DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


Kurt Tells His Family About His Other Horrific Nightmare Of Diane D!



The next morning, Kurt is sitting up in the hospital bed surrounded by his mother Mrs. Reid, his brother Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick again.  He is in the middle of telling them about the second nightmare he had about Diane D as Kyle shouts to him, “What!  Diane D told you that she can arrange for you to be dead?!”

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “that’s exactly what she said to me in the dream!”

“My God!”

“Did she say how she was planning to do that?” Officer Kilpatrick asks. 

“She said she can have my ass killed and then my grave can be right next to my dad’s grave!” Kurt cries.

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“She said she can have you killed and then your grave can be right next to your father’s grave?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “she said there, I will be with my dad again and that we will be in that grave together forever!”

“What!  That’s what she said to you in the dream?!”

“Yep she sure did!  Then I told her that she is a heartless evil bitch!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“You called her that in the dream?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yeah I had to after what she said about Dad!” Kurt shouts.  “I told her that she is so cruel, that the only evil Being around there was HER and I hope that she stays handcuffed, shackled and chained right there in the grass like that forever and I hope that she never comes loose again!  Then I took the key and ran off! 

“You ran off with the key?!” Mrs. Reid asks.

“I sure did!”

“Then what happened?”

“She shouted for me to give her the key, but I kept running!  When I turned my head and looked back at her, the next thing I know, is that she was running on her hands and feet coming after me!”

“What!” everyone else shout.

“Diane D was running on her hands and feet coming after you while she was handcuffed, shackled and chained in that contortionist position?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “she was running on all fours!  Being handcuffed, shackled and chained in that contortionist position didn’t stop her from trying to come after me, she was determined to get the key!”

“Oh wow!”

“Then I held the key high up in the air and shouted to her that ‘this key is for my father, that if she wants the key, come get it!  Catch it if she can’!  Then I turned back around and kept running!  While I was running, all of a sudden, something ran and bumped right into me!”

“Something ran and bumped into you again?!” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes!  When I looked, it was Diane D again!”

“What!  Diane D again?!”

“Yes!  She beat me to the other side!”

“She beat you to the other side, while she was handcuffed, shackled and chained in a contortionist position?!”

“No, she wasn’t handcuffed, shackled and chained in a contortionist position anymore!”

“She wasn’t?”

“No, she was standing straight up, just standing there giving me the evil eye!”

“She was standing straight up giving you the evil eye?”

“Yes!  Then I shouted to her ‘how did she beat me there’!   She didn’t say anything!  I asked her ‘how did she free herself, I still have the key!  How did she free herself so fast and wind up beating me to the other side’!  She still didn’t say anything!  She just kept giving me this evil stare, then she started to circle me!”

“She started to circle you again?”

“Yes, just like she did to me when I got shot inside the stairwell at her family’s organization!”

“Oh no!”

“Then I turned around and was about to run from her!  Then I stopped when I saw a shadowy figure straight ahead in the distance walking on all fours coming down the dirt path coming my way!  I was wondering what the hell was that!  I thought it was some type of animal or something!  When the thing got closer, I realized that it was Diane D again still walking on her hands and feet while her wrists and ankles were still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other still trapped in a contortionist position!”

“The thing turned out to be Diane D?!”


“And she was walking on her hands and feet while her wrists and ankles were still handcuffed, shackled and chained to each other still trapped in a contortionist position?”


“I thought you said she was standing straight up when she bumped into you!”

“She was, but that was another Diane D!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“Another Diane D?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “there were two of her!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.  “Two of her?!”

“You mean there were two Diane Ds in the dream?!” Kyle shouts. 

“That’s right, two of her!” Kurt shouts.  “The first one I had an encounter with who was handcuffed, shackled and chained down on the grass was still in handcuffs, shackles and chains when I saw her on all fours heading towards me!  She never got loose from those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“She didn’t?”

“No!  She was still trapped in a contortionist position!  Then I looked back at the Diane D who had just ran and bumped into me!  She was still standing straight up circling me!  I turned my head back around and saw the Diane D who was still in handcuffs, shackles and chains trapped in a contortionist position still getting closer, so I turned and ran in a different direction!   While I was running, I turned my head back and saw the Diane D who bumped into me chasing after me!”

“She chased after you too?” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!  While I was running, all of a sudden, someone kung fu kicked me right in the chest!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“Someone kung fu kicked you in the chest?” Kyle askts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “then I fell and hit my head against a tree, then I got up off the ground and when I looked at the person who kung fu kicked me, it was Diane D again!”

“Diane D again?!” everyone else shouts.

“Yes!  She beat me to the other side again!  I shouted at her again!  I started to wonder was this another Diane D!  When I turned my head around, I saw the Diane D who bumped into me way in the distance still coming towards me!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Then I turned my head around and looked back at the Diane D who just kung fu kicked me in the chest, then I turned my head back around and saw the Diane D who bumped into me and the Diane D who was still handcuffed, shackled and chained way in the distance coming towards my direction!”

“What!  You mean to tell us that the first two Diane Ds you encountered were walking together?!”

“Yes, they were walking together real slow!  They almost looked like a person walking their dog!”

“A person walking their dog?  Oh no!”

“Then I turned my head back around and realized that the Diane D who kung fu kicked me was a third Diane D!”

“A third Diane D?!” everyone else shouts.

“You mean there were three Diane Ds in the dream?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes three of her!” Kurt shouts.  “They were three carbon copies of each other wearing the exact same thing!”

“Oh no!”

“I shouted to the Diane D who just kung fu kicked me and asked ‘how many of them are there’!  She didn’t say anything either!”

“She didn’t?”

“No, she didn’t say a word, then she started circling me!”

“The third one started circling you too?”

“Yes and was giving me the evil eye also!”

“Oh Lord!”

“I shouted to her is she circling me too?!  She still didn’t say anything, she just kept circling me!  Then I turned my head back around and saw the Diane D who bumped into me and the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained still coming towards me!”

“Oh God!”

“All of a sudden, the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained stopped and turned her body around towards the trees and shouted something in Spanish!  All of a sudden, I saw around ten more Diane D carbon copies coming from behind the trees!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“You saw ten more Diane D carbon copies come from behind the trees?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.  “They were all carbon copies of each other and carbon copies of the first three Diane Ds all wearing the exact same thing!”

“You mean clones of her?”

“It certainly looked that way!”

“My God!  This sounds like something right out of the Twilight Zone!”

“It sure does!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I know!” Kurt shouts, “I was scared and frightened by all the Diane D carbon copies or clones I saw coming from behind the trees!”

“My God, were the other Diane D carbon copies or clones handcuffed, shackled and chained up too?”

“No, just the first one I had an encounter with!”

“Just the first one?”

“Yes!  Some of the Diane D carbon copies or clones that came from behind the trees had sticks of fire in their hands!”

“What!  Sticks of fire?!  They had sticks of fire in their hands?!”

“Yes while the others had large ropes!”

“Large ropes?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes, then they headed straight towards the first Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained and the second Diane D who bumped into me!  Then the Diane D who was in handcuffs, shackles and chains signaled to them and pointed her head right towards my direction and shouted something in Spanish again, then they all headed towards me real slow with the sticks of fire and ropes in their hands!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid shouts.  “They started coming towards you real slow carrying the sticks of fire and ropes?”


“Why were they walking slow?”

“Because the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained could only walk but so fast, so the rest of the Diane D carbon copies or clones had to walk slow to keep the same pace as her!  I was so scared and frightened by all the Diane D carbon copies or clones I saw coming my direction holding sticks of fire and ropes in their hands!  Then I shouted to the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained and said that ‘if she wants the doggone key, then here it is, take it’, then I threw the key right towards her direction!  The key landed right on the dirt path, but that still didn’t stop her and the other Diane D carbon copies or clones from coming towards my direction carrying the sticks of fire and ropes!  They still kept coming!”

“Oh no!”

“Then the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained stopped again and turned her body around towards the other Diane D carbon copies or clones and shouted something to them in Spanish again, then the other Diane D carbon copies or clones went right pass her and rushed right towards me with the sticks of fire and the ropes!”

“They rushed towards you?!”

“Yes, then the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained shouted to the other Diane D carbon copies or clones ‘let’s light him up’!”

“What!  She told them to light you up?!”


“I thought you said she spoke to the other Diane D carbon copies or clones in Spanish!”

“She did speak to them in Spanish at first, but that last part she spoke in English, so I was able to understand what she said, she told them to ‘light me up’!”

“My God, didn’t she learn her lesson from when that evil Being had her handcuffed, shackled and chained up in that contortionist position two times?!”

“No I guess not!  I was so scared and frightened by all the Diane D clones I saw rushing right towards me with the sticks of fire and the ropes in their hands!  Then the chained up Diane D shouted to the other Diane D clones to ‘wrap that rope around me’ as they rushed towards me with the fires and the ropesThe Diane D who kung fu kicked me was still circling me!  Then she went behind me and picked up a large branch off the grass!  Then she came in front of me with the large branch and stopped circling me while she looked towards the other Diane D clones coming towards our direction!  While she was looking away from me, that’s when I decided to make a quick getaway, so I turned and tried to make a run for it, but she saw me and charged right after me!”

“She charged after you?”

“Yeah, then she caught right up to me and swung that large branch right across my back!”

“What!  She hit you with the branch?!”

“Yeah!  I screamed as my body was thrown forward!”

“Your body was thrown forward?!” Kyle shouts. 

“Yes!  I landed hard on the grass!”

“My God!”

“Then the Diane D who kung fu kicked me approached me!  Then she raised that branch high in the air and smashed that branch right down on me hitting me with the branch two times!”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I started screaming!  Then she stood right over me with the branch in her hands angrily looking down at me, guarding me like a drill sergeant to keep me from getting up and getting away while I lay on the grass in pain!”

“But why did you try to run from her in the first place?  You probably wouldn’t have gotten far anyway, because you probably would have ran and bumped right into another Diane D clone again, then another one, then another one!  It sounds like any direction you turn and ran off to, another clone of Diane D’s would bump right into you and deliberately block your path to prevent you from escaping!”

“It’s true because there were Diane D clones all over that place!  I didn’t have anywhere to escape from those Diane D clones no matter which way I ran!  Then the other Diane D clones reached me while I was still on the ground, then they bend down and jerked me right up off the ground and forced me to stand!”

“They forced you to stand?!” Kyle asks.

“Yes while the others started to surround me with the ropes and the fires!”

“Oh my God!”

“I was shocked and frightened by all those Diane D carbon copies angrily surrounding me with sticks of fire and ropes!”

“Wow I can imagine!”

“Then they threw and banged my body right against a tree!”

“They threw and banged your body against a tree?” Officer Kilpatrick asks.

“Yeah then they forced me to stand against the tree, then putted my hands behind the tree and started to tie ropes around my hands!”

“They started to tie ropes around your hands?” Mrs. Reid asks.

“Yes, then they started to tie ropes around my body!”

“Oh no!”

“I cried to them ‘Why are they doing this to me?!’  Then the Diane D who was handcuffed, shackled and chained came and shouted for them to wrap the ropes around me real tight!’” 

“What!  She told the other Diane D clones to wrap the ropes around you real tight?!”

“Yes, that’s when the other Diane D clones wrapped the ropes around my body real tight!  After they wrapped the ropes around my body, they did a tug-of-war pulling the rope tighter and tighter around my body!”

“Oh no!”

“I screamed, that’s when the third Diane D the one who kung fu kicked me in the chest comes right in front of me, spins her body around and threw a karate chop right at my throat!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“She threw a karate chop at your throat?!” Kyle shouts.

“Yes, then she turned and walked away like nothing!” Kurt shouts. 

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“I started to choke!”

“You started to choke?!”

“Yes I started to gasp for air!  I was about to pass out!”

“Oh noooo!”

“Then the Diane D clone who threw the karate chop snatched some berries from off one of the trees then walked towards the chained up Diane D with the berries!”

“She walked towards the chained up Diane D with the berries?”

“Yes!  Then she held the berries right up to the chained up Diane D’s mouth, then the chained up Diane D shouted to me that she’s gonna get ready to have a nice snack while she watch me burn!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“She told you that she’s going to have a nice snack while she watch you burn?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “that’s exactly what she told me in the dream!”

“Oh no!”

“Then she started to eat the berries right out of the Diane D clone who threw the karate chop’s hand!  Then the Diane D clone who bumped into me took the berries out of the Diane D clone who threw the karate chop’s hand and help put the berries in the chained up Diane D’s mouth!”

“She did?”

“Yes!  Then the chained up Diane D started taunting me!”

“She started taunting you?”



“By telling me that the berries were so delicious that she’s gonna really enjoy the berries while she watch my execution!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“She told you that she’s gonna enjoy the berries while she watch your execution?!” Kyle asks.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.

“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Then she continued to eat the berries, that’s when the other Diane D carbon copies standing behind me started to light the ropes with the fires!  They were about to set me on fire!”

“Oh nooo!” everyone else shouts.

“They were about to burn me alive!”

“Burn you alive?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.  “Oh nooo!”

“Then they all stepped back and quickly moved away from me and hurried right towards the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D clone!”

“They ran towards her?”

“Yes!  Then they all started to stand in a part-circle as they partially surrounded the chained up Diane D clone putting her in front and center while they were angrily staring at me ready to watch me burn!  Then I started to feel the fire from the ropes right on my fingers, that’s when I screamed then I shouted for help, that’s when I woke back up and realized that I just had another nightmare about Diane D!”

“Oh no!”

I’m still shaking from the nightmare!  I was so frightened by all the Diane D clones I saw in my nightmare coming after me!  I mean one Diane D coming after me is bad enough, but then I had around ten to fourteen of her coming for me at once while the other one who kung fu kicked me and hit me with the tree branch was circling me, guarding me like a drill sergeant to keep me from getting away!  Now that I’m awake, I realize that all those Diane D clones I saw in my dreams and nightmares were not clones at all!”

“They weren’t?” Kyle asks.


“So what were they?”

“They were entities!”

“Entities?!” everyone else shouts.

“They were entities?!” Mrs. Reid shouts.

“Yes!” Kurt shouts.  “They were a whole bunch of entities or demons!”

“Entities or demons?!” everyone else shouts.

“You think all those Diane D clones you saw in your dream and nightmare were entities or demons?!” Officer Kilpatrick shouts.

“Yes that’s exactly what I think they were Officer!” Kurt shouts.  “I think they were a whole bunch of entities or demons that made themselves look like Diane D!”

“What!” everyone else shouts.

“A whole bunch of entities or demons that made themselves look like Diane D?!” Kyle shouts.  “You think those entities or demons made themselves look like Diane D?!”

“Yes!” Kurt shouts, “every single one of them looked exactly like her!”

“Oh wow!” everyone else shouts.

Kurt turns to Mrs. Reid and says, “Oh Mom I’m so afraid to go back to sleep!  I don’t want to go back to that underworld again, but whenever I fall to sleep, it feels like my soul or spirit is being pulled right out of my physical body!”

“What!” Mrs. shouts.  “It feels like your soul or spirit is being pulled out of your body?  You mean like an out-of-body experience?”

“Yes that’s exactly what it feels like, an out-of-body experience, then my soul or spirit seems like it’s being pulled into that dark underworld by these entities or demons that make themselves look like Diane D!  I don’t ever want to go back to that dark place again!  I might have to force myself to stay awake!”

“Force yourself to stay awake?  Kurt you can’t stay awake forever!  You have to get some sleep sooner or later!”

“Not if my soul or spirit keeps being pulled into that dark underworld!  As long as my soul or spirit is being pulled into that dark place where these evil entities that look like Diane D are, I’m going to try to stay awake even if it kills me!”

Mrs. Reid, Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick worriedly look at Kurt.  Mrs. Reid and Kurt turn to each other and start to hug and hold each other as Mrs. Reid says, “Don’t worry Kurt.  It was just another bad dream again.”  Mrs. Reid and Kurt continue to hold and comfort each other.



That same night, Kurt is laying in the hospital bed.  He is sleepy.  He tries to force himself to stay awake, but cannot.  He doses off.  As he doses off, he suddenly hears the slight sounds of chains rattling as if someone is slowly walking around in chains.  He quickly wakes back up and sits up in the hospital bed frighteningly looking around the hospital room again sweating and out of breath!  He does not hear the sounds of chains rattling anymore.  He does not see or hear anything unusual happening inside the hospital room. 



The next morning, tired sleepy-eyed Kurt is sitting up in the hospital bed surrounded by his mother Mrs. Reid, his brother Kyle and Officer Kilpatrick as Mrs. Reid says, “Kurt, you stayed up all night?  You didn’t go to sleep at all?”

“No I didn’t!” Kurt shouts.

“My God Kurt, you didn’t have another dream or nightmare about Diane D again, did you?”

“I almost had another dream about her!”

“What!” Mrs. Reid and Kyle shouts.

“You almost?!” Kyle shouts.  “What do you mean you almost?!”

“I tried to stay awake, but I kept dosing off!” Kurt shouts.  “When I dosed off, all of a sudden, I heard the sound of chains rattling!”

“What?” everyone else says.

“You heard the sound of chains rattling?” Kyle asks.

“Yes,” Kurt says, “as if someone was slowly walking around in chains!”

“As if someone was slowly walking around in chains?” Mrs. Reid asks.


“Oh my!”

“So I quickly woke back up and sat up in the bed!  I looked around the hospital room, but I didn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary happening inside the room!”

“You didn’t?”


“Well maybe that sound of chains rattling came from outside the room,” Kyle says.  “Maybe it was one of the hospital workers moving equipment around out in the hallway.”

“No that sound of chains rattling didn’t come from out in the hallway, I heard it in here inside this room or in my head!  If I would have fell asleep, I think that those Diane D entities or demons would have definitely pulled my soul or spirit right back out of my physical body again and I would have been pulled right back into that dark spiritual underworld again!”

“You think so?”

“I know so!  It’s a good thing I didn’t fall asleep and woke right back up as soon as I heard that sound of chains rattling because I think those Diane D entities or demons would have finished me off if I had fell asleep!  They would have definitely pulled my soul or spirit right out of my body again and pull my soul or spirit right back into that dark underworld again then finish setting me on fire!  They would have picked up right where they left off!  If they had set me on fire, I could have died in my sleep!”

“Died in your sleep?!”

“Yes!  You ever heard of this old saying, that ‘if you dream that you’re falling off a tall building then you hit the ground, you can literally die in your sleep’?  Well I believe that if those Diane D entities or demons had set me on fire and burn me alive, I could literally die in my sleep, that’s why I refuse to go back to sleep!”

“But Kurt, you can’t stay awake forever!” Mrs. Reid shouts, “you have to get some sleep!”

“It’s easy for you to say Mom!  Your soul or spirit is not the one being pulled into that dark spiritual underworld being tormented by these entities or demons that look like Diane D!”

“But you still can’t stay awake forever!”

“That’s right Kurt,” Officer Kilpatrick says.  “I think it’s about that time you find yourself a psychiatrist.”

“A psychiatrist?” Kurt says.

“Yes because this is affecting your sleep, it’s not healthy!  You need to find a psychiatrist right away that can get into your subconscious to find out why you have these nightmares and visions about Diane D!”  Kurt, Mrs. Reid and Kyle worriedly look at Officer Kilpatrick.