DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


Kurt Talks To A Psychiatrist About His Nightmares Of Diane D



The following day, Kurt is still laying in the hospital bed.  He is surrounded by his mother Mrs. Reid and Dr. Ramsey, a male white psychiatrist around his early 60’s with slightly gray hair, who’s sitting on a chair on the side of Kurt’s hospital bed with a note pad and pen in his hand.  Kurt is in the middle of telling Dr. Ramsey about the second nightmare he had about Diane D as Dr. Ramsey says to him, “Wow that is some nightmare!  What made you think that these multiple Diane D clones that you encountered in your dream or nightmare were entities or demons?”

“Because there were so many Diane D clones!” Kurt shouts, “that’s why I think that they were entities or demons!  Now I realize that the first entity I encountered in the grass handcuffed, shackled and chained up in a contortionist position was not Diane D at all, but an entity or a demon because of the horrible things it was saying to me about my father when I refused to help free it from the handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“Because of the horrible things it was saying about your father?”

“Yes, that’s why I think that it was an entity or demon and not Diane D, because I don’t think the real Diane D or Diane D’s ‘original’ personality would even say stuff like that about my father, saying stuff like ‘he’s gone, he’s done with, his life is over, he’s finished, get over it, that he deserved to get killed!”

“You don’t thing the real Diane D would say stuff like that about your father?”

“No I don’t, that’s why I figured out that this Being wasn’t really Diane D, it was an entity, but made itself up to look like Diane D and sound like her, so that I can be fooled to think that it was really Diane D when it wasn’t!”

“But when you and that entity were talking with each other while it was handcuffed, shackled and chained up in the grass, you kept referring to it as Diane D because you thought it was Diane D, right?”


“Did that entity ever once tell you in the dream, that it was not Diane D, just like Diane D’s other personality told her cousin Nancy that night inside their family’s home?  Did that entity ever once tell you that it was not Diane D?”

“No it never once told me that it wasn’t Diane D.”

“It never once told you at all?”

“No it didn’t.”

“So what did this entity do or say when you kept calling it Diane D?”

“It didn’t do or say anything about me calling it Diane D!  It just went along with me calling it Diane D and allowed me to think and believe that it was her!”

“I see.  Have you ever met or encountered Diane D in real life?”

“Only when I see her performing on stage.”

“When you see her performing on stage?”

“Yes and the time when I got shot inside the stairwell at her family’s organization when she ran into me in the stairwell and started circling me there, and the times I caught her stalking me!”

“The time you got shot in the stairwell at her family’s organization and the times you caught her stalking you?”


“Did she ever speak to you when you had that encounter with her in the stairwell when you got shot and when you caught her stalking you?”

“No she never once spoke to me when I had that encounter with her in the stairwell and when I caught her stalking me.”

“She never spoke to you at all?”

“No, but the entity who looked like her and pretended to be her had a lot to say to me in the dream!”

“That entity had a lot to say to you in the dream?”

“Yep, it sure did, even though the real Diane D never once spoke to me.”

“No?  So you and Diane D had a heavy conversation with each other in the dream, but never once had a conversation with each other in real life.”

“No we never had a conversation with each other in real life.”

“Wow, I see.  Do you know who this mysterious Being was that this Diane D entity claim had it in handcuffs, shackles and chains?”

“No I don’t.”

“You don’t know?”

“No I don’t, but maybe there was never an evil Being like that entity claimed.  That entity could have handcuffed, shackled and chained her own self up and made that story up about an evil Being having her locked in handcuffs, shackles and chains just to get sympathy out of me to lure me to her, because for someone who’s handcuffed, shackled and chained up in a contortionist position like that, that entity kind of walked pretty well in those handcuffs, shackles and chains while she was locked and trapped in that contortionist position!”

“She did?”

“Yes, she kind of walked like a pro like it’s not the first time she's been in those handcuffs, shackles and chains!”

“You think that this entity has been locked in handcuffs, shackles and chains before you have ever encountered it?”

“I’m pretty sure it was.”

“I see.  Were the other Diane D entities or clones that you saw come from behind the trees handcuffed, shackled and chained too?”

“No, just the first one I had an encounter with.”

“Just the first one?”


“Do you know why just the first one?”

“Maybe she was the ring-leader or something!”

“The ring-leader?”

“Yeah, she must have been the ring-leader, because it was a whole gang of Diane D entities or clones in that place and she was telling the other Diane D entities or clones what to do, giving them orders to wrap the ropes around me real tight!”

“She was giving them orders to wrap the ropes around you real tight?”

“She sure was and they seemed to follow her orders!”

“They did?” 

“Yes!  Then the entity or clone who kung fu kicked me snatched some berries off one of the trees then walked towards the ring-leader with the berries!  Then she held the berries right up to the ring-leader’s mouth, then the ring-leader shouted to me that she’s gonna have a nice snack while she watch me burn!”

“The ring-leader said that she’s gonna have a nice snack while she watch you burn?  That’s what she said in the dream?”

“Yes she sure did, then she started to eat the berries right out of the other entity or clone’s hand!  Then another entity or clone took the berries and help put the berries right in the ring-leader’s mouth!”

“They were putting the berries in the ring-leader’s mouth?”

“Yeah being that the ring-leader was still in handcuffs, shackles and chains, she wasn’t able to feed herself the berries, so the other two entities or clones had to feed her, like if she was their King or Queen or something!”

“Like if she was their King or Queen?”

“Yes!  Then the ring-leader started taunting me, telling me that the berries were delicious, that she’s gonna really enjoy the berries while she watch my execution!”

“What?  The ring-leader told you that she’s gonna enjoy the berries while she watch your execution?”

“Yes, then she started to eat the berries again like a person eating popcorn while they’re about to enjoy a movie!”

“Oh wow!”

“That’s when the other entities or clones surrounding me started to light the ropes with the fires!”

“Oh wow.”

“That’s probably why the ring-leader was the only one this evil Being had in handcuffs, shackles and chains and not the others!  They always say, in order to take down an entire gang, you have to take down the head or the ring-leader!”

“Take down the head or the ring-leader?”

“Yeah!  I guess that evil Being I was hearing about chased the ring-leader of the gang, got the ring-leader of the gang, took her down, held her down in that contortionist position then locked and chained her up in the grass and just left her there like that!”

“Oh wow.”

“But that didn’t seem to stop the ring-leader her from her evil tactics, because she tried to lure me with her screams for help pretending to be Diane D to use me to get her out of those handcuffs, shackles and chains then have those other Diane D entities or clones tie me up real tight about to set me on fire!”

“My God!  She wasn’t able to break loose and free herself from the handcuffs, shackles and chains like Diane D did inside that hypnosis room last year?”

“I guess not!”

“The other Diane D entities or clones weren’t able to free her from the handcuffs, shackles and chains?”

“I guess not!  Those demons or entities might be powerful in this world, but maybe in their world there’s probably somebody more powerful than they are which was probably the evil Being I was hearing about!”

“I see.”

“Dr. Ramsey,” Mrs. Reid says, “do you think that this mysterious Being that had the Diane D entity in handcuffs, shackles and chains could have been God?”

“Do I think that this mysterious Being could have been God?  What makes you think that this mysterious Being could have been God Mrs. Reid?”

“Well they say God is more powerful than the Devil!  The bible does say that God had the Devil locked in chains for a while.  You think it could have been God that had handcuffed, shackled and chained up this demon or entity that look like Diane D?”

“Well it couldn’t have been God Mrs. Reid.  Kurt said that this Diane D entity kept referring to whoever had it locked in handcuffs, shackles and chains an evil Being!  God is not an evil Being, so it couldn’t have been God who handcuffed, shackled and chained that entity up.”

“Well maybe to us, that Being or whoever might have been God, but to that entity or demon that looked like Diane D, that Being was evil!”

“I see.”  Dr. Ramsey turns to Kurt and says, “Kurt, you never saw this evil Being in the dream or nightmare that the Diane D entity was talking about, have you?”

“No I never saw it,” Kurt says.

“You never?”


“I see.  Do you remember hearing any of the other Diane D entities or clones talk besides the first one you had an encounter with?”

“No, as a matter of fact, I don’t remember hearing any of the other Diane D entities or clones talk, just the first one I had an encounter with, the one who was in handcuffs, shackles and chains.”

“Just that one talked?”


“You didn’t hear the other Diane D entities or clones talk at all?”

“No I didn’t.”

“Not even to each other?”

“No, not even to each other.”

“Do you know why just the first entity who was in handcuffs, shackles and chains talked?”

“Because she was the ring-leader!  The second and third Diane D entities or clones I ran into didn’t talk, all they did was circle me, but they never spoke back to me when I shouted at them!”

“They never spoke back to you?”

“No, they never said a word!  They just started circling me like if I was their prey or something, you know, like a shark circles ITS prey!”

“Like a shark circles its prey?”


“Wow.  How did the other Diane D entities or clones get along with each other?  Did they seem to get along well with each other?”

“Yep they sure did!  They seem to work as a team working against me!”

“Work as a team working against you?”


“Even though they never once spoke to each other, they still managed to work as a team?”


“How, if they never spoke?”

“By reading each other’s minds I guess!”

“By reading each other’s minds?  You think those Diane D entities or clones were able to read each other’s minds?”

“It certainly looked that way!  They’re probably able to read each other’s minds because after all, they are all the same person, so they didn’t really need to talk to each other!”

“But you said that the ring-leader was shouting to the other Diane D entities or clones giving them orders to tie you up, to wrap the rope around you real tight.  Why did the ring-leader have to speak out loud if the other Diane D entities or clones were able to read each other’s minds?  The other Diane D entities or clones weren’t able to read the ring-leader’s mind?”

“Of course they were able to read the ring-leader’s mind!”

“They were?”


“So why did the ring-leader speak out loud when she told the other Diane D entities or clones to tie you up, to wrap the rope around you real tight?”

“So that I can hear it in order to let me know what was happening!”

“Oh so that YOU can hear it?” 

“Yes, because she knows I’M not a mind-reader, she knows that I can’t read HER mind, that’s the only reason why she gave them orders out loud because she wanted ME to hear it and to let me know what she was thinking and wanted me to know what was about to happen to me, so she had no choice but to speak out loud to the other Dane D entities or clones in front of me!”

“But you said she also spoke out loud to them in Spanish when they first came out from behind the trees.  You don’t speak or understand Spanish. do you?”

“No I don’t.”

“So why did the ring-leader speak out loud in Spanish when the other Diane D entities or clones first came out from behind the trees?”

“I think she did that for me too.”

“You think she did that for you too?”

“Yes I do.”

“But why would she do that for you, if you do not speak or understand Spanish?”

“Because she wanted me to know the many languages she and the other entities or clones can speak or understand.”

“So she did that for you too?” 

“I think so.”

“I see. 

“Dr. Ramsey?”


“I need to ask you.”

“Ask me what?”

“Why do these Diane D entities or clones seem to hate me so bad?’”

“Why do they seem to hate you so bad?”

“Yes!  Me being burned alive was about to be the movie they would have enjoyed if I didn’t wake up in time and escaped it!  Why do they seem to hate me?”

“Well for one thing, you said that these dreams and nightmares you have about Diane D started when you and your family caused that online commercial of her and her cousin Dana not to be shown on the internet, right?”

“Yes that’s when it started.”

“Have you ever had any dreams or nightmares about Diane D before that?”

“Yes, ever since that incident happened when I got shot in the stairwell at her family’s organization, I kept having these dreams and nightmares about her coming after me terrorizing me in that same stairwell!”

“You have?”

“Yes!  And as soon as my family and I boycotted that online commercial of her and her cousin Dana causing it not to be aired, that’s when I started having more dreams and nightmares about her!”

“You started having more dreams and nightmares about her as soon as you and your family boycotted that online commercial?”

“Yes, that’s when I started having these dreams and nightmares about these entities or demons that look like her tormenting me!”

“Wow!  Well there you go!  These Diane D entities or demons hate you and were about to burn you alive because of the incident that happened in the stairwell when you got shot and because you and your family caused that online commercial to be removed and Diane D is not making any money off it.”

“What!  Is that the only reason why these entities are after me, seem to hate me so bad and were about to set me on fire, because when I got shot in the stairwell and because Diane D is not making any money from that online commercial?!”

“I think so.”

“So what if she was in the stairwell when I got shot?  So what if she’s not making any money from that online commercial, what is it to them?!”

“Well I spoke to Diane D’s doctor Dr. Stone earlier, and he told me that these entities or other personalities of Diane D are very protective of her!  He says that if you mess with Dane D, then you have to deal with these entities or other personalities of hers.”

“Oh really?”


“Oh no!” Mrs. Reid shouts.  “Why are these dark forces so protective of her?”

“I don’t know.  I think maybe it’s also Kurt’s guilty conscious that is causing him to have these terrible dreams and nightmares about Diane D.”

“My guilty conscious?” Kurt asks.

“Yes.  Most likely it’s your subconscious that’s causing you to have these dreams and nightmares about Diane D.”

“My subconscious?”


“But when we stopped Diane D from making that money from that online commercial, we stopped her cousin Dana from making money as well!”

“I know.  Did you ever have any dreams or nightmares about her cousin Dana too, did you ever see her cousin Dana in your dreams and nightmares?”

“No I didn’t.”

“You didn’t see her cousin Dana in your dreams and nightmares at all?  You didn’t see any entities or clones that resembled her cousin Dana?”

“No, all the entities or clones I saw in my dreams and nightmares looked like Diane D!  Every single one of those entities or clones looked like her!” 

“Every single one of them?”

“Yep, every single one of them!”

“Oh God!”

“The only difference was that all of their eyes seemed sort of puffy or swollen.”

“All of their eyes seemed puffy or swollen?”

“Yes, like they all just came out of a slight boxing match or something and their faces looked slightly pale”

“Their faces looked slightly pale?”

“Yes, other than that, they all looked like Diane D, none of them looked like Dana, they were the Diane D clones!”

“The Diane D clones?”


“Wow, that sounds like a good title for a horror flick!”

“It sure does!” Mrs. Reid says.  “Dr. Ramsey, will my son ever have any peace?  Will these entities that look like Diane D ever stop coming into his dreams and nightmares tormenting him?!  How can his subconscious about his nightmares of Diane D be fixed Doctor?”

“Maybe if he tries to apologize to Diane D or her family, maybe the nightmares he has about her will end.”

“Apologize to Diane D or her family?!” Kurt shouts.


“I don’t want to come near Diane D or her family Dr. Ramsey!”

“You don’t have to come near Diane D or her family to apologize to her if you don’t want to.  You can speak to her on the phone, send her a video chat or have someone give her the message for you if you feel that’s more safe.  You should give it a try.  Try it and see if it’ll help stop your nightmares about her or the nightmares about the entities or demons that look like her.”

Kurt and Mrs. Reid worriedly look at Dr. Ramsey.