams as he wakes back up inside his hospital room and quickly sits up on the hospital bed!  He stops screaming and frighteningly looks at his fingers!  He holds his fingers.  He sees that his fingers are unharmed.  He does not feel any pain!  He frighteningly looks around the hospital room sweating and out of breath!  He does not see the Diane D carbon copies anymore.  He does not see or hear anything unusual happening inside the hospital room.  He realizes that he’s inside his hospital room and just woke up from another nightmare about Diane D!  

The Middle Eastern female nurse opens the door and rushes into Kurt’s hospital room again!  She quickly approaches Kurt!  She holds on to him and shouts, “Young man, you are screaming again!  What’s the matter?!  Is everything alright?!  What’s going on?!  Did you have another nightmare?”  Kurt frighteningly stares at the nurse not knowing what to say, then he frighteningly looks around the room again.